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1A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Sat Mar 17, 2018 5:52 am



The sound of drums could be heard within the village hidden in the clouds, each fall of the sticks knocking into the leather skins rung thoughout the village signaling the end of the Chuunin Exams. Soon all those who had travelled to the hidden cloud village to watch or compete in the exams will be returning home to the own country, and the hidden cloud will become calm and peaceful at last. However first there must be a celebration, in honor of the winner of the exam a giant festival celebration would begin. With the setting of the sun the night sky would shortly be ignited with flashes of fireworks, as they exploded with the sound of cannons in the sky. Raphael sat atop the roof of his apartment building watching as the night progressed, a parade with floats honoring each of the contestants before the final and biggest float of all of them, Nova inside her Spider Puppet, the Winner of the Exams. "Here's to you Nova," the boy said before taking a sip of his tea. The young shinobi watched from his perch as those below took part in the celebration, friends one and all as he sat there alone in the shadows. Raphael did not do well in crowds, despite the overcoming his uncomfortableness with even talking with people in recent days, he was not yet ready for large crowds. Doorstep came from behind the boy, causing him to quickly turn to find their source while grabbing a Kunai from his pouch.

"Mister Kozai?" Came a small yet familiar voice, causing the young shinobi to quickly stow his Kunai as he turned to meet the little girl from his apartment building. "Aki what are you doing up here?" The boy asked as he knelt down to the girls level, "because you are up here Mister Kozai." "Aki I told you my name is Raphael you dont have to call me Mister Kozai." "Yeah and my name is Akira, and you call me Aki even though you know I hate that, so.." The girl would finish her sentence by sticking out her tongue at the boy, who couldn't help but smile. "Why are you not in bed, Aki?" The girl shrugged before asking the boy, "Why are you not down at the party with everyone else, Mister Kozai?" Raphael looked down to the street below full of people before turning back to the girl, "I don't do well with crowds Aki, they make me uncomfortable." "Why?" "I don't know they just do," "why?" "Aki that's enough." "why?" "Aki I'm not playing anymore stop it." "Why?" "That's it!" The boy proclaimed before letting out a roar and began tickling the girl causing her to get out in a storm of laughter. After a few minutes the boy would stop and with a serious look on his face he held out his hand, "come along Aki it is time you get home." "But I don't wanna," the girl stated stomping her foot down. "Aki," the boy said in the most serious tone he could manage, "ugh. Ok." The girl said reluctantly taking the boy's hand.

Upon reaching the girl's apartment the girl turned to Raphael, "Mister Kozai can I ask you a question?" "As long as it isn't why," the boy answered with a chuckle. The girl looked down at her feet before looking back to the boy, "How will you get over your problem with crowds if you don't go into them?" The question completely caught Raphael off guard, he was not expecting such perception for such a young girl. The boy let out a chuckle, "to be honest Aki, I never thought of it that way," "well maybe you should," the girl answered before closing the door leaving the boy standing alone in the hallway is shock. Raphael had planned to go back to his own apartment for the rest of the night, but the girl's words rang in his head.

Raphael's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of more fireworks and cheers from the people outside, 'maybe she is right' he thought to himself heading to the door outside. The street looked far more extravagant from the street itself opposed to his spot on the roof, the Raikage went all out for the celebration from the looks of it. The street was more lit up now than it had been during the tournament itself and that was saying something, it seemed to Raphael as though the Raikage had bottomless pockets to be able to afford such an amazing display just for something as small as a competition of genin fighting. The street was full of benders selling merchandise from the exams, little slushies of the competitors, shirts, flags, souvenir water packs and more. The Raikage must of pulled out all the stops as Raphael watched the entertainers, of all backgrounds, fire dancers, jugglers, high flying performers, the list went on every form of entertainment Raphael could think of was there all around him in the streets of his village. Raphael would walk around in a daze at everything he saw, he moved through the crowd doing his best to avoid bumping into anyone.


2A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Sat Mar 17, 2018 6:54 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

And then he would bump into someone.

Chigetsu hadn't apparently been watching where he had been going. The excitement and daze that the entire celebration was causing could perhaps excuse that he hadn't been the most aware of his surroundings, but that wasn't the sort of excuse that would convince many people of his innocence. The blaring lights and massive amounts of noise were much more than the poor boy normally had to deal with though. Even at its most exciting Kirigakure was never this garish. The people of the Land of Water had a determined independence that led to them mostly keeping to themselves, and as a result these sorts of huge explosive parties were completely foreign to the Hozuki boy. The explosions caused by the fireworks and cannons alone had been enough to nearly scare him right out of his pants. Really, Chigetsu wasn't suited for these sorts of events in the slightest. The longer he stayed in Kumogakure the longer it became very apparent that the culture shock was just too much for him to handle. The only reason he had been out perusing the streets in the first place was to hopefully find a nice street vendor to pick up some dinner from.

