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Dengen and his Team Alpha have been busier than God himself when it came to the hard work they were putting in their training. Although it was about that time, the reason Team Alpha was put together was to defend against an incoming threat with tactical ingenuity and supremacy. Team Alpha is the Rokudaime Tsuchikage’s first attempt in creating an ANBU squad that he could train, starting in their youth. The Sanroku Clan is a clan of scholars and experimenters, thus our specialization in the space and time theories and fighting style, so Dengen was the type of person to plan ahead. Dengen may admire loyalty but he surely envies strength and readiness above all else and Team Alpha is a team that is going to be conditioned to be prepared when others are not. The team was put together at this specific time with no true system in place for squads and sensais because of intelligence gathered that the village is vulnerable to a potential break – in. The early formation of Team Alpha is based on the events that transpire in reality, so not all things can go as planned, Dengen thought. Knowing that the team was supposed to be formed a few weeks or even months from now was a knowledge that only Dengen knew. Although the Tsuchikage believed that the Team was ready for the missions he will intell them in, since all three possess the unmovable will of an Iwagakure shinobi. This trait Dengen admired above all else in his squad and as the Tsuchikage, Dengen also knows how hard it is to stay loyal to Iwagakure since this village has been for so long a victim of criminal migration and deal making. All these underhanded approach though have been done in order to protect the village and Dengen believes his team has what it takes to carry out that approach with stealthy and covert missions.

“Now where is this team?” Dengen was getting rather impatient even though he shouldn’t since he got to the meeting place about an hour before the meeting is supposed to take place. Dengen had a surprise for the team. Knowing that they surely have the will to carry out the protection of Iwagakure the Tsuchikage has decided to give his guys an early promotion. The team was set to collect time since the mission took so long to come to fruit. Still the time was well spent like Dengen said, with training and hard work. “Wait who is this?” Dengen began to sense a shinobi coming fast although they weren’t close enough for Dengen to notice the signature of the chakra. The Rokudaime Tsuchikage may not be a sensing type shinobi but he would be able to point out the chakra signature of, if not all, nearly all of Iwagakures shinobis but still not from too far of a distance. “At least I know it’s a familiar signature and I’m almost positive that it is a member of Team Alpha.”

500/2500 -Event

500/3000 -Taijutsu Specialization



[OOC: I think you can't use the same word for two trainings, in other words you maybe need 5500 words. Not sure, just saying. Also, sorry for short post. Just getting warmed up.]

Training Reddish Spark.

Mission. An urgent one. That's pretty all Arashi knew. He was heading towards the Stone Bridge, that's where they agreed to meet Dengen. Arashi was pretty sure Zenchi was behind him, but not certain as he wasn't really paying attention. He was thinking about what could've been so urgent. Not much came to his mind, except the possibility of an raid on Iwa, or maybe some other Kage visiting so they and to welcome them. Whatever it was, it was big. It was the thing Arashi was training for this last few months, he really got far stronger then he was earlier. The training really payed off, as his physical strength now stretched high up from Zenchi, or Takumi. Arashi was fairly close to the Bridge, and he could see a figure just standing there, in it's typical robe. That was Dengen alright. Arashi gave it one last push, and quickly arrived just in front of Dengen. As always, his face gave no expression, while on the other hand Arashi's was cheerful. Arashi spoke.

"I'm here, Sir. Why the rush?"
Arashi looked around. There wasn't anybody on the stone bridge. The sun was just peeking over the hill, it was still morning. A breeze swept Arashi's glorious red hair swiftly.

Wordcount: 241/2500, 0/1500

Last edited by Arashi Nekomotze on Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:46 am; edited 1 time in total


[Training Reflect Arts Mirror Mine Technique (C) and Reflect Arts: Light-Speed Technique (D): Total of 1750 words. Reverting back to mission-only if what Arashi says is seconded by an admin. EDIT: Changed wordcounts from what Arashi said.]

