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1Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:22 pm



Well then, home it was then. He didn't feel like trying to hunt down what was likely not even an official apartment in the middle of the night; and he doubted she did either. "Good enough fer me.~" He changed directions slightly; then realized that she likely wanted to actually walk by now; if only to get what bearings she could before being dropped into the maze of his home temple.

"Wait; giant samurai?" Had to be that Akako dude. The Jounin... what was his name... Daisuke? Or something. He'd never met any Akako older then he was; and they where all undersized runts or prissy fucknuts. Giant Akako had to be the Jounin that he'd never met officially; only seen on the RARE occasions he'd actually gone into meetings and stuff. So almost never. Woot. "Uuuuh... sounds like Daisuke Akako, likely. No' many giants floatin' around here."

Damn, so that explains how she'd gotten so lost then. The jacktard hadn't even bothered trying to show her around; or even assigning her an escort. Damn good thing he had found her; and he was rather glad he had too. She was good company; and all that. Liked having her around and stuff. Good enough reason to justify bringing an outsider into the clan-only areas of the temple. Fuck, he'd slap a clan seal on her if he had too; and it was prolly a good idea to no matter what. She'd need it for protection from the surges of electricity that raced up and down some of the hallways at random. Yeah... definitely need to do that.

"Alright then. T'is settled; comman' home with me. Count yerself adopted, neh? At least with us ya' never gotta worry 'bout a warm bed an' food. Good 'bout showin' ya 'round to; we make tha' acolytes show tourists an' junk around. Easy enough fer ya ta learn the village with one a them. Or I ken show ya. Yanno I'd be happy ta; if you prefer tha'."

Work around some of the lightning rods; up some thankfully wide stone steps and into one of the hidden side entrances. "Stick close; dunna touch a wall juss yet. We're comman' in one a' tha' side entrances. These are tha' areas tha' end up turned into giant electrical conduits fer half tha day. Safe enough right now; the storm's ha'e died back fer the night. Buuuuuu' there migh' be a tad left, so it might smart a bit. Ya can crash in my room tonigh'. I've got a spare bed an' all that; prolly somethin' clean ya can bum fer tha' night. I'll talk ta tha' elder's in tha' mornin'; see if they'll assign ya a room fer yerself; or if yer gunna be crashin' with me from now on."

2Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:58 pm

Ai Tsukino

Ai Tsukino

Yeaaaah, she probably should not have been wandering around in the middle of the night, but she just couldn't help it. Her nights and days were backwards these days. She had succumbed to boredom long ago, tired of the books she had, tired of spinning at random; even with the threat of being struck hovering ever present above her head. Bored with everything in general.

So, she had simply been wandering about, walking slowly and quietly, humming even; though nothing loud that would disturb anyone. It was a soft tune, that randomly turned... violent? No, not violent, but powerful. Like the calm before the storm and then the storm itself, only to retreat and start over again. That's honestly what the whole thing was about, she had come up with it in her boredom, a song about the soothing peace before a raging and powerful storm.

So, her humming probably announced her drawing closer before she came around the corner, pausing in her walking. She stared at the scene in front of her, the male and female. She blinked a few times and then smiled, friendly-like. Though, as always when around others, her hands went behind her back and clasped together, and she bit her bottom lip gently despite her smile. "Hello..."

3Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:51 pm



She felt him set her down, to which her reaction was to immediately grab his arm. Daisuke Akako.... Daisuke... She would commit that name to her memory. "Count yerself adopted, neh?" She smiled gently. She was being accepted by someone? Oh sweet god it must have been the beginning of the apocalypse, but now wasn't the time to tell Raijin to drop her off another cliff.

Another person showing her the village? Eh... She didn't really trust anyone else enough to let them show her the village. What if they lead her to the edge of a cliff? Not good. Nope. "Or I ken show ya. Yanno I'd be happy ta; if you prefer tha'." Yeah. That option. "Please?"

Sleeping in a room, in a temple that like to conduct electricity, on the top of a mountain, surrounded by storms, in the cloud village. Seemed legit enough though. Share a room with Raijin for tonight, at least she wouldn't get lost trying to find the door handle and shock herself. To death. On the wall. Face of disapproval in three... two... one... Fucking death trap of a house.

