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Wolfgang walked threw the woods and looked to his left and his right, he saw the trees embracing him, he did not like the surroundings, he had never gotten used to trees and whatnot since he had lived in swamps and lakes all of his life so the nice weather and the forrests were never his thing.

Wolfgang then thought back on his encounter with the assassin, he did not remember why the hell they were attacking him, but he did remember that he didnt feel it, it made him think about his life again, the fact that he felt no pain, and that it was because he had been thrown down the stairs as a kid right before he had killed his parents, he had changed so much since then, for he was once a killer. Wolfgang used to murder people haphazardly for fun, he had changed due to being told to join the anbu black ops, giving his life reason and meaning, though he still had the background thoughts of one day trying to kill the mizukage and becoming her job, the power was a nice thought, but he had seen her fight and she was a terifying lady and he respected her, there were only three people that Wolfgang Respected in Kiri, the Mizukage, Tenmei, and his apprentice Kusono.

As he thought he had been walking straight, he had lost track of his thoughts and had wandered into a cave, he was pretty deep in the cave and was at the moment in a tall cavern, 20m tall and around 15m around, there were multiple boulders around so Wolf took the chance to sit down and take a breather, as he lay he kept his eyes open, looking at the 3 entrances repeatedly to make sure that no one came in and caught him unaware, though he kind of hoped that someone would meet him here, he was quite bored after all...
WC 325

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko was pretty bored that day. he'd just gotten out of training with his rival yuzu ren, and was still a bit agitated. Despite that, her had some time to cool down, and was now back out in taki on his own. He had been traveling to the hero arena, but then realized something. It seemed that the majority of the major events in his life right now had occurred here. his training with yuzu, getting his sharingan, him coming to terms with hideki's death, the chuunin exams. While it had become somewhat "tradition" for him to travel here, he realized he hadn't actually seen the rest of this new village, and decided that he wanted to for once. So instead of going to the arena, he traveled to the very outskirts of the village, walking across until he came upon a large cave that had an opening right in front of him. He didn't think much of the what if hypothetical scenarios of what could happen to him while he was down there, so he traveled into it.

It was kinda dark, but there were some torches that lined up against the wall. He kept walking, getting deeper and deeper into it until he came up to another entrance. He went through it, looking around to see two other entrances into this one room one on each side of him. He then looked straight, and saw a very bizzare sight. there was what appeared to be a man of great proportional size. He was insanely bulky, was bald, and his head appeared to lack skin, Only his brain, muscles and skull. Toshiko figured it was a tattoo, but that didn't prevent chills from running down his spine when he took a look at the guy that was in front of him. Despite that, he gave off a slight smile, and waved to the man.

"hey there! I"m Toshiko. Toshiko Uzumaki. it's um... It's a pleasure to meet you."

He held out his right hand, and stared at the guy with his right eye. His left sharingan eye was still under the eyepatch, and he'd keep it that way unless it was needed. He gave off a big smile, trying not to show any hostile intentions to this burly man.

Word Count: 394

394/575 C-C-1 Endurance

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:34 am; edited 2 times in total



Wolfgang saw a man walk into the room, the kid seemed to be around 14 years old, though he was pretty tall for the age he looked, he had a mop of brown hair that spiked outwards, he wore a jumpsuit made of a black material, on his face he wore an eye patch on his eye, which made wolfgang quite curious as of why he wore it, it could either be a Dojutsu of some sort or just an injury...that or the person had a weird thing with pirates.
The kid walked right up to Wolfgang and he then reconized the kid somewhat, he had seen him around the village over the pas few days, though not very often , it was cool to see him in person, he looked very formidable for a Chuunin, over the years Wolfgang was able to know the rank of someone by looking how they approached people, a genin was timid in their approach, Chuunin were a mixture of Cocky and Slow, due to being put higher, a Spec jounin was not timid but not cocky , and any higher didnt give a shit because they were the top shit.
The kid brought out his hand out to shake it, when he did wolfgang met his hand and gave a strong handshake, not enough to hurt the kid, but enough to give his strengh a small hint, and after he finisehd talking Wolfgang answered in his deep gravely voice, sounding evil without anger,
Hello there young man, I am Miho...but call me Wolfgang, and it is a pleasure to meet someone of the fabled Uzumaki lack the red hair...unfortunate, but to have a Kekkei Genkai is a good thing, I am the Leader of the Osada clan, what brings you down to these dank dark caverns Toshiko he smiled as he streched his arms backward, making his tank top show off his other many tattoos, though none on his chest due to his Jet black anbu covering his Lion Tattoo, but his two arms were blazoned with flames and blades, and the other was skeletal tattooed now, with muscles and bones and sinew tattooed covering his arm...

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

The man met Toshiko's handshake, gripping firmly. Possibly with the intent to show off his own strength. Toshiko's hand wasn't hurt, but he did definitely feel the power of the man's muscles.

Hello there young man, I am Miho...but call me Wolfgang, and it is a pleasure to meet someone of the fabled Uzumaki lack the red hair...unfortunate, but to have a Kekkei Genkai is a good thing, I am the Leader of the Osada clan, what brings you down to these dank dark caverns Toshiko

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Wolfgang. and um yea.... My mom was an uzumaki. My dad was from a different clan. I got her eyes and personality, and i got his hair and looks.

he got lost in thought after bringing up his mother and father. He remembered being with the two together when he was young, playing at the park. and then, he remembered the night his father put an axe in her back. The thought was still vivid and in full detail even though it had been lingering in the back of his mind for ages. He was lost in the horrible thought for a few moments, and then came to, holding his head and shaking it as he came back to reality.

