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1Multiple jutsu training. Empty Multiple jutsu training. Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:51 pm



Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

The tapping of Kenny's foot upon the rooftops of Konohagakure were repetitive as they were annoying. The people living in the houses below began to become irritated by the fact that he had been doing this for hours, just laying up there, listening to his music and tapping away. They didn't mind the fact that he was just cooling down but the fact that it was now in the early hours of the morning and he had woken them up. Not many people would have been pleased with that but Kenny needed to fresh air...his sickness from that morning had woke him up and know what happens next. Anyway, his golden eyes, half glazed over from still being tired, scanned the dark skies as the stars littered the black canvas set before was rather pretty...very pretty actually. He just smirked as he continued to stare was just so soothing and...he wanted to go back to sleep...but he couldn't...he had to work for the kage soon and if he overslept again...he'd probably get punted from the village and given a shitty job. Kenny has had enough crap jobs in his time...with all the Kage has laughed at him for...least it was something to remember him by. Laughing slightly to himself, he stopped his tapping and pushed himself upright, over looking the village. So peaceful and serene it was...shame they were to wake soon and ruin the fleeting beauty.
He let out a frustrated sigh and got to his feet, fixing his orange cap and black over coat, he shoved his hands into his pockets and front flipped into the air, his wind chakra giving him that extra boost as he seemingly vanished into thin air.

“I need to do something to pass the time at least...maybe a new jutsu?” He mumbled as he pulled out one of his jutsu scrolls which he bought from the Kage himself. He had gone a bit over board with his sudden pay rise but nothing wrong with wanting to learn a few new jutsu before meeting with his sensei. They didn't start off on good terms, nor did they leave on good terms so maybe he liked a challenge. Kenny planned on trying to get on his sensei's good side...he couldn't understand it, Kenny felt the sudden urge, no...need! To get his sensei's approval. To make him proud but...maybe the sensei had no time for him...maybe he did want Kenny out his squad...No...Kenny couldn't give up...not till he was at least sure of it.
Grunting and swinging his hand to the side in frustration, Kenny glinted his eyes and began to slowly walk through the village, his black leather boots tapping with each step as he strolled down the road before stopping across from the shinobi memorial...Aoi...a memory from when he was a child shot straight to the surface...dismissing it as almost as quick as it surfaced. Now wasn't the time to start grieving. Kenny had enough time back then and has enough time later. Just not now.

“This spot will be perfect for this...” He said calmly, pulling out three kunai from under his sleeves, he caught them. One in each hand and the other with his index finger through the ring of the blade. Okay doke then... this jutsu is fairly simple.

“First I'm going to send these to that tree, then I'm going to set my self through the air...Seems I'll have fun with this jutsu for a time to come.” He smiled, cracking his neck as he began to twirl the one kunai on his finger around and around before flicking all three into the air. Right...if he got this right, he'd not only destroy the trunk of a tree but also propel himself through the air at a good enough speed. Effective since it's also offensive if used right...shame there were no targets. Shrugging, Kenny returned his focus back to the matter at hand. He leaped into the air, just above the kunai which he threw into the air. He took in a large breath of air, the air and his futon strengthening two fold before blasting out a large gust of air. The kunai shot to the ground as he went into the air...away and losing three kunai as he was propelled into the streets of Konoha and destroying a cabbage stall...Kenny twitched as, for a moment, he thought he heard someone scream “My cabbages! NOOOOOO!!”

Meh...must've been his imagination.

Word Count: 748/500


“I'm entrusting you with this small task. Do it with the utmost discretion. Failure is not an option.”

The villager said, scratching the back of his neck as he handed a slip to Kenta's hand, taking it and putting it neatly into his pocket; Kenny nodded and turned around to make his way to the designated target. The villager turning away and leaving the scene as Kenny slipped through an alley-way round the corner from where he originally was, hiding from the rest of the Konoha eyes before climbing up the side of a building, the darkness giving him cover, helping him to avoid being seen. The urge to look at what the slip contained, Kenny's eyes would now and then make their way down to his pocket as he leaped from roof to roof at quick speeds, the wind hitting off him as he vaulted over railings, slid under pipes that littered roofs and jumped over gaps; he was determined to get this done quickly so he could get to his training. Another C-Rank it seemed for him to learn, seemed easy enough seeing as though he had now recovered from his earlier encounter with a chimney near the gates of Konoha. his designated target location...the girl should be here...ah. Kenny nodded as he peered into the house window that exposed a woman, slipping on a nightdress. She'd been getting ready to get her beauty sleep, shame it's going be disrupted by having to read this petty letter. He reached into his pocket and concentrated his Futon chakra to shroud his right hand and letter as he brought it up past his head as he aimed for the small crack between the window and the ledge. Confident, he swung his hand, releasing the letter, as it hurtled towards the crack and smoothly sliding under it and hitting the woman on the back of the leg. She'd obviously been confused by what hit her but Kenny had already made his disappearance. Love didn't have the balls to do it himself...well at least his tab was cleared. Good thing too cause Kenny had bought more than he could bargain for when he was last back at the dumpling shop. Ah well, all clear now so Kenny could back to training and that guy was gonna have to deal with if this woman liked it or not...either way it wasn't Kenny's problem, he did his job and that was the agreement.

