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It had seem he found himself waiting in the forest only a couple of days later he had enough time to meet someone knew an Uchiha and most likely get his arm healed but the details of the visit to the medical lab. Was a story he wouldn’t like to tell for a while he almost felt ashamed for getting lost so he allowed the wound to remain untouched and heal itself. The natural remedy was always to let the body do the work on its own and that is what he did he allowed it to heal something focusing chakra on it encasing that part of his arm in ice. Like a home made cast to protect it and allow it to heal but the scar was their permanently and he wouldn’t want it to go away that would be bad. He liked a reminder and the person who gave it to him his other scar was gone due to the medical team but now he wished he kept it to himself but that would have meant death.

Sighing he only wondered why life itself was so difficult the scar on his arm was a story the one before was an even better story that one day he could tell the new generation to bring the hope in their eyes and make them smile with nothing but happiness. Giving them something to latch onto and become an even better shinobi then Burittsu himself but in time he would gain more on his body. His location was not that by luck he was by the docks it had seem the ferryman was off but to where the ferry was gone probably on the island with Sero or coming back anytime soon. So he decided to wait on the dock itself sitting down and kicking his feet above the water looking down at himself. If this was the last person he was going to see before doing his own agenda then so be it he did what was asked for him and in fact he only had two actual jutsu. Excluding one of wind he only had two water jutsu well that was sad compared to the amount of jutsu he had that belonged to ice well he didn’t have a problem with it eventually he would take his time to learn new jutsu.

He sighed looking off into the mist that covered the surrounding islands and saw what seemed to be his most favorite ride the ferry itself with the driver looking unsatisfied like last time. This time Burittsu didn’t keep him waiting as he eagerly stood up on the dock waiting for the ferry to get closer allowing him to board as it got closer Burittsu only put one hand as he jumped on the ferry. Causing it to tilt back into the water this only caught the attention of the driver as Burittsu could only smile in his actions and scratching the back of his head but the ferry driver seemed to want more then a smile.

Quickly pulling off causing Burittsu to lean back and nearly fall off the ferry he could only thank his grip as he gave out a chuckle. They plunged into the mist once more gone from the site of whoever was deciding was watching but none of that mattered now the day itself was perfect and he was willing to meet the challenges of the day. Looking up into the sky he only had one thought of Sero how long was he in darkness alone and probably scared for the longest time well these were only assumptions. He only wished he could show him the same light that was shown to him even if it’s only a tiny bit of hope it could change the way he see’s a lot of things in his life instead of being a demon on the island he could be the saviour one day.

“If I..”

He cut himself off on purpose thinking of that sort of thought he didn’t know the man but he did close to him when it came from a dark past and have close encounters near death. That's what made them compatible Sero on the other hand had no one to save him he was alone and probably unwilling to come out of the darkness. But that was what he liked about him most likely if Burittsu did not meet Genbu he would still be in the same darkness like Sero himself bent on a hellish vengeance that drove him everyday through training.

Scratching the back of his head and that reluctant smile on his face appeared once more this wasn’t a book or a story to tell if Sero felt like opening up he would to at least someone he knew for a while. Burittsu only thought that hard layer of a shell was his protection he could be right or wrong but if he was protecting himself he was doing a mighty good job at it. Gazing into the sky watching birds fly overhead off into unknown lands he appeared to doze off closing his eyes a quick nap didn’t hurt anyone he needed all the rest he could have. Sero was the type to push him to the limits not matter what the circumstances was but he wasn’t a pushover that he could show off by the scar on his arm he messed with the beast and ended up getting bit.

Opening his eyes the ferry was at a stop with no driver the dock to that led him into the island once more was waiting for him to get off the boat he could only assumed the driver went on a bathroom run or to go get some food. As he sat up straight rubbing his eyes and climbing onto the dock stretching his legs getting ready for whatever training Sero had in mind this fateful day quickly reaching down to touch his toes he saw from the distance the ferry driver and waved off to him as he started to head down the path that led deeper inland. In mere seconds the walk turned into a quick sprint onto the path darting through the shadows cutting underneath the rays of sun that peeked its way through the shadows. He was excited to learn so much even if this would be the last meeting the two ever had together as he bolted down the path and leaped off the road many of times he blew through the forest leaping out into mid-air as the grin on his face remained.

“I’m coming Sero!”

WC: 1105



Sero awaited the return of either of his students. He taught them separately because both needed different lessons. It was how he ran his ship and he cared not for anyone to question it. They were both allotted a great deal of free time so of course they were allowed to interact and train on their own. For their time with him their lessons were individualized to critique area's Sero felt deserved improvement. All men lacked perfection and as such the pursuit of it was impossible. However to continue to pursue it was to achieve excellence. So he had pressed them and now it was time to test their jutsu capabilities with the element they shared with him. Teru was a Katon specialist so her jutsu were relatively well known to him. Anything she wanted to learn from the world libraries he could teach to her. Burittsu was from a clan with an advanced element a great deal like his own and at the same time his opposite. Sero understood the chemical make up of that element though and thus understood the one similarity. Suiton. So he would help build Burittsu based on that connection. His own understanding of the world suiton library not lacking.