Luckily Chigetsu wasn't the most solid or firm in composition. Bumping into somebody wasn't much of a problem for them, giving his body had about all the solidity of a water balloon. The boy would just bounce right off of the solidity of the person he walked right into. He would stumble backward for a moment before falling onto the ground with a wet sounding splat. His liquid form would leave bit of dampness on the clothing of the person he had walked into, and where he had collapsed onto the ground would quickly have a small puddle form under his butt where he fell. The dinner that he purchased would collapse as well with him. Calling it dinner perhaps was a bit too kind, considering it was a bright red slushed contained in a plastic cup that Chigetsu had been sipping at from a straw. Nonetheless, it would be sent backward with him, and in his moment of clumsiness it would spill open and dump out all over Chigetsu's chest. It was already a great start to the night, with his slushy drenching and most likely staining the white long-sleeved shirt he had been wearing and leaving him absolutely freezing.  

The interrupting sound of another loud firework going off would make Chigetsu flinch further, his eyes closing shut as if the sound pained him. He almost looked as if he were getting ready to be beaten in the moment, cowering down under Raphael after bumping into him and falling. As the momentary popping of the firework would fade his flinching would as well, and Chigetsu would get a chance to look up at the person he had accidentally bumped into. Immediately his expression would change from the terror and confusion that it had been moments before into recognition. It was clear from his eyes that he remembered Raphael... "O-Oh!" He would call out while on the ground, speaking perhaps a bit louder than he needed to in an attempt to be heard over the crowd. "You're Rapheal! We did a mission together!" After that small moment of memory his expression would sink back into the fear that it had been. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to walk into you..." The boy would shift in an attempt to stand up, only to flinch again from the cold as bits of his red slushy shifted around and dripped down his chest. Being made out of water himself, Chigetsu was a bit sensitive to the cold, especially when it was just basically flavored frozen water that had been dumped on him. He had purchased it with the intention to allow it to melt and then suck up the flavored sugar water, and because of that the cup was nearly entirely full when it spilled down on him. Slowly the boy would rise, trying to brush the red frozen liquid from his already numbing torso. Using his hands to try to brush it away would just result in them getting rather sticky and coated with the cold red slush, the red flavoring in the slushie bleeding directly into Chigetsu's watery form and causing his hands to take on a rather red coloring.  "I didn't get any of my slushie on you, did I? I'm really sorry..."He would turn over to Raphael with a bit of a worried look, staring at his outfit.
[WC: 784]

3A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:26 am



It happen while Raphael was distracted, a flash and a bang drew the young shinobi's attention to the sky, and then suddenly he felt as though he had been hit with a water balloon. Raphael looked to where he was walking to see a boy around his age on the ground in front of him, covered in what looked to be a slushy. Feeling the dampness on himself, the young boy looked down at his own shirt to see if it was the slushy that spilled on him as well. Though it was hard to tell considering the fact that he was wearing a black shirt, it did not appear to be the same red liquid that covered the boy at his feet. Another flash and another bang brightened the night sky and revealed the boy's face, eyes that seemed squeezed so tightly that it was as if the boy expected that Raphael would hit him. That was not all the flash of the firework also brought to light the boy's features, though Raphael could not place the name at first he knew he recognized the face and began quickly searching his memory to find the boy's name. The boy opened his eyes and almost immediately the boy's expression seemed to display recognition. Raphael would twitch slightly when the boy mispronounced his name while speaking of them doing a mission together, it was something that had bugged him for as long as he could remember,. The young shinobi hated when people pronounced his name wrong, his upbringing being so strict and precise it was viewed as an insult among the Kozai that almost always would result in a fight, to mispronounced the name of someone else. However the mention of a mission together sparked the memory of the boy's name that Raphael was searching for, it was Chigetsu of the hidden mist village, he remember the mission he had with the boy and the mispronouning of his name faded from thought. Chigetsu quickly apologized for walking into him as he moved to stand, but seemed to flinch as he did so, Raphael could only assume that the slushy must of been really cold and the cold night air probably did not help matters. Once the boy made it to his feet he asked if the slushy got on Raphael, as he looked him over. "It is ok Chigetsu no slushy on me, and the fault was my own I was distracted by the fireworks and was not watching where I was going." Raphael replied with a friendly smile, though he did notice that the boy was now shivering and his white shirt was now stained red from the slushy. "I am really sorry about that, please allow me to buy you another one." He said pointing to the now empty cup on the ground where the boy had fallen, "I will even buy you some new clothes so that you can get out of the soaked ones, that should help right?" Raphael did not know what he was talking about, he had never been in a situation where he apologized for something nor had he been in a situation where he actually cared. He hoped the boy would not be upset about his drink and accept his apology, and if the boy accepted the offer of new clothes he would quickly walk to the nearby souvenir shop and get the boy some new clothes before returning to him. "My apartment is just around the corner if you want we can go there and you can change and clean up."


