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1Inhibition Training - [Invite Only | NK] Empty Inhibition Training - [Invite Only | NK] Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:07 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

With the sunrise came a sweeping layer of new morning fog. The moisture in the air seemed fresher as if with the dew that now coated the grass now brought something new with it. It provided a pleasant environment for the young Hozuki. Constant moisture in the air was practically necessary to the survival of his kind, and the beneficial effects from the constant hydration kept him in near perpetually good health. It would cling to him and absorb directly through his skin. In every breath came in a mouthful of moisture, lubricating the inner skin of his throat and flowing down to moisturize his lungs. It was satisfying to breathe. He would take a deep breath in, holding the air and moisture down in his lungs.

Two shuriken would fall down. The spinning blade would come from above, and their trajectory would lead to them both sliding down into the male's right shoulder. For a moment the pointed blades would stick down into the flesh, however they would only remain in place for a moment until slipping out of him, sliding out of the small wound they had caused and hit the ground. They would be bloodless. There was none of it, despite how it appeared like they sthree-fourths three fourths of an inch deep. A steady stream of water would drip from Chigetsu's shoulder now, where the wound had been. The liquid would dry up after a moment, revealing unharmed pale flesh through a new hole in his shirt.  

Chigetsu would let the air flow out of his lungs now. His eyes were closed, having slipped shut as he took in his first inhale. Even without being able to see he could reach down and collect the shuriken, locating each from the sound they had made when they fell. The blue undershirt he was wearing, now dotted with little holes and punctures, gave away a bit of information about his actions. It was a light top that was smooth and cool against the skin normally, made of a stretchy sort of plastic-like fabric that made it incredibly comfortable to wear. But the two dozen or so holes it now had in it caused the disconnected fibers to fray now. It caused the fabric to brush up against his skin in an irritating manner every time he shifted. At first at had been tolerable, but with every new hole it became a little bit more annoying. After a moment of deliberation, it would be taken off, thrown to the ground like trash. It had been one of his favorite pajama shirts up until now, but with how torn up it was it there was no point to keeping it any longer. He would be left shirtless, wearing only a pair of loose-fitting sweatpants and presumably some sort of undergarment underneath his pants. His outfit, or lack of, was a bit strange given his training. Normally it might be a bit uncomfortable for him to use one of Kirigakure's public training fields while only in his pajamas, but today it seemed as his inhibition was unusually lacking. The collected shuriken would be tossed upwards again, thrown at an angle into the sky that would allow them to strike into his body again once they were caught by gravity. He would have to move slightly to ensure they would strike him on their path, leaning into where he thought they would fall. On their downward descent this time they would collide with his face, slicing a straight path downwards through his brow and lips before embedding into the ground.  

"Your liquification won't always be able to save you. Why are you testing its limits?" His kunai would speak up, a whisper down from his pants. It would be positioned awkwardly, held to his waist with his waistband. The handle would stick up out of the waistband in an odd way, compensating for his current lack of belt pouch. It was only due to his clan's passive hydrification abilities that allowed him to handle these weapons in such careless ways. Should he accidentally poke himself with his own kunai there would be no blood, only a slight dripping of water. The slash that streaked down his face would form into skin and flesh again, leaving not even a mark behind. "I can't stop." He would take the time to respond once the portions of his face would re-solidify. "It'll happen whether I want it to or not. I can't control it." His voice was gruff and unsteady, a half whisper caught through the crust of the night before. It seemed as if he hadn't slept. "I want to test how well I can take these sorts of wounds, but I can't make myself bleed." The kunai would seem to snort at his response. It was a mental object that had no lungs and couldn't snort, or even speak, but the manner in which it sounded in Chigetsu's head was something like a snort. "You want to make yourself bleed? Don't be foolish. Training in ways that cause damage to yourself just r-" "Results in a broken tool. I know." He would snap down at the kunai in his pants. "You've told me a thousand times. Don't you think I know that by now?" That he was sort of half-yelling in his crusty morning voice at his pants probably wouldn't look good if anyone passed by and came to see him, but Chigetsu didn't have it in him to think about that in the moment. "Then why don't you listen? Not being able to listen to simple orders will make you useless." He would spit down into the dirt of the training grounds, wanting to remove the bad taste he had in his mouth. Despite the moisture in the air refreshing what little amounts of liquid he expended when using his clan's jutsu he felt his lips getting dry. It was irritating. "Didn't you taunt me earlier for not being able to act on my own? I thought I needed to 'seize the day', whatever that means." "You do need to do exactly that. But drifting away from what advice I'm graciously trying to give you-" "Advice?" With that word Chigetsu would reach down, snatching the kunai from his pants. He would hold the weapon up close to his face, staring angrily into the reflective sheen of the blade.  

What had been a conversation in whispers now angry and grumpy yelling at his weapon. His shuriken, still embed in the ground at his feet, seemed to be remaining quiet. They hadn't spoken to him in a few days now, still rather angry about the last time he had confused the two. It was probably for the best that they stayed out of the conversation now though. With how loud it was, even though it was morning Chigetsu was sure to attract some sort of unwanted attention.

WC               [1180]
Chakra          [130/130]
Hydrification  [15/15] (-1 From Jutsu, +3 from Mist)

Jutsu Used:

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