For now Sero was pacing on a part of the property to the left of the manor. It had been separated into three stages originally for his own training of his elements. The stage set aside for his own advanced element was locked away and covered for the time being in a large tarp. After all not all his secrets need be revealed immediately. That was closer to the manor. The other two were forty meters from the manor and forty meters from each other. The yard was rather lengthy after all. The Katon training ground was a simple place. It had a large fire pit in the middle with torches burning at each corner. A flat concrete ground in square sections. The Suiton was a little different. It was a dropped down hollowed out concrete basin with a platform one one side wide enough for four people to stretch out comfortably on in any way they saw fit. The basin itself had filled over time with rain water so much as to the point it had flowed out the top. Leaves shifted along the surface. Either stage was prepared for whichever student would arrive first.

As it would happen Sero was pacing back and forth between the two stages. Impatient with how long he had waited to fulfill his duty. Impatient with nothing to do but train himself over the days. Still his grey eyes shifted as he stopped in the center. A spider was crossing the distance only to arrive at his feet. It whispered almost inaudibly and still he heard it. His grey eyes shifted to the road leading to the front gate. He could see the road from where he was clearly and thus he suspected anyone emerging from that treeline would see him just as easily. Still he would roll his neck as his black robes shifted slowly from the shoulders down into dark blue robes with grey trim. Even his shoes were padded much the same colors. His long white hair shifted as he moved like a trail behind him as he shifted like a ghost over to the platform at the water stage. Burittsu had returned. So it was they would be training Suiton today. He was a little surprised it had not been Teru who arrived first but he paid it no mind. Instead his hands folded behind his back. Long, pale fingers with crimson stained nails interlocking there as he looked over the water with dead grey eyes. Waiting there for his student to arrive. Waiting to be greeted properly and provided the list he had requested. Only then could they begin.




Leaping out into the open air he was greeted with the site of the mansion but as to the tall dark figure out in the distance it had seem once more it was only him and his teacher it was odd if he did remain on this island alone. With no actual human counter parts or he even wondered if people even visited him it didn’t matter now he was here on his task to gain stronger and learn more off this monster. Last time they met he was impaled and made look like a fool if this was the case he only needed more power but he was humble enough to train Burittsu today was the second and last day of them meeting he had another task to do and continue his training. The things he learned on this island was enough for him to gain in knowledge and use them to his advantage in the future.

He seemed further than the eyes were projecting to his brain walking down the hill on the path that led to the mansion itself but stopped at a fork in the road that led around the building. Which he took following it as it led him behind the house and further away from it at the same time most likely to avoid damaging the building in the middle of training it was a smart idea. On the island it always seemed either nice or bad no need for any other distractions the sun beamed the rays of heat down on his skin but sooner or later he would cool off during or after this training. Walking towards Sero the closer he got something seemed to be different about the man was it his clothing or how it seemed he was standing there for someone else. Intriguing it was as Burittsu wondered how long has he actually been standing there in that spot and looking upon the training area that was meters away from another platform was there another student.

Time was fleeting he didn’t have time to ask about another shinobi when his needs needed to be tended first he wasn’t a quick learner but following his own training it was enough for him to reach this level on his own. His own ambitions held him up higher and he was willing to grow stronger either alone or with his teacher and by the turn of events his teacher ended up going missing without even telling him. All he knew was that once they met again he would gain in more power probably than his teacher but that revenge was for another day he had things he needed to complete. Growing closer to Sero it was time that he focused as raised one hand and slightly bowed his head to the male before stepping in the ring and standing on the opposite side of him.

“I did what you asked I only know two suiton styles.. The water trumpet and the normal standard jutsu the mist.. Yeah I know it much to work with but i’m here to learn so let the teaching begin try not to send me off to a watery grave will yeah..?”

With that he wasn’t in a playful mood as he was when he got the ferry his face was firm and dedicated to the man who used his time to make him a better shinobi. Something was going to be done about this and his time would pay off in the near future when needed. No regrets he had none whatever was going to happened in the arena would most likely be another great lesson for him to use on other shinobi or to enhance and make it better. He only needed to learn something from Sero to give himself a mindset that is at ease knowing he didn’t waste his time teaching Burittsu. The same goes for Burittsu himself knowing that he didn’t waste his time by coming to the island and accepting that invitation that was sent to him so long ago now that he thought about it how long has Sero really been watching or knowing about Burittsu. Didn’t matter now it was only thing to do was to make him proud and maybe even himself.

“Let’s begin..”