4A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:27 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

The male would sigh in relief as Raphael confirmed he wasn't accidentally slushed by the spilled slushy. Even if Chigetsu had been bombed by it, it was at least comforting to know that he hadn't accidentally gotten anyone else in the spill. The presence of a friendly smile would set the male at ease. With how dazed he was the mission that he spent with Raphael was a bit of a far-off memory, but he could at least remember that he seemed nice enough. Anyone who would willingly partner with Chigetsu in a situation like that couldn't have been a bad person. Chigetsu would be unable to not return such a friendly smile, giving a small apologetic smile back. Chigetsu would have wrapped his arms around his chest in the meanwhile, the cold of the slushie beginning to seep into him. "Thank you, but you really don't have to do anything..." Quickly he would rub his arms at his sides, trying to regain a little bit of the warmth he had lost. The shirt he had been wearing was long sleeved but made of a rather light material that let the ambient chill in the air pass right through, not to mention anything of what he spilled on himself. The boy still wasn't entirely used to the climate of Kumogakure, and so what might have seemed like a rather temperature night to a native of the Land of Lightning was freezing to Chigetsu. "It's way too cold to be getting anything like that anyway, I think it was sort of a mistake to get it in the first place." He would laugh awkwardly at it. The idea of getting another slushie while he was shivering like this was a pretty unappealing ideal, even if they were probably delicious. Even though he hadn't had any dinner the cold had almost totally killed his appetite.  

The offer for new clothing though... Chigetsu would take a few moments to think about that one before quickly nodding his head. Having somebody he had just met buy him something so quickly made Chigetsu feel shameful, but he wasn't in the position where he could refuse the offer. The shirt he was currently wearing was probably stained beyond any repair, with the massive red circle from the slushy bleeding through. He could feel the cold and sticky wetness against his chest now. The entire sensation was incredibly disgusting, feeling whatever that sugary syrup they used in the slushie drip down his bare skin. The shirt itself stuck to his chest too in the most disgusting way that was only made worse by how cold it was. As soon as he could Chigetsu wanted to burn this shirt. "Y-Yes, please..." He would nod slowly towards Raphael as he offered, waiting patiently until the male came back with the new change of clothing. Chigetsu would be fiercely shivering as Raphael returned, holding himself tightly. "I'm so sorry to cause you any trouble... If there's anything I can do to pay you back for your kindness, please say so." Chigetsu would be prepared to follow the other boy to his apartment as he had offered, wanting more than anything to find someplace warm to stay. His own room was quite a distance from the celebration, Chigetsu having been staying in one of the cheapest motels he could find while in Kumogakure, so being able to find some temporary warmth closer and in a probably much nicer room was a pleasant thought.


5A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:59 pm



Raphael could not help but smile when the boy apologized for causing trouble and offered to repay his kindness, "No worries my friend, I do not do this thinking of how you will repay me. I do this because it is the right thing to do, if you really wish to pay me back then all you must do is pass along this kindness. Should you find someone else in need of help or something, I only hope that you will show them the same kindness I have shown to you." With that said Raphael would lead the boy to his apartment, it would be a short trup as his apartment was just a few blocks away from where he had bumped into the boy. Once they got to the third floor of the building Raphael would show the boy inside, "Welcome to my humble abode, the bathroom is down the hall to the left, there should be a bag in there that you can put your wet clothes in until they can get washed." Raphael's apartment was for the most part bare, holding only the essentials such as furniture, and very few decorations but it was just the way he liked it. He had been letting another friend of his stay during the Chuunin Exams, but with the festival going on Raphael assumed that Tenjin was out celebrating like everyone else. While the boy was getting cleaned up Raphael made his way to the kitchen and put some water on to boil to make some tea, although he was not sure that the boy drank tea he would still be able to offer it.

