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1It Came From the Void [Private] Empty It Came From the Void [Private] Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:11 pm



The sun was beginning to set, and at the village gate, they were getting ready to close the great doors for the night. The last remaining people in the outskirts were crossing into the village walls. As was the norm in ninja villages, three chunin shinobi were in charge of closing the gate and ensuring everyone got inside. The three of them were working flawlessly, it had been the thousandth time at least that they'd done this. “All right, looks like everyone’s in, time to close the gate.” The lookout shouted out to the one in charge of the gate mechanism, signaling him to close the gates. With a quick nod, he pulled and removed the locks on each door before turning the mechanism that closed the massive doors that kept the village sealed at night. As he was about to join his partners on the ground, the young man’s ears picked up a small sound from outside the gate, “Wait!...” He turned to the location of the sound and saw a young boy, years younger than him, dragging himself towards the gate. Focusing on the boy he noticed a trail of blood behind him. Without question, he shouted to his partners.“Stop! We got someone outside! He’s wounded!”

The two Chunin below dropped what they were doing immediately and ran outside, while the one above ran for a medic ninja back at the garrison. As they approached the boy they noticed the metal shinobi headband on his forehead. The two men ran to each side of the boy and swung his arms each over their shoulders. They could feel the tense muscles just completely give way. The relief the boy had made him pass out on the spot. The Konoha symbol was on the forehead, and at his age, he must’ve been a genin. He was in bad shape and must have been attacked on his way from the Leaf to the Mist. Izumi had been assigned to fill in for an injured gate guard tonight and was waiting at the gate garrison for her shift to begin. She burst to her feet when she saw the first Chunin burst into the garrison panting and yelling for a medic. Izumi was a medic herself and actually had gotten quite good at it during her time as a kunoichi. She had helped treat the wounded the night of the Sand's destruction and had been training with the medical corps in Suna before her life's path took the drastic course correction that was the razing of the Sand Village. The young woman had a change of heart in her shinobi profession after that historic calamity that ended a nation, while she was still quite skilled in healing and would continue the practice her new desire was to be a Hunter Ninja of the Mist. She wanted to catch and kill the kinds of people that would destroy villages and betray those that trusted them.

There were more important matters than hopes and dreams at the moment, Izumi snapped out of her thoughts and dashed out of the garrison with the other Chunin rushing to aid whomever it was that had been so brutally wounded that he had to get the first medic available. Izumi and her companion would meet the other two about halfway and Izumi would point at a nearby restaurant's tables and tell them to place the young man down on it so she could do her inspection. He was not doing well, his breathing was labored and he had lost a lot of blood. Many of the healing techniques Izumi knew were too slow working to help the young man and her quick ones involved burning the wounds closed then healing the burn. Her thought process is that it's better to cause her patient more pain than to let him bleed out. Izumi was worried that the boy was too weak for her to use such a violent healing method. The boy was losing blood too fast and Izumi had no choice at this point. Izumi began gathering green soothing chakra in her hand before infusing it with fire, the flames took on an eerie eldritch green that didn't glow quite like you'd think it should. Izumi would ask the chunin to hold the boy down, if there was consciousness left in him this was sure to draw it out. Luckily for the boy only one of his cuts was bad enough that she was going to have to burn it shut, Izumi still bent forward and whispered an apology in his ear before swiftly and accurately pressing the orb of flame into the young boys cut. His eyes would shoot open and he'd let out an agonized scream, the burns searing his flesh shut and stopping the bleeding. Izumi would look him directly in the eyes and start soothing him, telling him it's okay and that he was safe now. But the boy was going wild, the pain had brought out that primal side that everyone has that just tells you to survive. The words fell on deaf ears as the young man struggled against the Chunin that pinned him down. Izumi couldn't work on his wounds with him thrashing about and worse still, he might make them worse. The fiery young woman had to act fast, she grabbed the boy by both sides of his face and looked into his eyes once more. This time Izumi's eyes would be sparkling with dazzling displays of beauty and colour, immediately the young man calmed down, and froze his eyes locked with hers as if they were the most important thing in the world. “You made it to the mist, it's okay. Stay still so I can heal you.” The words came from a soft, kind voice that belonged to the Karisuma who had just used her clan's power to subdue the wild boy. He finally rested and complied while she worked on his remaining injuries. It seemed the boy would make it, Izumi was ecstatic there were a few moments where she thought the boy had lost too much blood during the struggle but she had managed to save him. The young man thanked her, Izumi would give him a soft kiss on the cheek before sending him off with the Chunin to report what had happened in an official capacity. Izumi hoped she'd be informed on why a bloody Konoha genin had been brought to her to be saved. The Mist and the Leaf were official allies so it wasn't strange that the Genin had sought help among their ranks however it was certainly odd that he was alone and had been in such a state when he had arrived. That was mystery to be investigated another night though, tonight she was a guard.

1156 words.

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