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Raphael woke up well before the rising of the sun like he had done so many time before, however today he was careful to be quiet. Once he was dressed he went out his bedroom window but not before leaving a note on the bedroom door, the reason he had left through the window was the same reason he left the note, the boy sleeping on his couch. Raphael had opened his door to his friend Eishi three night prior giving him a place to stay during his time here in Kumogakure, but with the chuunin exams coming to a close soon he knew it would only be a matter of days before his friend left the village hidden in the clouds to return to his home in the hidden mist. If Raphael was going to do what he had planned, then he would have to act today the only problem was that he was unsure how to approach the matter hence the note he left.

The Note:

The note was short and did not give away what Raphael had planned and of course it made no guarantee that the boy would travel there to find him, but Raphael hoped that the note would be incentive enough for the boy to journey out there if only to see what the intense training was. Raphael crouched down on his window sill, taking in a deep breath of air "nothing like that early morning air," he said to himself diving down and doing a front flip before landing with his feet on the ground. Raphael preferred the early morning air rather than the air in the afternoon as he felt it was sour with the smell of sweaty tourist. Putting his hands in the pockets of his coat the young Shinobi began to whistle as he started his journey out into the thundergrounds. Raphael of course was in no rush to reach his destination, despite the fact that the note had said he was going to do some intense training the truth of the matter was that if the boy did not come out to the thundergrounds there would be no real training to do. Sure he could work on his speed and reactions by dodging the lightning strikes, but what he really wanted was to test his skills against that of another Shinobi who had received different training then himself. His friend Eishi fit the bill, Raphael had been wanting to ask him to a spar since their mission together when he had got a glimpse at some of the boy's skill. Since that day they had talked more and gotten to know each other, but he did not know much about the boy's skill or how he would fair against the boy in a fight. It was more to prepare himself for the road ahead he knew he would face opposition in the days to come, but if he could not stand on equal footing then he would fail. He had to test his skill and see how much he had improved any since he had left the clan compound, at the same time he was interested to see more of Eishi's skill as well.

Once Raphael arrived at the thundergrounds he would begin preparing for when or if Eishi arrived, removing his coat he transferred a small amount of chakra into it before placing it on a rock at the edge of the thundergrounds. "Just in case," he said aloud to himself, this would also help Eishi find him considering the size of the thundergrounds itself. Then walking approximately twenty meters into the area he would activate his wind sense so that he would know when the boy arrived before the boy saw him, this would also help him avoid the lightning strikes. Now it was just a matter of waiting till his unknowing sparring partner arrived for him to finally ask the question he had not been able to ask until now. While waiting he would waste the time doing some workouts, slow moving fluid motions as if he was fighting in slow motion, dodging the occasional lightning strike when they got too close.


Chakra 155/170:



Eishi woke up early (at noon). The boy yawned and stretched, chewing on something for a couple of seconds before rubbing his reddish eyes. He took his time, scratching the back of his head while scanning the area – Raphael was nowhere to be found. He must've left early. Wonder where he went to this time. The Kiri shinobi didn't give it much thought as he stood up and went to wash his teeth, face and probably take a shower along the way.


Some hours later Eishi was watching TV, completely oblivious to the note that was left for him to read. The genin was having a good time – laughing at the stupid jokes of his favorite show – Bears & Pals. In this particular episode Frostjaw (the winter bear of justice) had just encountered a great danger – the black wolf Amamane. They were to fight for the right to... eat fish from the riverbed. "So, we meet again", said Frostjaw. "They told me to be weary of wolves in wolf's clothes." "Ha-ha-ha... brilliant! Love this show." "You again! Boy, ain't you a tad bit un-bear-able..." "O-ho-ho! Good one!" "I am here for my pal – Kozuki. What have you done to him?" "I will tell you if you defeat me in a fish eating contest." "A fish eating contest?! Eishi protested. You dummy! He's a bear. Of course he'll win." "But... I am a bear. Of course I will win." "Told you so."

The kid felt smart and grinned, wishing for some popcorn.


It was already getting late and Eishi was bored to death. He was chilling on the couch in deep contemplation. If one's life goal was focused solely on relaxation, then what could be expected from the afterlife? Was it going to be more of the same? Or was it going to be a proportion of one's worth measured by the activity he performed during his stay on Earth?


The moon was up. Eishi was dozing. Raphael was still out there. Probably.


