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1The Path Of The Damned Empty The Path Of The Damned Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:04 pm

Kari Archeon

Kari Archeon

When she attacked the invader, he just let it hit him as she looked at him, she couldn't get a scratch on him. It was almost as if he was mocking her when he looked at her and that annoyed her. But still, she stepped forward and was pushed back by another as the person who she had attacked had simply stepped back letting this new shinobi take his place. She glared at him as the other one began walking away. She had to get to her father to get his last wish, not knowing how close he was to dying. It would have been better if she had been right beside him during his defeat but no instead she had been teleported out of the village.

She couldn't help but think this too was also her last moments living. Fair enough, she would die fighting in the village she loved and her father created. She felt a punch to her gut and immediately coughed up blood and was suddenly kicked into a wall, which would cause a large crack in the brickwork and an imprint of her body on the wall. She didn't care much at this point. But she did have to get stronger, and what better way to get stronger than to face someone who was skilled and strong.

"Think this will work on me?" She rasped out in a breathy tone as she let a tear run down her cheek, while the blood was dripping from her mouth.

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