“Right...time to get some target practice...maybe go hunt outside the walls...I'm sure the jounin wont say nothing more of it.” He mumbled, cracking his knuckles as he slowly walked to the front gates hoping that he didn't get stopped and questioned...the one with the brown hair was nice enough but the other was a complete ass. A mega ass! Always creating shit for nothing...attention seeking whore.

“Might as well get this over and done with then. It seems that he's busy anyway.”

Kenny mumbled as he progressed towards the gates, the brown haired jounin stepping out and waving at him, his kind smile showing as he placed a hand on his hip. Oh good. The nice one. He could see the other ninja getting annoyed at the fact that he couldn't intervene and stop Kenny. It brought a smirk to Kenny's face as he waved back the nice jounin.

“Off to hunt are we?”

The man asked, smiling his bright white teeth down at Kenny as he nodded in reply, smiling back and copying his body language. Loose and carefree. The man smiled and shook his head as he stepped to the side and gestured for Kenny to continue while making yet another gesture but this time a more offensive one to the other jounin. Kenny laughed and quickly made his exit from the scene. That was easier than expected, about time the mean ninja got a shit ton of work. Whenever Kenny showed up, it was always the nice one being left with the paperwork. About time he got a break. The jounin knew that Kenny had a habit of going out of the village from time to time to go and hunt some game for tomorrow's dinner and was always more than welcome to come over for food and sometimes did to get away from his girlfriend and her excessive nagging and PMS-ing. Kenny enjoyed his company seeing as though he did a brilliant expression of the Hokage and Naota. Nothing more made Kenny laugh than his goofy expression.

Kenny's feet stopped in their tracks as he examined his surroundings, the forest quiet as ever as. The same every night and the same for the past few months. It hadn't been raining heavy for awhile now so the forest was ever so pretty and quiet. The sound of a few insects making calls to one another as the owls hooted silently as they hid above the treetops from the eyes of the world. Kenta was a fair distance from the village now and had found little in finding some game for him to catch...the animals were probably sleeping at this time but...there was a sudden rush in the air as it swirled around Kenny, turning and looking around in confusion.

Maybe it was about to ready this brand new jutsu that Kenny had been meaning to train...He pulled out two senbon and readied himself as the two senbon were placed in between his index finger and middle finger, the wind beginning to pick up as he heard a ruffling of bushes not too far behind him. His eyes would narrow as his hand raised up past his head as he aimed for the bush, waiting for whatever it was to jump out when a boar lunged from the bushes, eyes red and bloodshot as it snorted and charged at Kenta, knocking him over as well as the senbon. He was took by surprise. With a thud, the grass and dirt flew into the air around the now downed Kenta as the boar lunged upon him and Kenta holding the boar back with his arm, pushing it back by the neck as it would snap at his face. The weight of the beast becoming too much as Kenny's arm would slowly give in and the jaws getting loser and closer as the saliva dripped all over his face and neck, bile beginning to make it's way up his throat as he fought back the urge to purge up the contents of his stomach, the smell of the breath and saliva becoming too much. Concentrating his chakra to his lungs, Kenny drew in a long breath as he released it, sending the boar through the air as it hit the ground , grunting upon impact. Getting up, he wiped his face, removing the putrid substance from his face, now dripping from the sleeve of his jacket. Damn it, he let the thing catch him off guard. Might as well et some practice...he couldn't take it in as food due to the fact that this thing seemed rabid so it could have something wrong with it.

The boar got up, grutning and sneezing, shaking it's head wildly as it's evil eyes shook, concentrating on Kenny as he formed a handseal, the wind around him beginning to swirl around him as he took in a deep breath, forging the once free wind now being compressed into balls inside his throat, a slight gagging feeling coming over him as the bullets began to take form. The releasing of these bullets were going to expand them of course but the since it's a first try at the jutsu, Kenny didn't have a great hold over the technique but now wasn't the time to complain. The boar dragged back it's front left hoof before charging off at Kenny as he continued to create more and more bullets before shooting them all out at once, making the once intact boar now a shower of blood and fur, drenching him completely; dousing him with a putrid smell...Kenny gagged and turned away before throwing up...the smell took control and forced him...He looked up, wiping his mouth from the leftovers.

