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1Babysitting (Mission/complete) Empty Babysitting (Mission/complete) Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:39 pm

Dākuchairudo Jishin


"Food at four, bath at six, bed at eight." The instructions given by the parents were simple enough, Jishin felt she could easily handle a rowdy toddler, certainly would be easier than dealing with armed bandits, or so she thought. Unfortunately the reality was a lot different from her thoughts, Mia was an ass of a child, as Jishin would find out later in the night.

The parents had hurriedly left the house after their instructions, apparently late for a double date, or something of that nature. She didn't really pay attention as to why they were going off somewhere, her mind was focused upon the task at hand, dealing with that babeh. It was roughly 3 PM when Jishin entered into the house, the child was in the back yard playing with a pail and spade, digging into the dirt in search of earthworms and roly-poly, genuinely having a good time. For the time being there was no reason to interrupt her play time, staring at the toddler Jishin couldn't help but wonder about traditional life, taking a spouse, having a child... While the prospect of rearing a baby sounded brilliant, she had no intentions of settling down anytime soon, or at all really, the bloodline disallowed for such things. If she were to stop moving, to stop fighting, to stop being, she would inevitably die.

The fact the parents had allowed a member of her clan to watch over their child was a bit unsettling as well, perhaps a sign that they were gradually becoming less demonized? It seemed unlikely, the far more likely answer is that the could find absolutely no one else to do the job and chose to ignore the fact that their babysitter was from a clan known for killing and devouring their enemies. She pushed the thoughts from her head getting back to the task at hand, fixing the child something eat, and of course making sure she remained safe outside. Jishin moved into the kitchen, which had a large central window as to see out into the back yard, looking at the fridge which had a note taped to it which read as such, "Place in oven fr 1 hr 375." clearly written in a haste. Opening the fridge she noticed a casserole in a clear glass container, covered by aluminum foil. Pulling it from the fridge and placing it on the kitchen counter Jishin proceeded to preheat the oven, turning to look at the child once again.

A bout of shock immediately hit Jishin as she saw what the child had in her hands, Mia was holding a Japanese Mamushi in her hands, one of the most venomous snakes found in that area. Without thought the babysitter rushed from the kitchen, pushing the glass door the backyard open (and damn near shattering it), slapping the dangerous animal from the child's hands and sending it flying off several feet. Mia, confused as she was, immediately began to bawl at the unexpected force, crying out "No! Mr. Wiggle Tail!" in reference to the snake that had just been removed from her hands. With adrenaline pumping, Jishin quickly grabbed a rather large shovel which had been sitting beside the sliding glass doors, then moved in upon the snake quickly dispatching it via removing its head from several downward stabs from the shovel.

With the immediate threat taken care of she threw the shovel off to the side rushing back to Mia, yelling at her "Did it get you?!", clearly concerned for the child's wellbeing, taking her arms in hand Jishin immediately scanned over them checking to see if she had been bitten, then the legs, then the torso. Luckily there were no puncture wounds, which the little Mia confirmed, now scared for her own safety as she began to realize the gravity of the situation, though she did continue to cry for 'Mr. Wiggle Tail and the fate he had just received, even after Jishin attempted to explain what could have happened in the situation...

For the most part the rest of the night went according to plan, food was at four, bath was at six (Though the child did manage to partially flood the bathroom...), and bed was eight. Throughout the night she couldn't help but feel a bit of motherly attachment for the little girl, her attitude was absolutely adorable once one got through the situations she caused, quite the little devil. The parents returned around midnight, handing over the promised money and kicking the babysitter out, clearly uninterested in how the day had gone.

Shrugging the situation off Jishin to began to make her way back to the clan complex, thinking once more about what it must have been like to have a child, the ups and downs, once again coming to the fact that such a life wasn't for her...

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