WC: 715



Sero would turn with a plain expression as he noted the young man making his way towards him. A potent boy with a desire to grow. In some ways Sero could already monitor the growth of the young man. What he could of done with him had he access to him earlier in his career instead of Wolfgang. Though to be honest that was far from the truth either. He had been much to brash up until recently. At war with the world his whole life only to relax a little late in his career. There was a much larger chance that Burittsu would have died a genin under him. From what Sero understood he very nearly had died under wolf. How unworthy the Osada clan seemed to be to have students. He had told Burittsu it was their responsibility to see his training through unless he were to release them. Help him grow to Jounin in due time. What he had kept to himself and neglected to inform the young man of was how he was directly a reflection of the Osada clans ability to lead students. His growth and future would reflect on their clan and if it were positive the clan would grow in influence.

At the very least the young man had returned unbroken from the last lesson. It showed resolve on his part and restraint Sero was not known for having. It seemed such a short time ago that challenging Sero in such a way was bound to end in death. It was why he had dropped out of the chunnin exams. He had at the time seen no way to compete without death on the table. Pitted against an older student of Wolfs. Only that student had shown much more pride at the time. Sero having fallen behind Wolf in rank due to his seclusion the student had in his mind to show his sensei he was stronger than his enemy. Sero had withdrawn from the fight because a large part of him wished the boys death. To blind him and maim him before slicing his throat and bleeding him out in the grass as the light faded from his eyes. So much time had passed since then. Burittsu was far more along than that boy had been. Still proud but now with intelligence enough not to challenge beyond his means. So it was Burittsu was intended to survive him. Not to float face down in the water beneath them and the dock.

Still Burittsu would arrive next to him and speak as Sero would let his grey gaze focus over the water next to them. It appeared that Sero having selected expanding the young mans suiton experience would be well founded. The boy only knew of two jutsu and both were highly basic ones. A glance back at Burittsu would show some thought behind those blank grey eyes. Even as Burittsu insisted they begin he wondered if the boy was limited in his experience with the element. A test was in order. The one jutsu of the same level he had left out. A simple D rank jutsu. Sero would focus his chakra into his lungs and as he spoke a transparent vapor would escape his lips and fill the air around them. Invisible and scentless. "I had not expected your experience to be so limited. Seeing as Wolfgang shared that in common with you I had hoped in vain that he had taught you something. We will begin in order then. Starting with something simple. As I have spoken just now I filled my lungs with suiton chakra and exhaled it in a mist form much like hidden mist but with a transparency. Currently you are surrounded by it."

With that Sero would allow the orbs to form around them. White foaming orbs of liquid holding in the air all around them. Sero would watch Burittsu a moment and in the second it happened Sero wouldn't even flinch. The orbs around them burst violently outwards and covered the area between them in foam. Blanketing their vision between each other. In that moment Burittsu wouldn't be able to see his surroundings passed the bubbling grey foam. Though he would hear Sero speak once more through it. A cold voice with no body to attach it to. A wraith beyond his vision with a sense that he could reach through and claim the boys beating heart in any moment. "Some jutsu have purpose beyond their rank. This jutsu will do no damage to you nor defend against anything. It is a simple distraction. The sea foam jutsu blinds your opponent in a moment and creates an opening. At the level we do combat a single second can cause death. This jutsu can provide that second."




"I had not expected your experience to be so limited. Seeing as Wolfgang shared that in common with you I had hoped in vain that he had taught you something. We will begin in order then. Starting with something simple. As I have spoken just now I filled my lungs with suiton chakra and exhaled it in a mist form much like hidden mist but with a transparency. Currently you are surrounded by it."

Following the comments of him being out of experience with his jutsu he even thought Sero was right was he out of experience with a jutsu that he sought to learn but that is why he came to the male once more. Hoping that void could finally be filled to the brim and maybe overflow allowing him to branch out farther and become better at something he was clearly not. He did only have two actual jutsu and a mere child can learn those in a matter of days but what he came to seek was not more lectures but teachings enough to earn him a spot amongst the actual ranks of the shinobi in the village. After listening to the talks of the male he found himself facing him and looking at him in a different way it wasn’t a test of who could hit who first this time it was about learning and from his last battle with this male. It would be better for him just to learn instead of getting buried by a gallon of water this very day as Sero did say he was already surrounded by the time he started to speak. The mastery of such a skill to this degree was only nothing but inspiration for himself to one day surpass such a level and he only hoped he would even master any jutsu he was able to learn this very day.

It happened with a blink of an eye as the foam took form and spread across the area like a sort of predator and the prey was Burittsu standing still and watching it surrounded the shinobi slowly forming together and coming to a stop limiting his view. To seeing nothing but foam he was to cautious to simply to touch the foam but indeed the lack of vision was something new to him as the rest of the test probably would be some sort of mental game to Sero. He felt like a caged animal trapped but without a way to even see nature itself just completely consumed by the foam and in hopes he could only begin to wonder if the foam was really just foam. All these worries quickly jamming into his mind was all silence by the words from his teacher who seemed to be on the safer, and clean side of the ordeal. The way it presented his voice did have some sort of unearthly touch too it as if he died and came back from the depths of hell just to relay some information to him without actually helping.

"Some jutsu have purpose beyond their rank. This jutsu will do no damage to you nor defend against anything. It is a simple distraction. The sea foam jutsu blinds your opponent in a moment and creates an opening. At the level we do combat a single second can cause death. This jutsu can provide that second."

