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26Rebirth Pt1 (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:28 am



Tell me, oh tell me, the way this world works. Just who is it that exists within me?
Tsuneo’s chakra erupted once more a honed dark blade sharp Chakra as darkness filled his eyes and their red glow shone ever more. Tsuneo glared at the queen as he took step by step. She would run towards him aiming to decapitate him Tsuneo activated his swallowing seal once more through the help of a different seal called Casket of the Ancients. He would absorb her flaming armor and wear it himself. However, stealing her power was not all he would do as she came closer and closer Tsuneo would launch an immense amount of power that surrounded him in the shape of a black deathly skull. The skull would begin devouring the soul of the wretched woman and before long the white haired would stand within an immense skull that surrounded him.

The woman would scream in terror at the power she witnessed as a pitch black enormous skull of unimaginable size and terror formed around her. A single second she would witness her life flashing before her eyes.
Tsuneo stood there calmly and coldly as his eyes would shine red from her point of view the skull’s eyes would glow red as she would feel the god like power of Tsuneo’s wrath. Her soul disintegrating and as her final second passed the demonic skull would devour her ripping her flesh from her bones and devouring all that existed within the area. Her soldiers, her friends, herself. All would die. The cheer destruction would leave a rain of blood enveloping the area. Tsuneo had finished his job. The wretched kingdom was on fire and the queen was no more. Her soldiers were no more. All scum were eradicated.

27Rebirth Pt1 (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:29 am



Tsuneo would walk out of the area as he realized some remained. Four men survived. They were hardly worth the time. Second passed and the scum were demolished. Not a bone in their bodies unbroken. The wrath of the demon would teach them not to toy with the lives of the innocent. However, Tsuneo dealt with the world of the void for far too long. An excruciating pain would envelope his head almost crushing it from pain. Tsuneo in the end would fall unconscious.
The second day would come. Tsuneo’s memory was almost entirely wiped out. The white haired young man knew he had not much longer. His memory would soon disappear. He would soon lose all the moments he lived and all traces of his loved ones. The thought shook his core but he had to stand up. He cannot sit idle. Not while more innocents are suffering crueler fates. Tsuneo would teach the scum a lesson.
His next targets are no ordinary men and women. A secret organization. Those were simple but powerful. A secret organization that hosted underground fights. They would kidnap people and put them in the ring with seasoned fighters. They either die or live, if they live they become animals that are forced to cannibalism. If they die they become food to innocents turned into cannibals. A rotten place to live in.

28Rebirth Pt1 (closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:34 am



---- Two days later ----
“On the other corner we have the new rookie, a frail weak meal or soon to be meal. Everyone welcome Shiro!!!!” Tsuneo used the name he was given by the kind lady at the ramen shop in order to enter the arena. He would fight through the ranks of the fighters unless they were innocent he would surrender, which led to him getting tortured, but it was nothing he wasn’t used to by now. Tsuneo would find the owner and decimate him. Only the highest ranker could meet the boss.  Tsuneo would fight the man they call demolishing ogre. A very powerful D-Ranked fighter. He killed many D-Ranked fighters apparently and is up for promotion. Killing him would help Tsuneo advance to C-Rank immediately.

 Tsuneo would wait as he looked at the scum with uninterested eyes. Tsuneo would watch the D-Ranked fighter attack over and over and yawn as he dodged the attacks. The only thought that came across his mind was a prayer. A prayer that he wasn’t this boring as a D-Ranked shinobi, back when he was one. Tsuneo would sweep the man off his balance and knock him down over and over.

The ogre would launch punches after punches Tsuneo would begin to feel sleepy and as he did he decided it was time to end this farce. The white haired devil grabbed the ogre’s head and smashed it to the ground smashing parts of the arena from the force. He pulled up the sword that’s given to competitors to fight the ogre and stabbed the ogre on his face killing him as the blade penetrated his skull. The weapons were no joke unlike the fighters. The crowd hailed Tsuneo who lazily left the arena as He went back to his cage. Fighters were kept in cages. They were basically animals for the entertainment of the rich involved in these fights. Bets kept the money rolling in and the fights kept the bets rolling in. Tsuneo’s fight was rather boring, he hoped this mission would be over with quickly but for the sake of the innocent that suffered at their hands he would make sure to kill every last one of these scum.

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