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1Rebirth Empty Rebirth Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:28 am

Jack Thousand

Jack Thousand

A sleeping man struggled with a pulse of his heart and then a pulse heat in his body as a feeling of restfulness overtook him. Sweet comfortable darkness filled his thoughts and conjoined with the relaxing sensation of shutting off visual stimuli. It lasted only for as long as the feeling remained pleasant and empty as he floated amidst his sensations. It was until he felt a jolt in his body that he began to want to get up and move. One jolt followed another until he was shocked into awakening by a desire to move and feel. His eyelids snapped open wide only feel the searing of bright pain that caused him to close his eyes. His eyelids dimmed the brightness into a pink color inside the skin that protected him until his eyes adjusted enough to brave opening them once more.

Now God wanted to move once more as he slowly began to collect his surroundings. Light on the ceiling then the weapons or medical equipment nearby along with a privacy curtain to the side. Then he did the standard thing that every patient tries to do when they realize that something is sticking out of them. He tried to remove it and heard a jingling sound coming from his right hand. God tried to move his hand again and felt resistance so he tried again with a bit more strength and found that his right hand was bound fast. Logic dictated that his other limbs might be bound also so he tried his right foot then his left foot to finally finish with his left foot. God discovered he was tied down and that his captor(s) had also padded his restraints to prevent him from rubbing skin off.

He laid back down for a moment to think about his situation. He was in a hospital room and he didn't remember why but he remembered his name and some of his past. God concluded that his captors were humane and also feared him enough to restrain him even while he slept. He also only remembered himself as a single name that was both arrogant and powerful. "My name is God," he spoke aloud to confirm the truth behind his words. It was true. "I am tied down in a hospital and I don't know how long I've been here. I also do not remember most of my past aside from a few street brawls and children's games. I feel as if I should be be stronger than I feel so that means my muscles have deteriorated after a term of no less than a month and potentially to a year of hospitalization." These words brought a feeling of knowing a thought yet unable to clasp it within his clumsy mind. He continued to speak aloud in order to get his weak mind working and to try to solve his cluttered mess of mind's confusion. "If I do not know why I am here then my captors do. I feel like no chains, keys, or locks can hold me for any duration of time though I do not understand the mechanisms of that feeling. I assume that I must have some talent that allows me to escape.' He continued to ramble until thoughts and feelings clicked into their rightful place.

Finally when he grew tired of speaking to himself he realized that if he lifted his head for a better look that he could see that he was in an empty room. He didn't see anyone nearby and no one seemed to be watching anywhere nearby. This did not mean that he wasn't guarded but rather that they viewed his case as harmless enough only to be restrained. All he could do was sit and wait until a caretaker came by and he question them to his situation.

2Rebirth Empty Re: Rebirth Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:48 am



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Last edited by Alucard on Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Rebirth Empty Re: Rebirth Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:57 am

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Admin note:

4Rebirth Empty Re: Rebirth Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:53 am

Jack Thousand

Jack Thousand

(Since my Rp partner was removed.)

END THREAD. Character exit.

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