"Sorry about that. I um.....

He attempted to disregard what had just happened, and went back to what wolfgang was saying.

"Yea. i suppose kekkai genkai can be pretty beneficial. and wow. It's an honor to meet the leader of such a respectable clan. What brings me here? Well, i'll be honest with you. I don't really know. I was just looking for something to do and i stumbled upon here.

Toshiko took a few moments of silence to let his words sink in as wolfgang stretched his arms back showing off the plethora of tattoos he had acquired on his body. It was half strange, and also pretty amazing. While Toshiko had heard of the clan, he was pretty ignorant when it came to villagers and clans outside of Konohagakure. so, he took it upon himself to ask wolfgang.

"Um pardon me for asking, but what village are you from?"

Word Count:393

575/575 C-C-1 Endurance

212/600 C-1-C-2 Endurance

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:35 am; edited 2 times in total



The kid seemed to have a mental problem of some sort, not in the offensive way, he grabbed his head and shook it, which meant he went threw some sort of bad experiance and was remembering it, Wolfgang knew the look well, he had done it for years, as he came out of it Wolfgang mentioned,
Bad experiance or memory, i wont ask, but i know how you feel, the kid then mentioned that a Kekkei Genkai is very beneficial, and he praised him on his Position, though from the look in the kids eyes he wasnt that sure what his clan really was, Wolfgang felt inclined to inform him on his village and his clan,
I am from the Village Hidden in the Mists, Personally i Live in the Osada Compound South of the Main city, My clan, the Osada are a Special clan, we helped form the village and have been a main part of the village for 100 years He smiled as he stoof up from his boulder, towering over the smaller ninja, he already could tell that the ninja was from the Leaf village, he then said in a joking tone,
You may have heard my name, back when i was younger, Wolf the Beast, or The the Beast Hidden in the Mist, do you have any alias young ninja, and on another note, would you be interested in a scrap, my muscles are rusty being here so long doing nothing, and the leaf are fortold to have very strong ninja indeed He smiled and awaited an answer.
954 WC

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Bad experiance or memory, i wont ask, but i know how you feel

It was strange. Very strange. Toshiko had known wolfgang for not even a day, and he practically read him like an open book. It was nice to meet someone who not only could tell what he was going through, but could relate to it. It was a brief interaction, but it made Toshiko look at Wolfgang as a friend very quickly.

I am from the Village Hidden in the Mists, Personally i Live in the Osada Compound South of the Main city, My clan, the Osada are a Special clan, we helped form the village and have been a main part of the village for 100 years

Wolfgang was the leader of an 100 year old clan from kirigakure? It felt kinda weird to Toshiko. He was used to associating with normal everday ninja such as himself besides hs sensei who was the hokage. To meet someone of such importance was kinda exciting, and also motivated him to attempt and become relevant in the ninja world one day as well.

You may have heard my name, back when i was younger, Wolf the Beast, or The the Beast Hidden in the Mist, do you have any alias young ninja, and on another note, would you be interested in a scrap, my muscles are rusty being here so long doing nothing, and the leaf are fortold to have very strong ninja indeed.

"Any aliases? Well, not really. At leasat not yet. I'll come up with one sooner or later."

Toshiko smiled as wolfgang said the last few words in his statement. He smiled, realizing this was an invitation to a spar. He gripped his fists, and then laughed a bit. A spar with a guy as big and strong as Wolfgang? Toshiko didn't know how he'd hold up but it would be a fun challenge.]

[color=#0000ff]"Hmph. You wanna fight already? This should be fun! I'll leave you to make the first move.

Word Count: 340

552/600 C-1-C-2 Endurance

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:36 am; edited 2 times in total



OOC-we can chat whilst we spar :D

The kid had some balls, he had agreed readily, unfourtunatly he seemed to not have a alias or a nickname, the funny part was that he thought that he would make his own,
You earn a Alias or Nickname kid, i was given mine by the Pirates of Kirigakure, for the fear that i had insued into their hearts, youll get one soon...or die ahaha, He really wanted to see what this kid could do, he swiftly threw a senbon at the kids chest...aiming for a distraction, while the needle flew at the chuunin Wolfgang made the the Half Ram seal, then a horse seal then another half ram sign, he quickly made another set of handsigns, he performed two jutsus in rapid succession, the first covering him in an invisible aura of acid, if someone got close to him he would give off acid burns, though this jutsu was only a D rank jutsu, it was the first one that he had learned when he became a genin, which was why he could do them so quickly.

The second jutsu was a simple acid production, he drew the chakra into his mouth and shot his breath forward, what came from his mouth was a liquid spray of acid, this acid looked just like water, but on contact it causes first degree tissue damage, burning skin and blisters, it was no where near leathel which was what he meant to do, he really hoped the kid was still dodged it....all the while he realized that he was already having a good time...
1219 WC

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

You earn a Alias or Nickname kid, i was given mine by the Pirates of Kirigakure, for the fear that i had insued into their hearts, youll get one soon...or die ahaha

Toshiko laughed.

"Well then. I'll give you with the honor of providing me with one! I'll show you what i can do!"

Wolfgang didn't wait another moment to start. He took out a senbon and then threw it directly at Toshiko's chest. Toshiko kinda chuckled a bit when it came towards him. Was his opponent even trying? Toshiko side stepped just at the senbon was about to him him, and watched his opponent closely. His opponent was doing hand seals. What did Wolfgang have planned? Toshiko soon found out as Wolfgang opened his mouth, firing out a strange liquid towards Toshiko. It looked like water, but there was something a bit off about it, but it wasn't something that Toshiko wanted to find out. Quickly he ran to the left, rolling as the liquid passed over him and hit the ground. it didn't burn through the rock ground, but it bubbled strangely. What was this? It damn sure wasn't water, so what else could it be? Toshiko hadn't really seen an element like this..... Acid?