If the boy hadn't returned by now, his pal would begin to feel curious. In the powerful tremors of one of his bad dreams, he would wake up and scream. Then he would realize that he is (still) alone, so he'll start moving around the house, finally noticing the letter. After reading it, he would eventually set out to seek his roommate, just to be sure that he is okay. The following takes place in that case scenario.

"Hey, Raph!", Eishi waved at the boy, his hand in deep contrast with the night sky. "What's up, buddy? You've been out for a whi... YIKES!" A powerful lightning would strike near the Kiri genin who would quickly jump to the left to avoid it. "Holy... Are those your training grounds? Man, you guys don't slack around, do you? I mean... wow! So awesome! Hey... why are you looking at me like that?"

By the time of the meeting Raphael's techniques would have expired. What's worse – Eishi would be reluctant to fight his new friend so he would need a lot of persuasion if he were to raise arms in a spar against him. Threats won't work for the white-haired genin is slow (if not immune) to anger tactics – the cheerful lad just takes life too lightly to bother. In case of an attack, the boy will do his best to avoid the incoming blows (Reaction Time being C-1 with bonuses) for as long as he can, but he won't put up any resistance that could harm Raphael. Until the end of the combat he would try to reason with his buddy, hoping to figure out what's the meaning of this and why does it (or if it) matter(s) to the host.


If Raphael decides that waiting for so long is not worth it, and returns home, Eishi would be curious to find out where his roommate was. He would apologize for not seeing the letter and would ask if he has seen the new episode of Bears & Pals. In case of a spontaneous battle, the above statements would apply.

WC: 706



The hairs on the back of the young shinobi stood on ends as lightning struck the ground just a few inches from where he stood, he smiled as he took off at a sprint weaving through the crater filled landscape. He decided while he waited for Eishi to arrive he would work on his evasion by dodging the lightning strikes, after all evasion could be used as a powerful weapon in the right hands. Some of the best fighters could turn an opponent against themselves by just using their own power or momentum against them. Raphael's entire body felt energized in a way he had never felt before, it was possible that it was simply the lightning striking all around him. As if his adrenaline was being  hyperactive in order to keep himself alive, but if felt like more than that to Raphael. He had always been intune with the air around him and with his wind sense his attunement was all the stronger as with each strike of lightning he felt the surge of power through the air as the particles of air became superheated by the electrical surge. He had forgotten all about the boy he had wished to come out here to spar with, now all that was on the boy's mind was him and the wind and it felt good. It had been a long time since he had let himself go, in truth he did not think he had ever truly let himself go, and if he did he certainly did not remember it. It was an amazing feeling, no responsibilities, no pressure, no worries; not a single one, he just let it all go away like a left in the wind he let his body flow through the lightning grounds.  For the first time in his life he was not thinking about making himself stronger, or bringing honor to his family, or even about the horrors of the night Sunagakure fell. It was as if he was a completely different person, he probably would not even recognize himself if he was watching from the outside it was completely unnatural but yet it felt as though it was how it was suppose to be.

Raphael moved with such grace across the lightning scarred grounds that there were a couple of point that he wondered if he was even touching the ground, having the feeling that he was simply floating on the air currents even though he knew it to not be true. It was not until the young shinobi was nearly struck by lightning that his wandering mind returned to reality, 'that was too clpse for comfort' he thought to himself as his mind began to focus and he scanned the area around him. The young shinobi lost all since of time and could not be sure of the exact time due to the fact of the storm clouds that cover the entire area, the one thing he did notice was that he had gone much deeper into the thundergrounds than he had intended to go. He remembered that he was waiting for Eishi and thought he had best head back towards where he had left his coat, keeping an eye on the sky above as he made his way through the lightning mine field so that he would not get struck by the unpredictable strikes. He wasn't sure where in the thundergrounds he actually was, or if he was even headed in the right direction to get back to where he was when he had begun this endeavor, yet the boy stayed on his path hoping that he would come out close to where he had left his coat. As he drew closer to the edge of the thundergrounds he caught site of his coat still sitting on the rock where he had left it, 'Thank Raava' he said to himself glad that he had been able to find his starting point.