Hearing his voice didn’t make Burittsu feel any safer behind these foam walls at any second now “death” himself would decide to come up with something and he has no field of vision he could only prepare for the worse. Whatever it was in all honesty he hadn’t got a full study of Sero but it was easy to tell he would do things to make anything or probably everything work in his way by flaunting some power and throwing it around at anyone he deems fit to see the reality of life. He spoke about how a move like this could easily take away from the enemy's attention and he was correct Burittsu didn’t know what to do but defend from anything or anyone who dared to attack. All he did know is if his enemy would be on the attack it would be best for him to move and never stay in the same spot for too long in fact and so he did looking every direction before he even began to step. Slowly but surely he would finally best Sero at least he thought and that itself was enough to continue to get his blood flowing and give him a full head full of soap.

Indeed the foam boxed him in but staying one place wasn’t simply a better option as he curled his hands and began to grow worried but also nervous as to when was the blind side attack was going to be. This training wasn’t going to be like the last one in fact it would probably more dangerous than that of the last one. Instead of getting stabbed and maimed with more scars upon his face he most likely amped up the battle for laughs and giggles. But to Burittsu it was a probability that this time he would find himself on his side throwing up water and Sero just looking down at him. As if he was some sort of father looking at his son fallen off the swing set or any other obstacle usually placed outdoors for kids. Sighing it would seem that even Burittsu needed his help no matter how dangerous the training was it would benefit him in the future. If he ever needed a foam wall but this was just the start he could feel it and doing anything out of the ordinary would land him another beating and most likely a quick, but brief lecture from Sero.

“Indeed this is a distraction Lord Sero.. But what will this distraction be doing I know you can hear me and this experiment of yours is interesting showing me how quickly my focus can go from being sharp to being dulled out… Especially when it comes to the skills that are like this I can only keep my cool for so long.. Bring it!”




Sero stood on the other side of the foam from the young man. His eyes watching the foam as it blanketed even his vision. Even he was blind to what lay within this foam. He could hear it though. The heart beat of the man within it. Racing now as he waited within. Anticipation building hand in hand with anxiety. What was coming his way? What was it that was going to happen next? The world was a much darker place once ones vision was blurred or distorted. To not be able to see beyond your own reach. Sero could smell it off him coming in waves. There was a fear there. He had learned already though that would not be enough to deter this one from the training. He wanted to be a part of something greater than he was. If nothing else this Burittsu was one filled with willpower. Still Sero knew one thing. The boy had felt the sting of his blade once before and knew the burden it would bare down on him if Sero deemed it so. It was natural to be wary of that power. To consider the weight of it when you could not see it but knew it was there. A terrifying thing.

Still he could hear Burritsu moving within that space. The foam bubbling and building on itself. Sero would tilt his head as his long white hair would shift and fall along his face. How strange it was the child had done nothing to disperse it yet nor had he attempted to duplicate it. It was only a moment before Burritsu began to speak and Sero would listen patiently.
“Indeed this is a distraction Lord Sero.. But what will this distraction be doing I know you can hear me and this experiment of yours is interesting showing me how quickly my focus can go from being sharp to being dulled out… Especially when it comes to the skills that are like this I can only keep my cool for so long.. Bring it!” Sero would narrow his eyes and the area would flood with killing intent. A weight crashing down over the area of pure chakra pressure. The foam would crumble away and fall to the ground splashing about uselessly as now they stood gazing at each other. The jutsu perhaps brought down as the chakra to it was cut off. However it appeared the jutsu simply couldn't resist the pressure of it. When Sero spoke, it was the only sound in the world.

"Gaze into my eyes as I speak this truth Burittsu. You will watch your tone with me. Today is a simple lesson training you to use jutsu. There is no need for your blood to spill. However if you challenge me again I will cause you a great deal of damage. We are not the same you and I. Know this and do not test me."

With that said Sero would slowly release the pressure over the area. His breaths coming out in long deep breaths and slow exhales. He was calming himself carefully with this young man before him. He considered for a moment punishing him all the same. However he knew if he was to go too far with his student without sufficient reason he would be finding himself speaking with the head of his clan again. Not something he would do needlessly. Burittsu didn't seem to know it but working with a member of his clan held risk for any strict measures taken. Rank and title on the line if Ayakashi saw fit. Not that he expected her to doubt him. He cared little for personal emotions. The fact that he was being challenged wasn't a matter of pride but simply order. Sero was of higher rank and office. That alone should earn him some respect and keep him from facing challenges that had no prayer of surviving him. Still he spoke once more. Calmer now as the pool of water splashed lightly against the dock they stood on. Unsettled by the surge of chakra pressure and slowly settling itself now.

"Now focus the chakra into your lungs. Suiton nature but force it in your mind to be transparent. Imagine the sea foam building as you breath it out. Once you have expelled it use your chakra to form the orbs and then detonate them like an explosive note. Attempt this now."