Once the boy had finished and returned from down the hall Raphael would offer Chigetsu a cup of tea as he sat down on the couch and offered the boy a seat as well. "We did not get to talk much after our mission, but at least we ran into each other again." Raphael stated then realizing how they actually ran into each other he let out a small chuckle, "although I did not mean for it to be literal of course." Raphael would smile at the boy as he sat his tea down on the table in front of the couch, "so tell me how have you enjoyed your stay here in the hidden cloud? You have not run into any problems with anyone or anything have you?" Raphael asked as he knew from his talks with some of the higher ranking shinobi's that under a formwe Raikage there was tension between the two village's. Something he had seen himself the day he first met Chigetsu with the proctor being so rude to him for no reason other than him being a mist shinobi.

The fireworks and celebrations continued on outside as the boy's sat in the warmth of Raphael's apartment, although should the boy wish to return to the celebration rather than sip tea Raphael would understand and accompany him, asking the question above though slightly louder due to having to speak over all of the noise.


6A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:58 am

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu would find himself smiling too, despite himself. Even with how disguising and cold he felt in the moment, somehow Raphael brought him up into good spirits. "Even if you say that, I'll find a way to repay you someday. I'll do my best to pass it along, but..." A harsh shiver would run through his body, and the boy would sniffle suddenly. The cold had already turned the boy's pale complexation slightly flushed. The very real threat of catching a cold was beginning to creep up on him. As strong as the urge to protest further about not paying back his debt in some way was within Chigetsu, he would simply nod his head and accept what had been said. He would allow the other to lead him. The closeness of Raphael's apartment was a very fortunate for Chigetsu too. As far as he initially knew Raphael could have been referencing somewhere much further, just by luck he managed to avoid too much more of the cold.

The cozy atmosphere within Raphael's apartment was instantly comforting. The bare nature of it reminded Chigetsu strongly of home, with his own living conditions back in the Mist Village being very similar. He could almost close his eyes and pretend that he was back at home if he only ignored the lack of moisture in the air. The new armth flowing through him again was the most comforting. The familiarity would only be appreciated for a moment before the male would rush forth to where Raphael directed him. Exactly as was mentioned, Chi would go down the hall and to the left to enter the bathroom. Normally he wouldn't have rushed so quickly to enter somebody else's bathroom, but the sticky and disgusting mess his made out of his shirt would be the male's first priority. How eager he was to get rid of it was apparent by how the door to the bathroom hadn't even been closed behind him as he entered. The shirt would practically be peeled off his skin. The way it was removed was possibly the most uncomfortable thing that Chigetsu could imagine at the moment, with the fabric sticking tightly to his skin and having to be pulled off as if it were a tight fitting plastic wrap. It would be crumpled up into a ball and placed into the bag that Raphael had mentioned.  

Even with the shirt removed a bit of that stickiness remained. The slushy had bled through the shirt and against his skin, leaving a big red mark on his chest exactly where it had been on his skin. With a bit of water from the sink and a fresh towel it would be easily cleaned off, but still, a bit of that redness would remain. A bit of the cherry flavoring had soaked into his body where the slushy had spilled, both on his chest and in his fingers after he tried to scoop it off himself. Both of these areas were tainted red with the cherry coloring, and because it had seeped inside his body it wasn't so easily removable. A bit of scrubbing with a towel and warm water would just lead to frustration. He would need something along the lines of a hot shower to really wash it out of his skin, which would have to wait until he got back to his own little motel room he was renting out. The souvenir shirt that Raphael had purchased would be quickly slid on before Chigetsu returned from the bathroom.  

As Raphael offered, Chigetsu would take the cup of tea and sit down on the couch beside the other. Rather than immediately drink out of it he would simply let it rest in his hand, the warmth from freshly boiled tea warming his still chilled extremities. Once he could feel his fingertips again, he would begin drinking the tea and responding to Raphael's questions in between each of his small sips. "I'm sorry for running into you again. I'm too clumsy. It's something I really need to work on..." He would sigh, staring down into his cup. "For the Cloud Village though..." Chigetsu would bite down at his lower lip for a moment before responding, weighing his words within his mind for a few seconds. "I was really excited to make the journey. I had never left the Land of Water before, and... this is a little bit embarrassing, but as soon as I got to the Cloud Village I got really sick at first." A small smile would grace his face, and he would let out a bit of uncomfortable laughter at his own misfortune. "Before now, I hadn't ever seen a mountain before in person. I saw them in pictures, but it isn't the same. The Land of Water doesn't have anything like it, which is why I think I got sick at first. Rising up so high so fast didn't work well for me at first... As soon as I was able to get used to it, things have been nice. It's just so different... Have you ever been to Kirigakure? I don't know if I can really explain it very well."