Toshiko had allowed his opponent to make the first move. It was his turn now. he stared Wolfgang dead in the eye and smiled as he formed the tiger hand seal.

"That was a nice try! Now it's my turn! Fire Style: Fire Clone Jutsu!"

After reciting the words, a poof of smoke appeared 3 meters to the left of Toshiko and from it came a physical manifestation of fire elemental chakra that took on his appearance. After Creating it, Toshiko took action. Him and his clone ran forward simultaneously, stopping at around the 5 meter mark and both jumped to the air, The real Toshiko going to the left, the clone going to the right. While in air Toshiko breathed in deeply, exhaling and then firing 10 fireballs the sizes of basketballs directly at wolf gang from above. The clone then formed the tiger hand seal, inhaled, and exhaled a large fireball also directed to hit wolfgang. There were 11 fireballs headed for wolfgang from above. Toshiko and his clone hit the ground 8 meters back on the opposite sides of wolfgang, and awaited to see the outcome of their attacks.


Word Count: 409

600/600 C-1-C-2 Endurance

361/700 C-2-C-3 Endurance

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:40 am; edited 2 times in total



His opponent was doing very well, luckily he dodged the spit, and he had countered right away, Suddenly the kid jumped backwards whilst making the Clones Handsign, and from him 2 clones came forth...Wolfgang smiled to himself, he would have made a two clones as well but he wanted to test something out first, a jutsu he hadnt used since he was in the land of Kumogakure.

As the Chuunin was doing his move, Wolfgang Made the horse seal then the Tiger seal, and suddenly around him a Bright Blue Mist formed and launched forth all around him at 40mps, this jutsu was a high ranked jutsu, but he needed to block all of this fireballs that were being launched at him, as well as attacking the kid he was testing out...if he was really a chuunin he would be able to deal with a A rank jutsu.
Lets see how you do against this Hot Stuff! ahahahahaha
The jutsu that he sent forth went all the way to each wall and the roof, it moved at a rapid pace and blocked the fireball, whic collided and dissapated with a boom, the many little fireballs sent forth were exploded on the wall of mist, Though the pure heat lowered the damage the mist could cause (2nd degree instead of 3rd) . Wolfgang stood ready to parry or dodge any further attacks.
Chakra- 205/250
Jutsu Used:

If this jutsu is too much just tell me :) i want to see how you do
WC 1451

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

After Toshiko and his clone fired the fireballs, Neither expected what would happen next. All Toshiko and his clone could see briefly was a bright blue light. Toshiko wasn't quick to react, but his clone was. The clone said nothing, Simply grabbed Toshiko's arm, and threw him forward with all his might, sending the real Toshiko flying across the room, landing at a group of boulders on the other side of the room. When the mist came by Toshiko's clone, it killed it instantaneously. Toshiko felt his chakra disappear, and knew that his clone was dead. What the hell was this jutsu wolfgang used? Was he trying to kill him? The top of Toshiko's left arm was hanging out of the group of boulders, and as the mist came by him at a great speed, it hit his kunckles and his fingers, burning it almost completely off instantly. There was an immense pain in his left hand, and he clenched his teeth, grunting at the pain. Slowly, He moved his left arm towards him, and stared at the wound. It was disgusting. It had almost completely taken all the flesh from his bones. The skin that had been affected was gone, and the leftover flesh was bubbling.

Toshiko yelled out to wolfgang.

"Hey! Come on! That shit hurt! What the hell was that? Acid?"

Toshiko's question was rhetorical. Though he had never experienced a burn or seen a jutsu like that. Toshiko stood up from the boulders now that the jutsu was gone, and stared at wolf with a cringe/smile on his face.

"Damn.... That got me well. You're pretty good Wolfgang. I can see why you're the leader of the Osada clan. I'm not finished yet though! Let's see how well you do in hand to hand combat!"

With those words, Toshiko hopped over the boulder, and went speeding for Wolfgang. Once they were in a 2 meter space area. Toshiko attacked. He aimed a roundhouse kick at the side of his head, and then pushed back. He then charged again with his still good right hand, and aimed a punch at Wolfgang's chest. After that attack, he aimed another kick with his left foot at the other side of his head.

Word Count: 392

Total Word Count: 1928

700/700 C-2-C-3 Endurance

53/575 C-C-1

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:42 am; edited 2 times in total



His attack was succesfull, the clone melted and was destroyed, and Wolfgang even caught a glimpse of the kids hand being hit, he was lucky that the jutsu was gaseous, if it was liquid it would have stuck to him and continued melting. The kid yelled out to him, he laughed deep in his belly, Dont tell me you Leaf ninja are wimps now? Ive used this on my genin back home, no wonder he was in the finals of the chuunin exam, aha But the kid smirked then, Wolfgang was already starting to like this kid, he made a remark on the hit, the skin on the kids hand was red and bubbled, he would need to put some lotion on that soon or it would be sore as hell, a direct hit from that jutsu could be leathel, he was just lucky he hadnt breathed any of it wreaked havoc on the lungs...

Toshiko then challenged him to hand to hand combat, he smirked and remembered that he still had his weak aura about him, he kept it there, all it could was cause red skin and blisters...and made up for his lack of taijutsu training, Wolfgang knew that he seriously lacked in his reaction speed, mainly due to his made him softer sometimes, and made it hard to dodge things...

