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1Deed: The cheating husband Empty Deed: The cheating husband Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:26 am



Light shined through his bedroom window and despite his best efforts pierced his blankets with every greater strength until Hiromasa was finally forced grumpily out of bed. Rubbing his eyes, he pondered whether he had anything going on today. After several minutes of thought and awakening, he came up with nothing. Heading downstairs, he set a container of chocolate mix and a carton of milk on the counter as he grabbed a glass. Pouring milk halfway to the top, he filled the rest with mix and stirred.Poured milk until half of the space remaining was gone and filled again with mix, stirring. Downing the tremendously chocolatey beverage in a single go, he brought a hand up to the bridge of his nose, frowning as he got a brain freeze.

Although unpleasant, the brain freeze cleared his mind and woke him the rest of the way up. Still, no plans for the day came to mind. Debating between training, going on a mission or doing nothing, nothing sounded pretty good today. Still, the "fees" to become a chunin were quite steep and there weren't any exams for a good while yet. With a shrug, he decided to go take a look at the mission board for something light. "Hm. All I have to do is pick up a recipe from this couple, eh? Well, nothing like some courier duty I suppose. Off to the Sky Bar!"

As he made his way to where the mission commanded, he grew somewhat nervous. "It's odd that someone would take the time to set up this mission and post it if all this is is a pickup and drop off. Maybe the issuer doesn't get along with the Gowns?" Turning the thoughts aside, he crossed the road he was on to arrive at the entrance to the Sky Bar. As he approached the door, a woman moved to block his path. "Excuse me, are you the one I hear is looking for this?" the woman asked, holding up a parchment matching the description of the recipe Hiro was searching for. "Yes ma'am, I believe it is," Hiro replied, holding out his hand. "Not just yet, dearie," answered the woman, tucking the recipe safely into her exposed cleavage with a smile.

Presented with this unexpected development, he looked at the woman he assumed was Corina Gown. She was a somewhat older lady, Hiro guessed in her upper 30s or low 40s, light brown hair tied up in a bun and wearing a simple dress that exposed far more than a woman her age would traditionally, but it was not an unwelcome sight. Not as smooth as a younger woman to be sure, but shapely regardless. His blatant staring was interrupted as Corina began speaking again. "I need you to go and drag my useless swine of a husband out of that bar. He spends all day working in the mines and doesn't even bother coming home for supper anymore lately, just heading straight to this damned bar!" The woman shook her head angrily, and though Hiro's eyes stayed on her face, his peripheral vision did not miss the dance of flesh that ensued. "I'd yank him out by his nosehairs myself if he hadn't had his buddy the owner ban me from entering! 'Disturbing the peace' they said! Well now, if you want this recipe, you go in there and tell him to get his worthless hide out here or I'm leaving him and taking this paper with me!" With that, the woman stalked off in a rage.

With no other option, Hiro shrugged and entered the Sky Bar, walking across the now-familiar clear glass flooring and approaching the establishment's namesake. Frowning, Hiro spotted his target, a middle-aged man covered in dirt and, more importantly, a woman that was not the one he had met outside. Even from a distance he could smell the alcohol on the pair as they made out on one of the stools, no one nearby paying them any mind. Blushing slightly and fearing Corina's wrath, he turned and headed towards the exit. "Hey, kid-shit! Hey, you! You need the recipe, yeah? It's yours and I'll come with ye, jus' don' tell my wife! Kid, get back here!"

Despite having clearly been noticed and recognized, Hiro ignored the Orwin Gown and walked out of the bar, quickly spotting Corina, who scowled to see him approach without husband in tow. "Ma'am, I think I know why your husband spends so much time here..." Hiro said, hoping to avoid the woman's wrath before it began. Her eyes narrowing for a moment, Corina's expression changed completely, becoming warm and inviting in less than a second. "So that's how it is. I suppose I should've realized as much immediately, but I didn't want to think of things ending this way." Suddenly, Corina took Hiro's hand in her own. "While you were in there I went home quickly to try and calm down and I'm afraid I left the recipe there. Let's go get that for you so you can get paid." Glad that she took the lead so she couldn't see him blushing, he allowed himself to be lead to the Gown house. Once inside, Hiromasa saw the recipe fall out of her dress, shortly before the dress itself hit the floor. Turning to face him, Corina smiled. "What say you I give you a bonus for bringing the truth to me? Turns out I'm freshly single!"

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