"Hello..." A new voice came. It sounded feminine, shaky, timid and a bit nervous. Himitsu's eyes snapped towards where the voice came from. Lost in thought she hadn't sensed the girl. She stared in the general direction before dodging to hide behind Raijin. It seemed her and the new girl seemed equally nervous of each other, where as Himi was a bit more startled. Tugging one of Raijin's sleeves she asked, "Who is that?"

4Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:38 am



Well then, that worked. His room was big enough, given he'd basically taken over an entire acolyte dorm as his own. This time of the year the area was dead and empty, which he was fine with. Kinda sucked when a new batch of acolytes started training: the entire wing of the temple was filled to the brim and he usually bailed for long ass missions/vacations then. But that was months and months and maybe even a full year away; so he'd worry about the logistics of that when it mattered again. For now...

One of his clan cousin's this far from the main living quarters? She was no acolyte; that was for sure. Strange to be out this way. Couldn't be lost; that was a physical impossibility for them. No Tsukino was ever lost within the clan's temple. If only he could properly see...

Oh wait. Durp.

He remembered finally that he could do this; reaching out to the wall and releasing the last of his stored electricity into the wall; causing the rocks to glow softly. Raijin was tired and drained; but not so much so that he couldn't at least get enough of a glow to properly see.

"Dun worry; she's family. You're safe, Himi." Hell, might as well; at this point he needed to get over himself with his 'no touchy' thing; least with her. She was going to cling, and he was going to carry, so being titchy about being touched wasn't going to do either of them any good. So this time he actively slipped the arm around her shoulders; trying for a comforting gesture. Possibly failing; but hey... he was trying.

"Himi, this is..." oh crap... what was her name... she was younger and several groups below him; ninja and sage rankings. He hadn't had much interactions with her beyond the occasional 'hi' in the halls; or sporadic training sessions he would sit in on or lead. "Ai! Yeah, that's it, her name is Ai." Completely obvious that he had no idea who she was beyond being another clansmen. Weeeee.~

5Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:49 pm

Ai Tsukino

Ai Tsukino

She watched the females reaction to herself and tilted her head a bit. Her mind went into all kinds of 'What the hell?' before it began to play with the idea that Ai herself might come across as... scary looking? She didn't see how, she wasn't overly tall, or imposing looking... she did have some wicked looking hair, but almost everyone did these days. Even her outfit was just an assortment of her norm; leaving almost not a single inch of flesh showing.

Her gaze then snapped back on to Raijin, and she waited in utter and complete silence while he thought of what her name was. She didn't mind in the slightest that he didn't remember it right off the bat, she kept to herself, even when it came to those the same age as her, that's just the way she was. She did nod, though, when he got her name right, and offered a shy but friendly smile.

She shifted her arms behind her back, right hand on her left elbow and left hand on her right elbow, at this point, though it was hardly uncomfortable for her to remain that way, as it was another norm for her. "Anyway... I guess I'll be going.. didn't mean to disturb you, couldn't sleep..", soft spoken, but at least it was above her normal whisper of a voice this time, and probably the most words she had said to anyone recently.

6Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:49 pm



Raijin's family. No offence, she liked Raijin, but she didn't want to meet any more cliff divers. Insanity was good in controlled amounts, such as Raijin. More of his family? Ummm, yeah, no thank you kind sir. She felt him step to her side and put an arm around her shoulders in what she assumed was a comforting way. She wasn't entirely sure, seeing as Raijin wasn't even positive that what he was trying to do. Well... It's the thought that counts. Himi was just mayhaps as socially awkward with physically comforting people as he.

"Himi, this is..." He trailed off. Hmmm. That must be one of the effects of extended family? That and the fact that he had been awake for three days straight. She did not blame him. "Ai! Yeah, that's it, her namye is Ai." Yeah... he didn't know her that well obviously. Himi blinked twice and waved her right hand before dropping it again. "Hello Ai." She said quietly. Even though she had spoken softly her voice carried due to the acoustics of the hall. She brought her hand up to her mouth to hide her face as she yawned and shivered.

7Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:38 pm



The hell was he thinking? That attempt at a hug had to be the most pathetic thing he'd ever done. Or so his mind was screaming. Awkward ahoy. But at least she wants like... screaming and trying to beat him away. That had to be a good sign? Maybe. Sort of. Weeeee!~

And then his cousin spoke and he nearly fell over in relief. Not staying? Ohgodyes. He needed to sit down; drink something heavily caffeinated, make sure Himi was settled in and preferably sleeping, before he took off to find the Raikage and not get killed. Yep. Not die. Good plan. No dying. Woot.

He was all fine and dandy with just waving goodbye to his cousin; drag Himitsu inside the room; etc. Sleep. Hot drinks. SLEEEEEEEEEEP.

Fuckhewastired. And still so much to do.

"Er... would... kinda enjoy talking... but... uh... we've just finished a three day, mostly non-stop run, so yeah... sleep. Need it. And something. Yeah.... That..."

8Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:53 pm

Ai Tsukino

Ai Tsukino

Her head tilted again at his words, and then straightened as she nodded. "I won't keep you then.", she said softly. She then proceeded to turn, and exit back in the same direction she had come from, disappearing rather quickly around the corner without so much as another word. Off to go do what ever it was she did when she couldn't sleep; draw, study, go spin at random in some rather dangerous place.. the usual.

Her humming began again once she was out of sight, echoing for a moment until she was too far gone for it to be heard.


9Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:11 pm



Himitsu waved a goodbye. Raijin sounded so tired. So so tired. She was tired, but no where NEAR as tired as he sounded to her. She wouldn't doubt that as soon as they got into his room that he would collapse face first onto his bed. Yeap. Tired Raijin was tired. Which reminded her... She needed to get herbs and various other medical things. She was lacking them, seeing as she had left all of her possessions aside from her clothes and boots home, which was now burnt to the ground like the rest of the village.

She sighed. Raijin sounded more liable to smack his face against the door when they got to it, and less likely able to open it to get to his bed. First thing she was going to make from herbs was going to be CAFFEINE PILLS. So encase he wanted to pull another THIS IS SPARTA, IZ CAN NOTS BE STOPPED! travelling move, he wouldn't seem dead when they did finally stop.

10Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:43 pm



Thank god for easy meetings and short goodbyes. He didn't have the energy; nor the real desire to be buddy buddy with anyone right then and there. Just... thank you for proximity seals; he could hear them unlocking as he got closer. Hell, you'd never know that there was a door there unless you could see the seals. The seals where a dead give away that there was a door. And until the last few seals unlocked; it looked like little more then smooth rock. Not that she would care either way; but she could likely hear the physical clicks and ticks and whatnot. Good enough.

"Come on, inside now." He dragged her inside the instant the door properly appeared and he was able to basically Sparta kick it in; moving them through before it slammed back and shut again. The seals would instantly reseal; and it took just a quick reach and twist to bolt it from the inside. The room was about as bare as it got; just the bed, weapons storage, desk, and doors to the closet and bathroom on the walls. Fanfare there wasn't; he moved her so that she could sit down right on the bed while he rummaged for something clean for them to wear. He had his older acolyte robes; simple and uncomplicated and smaller then his newer clothes so less likely to fall off her. "Sit, I'll get you something to change into."

He basically dove into his disaster area of a closet; tearing through until he moved to the side with CLEAN clothes that didn't smell like he hadn't washed them since he was 16; and yanked out the last set of his childhood robes. Still a bit long; but they would work. He swam out; and flung the robe across the room so that it landed on the bed an inch or so from her right hand. "On your right. Change into that. Simple robe; button up. Nothing fancy; but it's clean and shouldn't fall off. I'll wait in the bathroom; while I change. I need clean clothing on too. We can shower in the morning; at this point I don't see problems with stank."

He just extracted himself at that point; stumbling to the bathroom door and flicking lights on so he could see enough to work his way out of his (why the hell are they so) complicated robes; even managing to shove his head under the waterfall slash shower coming out of his wall long enough to rinse the dust out and even get a quick wash. His hair was filthy; it was gunna take more then that; but anything was an improvement. Yeeep. And now to wait for her to finish.

11Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:12 am



As she was taking to his room she heard several clicks and ticks, almost like a combination lock as someone turned it. And then BAM! She was pretty sure from the way she felt his arm move that he just kicked the down in. Lovely. She was whisked into the room and heard the door slam shut. He sat her down on the bed before disappearing to god-only-knows-where-else. Before long she felt a soft thud on the bed next to her right hand.