And suddenly Toshiko rushed Wolfgang with a powerful roundhouse kick to the head, Wolfgang moved around the attack barely, and moved forwards with his head with all of his might on the Headband he wore, he aimed to headbutt toshiko directly in the face, and before he knew it there was a punch hitting him directly in the chest, he didnt have any time to dodge the instead he would use the way of the warrior...attack while being attacked...

As the punch came in Wolfgang swung forth his hand as well, aiming for the center of the chest, he knew that his strengh was stronger then this kids, (= to A-0) But he knew the air was out of his body from the attack....but he didnt feel it so he knew not whether or not he was injured or not, but he hoped that in the attack his opponent would forget about his own attack...As the next attack came at him he swung his fist at the leg, aiming to punch the ankle of toshikos leg in the attempt of slowing him down....he knew that his knuckle would take the brunt of toshikos attack...but he didnt care too much about that too much.

With a glance at his hand if his counter was effecitve he would see that one of his knuckle was dislocated, and slightly purple, the ninja he was fighting had a good hit...he liked was time that Wolfgang started his assault, first he aimed an axehandle at the shoulder area of his target, and then swinging himself around and aiming another axehandle at his head, knowing that his hits could cause concussions...then he took a risk he jumped forwards and tried to bearhug the kid, if he hit he would squeeze with all of his might, as well as causing blisters and red skin from the aura of acid around him...but only if the kid could dodge him...
(All contact with me causes 1st degree tissue damage, (reddening of the skin and blsiters) ) due tot he jutsu i activated with my acid spit
195 chakra
2012 WC

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Dont tell me you Leaf ninja are wimps now? Ive used this on my genin back home, no wonder he was in the finals of the chuunin exam, aha

wait. The finals of the chuunin exams? That made Toshiko a bit catious. The only two male genin from kirigakure that participated in the chuunin exams were Kusono kaguya who placed in second, and then his opponent Sero Osada. Which genin was Wolfgang referring to? Based on the clan that he lead, Toshiko would infer it was Sero. Sero had beat Toshiko in their fight due to disqualification. It was blatant, and wasn't really explained. Despite that, Sero was a cold opponent and seemed evil. Toshiko hoped that wolfgang didn't associate with Sero. That most likely meant he was a threat. Toshiko didn't show his concern with the statement, and simply laughed and spoke.

"Hey I'm not a wimp!"

Then, his attacks went through and something strange happened. His roundhouse kick had missed, and wolfgang came in for a headbutt. Toshiko's punch aimed at his opponent's chest Connected and he felt burns upon his right hand. It was similar to the burns he'd experienced from the first jutsu, but not as bad. Once Toshiko felt it, he grunted, Realizing that Wolfgang had probably coated himself in an aura of the acid he used to attack him the first time. As toshiko's punch came in, Wolfgang followed with his. Toshiko Felt the great pain in his right arm after the attack. He felt his hand swell and felt one of his knuckles crack up.  As his kick came to meet wolfgang, Wolf wound try to punch his leg. Toshiko couldn't have that great pain putting a damper on his speed. He put his left wounded arm in front of the kick, and it connected with Wolfgang's punch causing great pain and another sound of cracking as if his bone broke. Even with Toshiko's special gift of enhanced endurance, he couldn't lie. That shit hurt. Wolfgang could pack a punch.

Wolfgang then attacked, aiming an axehandle at Toshiko's shoulder. Toshiko simply sidestepped to the left, and then saw  another axehandle aimed at his head. Toshiko quickly moved out of the way backing up quickly 2 meters. Then, Wolfgang dashed forward, catching Toshiko off guard and giving him a bearhug. Toshiko screamed out as Wolfgang practically crushed him, and the hug burned him from his neck down.

Toshiko fought through the pain, quickly cocking his head back, and then forward at full speed in an attempt to headbutt wolfgang to make him let him go.

Word Count: 452

Total Word Count: 2380

505/575 C-C-1 Speed

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total



As Wolfgang squeezed the kid in the bear hug he heard the air leave the kid, as he did that suddenly he realized that his head was flying backwards, Toshiko was let go as Wolfgang jumped back and realized that the kid had head butt him, he smiled to himself as he started to speak in a loud happy tone,
You are good Toshi, you are!, I forgot that I cant break any bones on cant regenerate bones like my Apprentice, its why we work so well together...Im very sorry about your knuckles Aha you are doing great Wolfgang then felt it wasn't fair that he was wearing his anbu black ops vest, it blocked all damage that this kid in front of him could muster, So wolfgang then said to the kid as he unbuckled his vest and cloak,
I just realized that we are not on equal footing, I have armor, and jutsu, im going to level the playing field a little bit
As he was unbuckling his cloak he noticed that his index and his middle finger was dislocated, he quickly grabbed then and popped them into place, hearing the crack and pop, his hand would be damaged slightly for a little bit, though it was still usable, after he finished taking off the cloak he went to the vest, once that was off he stretched his neck and noticed that his Fish net t shirt showed all of his tattoos, he also took of his sunglasses to reveal his snow white iris and tiny pupils.

Come at me with all you got kid! Im ready! Wolfgang got ready for him to attack, he took 8 senbons and held four in each hand to intercept Toshiko, Wolfgang then smiled to himself as he waited, he was having more fun then he ever had in a long time, this kid was shaping up to be more then he thought a leaf ninja could be...
Chakra 190
2342 WC

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko's headbutt connected, causing Wolfgang to jump back. Toshiko's whole body ached a bit. he panted heavily, attempting to get the air back in his lungs that luckily weren't punctured by his ribcage as Wolfgang squeezed him. Toshiko was in pain. his left arm was done in this fight, and his right was barely mobile. He was in a lot of pain, but he was strangely having more fun than he could have possibly had on his own. No matter the reason, no matter the outcome, Toshiko loved to fight. And this fight was amazing.  He couldn't help but crack a smile as he listened to Wolfgang as he spoke.