“well...that was fun.”

word Count: 1368/1000


Kenny chuckled slightly, covering his mouth as he giggled away, villagers looking more confused by the minute as he held his stomach in pain from the excessive laughter. Kenny woke feeling refreshed oh so full of energy and...just plain hyper. Which was a very strange quality for Kenny to even show since he was usually brooding or just cold. He managed to catch his breath for a brief moment, tears strolling down his cheeks as his golden eyes begged for him to stop. He had an idea in his mind which he so wanted to do but just...wouldn't because he'd probably get in to trouble but it was the image he had in his head that made him laugh even more... Onlookers walked on in confusion, some stopping and murmuring between each other before Kenny jumped into the air, twirling and his chakra giving him an extra boost as he drew in a long breath before shooting out a large blast from his mouth while shouting the words:


Flying through the air, he laughed in delight before his back skelped off of one of the chimneys, destroying it instantaneously and sending him spinning in pain, white dust trailing off behind him as he soared through the air and into the distant. His new found jutsu was now his greatest choice of amusement. There hadn't been a day that had gone by without him using the jutsu once. Though he just destroyed the ground and a cabbage stall, Kenny sooner or later landed in a nearby bale of hay that was set aside for the horses. Granted it gave him comfort but he did just fuck his back off the side of a chimney so it wasn't until he passed out and woke a few hours later, still in pain, that he slid off the bale of hay and groaned, clutching his back...oh mother of all fuckery, the pain! Kenny bit his lip as a shot of pain slithered up his spine...oh dear christ. It hurt like fuck. Maybe he learned his lesson...hehe, no he didn't.

He sat down against a wall, straightening his back and relieving some pain from the hit, giving him some time to wander on what to do as he waited for the pain to ease down a bit, granted he had to go to the hospital sooner or later, he rummaged about his pocket for a bit before pulling out a scroll. Oh look...a jutsu scroll...might as well train another thing...He only had about ten jutsu to back him up which wasn't good enough for a chuunin of konoha...hell, probably the other chuunin had more than he did...that's what being lazy is gonna do to you. So remember kiddies; Don't be lazy shits all your life. Stay in school.

Righty-o then...time to learn a jutsu while practically crippled. Kenny smirked thinking I shall be the first to do this! Hahahah!! Those bitches ain’t got shit on this hoe! before he blinked a couple of times wondering where in the name of jehebus that sentence came wasn't like him in the slightest...never mind that now, he could question his sanity later down the line, preferably after perfecting this jutsu here.

Kenny read over the scroll, examining each and every word before him before setting it down to his side, the pain still lingering and floating around like a little bitch not giving a fuck...that chimney did a number on his back...groaning, he lifted himself up slightly before gently placing himself back down, now in a more upright position. More comfortable too if I do say so myself. So basically, all Kenny had to do was clap his hands and create a big gust of wind...seems straight forward enough. Rubbing his hands together, warmth from the friction beginning to seep into the palm of both hands while he concentrated his futon, a faint and thin line of wind, to the palm of his hands as he concentrated once more, his full focus put into creating this though he did not seem to take in the amount of chakra he was applying into this single shot of air and...well you'll find out in a minute.

He distanced his hands further apart, the wind on his palms beginning to swirl in a circular motion so smoothly and with ease. Ah the joys of Futon chakra. Kenny smiled as he slapped his hands together and almost instantly, a huge burst of wind shot all directions, including Kenny's causing him to be embedded into the wall of the building which he was resting on his legs to shoot apart and his hands to fly back into the wall too...
The pain from before? Yeah, just tenfold now because of this damned jutsu. Kenny groaned as he peeled his half broken body from the building, crawling a few feet away to catch his breath before slowly getting to his feet, panting from exhaustion. Seriously...why every time he trains, he gets thumped by a brush, a dog, a child, harassed or broke? Life as a ninja truly was difficult...surely he wasn't the only one to have this kind of luck? Well...everyone he knows seems to do well for being a ninja...well fuck...Kenny was a fine example of a ninja(!)

Finally catching his breath, Kenny bent backwards, some bones cracking as he did; the blood flowing through as he released a sigh of relief. It was amazing. Simply put. Slouching back forward, Kenny shook his body about before he attempted the jutsu one more time. Doing the same as before, concentrating the chakra to his hands and forcing the futon to make an appearance around his palms before he distanced them both from each other; both hands now at his sides, he brought his hands in front of him, hitting together and forcing the chakra to shoot forward and it worked surprisingly. The wind blast did indeed shoot forward as planned and created a rather large cut on a tree not too far in front of him. The cut wasn't deep or anything but it was a cut none the less...

Pleased with learning yet another jutsu, he took a deep breath and decided to release yet another gust of wind from his mouth, sending him through the air as...he was re-united with the chimney from before...

word Count: 1155/1000


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