"On your right. Change into that. Simple robe; button up. Nothing fancy; but it's clean and shouldn't fall off. I'll wait in the bathroom; while I change. I need clean clothing on too. We can shower in the morning; at this point I don't see problems with stank."

Well. This would be a challenge. New style of clothes, little knowledge of how they look or how they fit on. Oh joyous joy. This would be interesting. She heard a door close somewhere in front of her and assumed that Raijin was in the bathroom. She trusted him enough to believe he wouldn't peep, but seeing as he was as tired as he was, he was more than likely to fall asleep in the bathroom. Taking her right hand she reached for her collar bone and felt around until she found the first button on her Ao dai, following the button down her side. With her front open she pulled her arms out of the sleeves and removed her Tekkou from her arms. She sat down on the bed once more, undoing her boots before tugging her pants off.

Now. The hard part. How the fuck to put these things on. She grabbed a hand full of robes. Feeling for the top of them she found a large hole and two straight legs. Pants. She knew how to put these things on at least. She pulled them up until they felt comfortable. Next... She grabbed something. It was open at the bottom and... SLEEVES! My god sleeves. And she somehow put the damn shirt on right. Now.... to button it. Okay so, one loop goes over this button... No wait. Damnit two loops to a button. Thank the lord that there were only three buttons, any more and she would've been there all day. She didn't feel so bare now... But compared to her previous clothes, the air on her arms was... strange. She always wore clothes that cover her entire body with the exception of her neck, face and fingers. She slipped her Tekkou back on before sitting back down on the edge of her bed, her other clothes folded in half at the foot of said bed. Afraid to try to hunt down the bathroom door she waited until Raijin was done.

12Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:58 pm



He gave it a fair amount of time; over ten minutes if only because he fell asleep for a moment under the waterfall that he called a shower. And then the temperature shifted (lightning strikes would do that), the water got too hot, and he woke up with a startle and a yelp. Yaaaay. Well; not fun; but it gave him some measure of alertness finally. He squeezed, shook, and towel dried his hair until it was little more then lightly damp and stuck his head out of the room to check on her. Dressed? Good. He wasn't about to watch her changing; no amount of anything would get him to violate his morals and take advantage of a person that way.

"It's no' great; but it'll work, yeah?" He announcement he'd returned. Woot. "Uuuh... lesse... I have an old floor bed; used it when I was a kid 'cause I had back problems when I slept on a soft raised bed. Still do, weirdly. It's comfortable enough; I can find something better 'n tha' mornin'." It was back into the closet for him; only this time he just needed up into the top storage areas. Sealed in a container; so it wasn't going to reek of age or anything. He had plenty of extra sheets and blankets for her to use; he had just a thin sheet and blanket on his bed because he was always hot; so the rest was stored up with his old mat. Easy enough to spread it out; the rug on his floor made for a glorious cushion base; and made the mat wonderful to sleep on some of time. And the rug was insulated with a rubber base; so if for some unimaginable reason the protective seals failed; she was perfectly safe there. He spread it out; laid the blankets down so she could grab more if she wanted. Moving back to the bed, he flopped down beside her, on the left this time. "Unless ya want my bed. Dun matter ta me, really. I sleep anywhere.~"

13Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:14 pm



"Thank you." She said as he flopped onto the bed next to her. She stood and walked over to the blankets. She was fine with whatever he gave her. Her mother had beat it into her head when she was younger that as a female her responsibilities were to bare and raise children and keep the house clean. A good wife should be seen rarely, and never heard, a good woman did whatever her husband asked. A female was always submissive to a male. Himitsu didn't argue. It made life easier if there were no arguments.

Blanket grab. She wasn't going to fall straight to sleep, so she just lay there quietly.

-topic exit-

14Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~  Empty Re: Home!? FUCKING FINALLY!~ Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:44 pm



That... worked? Well then; he could deal with that; not bothering to get up and lay down properly; just rolling over so he could breathe without dying if he didn't wake up for several (dozen) hours or something. "Kaaaaaay. If ya need anything... ugh... yeah. I'm... here. I think. Yeah."

Aaaaaand snoring already.


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