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1Capturing The Perfect Shot [Private/Shogo] Empty Capturing The Perfect Shot [Private/Shogo] Sat May 16, 2015 11:54 am

Itazura Sarutobi

Itazura Sarutobi

"Thanks for the food dad!" I called back to the master baker with half a cookie in my mouth. Well he wasn't quite the master but my father did make the best triple chocolate cookies in town (not to be biased as his son of course I had messed around with other bakeries but dad's always had the best).

"Only the best for my little ninja!" Dad called back as I wiped the cookie crumbs off the corners of my mouth. I just laughed back in response and took a stroll down the street. My shiny and new Konoha forehead protector ever so shiny-and-newly around my head. As for right now I didn't have much to do since it was the weekend.

A small yellow bird flew by, I only caught it by the corner of my eye. The little winged thing swooped high and landed cutely on a branch of a nearby a tree. As the ever ready artist I was, I picked up my camera that hung on a black strap around my neck. Slowly creeping up to the tree, I looked through the camera lens for the perfect shot of that little bird. It had its head cocked slightly to the left and was perched on a little patch of sunlight that  shone through the leaves.

"Gotcha." I whispered as my camera clicked and I captured the perfect shot of a tiny little bird. At the sound the yellow chick immediately took off into the blue sky. "Bye." I waved, "Thanks for the perfect shot." A photo whirred out of my Polaroid, just as I expected the subject of the picture was perfect. I did have an ace eye for detail after all. That little yellow bird had made my lazy picture taking afternoon.  

I sighed and put the photo my travel sized photo album that was attached to my camera strap. Sure the little yellow bird might have been the shot of the day, but I was still searching for the shot of century. While ninja-ing was technically my real purpose in life, the will of fire and Sarutobi duty et cetera, et cetera, I couldn't let an ace eye for detail just go to waste. Picture taking might've just been a hobby of mine to kill time, but it was also something I didn't mind going one hundred percent effort for. Thus my indefinite search for the "shot of the century" had begun. A while back when I was the good student, my mom had gotten me this Polaroid camera. It's almost funny I still use it today despite our relationship not being the best.

Once more out of the corner of my eye I spotted another perfect subject. A lady with auburn hair and sunglasses. She walking up some sidewalk stairs, and she was wearing a rather short skirt. I put my camera to my eye, zooming in on those long legs. "Just a little further." I whispered, backing up a few steps. She was walking away and was oblivious to my presence as she took the final step up, her wonderfully short skirt revealing— click!

"Perfect!" I whispered, the artist capturing another shot on a lazy picture taking afternoon. The photo whirred out and I felt a little heat rush to my cheeks as I awed over the subject matter. That stupid silly smile wouldn't come off my face as I discreetly shoved that photo in my album.


Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

It was a nice day, the birds where out and about in the sunny morning. Misao yawned and stretched her arms behind her back. Her goal for the day was to just go out and daydream. While it was important for her to study, she needed to unwind and daydreaming let her escape reality.

Her surroundings started to fade as her mind made up a whole new world. Characters came to life and danced upon her imagination. Her Daydreaming was cut short however, when a few clicks where heard. They were not that loud, but, they where enough to shake her from her waking dream.

"Darn just when I was getting into it!" She said, slightly agitated that she was disturbed. Eying her surrounding she found the cause. It was a blond haired boy with a blue shirt snapping pictures. At first she seen him with his camera looking at a bird. 'Aww that's cute.' She thought, appreciating the little bird. Just as she had thought the boy was done he spun and looked a different way. 'What is he looking at? did he find another bird?' She thought until she seen his line of sight, It was a rather ordinary girl in Misao's opinion. 'I don't understand whats so special about her.' She thought sneaking up to the pervert. "BOOOOO!" She yelled right in his ear hoping to startle him.


Itazura Sarutobi

Itazura Sarutobi

Just as I was putting away the picture I felt the presence of someone trying to sneak up on me. I was dumb enough to be distracted by my... Less than noble image capturing and I had already felt some red trickling down my nostrils. I really wasn't in the best of states to be ninja-ing right now... 

" BOOOOO!" I heard a girl's voice yell right beside my ear. Two things immediately registered in my mind Okay so it's just some kid who enjoys tormenting others and thankfully not some high level shinobi and Goddamn that was loud and right in my ear! 

I spun around, my possibly now deaf, ear covered by my hand. I saw a short little girl with long pink hair. And just as I thought she seemed to be enjoying how she had rudely decided go interrupt my artistic afternoon. I laughed a little, more at myself then anything, as I saw her. She was also wearing a forehead protector of Konoha too. Turns out I was caught by a fellow genin. I had to be impressed by the fact that she looked so young and already be a kunoichi, but also annoyed at the fact that she had just yelled at my ear, probably catching me in the act. 