Raphael grabbed his coat throwing it over his left shoulder as he headed back towards the village, his body covered in sweat and weak from the exertion, his mind just as tired and wishing to be home in bed. Raphael marvelled at the sight of the village in the moonlight, he had thought it looked magnificent in the sunlight but seeing it now in the low light from the moon made it look all the more magical. As he reached the village gates he saw the familiar face of his friend who looked as though he was about to make a journey out but was asking for directions from the gate guards. Their eyes met as Raphael drew closer and he waved to his friend, "beautiful night is it not Eishi," he said with a smile as reached where the boy was standing. All thoughts of sparring with the boy was now far from Raphael's thoughts as his only thought now was gettiby home and climbing into his bed. "I'm headed home, would you care to join me or do you have other plans?"




"Huh, Raph? Oh, man, I am so sorry, man! I just saw your letter and was heading towards the location, but got lost along the way, and had to ask around, and then... boy, hope you didn't expect me to come, man! But you did, didn't you? Oh, man, so sorry, man. I've noticed that you've been away for a while and got worried, but then I told myself that nothing bad can happen to you, because you can handle yourself and all that. Whew, ain't I glad to see you okay though. You wouldn't believe what I watched in your flat – they aired the new season of Bears & Pals, bro! Big time! Anyway, I've stayed in your house for too long and I think that the night is indeed great, but... I would probably overextend my welcome if I come back with you. Don't worry, I didn't blow anything up. Place is as good as new, no signs of Eishi. He-he. Yeah. So... I would like to thank you again for being a pal, I really appreciate it. Perhaps some day you can be my guest in Kirigakure – would be lots of fun. For now I have to... get back to resolve some unfinished business of mine. The exam will be over soon, so I'll most likely prepare to head back with the crowd."
Eishi paused for a moment and his expression went from cheerful to serious.
"Listen... I... it's been a pleasure to get to know you, man. And I sure don't regret coming here. You are a great guy and I hope that we'll manage to keep this friendship in tact. Here. I want to give you something."
Without further explanation the genin handed a small badge with the Yuki clan's logo to Raphael.
"Keep this. To remember me. It's a symbol. I really want you to have it. For everything you've done."
Then the white-haired genin smiled.
"See you soon, right?"

He would then wait to hear if his temporary roommate would have anything to say. After taking his goodbyes, Eishi would then nod, wave and run in the general direction of the village's central market. By now the frosty shinobi would have spared enough coin to cover his expenses and find a modest place to stay until the caravan sets out on its journey towards the Village Hidden in the Mist. He would feel confident that his stay in Kumo had taught him a valuable lesson about life, and that from now on nothing could hinder him for he was already his own man.

WC: 448
TWC: 1154



When Eishi handed the badge with his clan symbol on it to Raphael he found himself at a loss for words, he never really had a friend let alone a symbol of that friendship. Raphael wasn't sure what to say or what to do he did not have anything to give the boy, and then the thought hit him he took off his coat and handed it to the boy. "I want you to have this, it bears my clan symbol on the back and would let anyone of my clan that see it to know that you are a friend and to be treated as such" the young shinobi then paused for a brief second to compose himself, here he was saying good bye to his friend and he was getting all choked up. "We will see each other again my friend I promise you that, who knows maybe one day I will come to your village and you can give me the grand tour." Raphael paused again before smiling at the boy, "anyways you know where I live be sure to write, that way I know how to get a hold of you when I come down to visit." With that Raphael gave the boy a playful fist nudge to the arm before they departed ways. His walk home was quite most of the village already in bed, not even the animals were making noise it was a peaceful silence. As he walked he looked down at the badge Eishi had given him, usually silence was something Raphael enjoyed. It was in the silence that he could concentrate and think, but now looking at the badge he could not help but miss the boy who had been staying with him and his constant conversations. Raphael truly hoped that their paths would cross again, but until that day came he would continue to better himself and continue to make friends along the way. When he finally reached his apartment he looked around the living room where Eishi had been sleeping to see that the boy was not lying he did clean up after himself, though he was going to miss the boy very much he was slightly glad to have his home back to normal. He took the badge Eishi gave him and placed it on the mantle, a place of honor next to the picture of the two of them that they had taken a few days before. Raphael then headed down the hall to the bathroom and took his shower cleaning himself of all the sweat and stink from his long day of training in the thundergrounds.