You are good Toshi, you are!, I forgot that I cant break any bones on cant regenerate bones like my Apprentice, its why we work so well together...Im very sorry about your knuckles Aha you are doing great

"Thanks! There's no need to apologize. I can handle it. This fight is fun! Let's keep going!"

Wolfgang would then start taking off his vest and cloak, apparently wanting to keep the fight as far as possible.

just realized that we are not on equal footing, I have armor, and jutsu, im going to level the playing field a little bit

Toshiko respected that. Wolfgang knew he had the advantage in strength and decided to give toshiko more of a fighting change. He wanted to give his opponent help. That was a rare quality that made Toshiko respect him a lot more. As he was taking off his armor Wolfgang noticed that toshiko's attack had messed up two of his fingers, so he simply popped them back into place. It was a nasty sight to watch that made Toshiko cringe. He felt a bit sick to his stomach, but stared at his opponent and saw him in a fish net t shirt. that tattoos upon his arms showed, and wolfgang took off his sunglasses to show his pupils of a strange, snow white color. They were also quite small.

Come at me with all you got kid! Im ready!

With all he had? Toshiko wasn't sure if he actually wanted to do that. he thought of ripping the eye patch from his eye and using the sharingan against wolfgang. He trusted him enough and wanted to go all out. but he still didn't know him that well. Did it really matter? Toshiko was a risk taking person. He'd use it. Hopefully wolfgang wouldn't try and snap his neck to take it from him.

"I'll go all out. I trust you enough to show you this wolfgang. Hopefully i'm not wrong in this decision!"

Using his right hand which was almost completely immobile, he brought it over to the eye patch upon his left eye, and ripped it off in one swift motion. His left eye was still closed. He hesitated for a moment, but then spoke.


Toshiko opened his left, showing his sharingan.

"This is my sharingan! Okay! Now i'm ready!"

Toshiko stared at wolfgang now with both of his eyes. It was strange seeing the entire room without having to turn his head. He'd gotten used to staring out of one eye ever since he'd gotten the transplant.  Despite that, it was nice to see fully again. The sharingan seemed to be quite powerful. It had brought him a lot of worry and trouble. no wonder his dead had gone through so much trouble to obtain it's full power. He could understand why, but he'd never committ the same actions his father did to obtain it. Toshiko charged forward, his body still burning a bit from the acid. He remembered it right as he was about to attempt to kick wolfgang. He couldn't make full contact. Well, at least not right away. He had a plan, but he needed to get Wolf to touch him once more. He ran forward utilizing his sharingan to keep watch of wolfgang's every move in great detail, and then aimed three kicks with his left leg at wolfgang.

Word Count: 720

Total Word Count: 3100

575/575 C-C-1 Speed

600/600 C-1-C-2 Speed

50/700 C-2-C-3 Speed

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:45 am; edited 1 time in total



The kid smiled at him, he was his kind of person, he even said that he could take the pain, his limbs were damaged at this point and he still kept fighting, he had a fighters spirit,
Its a blessing to feel pain Toshiko, you wouldn't know
The kid then said that he was going to go all out and that he trusted Wolfgang about something, Wolfgang was quite confused at that comment...first of all Wolfgang had just met the kid and already he was ready to tell him some secret about himself.
But the moment that Toshiko took off his eyepatch Wolfgangs pupils tightened further, he smiled to himself as he awaited an attack, but the fact that he was fighting a Uzumaki that had a sharingan, now Wolfgang asked him a question,
Hey now! This is something isn't it, you have a Sharingan, no way! How did you get that, steal it from someone yourself or do you got deep pockets? Show me what you can do buddy Wolfgang smiled as the kid rushed him with a more detrermined face, Wolfgang always wanted to fight the sharingan, he wanted to test his strength against the most powerful Kekkei genkai of the hidden leaf village.
Wolfgang then threw all of the senbon at him in fast succession, one after another aiming as he dodged them to try and hit him as much as possible.
When the kid reached him he saw his legs fly out to attack, Wolfgang quickly made a handsign and suddenly around him a grey mist started spinning around him quickly, I was in the shape of a Japanese dragon, Wolfgang quickly made the dragon fly off to the left and go in a large hooking left turn to go around and get ready to attack the guy from the back.
Wolfgang then blocked the attack with his forearm and ducked the others, this was happening just as the dragon was now coming in fast from the back of Toshiko just as Wolfgang sent his boot forward in a Juggernaut Kick, sending his leg high into the air but keeping himself on the ground, twisting around and bringing his heel down aiming for toshikos the same time that the dragon was about to hit toshikos back...
Chakra 170
jutsu used:
2727 WC

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Its a blessing to feel pain Toshiko, you wouldn't know

It was strange. the words probably did more to toshiko than wolfgang intended them to. what did wolfgang mean? Did he mean that he himself couldn't feel pain, or that he simply couldn't feel at all? Toshiko imagined that. How it would be to live life with not being able to feel. Not being able to feel a pain in your chest or the love of another person. Being completely incapable of having an emotion to express. It would have sucked for him to grow up like that. Especially with the past that he had. He then realized at that moment that even though he thought it, he wasn't the only person on the planet with problems. It was kinda sad. It seemed to him that every person he was coming into contact with had a problem that they couldn't get over. Something that they had to live with forever, something that they didn't want, but had to keep. Sousetsu. Hideki. Aethir. Wolfgang. They all had smoething about themselves that they didn't want or something about their pasts they didn't want to remember. Toshiko had a messed up past. A past that he himself wished no one else would have to go through. His father kiled his mother for the power he'd been seeking for a while, and then became a criminal and ran off. He grew up with no friends and was hated by almost everyone he came across due to his relation to his father. He had to watch the two people he loved the most tear each other apart, and then had to watch the guy he looked up to and loved kill the woman he was supposed to love. It sucked. But there were others out there who had gone through something similar. Maybe even worse. He had to stop using his past as a reason to get a hand out. He had to stop making excuses. He didn't know why he was thinking so deeply about this, but that was how he felt.

