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1Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Empty Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:50 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

D-Rank Mission Unloading the Cargo on the Ship:

Jamie was heading towards the dock as he began reading a book he got from the library. He was a bit curious about ships so he read up on a rather interesting book written by a man with a square jaw line and crab like eyes. It all began when a man dropped his pineapple off the edge of the boat as it sank down deep under the sea, a starfish that had been laying there was cut in half by the force of the dreaded pineapple. After some time a squid came across the pineapple as it tried to eat it, giving up later on as a random sponge got squished by the awful pineapple. As Jamie was reading his book he finally got to the boat as he looked to the Captain he was told a few words by the man known as Captain Yusuke.

"This job is simple, take that over there to that place over there with the bunch of crates and boxes. That is all, now get to work we are going to be late" as Jamie got to work scurrying over to the other end of the ship as his foot felt a bit sore from kicking someone a bit too much a few days earlier.


2Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:23 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

The mission began as Jamie dashed ducking under the ropes as he dodged some of the crewmen as they walked along the ship. He made his way up as he jumped over the rope laying like a coiled snake on the deck, as he finally reached the back he took hold of the box as he struggled to lift it up. With the strength of his well trained legs and putting pressure on his small back as he used his hands and arms to uplift it. The strength that was barely that of a genin as he did his best to lift it up as he focused all of his energy into getting it upright as he took in deep slow breathes as he looked to the back he turned around and then made his way back as he carefully got himself around some major obstacles before taking a detour as he activated his super natural walking practice in order to take a short cut around some of the crates that were in the way as he thought to himself he should make use of other tactics to get passed.


3Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:36 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After a few minutes passed Jamie had marked out his route and began moving faster and faster as his muscles began warming up. He made a dash as he actually started running, dashing and jumping with the boxes as he began to endure ignoring the pain screaming out to him as he made his way back.

Deep down he understood it was all about the mission, that his feelings of pain had no meaning before the importance of the mission itself. The twenty fifth shinobi rule states that a shinobi should never show his tears, it was for this reason he could not allow himself to cry every time he was overcome by intense emotions. The crewmen began to feel a bit shocked that the boy kept getting faster and faster as if it was really urgent as they were saving time the Captain was smiling before shouting out to his crew to get to work as the entire crew was now motivated to work faster.

During all of this Jamie noticed someone who looked rather strange and suspicious as he wondered about checking him out later, before continuing with his mad dashing as he was getting to lighter cargo as his pace picked up even more as the people thought it was madness, however they could not allow themselves to lose to some child even if he was a shinobi.


4Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Jamie and the ship(D-Rank Mission) Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:46 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

The crewmen were also making a mad dash as it seemed to be a race as the boy began to scurry his way to the top fetching the loot that was on the top of the ship's lookout post. As he got there he quickly grabbed a barrel that needed to join the rest of the cargo as he jumped down carefully as he made his landing in superb fashion his knees bending to absorb the shock. Deep down he felt like his legs would break, even though they withstood the force he knew it was painful as he made his way back to the other end dropping off the barrel as the Captain was still smiling as some of the crewmen began to slow down running out of breathe and they even questioned how the boy had not lost balance while running around on the ship. Shinobi could not be underestimated for their resourceful natures as he finally returned to the Captain to ask if there was anymore goods as the Captain shook his head he patted Jamie on the head, ruffled his hair a bit and told him good job and that he should go and receive his payment for a job well done.

Jamie went and got his mission scroll then came back to the man who realized he forgot to stamp it as he approved the mission the happy shinobi went to receive his well earned reward as soon as he got home he would lay in bed and rest his sore feet.


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750 (Mission)
+100 (Extra Pay 25[1] = 25 ryo)
850 Words

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