It had seem his words didn’t go well to Sero nothing seemed to go well to the male this was entertaining that he actually had a teacher for once to teach him the errors of his way. It was like actually having a father there for him but at the same time scolding him on everything he enjoyed it well for now as the foam walls were down and he was once more eye to eye with the male who put his time into him. Hearing him burst into anger and a rage that seemed even the gods couldn’t tame it shocked Burittsu but only put a smile on his face once more he didn’t mean no harm or disrespect he just simply respected the man to much to not put his best foot forward. It was only the two of them on the platform the but the island felt as if it stopped due to his anger as his chakra was so strong it felt as if he could physically feel it in on his skin and pressing up on his body. Now it seemed it was his turn to listen but like always he was ready for the scolding from Sero.

"Gaze into my eyes as I speak this truth Burittsu. You will watch your tone with me. Today is a simple lesson training you to use jutsu. There is no need for your blood to spill. However if you challenge me again I will cause you a great deal of damage. We are not the same you and I. Know this and do not test me."

Oh but was he wrong to Burittsu they were the same they both started off in the world nearly killed thanks to someone who thought it was be necessary to flaunt their power and attack those weaker than him. Unlike Sero on the other hand he wouldn’t just sit there and let opportunity to exact revenge pass and let it go as if it was the fate of destiny no one did anything about the incident and Burittsu knew. This only put a smile on his face revealing his teeth to the male he was willing to cross the line to make the world a better place he was only surprised that after hearing Wolfgang did this to a man like this he was still alive. A man with so much power as this could easily track him down and go into battle without a worry knowing one of them would die and the other would walk. As he thought watching the male closely studying him he was calming himself down but he wasn’t finish speaking well for now anyways Burittsu only could wait as the foam around him and Sero finally vanished.

"Now focus the chakra into your lungs. Suiton nature but force it in your mind to be transparent. Imagine the sea foam building as you breath it out. Once you have expelled it use your chakra to form the orbs and then detonate them like an explosive note. Attempt this now."

Clapping his hands together forming his chakra in his lungs as he cleared his mind and only thought of that sea of foam that was just in front of him. Taking it from the appearance to the slightest detail focusing everything in his lungs as he was meant to breath out the foam but he only thought if he could actually do it the first try. Concentrating more chakra into his lungs and the water style Sero spoke of before to him taking in a deep breath as he blew out of his mouth with little to no force at all. At first glance it looked as if he was a baby drooling but the foam did come out eventually that is pouring out of his mouth landing on the ground in front of him. The next step was to form the orbs then detonate them himself seemed easy enough as he clapped his hands once more concentrating on the foam. Forcing the foam to shift and transform into at least two orbs for now well it was his first time after all he was surprised to make it this far with all honesty. Raising his index finger and lifting his eyebrows up at the same time as if he was doing something magical or spectacular his focus was on the chakra of each bubble expanding them and forcing them to pop the bubbles from within. They each popped but not enough to create the explosion of that Sero was looking for but Burittsu knew he came to far to simply disappoint the male. Even if he did put his time into the training he can only try harder and harder to make him proud and that was his goal to master it completely to the point the jutsu was now able to become such a devastating weapon. Clapping his hands once more he formed this time three bubbles doing the same process over as done before focusing on the chakra of each orb and causing them this time pop in a loud snapping sound. Yet again not another explosive release but Burittsu could tell he would get a hang of it anytime now if he continued to practice on it. Clapping his hands once more again this time he could feel it as he took deep breathes and let his hands go and looked at the foam but also looking up at his teacher directly in his eyes.

“Look this has been eating at me since you told me the story of you and Wolf why do you not go out to seek your vengeance on him? Is it because he is a friend too you? Or is it something bigger than simple clan mates and a rivalry you both have against each other. I know you're taking your time to train me but I just want to know since he did just get up and leave me out of the blue.”

WC: 1006



Sero would watch the young man as he seemed to take some meaning from his words. His eyes betraying nothing of anger or rage with his pride being demanded to be set aside. He would wait to see how the boy handled the situation. A small part of him perhaps expecting the young man to attempt to attack him with his strongest jutsu. Likely something along the lines of an A rank jutsu. If that were to come about the man had already stated he knew little of Suiton jutsu. The ones he listed merely of the D rank variety. The lowest available jutsu in the world library. Still his grey eyes watched the young man closely as he felt out for hostile intent. His own chakra molded just beneath the surface with a response jutsu. Likely the young man intended to use ice against him. To break whatever jutsu was thrown his way Sero had just one proper quick response jutsu. The boiling trident of the executioner only required his hands be placed in front of himself and once it was done a spear of liquid acid would launch forward. If Burittsu were foolish enough to try and bring forth his power to bare than Sero would do the same and likely leave a corpse on the floor.