Zenchi was meditating. Inside his house, he sat in Lotus position, attempting to erase thought from his mind. Everything faded away eventually, until--

Stupid bird.

In particular, it was a messenger bird. Zen was irked, as no one usually crashed into his window. Whoever sent the rather vacant-looking avian was lucky that he or she would not have to pay damages. That, of course, was because Zenchi's mind was now elsewhere. Along with his body.

The Hidden Earth ninja hopped along rooftops, sprinting to the designated the location. The young Kyouga had received a summons from the Tsuchikage... he had heard there was going to be a mission, but with it no detail on what it actually WAS. Intel and rumors on possible security breaches worried Zenchi; he had heard of malignant individuals lurking around the area.

But none of his personal preoccupations would need to have anything to do with this. As long as he had a team to work with, he would be fine. The shinobi actually sent a request to be put in a team with that guy he sparred with... Arashi, was it? He had never been able to enjoy a fight that much... truly a formidable opponent, even if they did not intend to do anything too nasty to each other. In the time between that fight and now--although he could somewhat attribute this increase to his sparring partner--his prowess in illusions had improved through sheer mental focus and training. He was even in the works of creating a new Genjutsu.

That, too, mattered little to Zenchi; he wanted to get this mission over with as quickly as possible, even if it was an important one. He wanted tomorrow to be a day free of worry and burden....After all, a birthday is supposed to be happy.

Soon, Zenchi arrived at the Bridge, seemingly concurrently with...

Huh. You do get what you want when you ask. The Iwa shinobi approached his Shadow. Standing so he was facing in the direction of both, he said, "Always a pleasure. What brings us all here?"


Last edited by Zenchi Kyouga on Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:11 pm; edited 5 times in total



[OOC to Arashi. Shinobis learn while they are in missions all the time. You just have to word it correctly of course. Especially a jutsu, (Zen) since it is a common occurrence for shinobis to learn techniques when they have their lives on the line (Plus this mission is going to exceed by far the word count limit for an S-Rank mission)]

Dengen seen as the rest of his team began to arrive. It was Arashi that came first and not too far behind was Zen. Zen is an odd kid and Arashi has yet to have gotten the new that he has replaced the young Senju. Of course it was a strategic move since the Senju is in training Dengen needed another shinobi with a phenomenal kenkkei Genkai. Zen is one of Iwagakure Glass Release shinobi and that bloodline is rare even here in the village of its origins. Like the Senju Zen can use his abilities for a number of effective strategic advancements. Dengen believed that bringing Zen into Team Alpha was one of the best decisions he has made with his abilities being extremely versatile. Although Arashi is a shinobi that even surprised the Tsuchikage in terms of how quick he progressed in his abilities. The term prodigy may be a term used loosely in our age but Arashi has shown to have the true will of stone. With all that in mind Dengen went on to speak to the shinobis “From today on end you guys are not kids.” Dengen wanted to make sure that he emphasized that they are not children no more. “Today you two are going to be part of an abnormal process where you will be ranked up but only because of the specific mission and the task given to you within that mission. Team Alpha is not full, as you see we are missing Tatakai and Arashi I don’t know if you have met him, but this is your new teammate Zenchi Kyoga.” Dengen then looked at Zen and said, “Zen. This is Arashi Nekomotze. I would have liked for the Team to have been more familiar with each other’s fighting style by now but something’s can’t go exactly as planned.”

“Arashi. Congratulations. You are a Jounin. I assigned you think rank because you are the captain of the team and you have an obligation to lead if I’m not around. Zen, you are promoted to Special Jounin. I am promoting you to that position because as you know, your skill is valuable and you are a genius shinobi yet to reach his full potential. Tatakai is going to be promoted to the Chuunin rank and although he is not here I feel like you guys should know as his teammates.” Dengen stopped there so the kids could have their little time in the sun. If they were going to celebrate their position change now would be the time to do it as the Tsuchikage gave them time. Still with their cheer Dengen had a blank expression and that is because he knew what was going to happen in this mission. This mission is a mission that if failed, death is most likely the outcome and Dengen believes that now that Arashi has gotten stronger to the point that, he may not be as powerful as the Tsuchikage but now he is among the same league. Still he is really young but Dengen did not mind, he needed his expertise in the Taijutsu fighting style no matter what the cost. And how odd it was that Dengen seen this kid grow in just a little under a year so much to the point that Dengen feels like he possesses something that can be of help, his specialization. Arashi has proved to be a great hand to hand fighter and Dengen actually believes that he can be better. Arashi is surely growing to be the strongest shinobi in Iwagakure when it comes to mere physical strength.

