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1Volly shot [SKill Training] Empty Volly shot [SKill Training] Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:00 pm



(Ok. I was told I have to train this skill to be able to use it. It's not a jutsu because it doesn't take any chakra at all. Its just a fancy shot.)

Uyeda walked out into the day from his little home. It was a rather chilly day, but that didn't matter much. He had his two jackets on top. His knees were a little cold though, considering he had some holes in his pants. He thought about how his hands might freeze if he kept them out to long. He didn't think he would need them for to much work anyway. All he had to do was perfect a little trick he was learning. He'd take 5 arrows, put them in a bow, and then fire them out in a sideways cone. Effective way of hitting people he thought. It was fun too! They spread, and they could hit more things then just one person.

He soon found himself in the training grounds, with a few trees lined up. 5 to be exact. Those seemed like a good thing to aim at. He found a nice spot to stand, and stuck out his left hand. He formed a ball of chakra, then moved his other hand to the ball. He then spread the chakra making it into the basic bow shape. He pinched the top of the bow, and then pulled a thin line of chakra to the bottom to make the string, and then his bow was made! He drew back the string, and it pulled back without any snapping or breaking. He let the string go, and it looked like the string would have enough power to carry any arrows a good distance.

At that moment, Uyeda realized he forgot to buy some actual arrows. Thankfully, he knew a jutsu to make chakra arrows. So he never really was out of arrows. Unless he ran out of chakra. Then he'd be in trouble. He held out his bow, and formed another ball of chakra using the hand that had the bow. The chakra ball soon formed, and he tilted the bow so that when he made 5 arrows, they wouldn't all fall on top of each other. He pulled back his hand and watched as the arrows formed. Five arrows in all. This would use all the arrows that the ball could make, but he could always make more. After all, this training session wouldn't be that hard.

He soon lined up his bow, with the spread out trees. He took a breath, then let all the arrows fly. 3 out of five hit the mark, but the other two didn't get a meter a head. While it did make Uy a little mad, he soon had more arrows formed, and ready to fire.

He repeated this process a few more times, and on the 5th try, he was able to have all the arrows hit the mark. This of course made him happy. He'd mastered a fancy shot! Now he could cause pain to 5 people at the same time! Oh how much fun he'd have.

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