"Heh, is this how you say hi to everyone?" I said. Hopefully glossing over/avoiding a confrontation about my previous subject matter. The blood trickling out of my probably did little to help my position. And after realizing that I had a nosebleed and I was standing in front of a girl who had caught me in the act of peeking, I could only imagine the wonderful lecture and/or beating I would get from her. Though it wouldn't do me much good, I ended up trying to wipe away some blood with my free hand.


Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

"Heh, is this how you say hi to everyone?" She heard the boy laugh, a small trickle of blood running out of his noes. At first, she was concerned that it might be something bad, but then remembering what she had overheard about perverts and noes bleeds she dismissed it. While Misao was smart she had not hit the point of really understanding what a pervert was. The only thing she knew is they liked to peek at girls. She put her hands on her waist.

"Only to little boys who cant keep their eyes to themselves!" Misao said loud enough for a few people to hear as they passed by, She hoped the humiliation of being called out would teach him a lesson.

Misao folded her arms. "Although you could make it up to me. I want a picture of anything of my choosing and you have to take it." She did not know the boys name, but, she thought since he was a photographer she could at least get something, Besides if he was nice they might could be friends. She hoped the boy did not think she was just playing pretend with someone elses headband, that would be the last thing she needed.


Itazura Sarutobi

Itazura Sarutobi

At the look my nosebleed, the girl at first thought that it might've been something serious. But within a few moments, she registered that it meant less than savory intentions. And with that she just had to yell out loud enough for at least a few people around us to hear. "Only to little boys who cant keep their eyes to themselves!"

I cringed as she shouted, my hear still not quite recovered from her previous shouting greeting. It wasn't that I minded being insulted by this little kid, but the way she decided to broadcast out to the entire village wasn't exactly favorable either.

She folded her arms the look of smug content on her face as she gave me a chance to "redeem" myself. "Although you could make it up to me. I want a picture of anything of my choosing and you have to take it."  

I couldn't help but smile again. The girl was pretty cute, a little young for my tastes, but give her about ten years and she could grow into a pink haired looker. She wore her forehead protector with pride, it was sort of hard to believe that she was already a shinobi, I had to backtrack my train of thought and maybe guess that she had "borrowed" someone else's protector. I decided to play along with her little game.

"Alright, alright. Just stop shouting will yah?" I held up my hands in defeat. "Think I'm deaf in one ear now. Either that or you took out my ear drums." I added in a mutter to the side, my hearing was returning to normal, but I liked to exaggerate my complaining.

"So whatever you want huh? Fine, hey I'll even throw in a free cookie if you'd give me a chance." I returned my hands to my camera, checking the little polaroid over like I happened compulsively do all the time since I got the thing. "And before you say anything about taking food from strangers, the name's Itazura. But... you're still a stranger to me." My eyes went back to her. I genuinely was curious as to who she was, and if she happened to actually be a real kunoichi, she must be a prodigy child herself. Geniuses gotta stick together right? Meh, I'd always disliked being called that, but I was sure that the girl really enjoyed it.


OOC: It's cool, take your time. :)

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao almost laughed when the boy cringed at her loudness in calling him out. She suppressed her chuckle as not to make him think it was just a joke. Something odd happened, the boy was smiling at her. "Alright, alright. Just stop shouting will yah? Think I'm deaf in one ear now. Either that or you took out my ear drums." He complained. Misao shook her head, she knew his hearing was fine.

"So whatever you want huh? Fine, hey I'll even throw in a free cookie if you'd give me a chance." She narrowed her eyes as he offered her food, he seemed to take the hint as he continued while he checked over his camera. "And before you say anything about taking food from strangers, the name's Itazura. But... you're still a stranger to me."

"Im Misao and im going to be the best medic shinobi in the world!" She said beaming. It had became somewhat of her trademark greeting as of late. Her eyes turned to a nearby tree, underneath it was a book and a small flower. The flower was a gift from the Hokage himself. It had a pink rose and amber color to it and was something Misao treasured. The flower itself could be replaced but, not this one. This flower was given with a promise. Earlier that day she had meet with the Hokage and he gave her the flower to take care of, in turn he would do his best not to get hurt.

"I want you to take a picture of that flower sitting on the book underneath that tree over their..." She said but towards the end she trailed off before continuing. "The Hokage gave me that flower and I want a picture taken of it, only problem is I don't have a camera." She said providing a little back story. "If it needs to be moved ill move it, I gotta be really careful with it." And She did. She had made a promise to take care of it and that's what she was going to do. Misao hoped the boy known as Itazura would not laugh at her tiny charge.


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