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1The Durian Pie!(Mission/Complete/Private) Empty The Durian Pie!(Mission/Complete/Private) Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:34 pm



It was another cloudy day at Kumogakure as Sanosuke made his way to the Administration building of the Raikage. He was going to head off to the Mission Board to see if there was still more missions he can take up. When Sanosuke woke up and got ready, he had originally planned on going straight to the Akako Dojo to resume where had left off in his kenjutsu training. But that wasn't the case he had to take care of his necessities which was food, drinking, and clothing. Sanosuke had gotten himself into a fincial funk since he spent all of his time just training and not doing missions. The missions would make him look good in the eyes of the Raikage and would be able to pay the bills for him to have a good meal.

The other day Sanosuke had a mission to help some sorry little girl get her teddy bear back from some village bully. The job was simply enough; go up to the kid and give that little bastard 3 good clonks on the head to show that stealing from little girls was wrong. And as a result, not only did he get the ryo from the mission(it was 80 ryo, not much but enough to get started on his new stash of money) and also he got a free meal from the little girl's parents as a token off their thanks to helping out their daughter. When he got to the mission board he noticed that there was a request on the mission board by the Raikage himself.

It was a simple request; he needed to pick Durians from the durian tree that was on top of the Raikage's building. But the fact that the Durian tree was literally on top of the administration building, Sanosuke didn't see any reason why the Raikage couldn't do it himself. True by top of the administration builiding he meant the Durian Tree was on top of yet another mountain that was on top of the administration building. But the Raikage was practically handing out ryo from his own pocket. Ryo is ryo and Sanosuke needed it. He walked up the staircase, he was told by the seductive receptionist that if he kept walking up the staircase, he would get to the Durian tree. After minutes of walking, he had reached the top of the administration building. Once he was there, Sanosuke only had to look up to see his destination; the Durian Tree of knowledge but the thing was that it was all the way up on a mountain. The mountain that the Durian Tree was on was at the very top of the mountain top making it the tallest thing of Kumogakure. Along the mountain was a winding mountain trail that led to the top of the mountain. Sanosuke walked towards the mountain trail that seemed to be the only way to get to the top of the mountain. So Sanosuke walked up the winding mountain trail of the mountain and kept on walking until he got to the top. That's when Sanosuke found himself in front of the Durian tree; The memories of his experiences here caused him to smile.

He went up to the tree and began picking the fruits that were in the tree, the prickled spikes of the fruit prickled Sanosuke's hands. If he tried to hold them in his hand, he would only get irritated by the constant stabbing of the fruit's surface. So he took off his over coat and used that to bundle up as many Durians as possible. Once he was done, he walked down the stair case again and this time he was instructed once more by the receptionist to take them to the cook.

He had given them to the cook and he had begun preparing some sort of pie. "Come back in a while and I promise to have your reward money from the Raikage himself" the old chef said before getting to work. Well this is great, I have some time left before I get paid. What can I do now? Sanosuke thought as he felt himself walk towards the main lobby of the Raikage.

"Oh looks like you're done, then how about you come over here and have some fun with me for a while?" a voice was heard that tore Sanosuke from his thoughts. He looked to see the receptionist Amy giving him a suggestive and seductive smile as she rose a sake bottle. This caused Sanosuke to smile, ever since he got his missions done he would come by here and this same crazy dame would try her best to get in his pants…again.

"Shouldn't you be working Amy-chan?" Sanosuke jokingly asked as he approached her desk and pulled up a chair. Amy smiled back as she showed off some cleavage again and pour a saucer to give it to him. "I'm allowed to have a break can't I?" she replied and sat on his lap and began drinking herself. "Let's have fun!'

Sanosuke laughed as he drank some sake himself ""Okay then hun let's have some fun while I wait for my reward" He drank with Amy for a couple of hours before Sanosuke noticed that Amy was passed out on his shoulder. She was smiling as she slept; Sanosuke had to admit it, it was bold for her to think that Amy could outdrink him. Sanosuke picked her up and placed her on her desk to sleep, making sure to hide her sake bottles in the trash bin in case her employer saw her drunk with sake. After covering for a horny receptionist's ass, Sanosuke walked towards the chef and yawned from the stretching he just did. "Hey old man are you done yet?" Sanosuke asked. The chef turned to him and was holding a pie in his hand. The old man was smiling with pride.

"Please have a slice of my pie before you get your reward" the old man suggested as he cut a slice from the pie and put it on a plate with a fork. He offered it to Sanosuke; this was freaking sweet it looks like this has been a pattern for Sanosuke handle a simple mission and get food as a reward. When he picked up the pie slice, the reek of the pie crawled up his nose and gave Sanosuke the fragrance as though somebody died. It reeked!

"Hey old man! What the hell are you trying to give me here?!" Sanosuke belloed, a tick mark appeared on his head in annoyance. The smell of this fruit was disgusting, it was making him a bit nauseous. Sanosuke was familiar with the smell of the fruit before but in pie form the smell was intensified.

"I assure you the pie taste delicious try it!" The cook encourgaged while holding his nose to cover up the stench. Sanosuke gingerly took on bite from the pie and felt flavor blast in his mouth. After taking one bite, he wolfed down the pie slice quickly and burped. The old man chuckled "You really have courage you know to eat that fruit without passing out. Thank you anyways I'm sure the Raikage will love it. With a smirk Sanosuke took the ryo he earned.

"What can I say old man? I'm a full of surprise"




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