However much to Sero's surprise no such thing happened. Instead the young man would begin to mold a minute amount of chakra within himself. Sero could barely sense it due to how small it was. A simple D rank technique in the making. Sero would quell the chakra within himself for the moment and allow it to settle into a motionless pool. Still Burittsu would attempt the jutsu with moderate failure. He would press himself and try again and again. Growing closer each time to understanding the jutsu until finally it had the desired effect. Not as forceful as it was meant to be but it was obvious he could safely practice this one on his own in the future. Sero glanced down at the foam bubbling on the ground between them with patience before Burittsu spoke once more. Asking him why he had never simply hunted down Wolf. Why he had never simply put the man down on a whim. Sero glanced back to idly stare into the eyes of the boy questioning him before speaking. His words cold as ever but nothing of warning would hang within these ones.

"A man attacked me once and was shown the edge of a blade for it. He bled and I did not. Never again did he approach me nor was I aware of him breaking a law. Without provocation I had no motive to hunt him. He was no threat to me if he did come and he was just another to die if he broke our laws. All things I do fall within the law. That is my creed. Now, we shall move onto the next jutsu. A test of the next level. Face the water with me and I shall demonstrate. Another breath technique."

Sero had of course chosen this jutsu not only for its simplicity but for the fact that it was the safest jutsu to demonstrate if Burittsu was prepared to move up a rank in jutsu. Harmless in nature. Sero would take a breath as he folded his hands behind himself and pursed his lips before suddenly a grey liquid would fire out over the small pool and cover it. The sticky substance coating the surface and slowly beginning to harden. The syrup field was a simple binding technique but useful if one needed to dampen a targets movements. He would wait there then calm and poised. Awaiting Burittsu to try this jutsu as well.




Well he got his answer it was straight to the point and firm just as he expected taking in a deep breath he was a unique male and maybe some respect was to be given but it seems that even when he was young he someone important. Maybe Sero was right they did not cut from the same branch but they both shared a near death experience through the eyes of Burittsu to him that was a bond. And maybe one day he could let go of the past but that wasn’t going to work he needed it he thrived on it and he was willing to make it happen so if it meant being under the command of this male for a while he would gladly do it. Simple rule was to just listen to what he said eventually he’ll grow to Burittsu’s character well the fake one at least the man was still soul searching looking for himself to hold onto and give strength to when the time comes. He found it easier to play nice anyway it did pass the time and he got to train with a great shinobi that belonged to the previous generation before his own. Soon he hoped to be the most powerful of his generation when the time comes he would enjoy the title even though his was at the age of seventeen now he was growing sooner or later he would be mature probably even maintaining a family. Well he could only hope.

Watching the male closely it seemed it was another water jutsu something about this one was different nothing came out from inside of him but the water itself was a source as it seemed some form of liquid launched out hitting the floor in front of the two. It shined and appeared like a sticky substance bending over and poking it was indeed thick but in a liquid form it wasn’t edible but it did stick the finger of Burittsu. Studying it closely it seemed the chakra was used to manipulate the water to stay in its form just become a sticky substance that can be directed at someone or something in a flash. It wasn’t much but indeed a skill like this could help him trap his enemies if ever in a tight bind when his out classed in the speed category. This was interesting enough to him as it seemed this jutsu was quick and simple something he should be able to learn himself in a matter of seconds. It seemed easy and simple but in all honesty probably harder than focusing chakra in his lungs.

Clapping his own hands together focusing on the water same as Sero did he attempted to bind his own chakra with the pool to make it just as the substance was from Sero’s own creation. Closing his eyes calmly he focused on the pool of water as he got some liquid to shoot out but that was it just regular water landing on the ground in front of the two well Burittsu couldn’t really tell if it was sticky or not. If not he needed to fuse more chakra and actually connect with the nature of water given the chance. Reaching down sliding his fingers around the water wasn’t sticky but it did drool off his fingers slowly as if it was saliva itself. It was all interesting from his point of view like a child playing with toys that he wasn’t allowed to play with but even though it wasn’t enough.

“Let’s have another try..”

Clapping his hands once more forming the chakra in him as he focused on the water in front of him inhaling and exhaling he focused the chakra into the water to once more attempt this creation. He felt Sero’s and felt his own he was there he needed to fuse more into it to get the same result that was given to him as a demonstration. Focusing on the water in front of him as in a burst of explosion it shot out above head in the grey like tint and gleamed into the sky it shot straight up indeed but it where it landed was just another problem for Burittsu. Landing on his head as the sticky base substance eased its way through through the roots of his hair locking them in place stiffening his head. It was a pain but he was satisfied that he actually did it well when it came to forming to the water he’d work on the aim some other time. Looking at the corner of his eye at Sero his face remained stern attempting not laugh at himself and the situation. Probably this could get a reaction out of him if there was any left inside a man like him who simply been through it all.

“Funny right.. I’ll improve on the aim Sensei Sero.. Aye I met someone before who talked about a mansion such as yours and introduced me to such spider servants just like yours.. This individual was unique in many ways but the personality is what made him different from everyone else i’ve met in this village. Yasou that was the name he was weird but we’re all weird aren’t we not anyways I was wondering if you know who im talking about haven’t seen him for a while.. He ended up growing on me a good comrade you know.. If you don’t want too answer you don’t you got more teachings to pass down onto me anyways Sensei so crack a smile and keep working me.. Alright?”