Hey now! This is something isn't it, you have a Sharingan, no way! How did you get that, steal it from someone yourself or do you got deep pockets? Show me what you can do buddy

Toshiko smiled. He was glad wolfgang wasn't the guy he thought he could have been. he didn't try to kill him once he showed him his eye. That was all that he needed to know that wolfgang and him would be pretty good friends. Toshiko gave off a big smile filled with happiness and a little more hope for the nations. Hope that one day people could go about life without killing another. Hope that there could be peace. And that peace would start with relationships like this.
"Steal it? Of course not. I'd never do something so sinister. I got it from a woman by the name of shinobu, and then a man named akira transplanted it into me not too long ago back at the hero arena. I don't know either of them well though."

As toshiko charged forward, wolfgang would throw all of his senbon at him. He wasn't used to this eye, or the power that it held. But it surely was there. As the senbon came towards him, Toshiko could see them better. Clearer. He knew how to dodge, and when they were set to connect with him. The eye allowed him to defend himself by enhancing his sight. There were other abilities to it. He knew it. There was no way this thing could put his life in danger and not be super powerful. He'd unlock the rest of it's abilities soon.
Toshiko didn't simply stand and allow the senbon to hit him of course. As they came flying to him, he took the eye to his advantage. He got a litlte bit fancy, flipping and jumping out of the direction of the senbon, passing through them unscathed. He then aimed the right kick at Wolfgang's chest. Wolfgang used his hands to perform a handsign, and toshiko could see a grey like mist appear and then go behind his back. It had come after wolfgang did the handsign. IT was a jutsu of course, but he didn't feel it hit him. It had to have been set to hit him from behind. He had a way to dodge it of course. His kick was blocked with wolfgang's forearm, and the other attacks were ducked under.

that was it. Toshiko's time to make his move. The grey mist hadn't yet come his way, so he figured it was set to attack him from behind. as fast as he could he moved at top speeds,  and attempted to use wolfgang's chest as a launch pad, running up it and then doing a backflip in mid air landing on the ground behind wolfgang and out of the range of the grey mist. He wouldn't just sit back and wait for wolfgang to attack of course. He focused, and eventually a raiton aura appeared around his body. he allowed it to sure for a few moments, and then fired it all from one concentrated point in his body allowing a lightning bolt to go plummetting towards the  the center of wolfgang's back. He hoped his attack hadn't failed. His leg had still burned horribly from the acid aura from wolfgang as well as the rest of his uncovered body parts. His chest and shoulders still ached a bit from the insane bearhug as well. Wolfgang was almost too tough for him. But, Toshiko had a will to fight that was stronger than most. TO get him to stop fighting, you'd have to kill him or maim him and even then he'd still fight to the last breath. That was just the way he was. He couldn't touch wolfgang anymore unless he wanted to lose all his flesh and bone, and by the loks of it this fight would soon be cfoming to a close with wolfgang as the victor. It could have been pretty much decided from the start. wolfgang was a brute. he could have probably killed toshiko with one punch if he wanted to. know, it was just time to see how this would play out.

Word Count: 1085

Total Word Count: 4185

700/700 C-2-C-3 Speed

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:46 am; edited 2 times in total



All of his senbon missed, the kid was using his sharingan well, he had been getting fancy, he was flipping and jumping around, he was really impressed at this for the kid was already damaged bad, Wolfgang eyes followed the jumpy chuunin...for his flashiness he did dodge every single one, and now he was really close to Wolfgang, he didnt like that...that meant he was cooking something up.

Suddenly he was in front of him, and then Toshiko sprang upwards and flipped over Wolfgang, he started planning his next move in his head, like shogi, if you want to make a good move you have to sacrifice some. Wolfgang stood stoic and didnt move and within a few seconds Wolfgang was sent flying forwards 3m...but as he fell his Japanese dragon flew directly over him at intense speeds, and since Toshiko didnt seem to notice that his the dragon was still moving and he seemed to not make any motion to the dragon slammed into toshikos head, causing 1st degree tissue damage on contact which would be his entire head since thee dragon would pass around the face and continue on backwards.

