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1Clear The Trash [D rank/private] Empty Clear The Trash [D rank/private] Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:12 pm

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku woke up and got dressed it was time for him to go clean gensei lake When he arrived he was appalled at how much garbage there was. It was all around the shore in the water everywhere it was enough to make him sick. He got his stick with the metal tip and began to pick up the trash He started on the north side of the lake. He began picking up pop cans and candy wrappers. As he placed them in the bag he thought about who could do this to such a beautiful lake. He moved along the shore picking up pop bottles and more wrappers until he was at the half way mark of the lakes shore. He looked around pops his back and began picking up trash again. He finally filled his wicker basket with trash and began walking to the iwa dump. When he arrived the man who worked there smiled and said "You cleaning the lake". " Taku smiled and said Yep ill be back soon with more". Taku said as he walked back to the lake once he got back he began filling his basket again as he started to work around the other side of the lake. He saw nasty things while he was there he picked up used tissues,old food,And even hot dog wrappers. The more he was there the sicker it made him. But he continued to pick up the trash he was half way threw the other side when he stopped for a minute. and sat down he had cleaned most of the shore by now and was about to finish this part. He stood back up and began working again he picked up old bottles and plastic bags. until he had filled his basket up again he then started back to the dump. When he arrived the same man sat at the gate and gave taku a nod as he walked by. Taku dumped his load and walked back out and went back to the lake. When he got back the shore was clean and beautiful again. But the water was a different story the water was still full of trash. He used the walking on water technique to get to the trash and began picking it up he picked up a candy wrapper in the center of the lake. As he was walking around he noticed how pretty the lake is going to be clean. So he continued cleaning. He was 1/3 of the way done when he decided to stop for a moment. he balanced himself on the water and looked around the shore was clean and the water was starting to show a difference. Taku smiled wiped his forehead and got back to work. He started cleaning the east side of the lake next it was full of old drinks and food. But he stuck his stick through it and put it in the basket he then moved to the west side. which was full off old bottles and food packaging. He moved to the north which most of it's trash had washed on shore and taku had already picked up. So what little was there he picked up. He moved to the south side and picked up it's remaining garbage. And finally got to the center and cleaned the last bit of garbage up. Taku looked at the sparkling lake and nice clean shore and smiled. Then he took his final load to the iwa dump as he passed the guy he said "You done yet there boy". When taku dropped his load he said "Yep just finished" Taku then left to go home his mission completed.

word count 626/600

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