Sero stood there. His eyes blankly staring forth at the fading syrup that coated the surface of the water. The quantity of the water quickly diluting it. Such a basic technique in nature. He was sure that it was something simple enough for the young man before him to learn easily. He expected a great deal for someone of the boys rank. Perhaps more than he should have. After all his own focus had been less on building his jutsu and more on gathering weaponry. However for Burittsu he was unsure of the boys focus as of yet. Always smiling in the face of danger. Grinning foolishly with his neck on the line. He had many qualities of his old masters arrogance in him. Potential on the verge of growth and yet Sero would wait for it to surface. A great thing waiting to be revealed. He could sense the power within the boy but he would not simply reach out and grasp it. Some part of him had to fight it every step of the way. Sero was a point meant for growth and dangerous to remain near. Yet Burittsu challenged him at every turn. It seemed Burittsu would sooner choose to die than to rise.

Still Sero would watch the young man as he did something different than Sero had done. Burittsu attempted to bypass the hand signs meant to form the chakra entirely and instead of spitting something out, he would attempt to use the surface of the water itself. While interesting it was not what Sero had taught aside from the end result. For the moment Sero would frown and observe. His student would either pay attention or play with chakra without any form. Sero would let this play out as it always did. Experimentation of altering jutsu had a high tendency of failure and with failure came pain. The first attempt was more failure than success as he predicted. He watched the man experiment by dipping his fingers in. The consistency of the surface altered but not nearly enough. He would mutter about trying again. One more bypassing hand signs entirely and focusing the chakra externally. It was probably best that he had as the surface of the water exploded forcefully. Had that happened within the boy he likely would of been in a dire situation indeed. Still it rose up and Sero would take a step back on the platform. Watching it fall and splash against the boys head. Hardening in place. The young man found it amusing.

Sero would listen to him speak. Amused as he was about his own situation. He had no idea how much danger he had just put himself in for not paying attention. No sense of how close he had come to blinding himself or suffocating with his airways closed off. The face that just his hair had been caught up in it was nothing less than miraculously lucky for him. Had it turned into something else as Sero's suiton chakra experiments often had Burittsu would be dead instead of speaking. Still Burittsu would speak a name of someone of importance to Sero. Someone who had been claimed from him and someone he would regain. A low growl seemed to fill the area as Sero eyed the young man. Anbu forces had stood in his path that day. If this was another possible spy he would not take it lightly. His offer had been taken after all without fear. Perhaps there was more purpose to him than he let on. Still the growl faded as Sero avoided the subject. Instead he would hold up his right hand as heat would emanate. Not enough to truly burn Burittsu but it would melt the substance off his head like hot wax. Certainly uncomfortable to have on ones skin.

"Do you not think it wise to pay more attention? When I used that jutsu I used hand signs and expelled it from within. What you just attempted to do was entirely different. Going blindly at chakra manipulation with no sense of caution is a fools pathway to death or serious injury. Do you truly feel you are prepared to take on more substantial jutsu training? Do you realize young man that if you fail to pay attention when using a hostile jutsu it could turn on you? I have no medic here. Only pain and suffering awaits down that path. I urge you to pay attention or walk away from this lesson."




Maybe Sero did have a point as Burittsu felt the heat from the warmth of the water as it fell on his skin he probably was taking this to lightly as it dripped on his skin he didn’t even bother to wipe away his mess. Waiting till it all poured down on his skin burning him leaving their marks on their skin temporarily it had seem his playful ways when it came to his life was something else but a joke to Sero. His look gave it away as if it seemed he actually cared for the young shinobi the words of Sero dug deep like a kunai thrown into his arm it stung but it made sense. The kunai was easily seen but Burittsu did not move because he was so blind to what was in front of him he chose to be blind and he chose his mistakes a man of his rank needed to learn such basic jutsu.

That was the shameful part about the situation slowly lifting his hand sliding over the arm of Sero away he turned his back on him clapping his hands once more focusing the chakra into his lungs. Sero ignored his question but there was nothing he could ever do about it now he could only actually master these skills they were simple anyone could do them he was a shinobi of the mist. And eventually his playful banter would be burned to a crisp revealing his true self and motive he wanted to grow stronger so he found it necessary to do what he had to do.

Concentrating the chakra into his lungs as he did earlier as he closed his eyes and envisioned the sticky substance from earlier forming multiple handsigns in a fast pace. He was completely focused to get the training actually going being himself was only a distraction so he wouldn’t have to deal with the everyday problems of life. The world was moving around him and he never cared he went at his own speed even when confronted with the death of his friend he continued to walk while the others ran. Not caring one bit if he was last in competitions or even stood out of the group of kids at the academy he was just different he always loved his own path and never strayed from it.