1102/2500 -Event

1102/3000 -Taijutsu Specialization



[OOC: Yes, but I just don't think it would be allowed. We'll see. Oh, and Zenchi, please don't edit your post after somebody else posted after it, if you did that. The first time I read it, there wasn't any text if I'm not mistaking. This would make it seem that we didn't even notice you talked, and then we all have to edit our posts etc... Don't worry about the word counts, we'll make them. :]

“From today on end you guys are not kids.Today you two are going to be part of an abnormal process where you will be ranked up but only because of the specific mission and the task given to you within that mission. Team Alpha is not full, as you see we are missing Tatakai and Arashi I don’t know if you have met him, but this is your new teammate Zenchi Kyoga. Zen. This is Arashi Nekomotze. I would have liked for the Team to have been more familiar with each other’s fighting style by now but some things can’t go exactly as planned.

Arashi. Congratulations. You are a Jounin. I assigned you think rank because you are the captain of the team and you have an obligation to lead if I’m not around. Zen, you are promoted to Special Jounin. I am promoting you to that position because as you know, your skill is valuable and you are a genius shinobi yet to reach his full potential. Tatakai is going to be promoted to the Chuunin rank and although he is not here I feel like you guys should know as his teammates.”

Wait, did he just say jounin? Jounin? JOUNIN?! From genin to jounin, instantly? Arashi was shocked by Dengen's words. I mean, he was surprisingly strong for a genin, but really, for a jounin; Arashi was weak. At least that's what he thought. Arashi immediately bowed down deeply, and spoke to Dengen. His words were determined. "Thank you very much Lord Tsuchikage! I promise I won't disappoint you!" Actually, he wasn't too sure about the last part. I mean, people expect a lot more from a jounin than from a genin. What... What if he'd fail? Arashi stood up, and talked again, now with a calmer voice. "Oh, and I know Zenchi. We've... "Trained" together, right Zenchi?" Arashi looks at Zen, and chuckles. I wonder how his rib's doing. It should be fully healed by now, for all that I know of. Ara looked back at Dengen, awaiting for the instructions about the mission they were going to pull of.

Worcount: 633/2500, 0/1500


[OOC: Dun worry Arashi, the first edit was to my post before Dengen put his up. The second edit was my OOC. No biggeh~]

“From today on end you guys are not kids.Today you two are going to be part of an abnormal process where you will be ranked up but only because of the specific mission and the task given to you within that mission. Team Alpha is not full, as you see we are missing Tatakai and Arashi I don’t know if you have met him, but this is your new teammate Zenchi Kyoga. Zen. This is Arashi Nekomotze. I would have liked for the Team to have been more familiar with each other’s fighting style by now but some things can’t go exactly as planned.

Arashi. Congratulations. You are a Jounin. I assigned you think rank because you are the captain of the team and you have an obligation to lead if I’m not around. Zen, you are promoted to Special Jounin. I am promoting you to that position because as you know, your skill is valuable and you are a genius shinobi yet to reach his full potential. Tatakai is going to be promoted to the Chuunin rank and although he is not here I feel like you guys should know as his teammates.”

Hmm... A genius? I wouldn't be too sure of that, but.... Perhaps I can make them proud now. "I am... truly honored, Tsuchikage-sama. As for Arashi...." Zen smiled, with just a hint of vehemence, as he continued. "....we had a little spar earlier this week. That was.... quite the eventful day. This Tatakai... I have not met him as of yet, though." Zenchi wondered... was he really ready to be a Special Jounin? He had been told many times that he was mature for his age, but did he really have the tactical prowess, the pure power needed to fill that position?