{Exit Thread}

2008 words saved

Last edited by Raphael Kozai on Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Using 1500 words to train Blinding flare. The other 500 are discarded)



Eishi walked away with a saddened heart, yet kind of positive that everything went on as good as possible. The Kiri shinobi was carrying Raph's gift in his arms, doing his best not to burst into tears in the middle of the street. It was dark in the village and therefore it was unlikely that someone would see him, although a proper ninja could never be certain of his own privacy. Especially when being out in the open. But still... it was a touchy moment, and some feels were called for.
"Oh, man... I came in here looking for the chillz and I got myself a wonderful friend instead. What's more – I even learned how to be less lazy and actually work properly for my food. Jeez. Life sure is a strange place, and can always suprise you."
The boy looked down at the coat and proceeded to wearing it. It was a suspiciously perfect fit except for the sleeves for Raphael was a bit taller than the genin from the Mist.
"Hmm... I am not getting that fixed. I like it. Besides. It sure has a cool logo. Heh-heh. Now they'll think I'm twice as awesome."
As the kid continued to walk towards the nearest hotel, he started to remember all the recent conversations he had with his buddy, disturbed by the uneasy feeling that there was something he couldn't quite remember; the usual feeling of missing a vital detail of your own memory.
"Hmmm, I am most certainly forgetting something, am I not?", he even said out loud. "I am sure there was something... hrm... let me see... was it the oven? Could it really be the oven?! Did I put it off??! Oh snap!!!"
A moment later Eishi sighed in relief.
"Wait... I never used the oven in the first place. So... no danger there. Wheew. Glad I took care of that in time. Could've been a problem. Then again... what could it be that bothers me?"
A single dove flew in front of the ninja, eyeing him maliciously.
"A dove? That's right. I used to fight with them not so long ago. And it was somehow connected to Raph. But how? And where's my net anyway?"
The white-haired genin scratched his head, trying to figure the dilemma out.
"Ah, no biggy. I won't need it. Can afford my own stuff now. The benefits of the trade."
The dove squinted from a nearby lamp, waiting.
"Oh yeah? And who are you to judge? Jappers! Can't believe the birds these days..."


"That would be exactly..."
"Yeah, yeah. Here's the money. Thank you very much. I would like to remain undisturbed for the next couple of days, please. Oh. Unless it's a blonde-haired kid, about my height. This tall. If he comes around here, asking questions, you should immediately send me a notice.
"... right."
"You would definitely call me, won't you? Like... immediately? If he comes? Yeah?"
"Of course, sir. If he comes looking for you, we will most certainly get in touch."
"Thank you. Oh. Is there cable up there? As if in a... TV or something?"
"Yes, sir. We offer 120 channels out of..."
"Great. See you. Oh. Which room was..."
"73P, sir. Up the stairs, to the left."
"Right. 73P it is. Key... and... oh, thanks. Bye!"


It was already half past noon. Eishi was lying in his bed, watching the sky through the nearby window. The stars were bright, too bright – it was as if they were very close to Kumo.
"I can't believe I am leaving soon. Got used to this place. So many memories. Wonder what I should tell my parents – they are probably worried sick. Those dumb bureaucrats... what were they thinking, sending that letter..."
The boy burrowed his head under the pillow.
"Well, it's my fault anyway. I should face the consequences of my lies."
He sighed. And grabbed his pillow, throwing it away.
"Not regretting it though."
He sighed again. And smiled. Then his gaze fixated his new coat, hanging from the nearby rack.
"Yeap. Not regretting it. At all."


After he fell asleep, Eishi dreamed of a ship, torn by the raging storms of the violent sea. He was on board, doing his best to secure the merchant's assets, but it was impossible to resist the howling winds and the heavy waves of salty water that threatened to wreck the already splintering wood. The ship's captain – a familiar-looking old man (he resembled Eishi's father when he was younger) – was yelling at the kid, yet no voice could leave his dense grey lips. It was like a movie. A silent movie, and Eishi was the main character.
"What did you say?", the shinobi asked, trying to overpower the ruckus. "No, I am not getting inside, I..."
A giant wave interrupted the scene, sending the kid drowning. It was a horrible death that left him screaming as he opened his eyes in shock...

It was raining outside.

WC: 848
TWC: 2002


Training jutsu:

1. Water Release: Water Clone Technique (C-rank)
/2002 words - 1000 words and 150 ryo = 1002 words left/

2. Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field (C-rank)
/1002 words - 1000 words and 150 ryo = 2 words left/

Total ryo deduction: 300



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