After he fell Wolfgang used his hands to toss himself back up and land on his feet as he turned to look at toshi, Wolfgang put his hands on his back and felt char, and pieces of burnt shirt, he growled to himself as he tore of his shirt which was ruin anyway, his entire back was burnt badly, he would have to watch that, he knew that his swings and movements would be awkward now due to his damaged muscles, now that he was shirtless he revealed his other tattoos, on his chest was a lion biting a sabre, bleeding from its mouth, on his back there was a large man on a pile on bodies stabbing it with a sword, but the whole upper half was red and black and blisters and burnt, he knew that he would probably have to get his tattoo fixed after the healing was done, now he looked at toshiko and smiled sadly to himself as he said,
This is my trump card, you have your Sharingan, i have this curse...I feel no pain, i know not how close i am to death, a flick is as bad as the burn on my back as far as im concerned, each of this tattoos covers countless scars, the first being this lion..though that is the life of a ninja afterall, ive been a ninja 23 years now and that comes with the job He smiled at toshiko as he made the horse handsign then the boar, suddenly three grey dart shaped things were in his hands. he nodded to toshi then threw the first aiming for his feet, on contact with the ground it would explode into a 2m cloud of thing grey acid mist, when toshi moved to dodge the attack he would then throw another dart to where he would be moving to, then the third where he moved after that, trying to trap him in clouds of burning mist, this was one of the best fights he have had in a long time...
Chakra 170
Jutsu used:
WC 3268

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Wolfgang fell over, and the grey mist came directly forward towards Toshiko at great speeds. Toshiko had little to not time to react or even think of doing so. All he could to was hold up his right arm to defend his sharingan. the dragon slammed into his right arm, burning it and going around burning the back of his neck, his forehead, and both of his cheeks. It stopped after that, and toshiko gasped. His whole face except his eyes burned horribly. He gasped and turned his head to the side attempting to not breath in the lingering effects of the jutsu. he then turned around, and faced wolfgang. He was hurt. Toshiko managed to harm him. Wolfgang had harmed him as well. Toshiko cracked a smile through his panting.

'Wow. I'm stronger than i thought i was. Never thought i'd be able to do damage to a guy like this!'

It was still strange to toshiko. How he was in great pain, he could handle the pain and hide it. Though he still would react, as would his body to any damaged he obtained. How come that didn't seem to be the same for Wolfgang?

This is my trump card, you have your Sharingan, i have this curse...I feel no pain, i know not how close i am to death, a flick is as bad as the burn on my back as far as im concerned, each of this tattoos covers countless scars, the first being this lion..though that is the life of a ninja afterall, ive been a ninja 23 years now and that comes with the job

Oh. That explained it all. He couldn't feel. Toshiko frowned when he heard that. As he predicted, it must've sucked.

Wolfgang must've been trying to catch Toshiko off guard. As toshiko was feeling sorry for him, he threw a strange dart at his feet. Toshiko moved three meters to the right, and felt a strange heat from it. Acid? No. It was like... Steam. The heat itself burned his cheek a bit. TOshiko couldn't deal with those. Not anymore burns. If he was burned one more time his flesh would melt off. He had to do something. Wolfgang threw another one at him, he moved 3 meters to the right, and reached the wall of the room. Shit. He couldn't side step anymore. Wolfgang threw another one, but this time toshiko would move forward. He ran up as the dart would hit his feet, and then ducked under it. He ran forward as it exploded, running directly for Wolfgang. he needed to at least try to get in his final hit. His arms were burned and almost broken.  his right knuckles were fucked, as was his left hand. His face was burned and the only part left of him to use was his legs. If they were gone, wolfgang would have this fight probably. Toshiko ran forward with a smile on his face, and then yelled.

"I'm putting my all into this kick!"

Toshiko jumped forward going 4 meters into the air, and then held up his left leg as he flew towards wolfgang. his leg was set to hit wolfgang in the center of the chest.

Word Count: 549

Total Word Count: 4734

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:27 am; edited 1 time in total



It was all ending here, Wolfgang looked up as toshiko  flew into the air, he turned in the air and was then hurdling towards Wolfgang, Wolfgangs face lit up, he was having the time of his life right now, this stranger had become a person whom Wolfgang was close to respecting this kid...not as an equal, but as a...friend?, a term that Wolfgang was completely foreign to at this point, his last friend was a man eating dinosaur named dudika, he had cut his ties with that race, almost every single dinosaur was completely evil and only made his mental imbalance, it only made him worse being with them, and he never actually like them, he had only used them for their power, it seemed that he was almost able to like people nowadays, it was weird...

But right now all that mattered was the kick that was flying towards his chest, he didn't want to bet on being able to take the hit, with the kids normal power plus the fact that he was flying down from the sky with an extended leg, so instead Wolfgang decided to go power to power, fight fire with fire, and since wolfgangs shoulders were fucked slightly from the burns so he decided to use his foot, as the kid flew into the air, Wolfgang Sprung upwards off the ground, lauching a powerful straight kick directly to the opposing foot, in mid air Wolfgang clashed with the oncoming foot, smacking it dead on, he saw his leg tremble from the known look of a bone fracturing, his shin and ankle were damaged from the hit, as well the hit sent him flying backwards 5m spinning and tumbling on the ground, as he stopped rolling due to the wall Wolfgang stood up slowly, his movements were haggard, he knew why he was so injured from this fight, he had let himself become injured for most of the attacks, he wasn't trying to win, he was only enjoying the he stood up he slowly turned his head to the entrance where it turned to the left sharply, he whistled sharply and made a clicking noise, and from the exit came a small gorilla, only a baby, it ran to him and swung up his body and sat on his shoulder and smacked him in the face, wolfgang said in a playful tone,
Watch everything? you better im fighting you next Wolfgang then looked up and saw toshi...however he was...
Wolfgang was standing in the ran, he held a headband in his hands, he was looking down at it, there were four waves on it, representing the land hidden in the mist, he was a ninja of this village now, now he knew that he could fight everyone and someday he knew that he would be the strongest, with his headband there was also a package from the kage, when they had tested him for his jutsu abilities, he was tested for summoning jutsu, which meant that his chakra was naturally good at summoning, they had sent him a contract, it had the sign of teeth and blood on it, it was funny actually, when wolfgang looked closely it looked as if the kages signature wasnt really hers, he knew not why someone would send him a summoning contract and not tell them who they are, but whatever, Wolfgang opened it up and instantly he felt angry...