Regardless, Zen was eager to know what the Earth Shadow had summoned the two of them there for on such short notice. What kind of mission was it that he had to speak about it in person?


Last edited by Zenchi Kyouga on Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



“There is truly no problem Arashi, you deserve it. As one of the youngest in Iwagakure to hold that rank of a jounin a surely think you won’t disappoint. As for you Zen, you are welcome; your abilities will be needed more than you think.” Dengen was glad to find out that his team has already become acquainted with each other. “A spar is a golden way to know each other’s fighting style. Hopefully that fight has got you both thinking as of now, how you can work together using your abilities. God knows you are going to need it. About Tataki; Arashi has already met him. He is a strong shinobi as well, extremely fast for his age but has a weakness that shinobis will not last alive if they had. So I give my respects to the young Sento, as should you two even though he did not make it today.” Dengen didn’t want to say no more about the young Tatakai, knowing that it is a personal issue for the young man but he wanted Arashi to have his first inner mission as team captain. That mission was to fill Zen on Tatakais misfortune. “About the mission at hand. There is a reason I asked for you all to meet me up here instead of down there at the bridge. We have a bird’s eye view of the scene and intelligence has gathered word on a possible intrusion. Team Tundra is the name of the squad that is set to enter and they should be getting here any… Shhh” Dengen then ducks down behind some bushes, and pushing the other two shinobis with him. “There they are.” As Dengen got to see a little closer the people entering he noticed something that was beyond his expectations. One of the intruders is a war criminal. A man that goes by the name of Hanzai, but this was surely not what Dengen wanted. Especially since it is when Hanzai comes out that he always has… Dengen stops his train of thought just to say one thing. “The Brothers Grimm.”

Dengen sat back down as he noticed both Arashi and Zen looking out towards the bridge. There is no doubt that they saw the enemy enter and if they have any type of sensing abilities they will know that these three shinobis are stronger shinobis then they appear. “Alright get down team. It is game time. Operation take down Team Tundra is ago, but before we start I should fill you in on these shinobis stats and abilities.” Dengen then puts his hands together cross fingered, as he summoned a small transcript of the mission intel and a personel transcript in order to better understand the shinobis they are versing. “Read these.” { [TOP SECRET] } Dengen wanted the two shinobis to know what they were up against so he gave them the transcript to read before he spoke. “The plan is going to be simple. I will appear first and ahead of them so that they can be caught at least a little off guard while you two find a way to get under the bridge and attack them from behind. I want you two targeting the two odd looking shinobis with the swords, but watch out they aim to kill. I will get the one with the face mask.” As soon as Dengen said that he disappeared, body flickering and appearing suddenly in front of the opposing team.

Dengen understand that he didn’t give much of a strategy for his team but that is only because he does not yet know or truly understand the power that they are up against and even he feels threatened at the moment. The attack sneak attack strike given to the two shinobi is very likely to fail and the reason being because the Brothers Grimm has an abnormally great sensing ability around an ocean type of terrain. When Dengen appeared he began to speak, “Hanzai, You are under arrest for war crimes against Kirigakure and I will not let you trespass into my village.” Hanzai then smiles as he seen the surprise guest. “Ahh The Tsuchikage. You are not such a good guy yourself, why make more enemies?” Right there was when Arashi and Zen were set to strike and in the split second that Hanzai looked to the side Dengen summoned the Monkey Prince Ema to appear right behind Hanzai and already striking. This of course back fired as he dodged it as he somersaulted out of the hit. As soon as he got up though Dengen ran up at his top speed and began throwing punches that were just barely able to get blocked by Hanzai. As for Arashi and Zen, who knows what they were doing as Dengen wasn’t paying attention although he did want them to meet for a better strategy sooner rather than later as soon as we get better knowledge of their fighting styles.

