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1Late night wandering [NK, Private] Empty Late night wandering [NK, Private] Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:09 am



The sounds of screeching and bellowing of the water which dripping down Masu's body as the sweat and rain slowly waddled its way down from her clothes down further to the ground, hitting the puddles which had been laying in front of her due to the rain and misty night, Masu could barely see 20 feet ahead of her. She continued meditating only taking in the air and cool environment Mizu no Kuni was known for. She could feel the very sensation of the breeze slowly touching her skin, the smell of the rain seemed as nothing yet made her nostrils flare in cold and shivering conditions. She took a second to develop what all the sounds around her were, the water puddles splashing and creating ripple affects for the water, the gloomy night with mist surrounding most of the areas, and any areas she could see, were nothing but trees and a bit of grass drenched in water.
Masu slowly took in a her final deep breathe before she would end her session of meditating in some stupid damp conditions, yet she used the rain and environment to try and keep her focused and not get distracted. As she felt the relief and her mind starting to settle and relax from all the meditation she rose off the ground slightly and took her items and bag with her as she would continue to wander around a little more.

As Masu swung her bag around her shoulders and kept it in place she wrapped her other arm into the small pocket of the bag to strap it in tightly so nothing could fall out, making haste for north of her direction. All Masu had really known is that north of her would lead to the forest and darkness where she could only focus on one thing, her eyesight. Now Masu wasn't naturally bad with her eyes she was quite gifted and a lot better than people her age, but she always thought that if she could train her eyes to be very sensitive at picking up the smallest details that it could become incredibly handy in situations where her Kekkai Genkai was activated. Masu continued heading north with nothing but darkness spiriting along the way, and the eyes of Masu's taking shape and creating an aura of glowing sensation in front of Masu to be able to see, slowly closing her eyes and re-opening them to awaken her eyes. She looked around and noticed a lingering of charkra as always surrounding her body and some of the plants around her, with the trees glowing of a blueish nature to symbolize the colour of charkra around it.

She silently listened to the winds of nature blowing, tossing and turning in many directions to hear the leaves flourish in the wind, the rain slowly hitting the leaves pelting down a lot softer thanks to the cushion of the leaves, she continued to walk around to try and use her Dojutsu to understand her environment to a certain degree.

WC = 510

2Late night wandering [NK, Private] Empty Re: Late night wandering [NK, Private] Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:10 am



Looking around the forest, Masu could see flocks of animals and bird nests around the forest, with traces of the animals charkra and even when looking at a bird Masu could see the charkra within the animals and the effectiveness of how big and crucial charkra really is. Yet having eyes which can negate proper and full use of charkra usage in jutsu's and life in general. Masu noticed the lining of the trees and the sight that could be seen was very linear and barely visible, Masu desperately tried to continue and search around her environment for some source of people or life. Every direction she looked, left, right, front or back nothing, just darkness and the winds howling down on the trees and Masu herself, even a few trees started to crack from the aftermath of the wind. A few seconds later suddenly a spark of lightning came crashing down a few 20 or 30 meters away from Masu, with the tree catching fire as soon as she heard the lightning. Masu ran quickly towards the lightning sound and she searched for any signs of embers or burns, but all that seemed to remain was a few burnt leaves and a broken tree, which seemed to come close to taking down a few more trees on the side. It had seemed that the rain had put out the fire naturally, making Masu's life a lot easier and less worry and more concentration. Masu stared at the tree's bark and hollowed wood which had been broken, all she could see was the dimmer of blue charkra heeding from the tree yet, slowly the blue charkra was starting to evaporate into green vapor slowing turning red as well till it just seemed to drift into the air and vanish from the blink of her own eyes. She couldn't explain it, was this the meaning of life to Masu? Did Charkra explain the definition of life and its role within people's lives these days? Or was charkra somehow intertwined in oxygen yet she couldn't explain the change in colour and what it really was. She knew she negated charkra but was that charkra she had just witnessed she didn't know. She sat down on the tree and simply watched water drip down and flourish from the skies onto the trees in front of her and the tree she was sitting on, she could see the little water droplets going and seeping into the wood, she could see the blue colour from her eyes but there was no alter affect such as green or red. Masu was left with so many questions with so little answers.

Masu ventured forwards to whatever salvation she could achieve few lights could be seen if they were even lights or simply colours from Masu's eyes, yet she continued to move as quickly and evasively in the dark and damp night, she could feel some sort of presence if it was human or simply chemical, yet something loomed in the air that night. Masu wasn't one to be frightened or to be scared yet something about this left her uneasy, quickly Masu opted around her and decided the best choice would be to continue moving forwards as quickly as she could, but each step she took she could feel something arising her mind about this unease, each step a step into madness per say. Masu continued going before quickly halting not moving a single muscle, "I can't do this something is wrong I thought there was nothing out here tonight, so why am I so on edge about nothing?" Masu questioned herself looking around and the fog seemed to be getting damper and thicker barely able to see a few feet in front of herself. "I can't I need to head back before I lose myself in here, or someone was to find me dead." She thought that was her best choice as she didn't feel in the right mindset to get through this tonight, quickly heading back the opposite direction. As she was retracting her steps she noticed the fog was getting much clearer and her vision was a lot better than before. She felt a lot better and not on nerve as what she had just been feeling before. Masu found herself back at her original point where she had been meditating and decided to return back into the village to catch some rest. Slowly walking back to the village, the rain slowly dropped away and didn't seem to come down as hard as before, a lot more gentle and relaxing compared to crashing down and huge sounds on the roofs. As Masu got by the entrance of the village she re-entered and the guard simply nodded as she walked slowly towards the destination she was deciding to stay at. She arrived at a small little hut which seemed to host a few people but very few long term stays, which Masu planned to do yet she wanted her own home to maybe have some privacy or bring someone home with her. She slid open the door and saw the receptionist smile and look back down onto her magazine which the cover in big words said: Chunnin Exam's Ninja Rankings! Masu smiled back to herself rising her backpack onto her shoulders before climbing a few stairs and opened her door to find a bed in front of her, Masu really wanted to sleep soundly on her bed straight away but was to drenched in water to do so, she had a quick shower recapping the events of her walk, the source of light and colours she had encountered which still confused her as she tried to see some sort of deeper meaning towards it. But before anymore could happen the water suddenly turned cold and she shivered and quickly turned the levels off and dried herself up. Getting into her sleeping clothes and packing her items into her bag for tomorrow and jumping onto her bed tucking herself for a good nights rest.

1500/1500 [Training Swordsmanship]

WC=1023 + 510 = 1533

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