This time it seemed it wouldn’t hurt if he just followed the basic rules for once and so he did quickly spitting out from his lungs the infused chakra. As it was launched directly outwards hitting the platform in front of the two shining in a grey liquid form oozing and spreading slowly between the cracks sticking to everything it can all at once. Even a moving red dot on the ground couldn’t escape the clutches of the jutsu the tiny red dot was an ant who got one of its legs trapped in the jutsu and now had to suffer and get crushed underneath the pressure of the sticky substance. It was cruel to watch but indeed the jutsu was a only a starter if Sero was willing to put in the time for a person like this he should put more time in respecting the male and the job that he does.

Even if he was isolated on the island with nothing but the ferry driver and the beast who await his every command hidden in the forest. Taking in a deep breath he wasn’t done yet as he took multiple breathes once more clapping his hands together forming the chakra in his lungs as he did before this time he was thinking of the thought of the foam from earlier at the start of this training exercise. Doing the same blowing out the chakra from his lungs foam began to float out instead of falling on the floor as they did before they each began to stack up and up on each other making a large formation of nothing but circular bubbles.  He tried an attempt of what Sero did earlier but that was just doing too much he rather stride on his path instead of imitate that of someone else's.

“You want me to be serious fine. I’ll quit the games and I’ll buckle down and take the training seriously but my smile will always be there I like to smile at dangerous events. Or even in danger itself you only have one life Sensei Sero gotta make it the best one you ever had. Now if you will back up some more.”

Taking a leap back and clapping his hands once more focusing on the expanding his chakra from inside the foam to create multiple floating orbs about six this time. It seemed amazing but even Burittsu didn’t smile as if he knew he could become a real skilled apprentice if he takes the training serious for now it was a show. As the chakra in the orbs started to expand the orbs retained their shape as each orb began to float about in the air Burittsu leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Leaning back towards the bubbles both eyes quickly shot out glaring at them causing them explode in devastating manner each pop was loud enough to cause a ring in his ears. But the explosion was strong enough to leave a total of six burned marks on the stone of the training arena he was happy about it as he looked over his shoulder.

Approval would never be gain by Sero on the outside but he hoped somewhere on the inside he was proud of him if not now maybe in the near future. Scratching behind his head as he turned all the way around showing his face to his teacher the grin returned once more revealing his teeth to the male who only wanted to seek out the strength in him. Bowing halfway to the male in a sign of respect and rising straight up with nothing but confidence oozing from him. Giving out a yawn as he began to stretch.

“Permission to take a little rest we can use this as bonding time. Get to know each other better c’mon since i'm here I might as well spend the night you got food Sensei?! Let’s eat c’mon you can ask me more questions and I can do the same. No matter how mad you get.”

Total WC:5,868
~Exit Thread!~
Jutsu Learned: 水遁:海泡 {Suiton: Umiawa ~ Water Release: Seafoam} 750/750
Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field (水遁・水飴拿原 ~ Suiton: Mizuame Nabara) 1000/1000

Last edited by Burittsu on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:36 pm; edited 2 times in total



Sero stood there watching the young man. Watching him turn away from him. He could feel the chakra building from the young man in front of him and from all the training they had done so far it was likely Burittsu had used up a substantial amount of his available pool without any ability to increase his chakra by any means other and rest. Sero could feel his own chakra reserves mostly held together with a small dip within them. It wasn't a sensation of touch and yet he could reach out and sense how much of the entirety of it was gone. His grey eyes regarded the young man as he clapped his hands together. As before he was focusing chakra with a clap of his hands and yet the surface of the water didn't change. Instead Burittsu took in a breath and formed hand signs. As he spat out the correct form of the jutsu Sero would raise a brow and turn pacing a little further back. Watching as he half circled the young man to stand at his right. There it was. The potential he had sensed within the boy. If he would only take the situation seriously he could accomplish a great deal. The jutsu was virtually flawless. Having achieved it with only a couple tries.

The boy would speak then. Speaking of taking the training seriously and using some phrase that Sero assumed was relevant. Something about buckles. Locked in securely perhaps? Still he warned that the smile would remain and though it irked Sero he would accept this as an involuntary reflex. Such as vomiting when struck in the gut too hard. He would be advised to take a step back and in a moment he would shift back. A white blur moving back to the lawn and off the platform entirely. Leaving the stage entirely to Burittsu. He would watch the boy once more practice the first jutsu he had been shown. A great many forming and stacking until suddenly they began to violently explode one after the other. The noise ringing out like canons firing from the yard. Filling the air around them and sending a couple of nearby birds fluttering away. Sero would simply tilt his head from the deafening noise as he noted the slightest loss of hearing on his end. That jutsu was also apparently significantly close to complete if not expanded upon a little. The young man would land on the platform and walk over to Sero then. Bowing to him before stretching and yawning. He spoke then in a request to take a break and Sero would look him over. When he trained her he had trained until he was prepared to drop where he stood unable to focus on anything in front of him anymore day in and day out. He of course wouldn't force it on others today.

"A room in the manor will be allotted to you for the duration of your visit. The spiders will show you where. Dinner is at sunset. Teru should be there and you are free to join us."

Exit thread
Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique 2000/2000
Water Release: Tearing Torrent Technique 2000/2000

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