1930/2500 - Event

1930/3000 - Taijutsu Specialization



[OOC: Yeah... We need seperate wordcounts, so, Dengy you need 5500. I need 4000. Zen also needs... 3500? Something like that.]

“There is truly no problem Arashi, you deserve it. As one of the youngest in Iwagakure to hold that rank of a jounin a surely think you won’t disappoint. As for you Zen, you are welcome; your abilities will be needed more than you think. A spar is a golden way to know each other’s fighting style. Hopefully that fight has got you both thinking as of now, how you can work together using your abilities. God knows you are going to need it. About Tataki; Arashi has already met him. He is a strong shinobi as well, extremely fast for his age but has a weakness that shinobis will not last alive if they had. So I give my respects to the young Sento, as should you two even though he did not make it today. About the mission at hand. There is a reason I asked for you all to meet me up here instead of down there at the bridge. We have a bird’s eye view of the scene and intelligence has gathered word on a possible intrusion. Team Tundra is the name of the squad that is set to enter and they should be getting here any… Shhh. There they are. The Brothers Grimm.
Alright get down team. It is game time. Operation take down Team Tundra is ago, but before we start I should fill you in on these shinobis stats and abilities. Read these. The plan is going to be simple. I will appear first and ahead of them so that they can be caught at least a little off guard while you two find a way to get under the bridge and attack them from behind. I want you two targeting the two odd looking shinobis with the swords, but watch out they aim to kill. I will get the one with the face mask.”

He talks too much. He really did. Dengen just kept blabbering and blabbering, but it was okay. This stuff was important. Dengen disappeared out of Arashi's sight, which was their sign to move out.
"Come on, let's do this."
Arashi was thinking about Tatakai, and why he didn't come. He was strong, and would make the fight easier for them. But hell; where's the fun in easy fights? Arashi and Zenchi were quite close to the bridge itself, there was only about five meters to run until the bridge started, providing some decent cover. There were some bushes as well, so the enemies shouldn't spot them. Speaking of, the enemies. The scrolls Dengen gave to the team earlier contained information about the opposing team. Useful intel. Very. All three of them were Ninjutsu users, while the brothers specialized in kenjutsu and the sensei was more fond of taijutsu. They were all very skilled, jounin level at least. Arashi focused chakra in his feet, allowing him to stick to the stone of the bridge, and be able to run on the bottom of the bridge without a fear of falling. It was a normal thing shinobis did, and it was definitely second nature to Arashi, a specialist for Chakra Flow. The bridge is a very long one, at least a hundred meters long. Some time passed until Arashi got all the way to the other side, as that's where the enemies were. He was pretty sure Zenchi was right behind him.
"With Dengen, it's three on three. I'm quite positive Dengen will also summon on of his summons, which will definitely come in useful. I'll take the red-haired guy, you take the blond one, okay?"
Just as Arashi closed his mouthed he realized what he was doing. He was... Giving orders. And that were some pretty good orders, really. I mean, it would be best if all three of them concentrated on one enemy at a time, launcing a powerfull barrage of attacks with no chances of dodging. But by the time they finished with one enemy, the other two would already surround them, prepare a trap or leave the battlefield. It's best to leave it at one on one for now. They were about at the end of the bridge now, that was a decent run. Just enough to warm Arashi up, as he was truly running like the wind. Jounin level now, that's what he is, yes. Actually, Arashi wasn't sure if Zenchi even got what Arashi said as Ara was probably a lot faster than Zenchi, with Ara being a taijutsu ninja to whom speed is crucial. Arashi signaled Zenchi it was time to go up, they were probably just behind them now. Zenchi was supposed to go right, while Arashi left, laving no place to dodge but to head back as Dengen was probably in front. The fact that Arashi had gotten to the far side of the bridge in a time of ten seconds was astounding, but well; he was a jounin now.