7A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:46 am



Raphael understood all too well what the boy meant about the higher altitude of the mountain, he had a similar experience himself when he first arrived in the cloud villages. Though if he was being honest with himself he had not connected the high altitude with why he had been queasy, as he thought it had been from his injuries and travelling so far. When the boy asked about whether or not he had been to Kirigakure, Raphael would shake his head. "Alas no I have not, however I have read about it and I do plan to make a trip in the future just so I can say I have been there. Maybe when that day come you could show me around, introduce me to the seven Swordsmen and everything." Raphael winked at the part of the seven Swordsmen, though he did not know if the boy knew them or not he just assumed that since he was from there he knew them.

If the boy were to say something that contradicted this assumption Raphael would quickly apologize for jumping to conclusions and being so rude, before trying to change the subject to something else. However if the boy confirmed the assumption that he did truly know even just one of the swordsman Raphael would spend the rest of the night asking him as much as he could about what they were like and if the rumors about them were true.

No matter which way the conversation went after a few hours or so, Raphael would yawn as he realized how tired he actually was when he saw that it was already four in the morning. "Oh man is it late, I am sorry Chigetsu I did not mean to keep you up so late. You are more than welcome to crash here if you like, as it appears the one that has been staying here is not coming back tonight. Get some rest and we can talk more in the morning." Raphael said with a stretch as he got up and headed towards the linen closet to grab some sheets for the boy to use on the couch. "Oh before I forget my neighbor has a little girl, Akira, she has a habit of breaking into my apartment so if you wake up and see her staring at you or anything that's why." Raphael stated coming back with the sheets and a pillow, "she scared the life out of me my first morning here, waking up to this six year old hovering just a few inches from my face," he added with a chuckle. "That girl I swear even when I lock all the windows and doors, she manages to get in and out without making a sound or leaving a trace." He paused again before adding, "she will make one hell of a shinobi one day." With that said and his guest taken care of the boy headed back to the bedroom to get some sleep.

{Exit Thread}

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8A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Empty Re: A Night of Celebration (Chigetsu/NK) Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:00 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

"If you plan to make a trip in the future to come there, I'd be glad to let you stay with me during your stay. It's the least I could do to help you." He would break out into laughter as Raphael mentioned the seven swordsmen though. "I don't know if I can do that though. I've only ever seen them and never met them or anything, even though I really want to..." The male would pout a bit at the thought now. "They're not so easy to just make an appointment with to meet. They probably have so many other things to do. Maybe we could try to meet with them together when you visit though? I'm sure we'll have more luck together." Chigetsu would did his best to answer further questions about the seven swordsmen whenever Raphael brought them up. Even though he had never been able to truly speak with any of them, Chigetsu was a bit of a fan. Their names and swords were memorized in his mind, along with their faces and a bit of basic information. Chigetsu would take it as an opportunity to talk about his own passion in a sense, obsessing over these famous swordsmen. It was something he could really relax and speak about without having to worry about his own nervousness. Before he knew it, they were both lost in conversation, speaking about swords and swordsmen for the next few hours.  

Chigetsu wouldn’t have noticed the lateness either, allowing himself to get completely lost in the moment. With a roof above him and warm cup of tea there was little for him to complain about, and so the time fly by much faster than he would have expected. As Raphael mentioned the lateness Chigetsu would blink, only then noticing how tired his eyes were. Suddenly he felt very heavy, with how the lateness of the night weighed down on him. Or maybe it was the earliness of the morning? At this point it was difficult for the boy to tell. The offer to stay over at Raphael's apartment provoked a bit of a stir in his chest, but that little flutter of emotion would be cast aside in an instant. It was much too cold still to go out and try to make the journey back to his own apartment. Going outside again after being nearly chilled to death earlier was something that Chigetsu was not eager at all to do. The sheets provided would be carefully laid down over the couch. The warning of the little girl, Akira, didn't seem to surprise him all too much. The idea of a little girl breaking into and watching him sleeping reminded Chigetsu much too much of Akari Kaguya back in the Mist Village. The thought of Akari sneaking up to watch him sleep was almost enough to make him laugh, although with how she was Chigetsu would expect her to try and use it as an opportunity to sneak attack him rather than just watching. Chigetsu would nod away the warning, and as Raphael left he would make himself comfortable down on the couch.

Bukijutsu C - B [-2000]
D-Ranked Jutsu: Hozuki Bukijutsu [-750] [-80 Ryo]
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