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1A prayer to practice [Trial 1|1-2] Empty A prayer to practice [Trial 1|1-2] Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:46 am

Uzumaki Ilya

Uzumaki Ilya

Trial briefing:

Oh god, why did it have to be a test of perception and endurance? This already seemed bad for Ilya, to be facing a Kumo shinobi as a trial just to test her own abilities before the actual exams. It was rather embarassing that she still wasn't completely up to snuff compared to most of her generation, especially since the amount of participants was apparently going to be rather large compared to the previous years.

When she finally arrived at the testing ground for her trial, the Uzumaki girl was nervous, trembling all over her body and hardly able to speak a single word while they handed over a rather large quantity of kunai to her, to be used for the trial. It was rather harrowing to know that rather than a written exam as she had hoped at first, it would end up being a more physical and more hands on trial she'd be needing to pass through.

"Thanks...," She muttered when they handed over the kunai to her, feeling the weight of the weaponry in her pouch, she still wasn't used to using anything besides her rapier and master Sero's katana, but for now she had to do her best if she even wanted to pass through this first trial.

"Allright girly, you ready?" The clones that were already present at the testing ground smiled at the genin from kirigakure. At the very least it showed that despite the chuunin exams being a big deal to any participating genin, the peace of the last years hasn't been disturbed that much by Sunagakure's downfall, though in the end, who ever really cared for that cesspool of decay and decadence anyway?

Prepping herself by taking out two of the presented kunai and taking on a rather normal guarding stance, the Uzumaki genin made it show that she was ready to commence her trial and with that, the ordeal that would be her first step into the glorious world of shinobi, would begin.

The clones started to run circles around the girl, already confusing her with their apparent speed and making it rather annoying, if not hard to actually keep track of them. It was frightening to see that this was the actual level of the trials, it was obvious that they were made to weed out the weak and the less promising among the flock, but Ilya was certain that even if she might not have been the strongest, fastest or most perceptive of the bunch, she might still have some tricks up her sleeves.

Five shinobi, four clones, one real one...this was not going to be easy, but she had to persevere. There was one advantage that she had though, due to her rather weak constitution, Ilya was able to feel a certain electricity in the air, a sort of jolt passing through her whenever a clone would come close to her and even better, she herself had a good degreee of mastery over the raiton element, making it easier for her to memorize the feeling of those emitted waves of electro-magnetism. "This won't be easy,
but I reckon it's best to fully use this knowledge of mine to succeed in this little game."

She had to be smart though, despiet perhaps knowing which one was which, trying to take out the clones would actually prove to be a lot harder than expected, especially when they were so much faster than her and so reactive to whatever move she'd make. "I wonder about this, but ... am I allowed to use my jutsu in this place?" It was a question with merit, no one denied it and no one actually mentioned it was allowed, if it was though... this whole trial would probably become a lot less demanding of her.

To her surprise, all clones responded with a nod and a smile, making the mistake of actually losing focus for a bit and allowing Ilya to smile back at them with her brightest, but also most devious smile. She latched a few chakra strings to the two kunai she was holding, suddenly throwing both of them at one of the clones, yet narrowly missing it and letting out a few muttered curses when the clone dodged her second attempt, yet by the third attempt, she'd managed to throw the kunai at both sides of one of the clones and due to the clones' fixation with her, she actually managed to surprise two other clones with her kunai, missing the first one on purpose with her third attempt.

"Well done girly, but you still got two more to go and we won't be playing nice anymore," The clones started to shift even more rapid, with the real one not even showing any signs of weakness or any signs of lowering his guard, making it much harder to distinguish between the real one and the fake ones. "Oh crud,
this is going to be tough."
Ilya sighed and as she reached for her pouch, two of her fingers gently touched the back end of two kunai in there, leaving the latch of the pouch open as she deactivated the chakra strings to the two kunai she had already been using. "What would happen if I just gave up here?"

This question surprised the proctor enough to stagger just a bit, a confused expression on his face as to why a genin would even think of quitting so early in the exams, yet as the real one staggered slightly earlier than the clones and had an obviously slightly more dazed expression, Illya quickly pulled out the two kunai from her pouch to which she had latched the chakra strings, throwing the two kunai towards the throats of the two only shinobi or rather clones that gave off that electromagnetic vibe like before. "Gotcha!!"

"Heh, confusing your opponent by talking and using a surprise tactic...not bad, not bad at all," The proctor smiled, grabbed a piece of paper on a board and started writing something down. "Uzumaki Ilya of Kirigakure, you've passed your first trial!!"



Trial 1 complete

750/750 trial wc complete
Endurance E to E-1 75/75 complete
Endurance E-1 to E-2 150/150 complete

51 wc left

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