Arashi ran back to the upper side of the bridge, to see the situation; Dengen with Hanzai... In a fist fight? Dengen was just throwing random punches; and Hanzai actually looked like he was having trouble blocking them. Strange, I never thought of Dengen like a close-combat fighting kind of person. It appeared that they didn't go far enough, as they were standing just next to the Team Tundra, not behind. But it was too late, as the team noticed Arashi. probably Zenchi too. What Arashi did was simple, actually more reflexive; he prepared a Kawarimi just before he got on the upper side of the bridge, and tossed a kunai at the red-haired Satsujin. No, THE kunai, as it was the only one Arashi had. Arashi was sticking to his plan; he attacked Satsujin and Zenchi would attack Satsugai. As soon as the kunai left his hand Arashi charged at Satsujin with tremendous speed. Satsujin simply moved his head to the side, avoiding the kunai which flew off the bridge. Arashi was already head to head with Satsujin, so he launched a punch that was aimed at the stomach area. His punch would definitely be strong enough to punch out Satsujin's air. What Satsujin did was something else; he made a half-tiger handsign. Arashi's fist was centimeters from Satsujin's body when it stopped completely. Arashi was paralyzed. I feel like... Ropes are holding me in place. Is that the technique Zenchi used on me? I should be able to dispel it. Arashi instantly concentrated some chakra inside his body, which he almost immediately expelled through the entire surface of his skin. The chakra was released with such force it easilly ripped the chakra ropes holding Arashi in place to shreds, freeing him. The pure force could be seen, as well as the twitch of Arashi's muscles. Ara proceeded with his punch, but as his arm completely stopped moments ago his momentum was gone. It would be a better idea to turn the punch in a swipe, in an uppercut-like manner. And Arashi did just that. Six centimeters long chakra claws appeared on his knuckles, as he took a step forward and swiped Satsujin with both his hands; his right one, the one who's punch nearly connected went upwards in a diognal manner; it swiped through Satsujin's clothes and about two centimeters of his skin, all the way from the area of lower left corner of the torso to just under Satsujin's right shoulder. Arashi's second arm swiped horizontally in the height of stomach, ripping the shirt and the flesh about two centimeters deep. Satsujin was very surprised, as he probably underestimated Arashi because of his young age. The fact that Arashi easily freed himself from Satsujin's immobilizing jutsu was probably staggering as well. The swipes would've pierced even deeper if Satsujin didn't react in time. He leaned his body back as soon as Arashi made the slightest move to prove that he wasn't paralized, so the cuts weren't as bad. The lean turned into a "kick" to the ground, Satsujin got airborne and pulled up the giant sword in an instant. Arashi could see that a mist started covering the area, it was pretty thick. What is this? Well, I should be on my guard. At least I scored a fairly decent hit. Eight moderately deep cuts... He should start bleeding soon. Though, Arashi looked at his claws. There wasn't any blood on them. ...How is this possible? I felt my claws going through his skin! Arashi was a bit confused, but didn't let his guard down.

Wordcount: 2094/2500, 0/1500

[OOC: Sorry for massive wall of text. o_o ]



[OOC: I severely apologize for lateness. Scumbag computer.]

“There is truly no problem Arashi, you deserve it. As one of the youngest in Iwagakure to hold that rank of a jounin a surely think you won’t disappoint. As for you Zen, you are welcome; your abilities will be needed more than you think. A spar is a golden way to know each other’s fighting style. Hopefully that fight has got you both thinking as of now, how you can work together using your abilities. God knows you are going to need it. About Tataki; Arashi has already met him. He is a strong shinobi as well, extremely fast for his age but has a weakness that shinobis will not last alive if they had. So I give my respects to the young Sento, as should you two even though he did not make it today. About the mission at hand. There is a reason I asked for you all to meet me up here instead of down there at the bridge. We have a bird’s eye view of the scene and intelligence has gathered word on a possible intrusion. Team Tundra is the name of the squad that is set to enter and they should be getting here any… Shhh. There they are. The Brothers Grimm.
Alright get down team. It is game time. Operation take down Team Tundra is ago, but before we start I should fill you in on these shinobis stats and abilities. Read these. The plan is going to be simple. I will appear first and ahead of them so that they can be caught at least a little off guard while you two find a way to get under the bridge and attack them from behind. I want you two targeting the two odd looking shinobis with the swords, but watch out they aim to kill. I will get the one with the face mask.”