Wolfgang knew that he was probably close to being really badly injured, from his memory he had fractured his shin, twisted or strained his ankle, gotten a nasty burn on his back, dislocated two fingers and heavily bruised....most of his body, he giggled at the fact, he hadn't been so happy being so injured in his life, most of his joys came from others being injured, it felt quite good to change sometimes, now he need not attack everything he saw for blood. This kid...this kid has talent, I wasn't as strong as him when I was a chuunin, at least I don't remember being able to go toe to toe with any of our spec jounin, I think im getting old maybe, that would explain a lot Wolfgang still wondered if the story that Toshiko gave him for how he got the eye of the uchiha was true, honestly wolfgang would probably make up a story to avoid telling people you stole it.
Pet E rank to B rank - 4000 words

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko didn't expect what had happened next, but he really should have. As his kick was set to strike with wolfgang's chest, wolfgang sprung up off the ground and then aimed a counter kick directly at him. The two legs connected at full force. Toshiko's leg began to tremble fast, and a great stinging pain could be felt in his ankle and shin. The force of the hit kicked in, and knocked him back. He went back at full speed, tumbling backwards. He then crashed into the wall at full force, and yelled out in pain from his leg. After a few moments of doing so he stopped, turning his eyes to face wolfgang with a grimace upon his face. He could see a small animal come up from the entrance to the room, and then hopped up onto wolfgang's shoulder, slapping him in the face. It was a..... Gorilla?  Toshiko smiled, but then focused back on the fight. He didn't want to go down this way. At least not by looking weak. The pain in his leg was still there, greater than ever. It hurt like hell, but he wasn't going to give up. He'd never give up.

"Hey!..... I'm not done yet!"

Toshiko using his almost broken right arm would place it on the ground, and force all of his weight into it. He pulled himself up from the waist up, and tried to stand on his feet. He moved his right leg up, and then tried to put weight on it. Once he did, the pain increased even more, causing him to scream out and fall back down to the ground. He was too injured. He smiled, and then laughed.

"Wow. I can barely stand. I'm pretty messed up. You're really strong you know?"

He then tried to lift his right hand up to his eye, did so and then pulled the eye patch back over it. The fight was fun. Wolfgang was a formidable opponent. He hoped they could fight again someday.

Word Count: 346

Total Word Count: 5080

Last edited by Toshiko Uzumaki on Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total



The fight was over, he knew that he had won, in front of his eyes the kid was trying to stand up, but his ankle was definitly fucked up, as he stood he staggered and tried to put his weight on his hand and suddenly with a scream he started to fall to the ground, Wolfgang rushed forwards and caught him with his other shoulder, wrapping an arm around the boy and standing up and supporting him, he smiled as the boy mentioned how he was pretty messed up, and in truth he was,
Yeah you are arent you, though most would have already fallen and given up , you are a tough kid, not many people managed to injure me this bad in a long time and live to tell the tale, Toshiko even though you lost, you are an amazing ninja and i would love to take you in as a pupil some day if you would accept me as your master, that eye of yours is impressive as well and no one will find out about it dont worry, in turn tell no one that i was being nice to you...itd ruin my reputation As he said this his gorilla crawled over to toshiko and smacked him in face and jumped back to Wolfgangs shoulder, he giggled as he started to carry the kid out of the cave, seeing the affects of their battle all around the room.
using words to train pet

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

before toshiko fell to the ground, wolfgang came rushing over to him and helped him. he supported him up, and assisted toshiko in standing.

Yeah you are arent you, though most would have already fallen and given up , you are a tough kid, not many people managed to injure me this bad in a long time and live to tell the tale, Toshiko even though you lost, you are an amazing ninja and i would love to take you in as a pupil some day if you would accept me as your master, that eye of yours is impressive as well and no one will find out about it dont worry, in turn tell no one that i was being nice to you...itd ruin my reputation

Toshiko smiled. Wolfgang's words made him feel a little bit more confident in himself, and in his abilities. wolfgang was an extremely tough guy. the fact that Toshiko even managed to touch him meant that he had at least a bit of skill. that made him stop doubting himself and his abilities.wolfgang probably didn't realize it, but his words would make toshiko aspire to do even greater things than he already planned to do. Wolfgang said he wanted to take him as a pupil, and stated that he wouldn't tell anyone about the sharingan. Toshiko was glad for that. Wolfgang also stated that he didn't want Toshiko to tell anyone he was nice to him, as it would ruin his reputation. Toshiko laughed, smiled, and put his head up to face the ceiling.

'thank you. Your words mean a lot to me. And don't worry, i won't tell anyone...... Wolfgang Sensei."

With those words, Toshiko would accept Wolfgang's opportunity, and from that day forward, he would be his student. toshiko barely noticed as the gorilla upon wolfgang's shoulder jumped off, crawled over to him. toshiko smiled, and stared at it.

"hey there little guy. My name's Toshi-"

Toshiko's words were met with a smack to the face. the gorilla would then jump back onto wolfgang's shoulder. Toshiko had an embarrassed, angry look upon his face, and then yelled.

"Why you little!"

toshiko went to attack the gorilla to the best of his ability, but then stared at it. It was very small, and cute. He stared at it, and then dropped his head in shame.

'i hate myself for not being able to harm an animal'

with that, Wolfgang carrying toshiko, left the underground cavern. this was only the first part of their story, which hopefully would have more chapters to come.

Word Count: 441

Total Word Count: 5521

1875/1875 C-C-3 Endurance

1875/1875 C-C-3 Speed

3750/5521 used

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