"Yes, sir."
After the Tsuchikage was finished with his rather long talk--though, Zen couldn't blame him, info needed to be relayed--the Iwa shinobi waited for Arashi to depart. It was only logical to follow your higher-ups, no?
"Right.... I'd rather get this done with as soon as possible."
Zenchi thought on who this Tatakai was. Hopefully, whoever he was, his inability to show for the mission did not bleed through in his aptitude as a ninja. Most any competent shinobi or kunoichi would have helped them out right now; however, Zen was interested in how powerful these ninja had to be to make them international criminals. Perhaps it was confidence that made Zen sort of want to fight such evil people, and maybe it was a sense of justice, or even complacency. About five meters separated the bridge and the two Iwagakure no Sato ninja. They obviously had not been seen by the three criminals; they could easily be snuck up on, considering they were already on the bridge. Zenchi mentally reviewed the contents of the the scrolls Dengen had given them. It was info on the battle capabilities of the rogues; this would come in very handy. If he had read right, all of them were versed in Ninjutsu, most specifically Water Style; not a surprise, given they were Kiri ninja. The two brothers--quite the eerie moniker they shared--were also proficient in Kenjutsu....Impossible... there's only supposed to be one Executioner's Blade... Zen wondered if they switched off using the giant sword and ninjutsu, or what other tactic they might use. The leader of the two, possibly their sensei, was more skilled in Taijutsu, unarmed combat; that would explain why he seemed to be fond of Chakra Flow. These surely weren't people to mess around with in battle. Houzuki... Zen had heard of that name before. While he was thinking, the Toku-Jou had let his superior get ahead of him. He was already on the bridge, upside-down, though a bit absently. Zenchi knew he wouldn't be able to get to Arashi by his own speed; not only was he outranked, the sheer speed Arashi had was astounding. Well... since my chakra is already at my feet... Why don't I test something out? Kousoku no Jutsu! By the time Zen activated his technique-in-training, the two were more than three-quarters across the bridge, still on the underside of it.
"That makes for some good odds, huh... In any case, that is his clan's specialty. He's probably summoned that personal one I'ver heard so much about. Blond... okay."
It would do well to listen to Arashi; he was promoted to Jounin for a reason. He was quite the strategest... but there had to be a reason for Zenchi to be on this team, too. Besides strategy... what was he good for? Intelligence... that may be the answer. He might not be the strongest or fastest shinobi in the Hidden Earth... but perhaps he could strive to be the smartest. Knowledge is power, and all that. He just had to be as useful as he could, in his own way. He snapped back to reality long enough to notice that his jutsu was backfiring. His chakra mirrors had given him speed, but just as he was right behind Arashi, his feet detached from the underside of the bridge. Luckily, they were at where they were supposed to be; Zen managed to focus chakra to his hands, making him stick to he side of the bridge just like it would have been done with feet. He kicked off of the side of the bridge with his hands still attached, letting him pivot over the guard-rail structure. And he was on the bridge now. Time to get started....

Dengen was.... having at the sensei--Hanzai, was it?--with a flurry of punches. It was a strange sight, as Zen never pegged the Tsuchikage as that sort of guy. But hey, you can't judge a book by its cover. It seemed as if though the Earth Shadow was overwhelming the Mist rogue. It would seem that Zenchi was not the only one who made a mistake, though; the Taku-Jou and his higher-up both wound up short of their target area. The two of them had been spotted; there was no use trying to recover from their slip-up. So, Zen got right down to it; he immediately made hand seals. It was somewhat predictable, but Zenchi activated his clan's signature technique. From nothing, little mirror-like chakra constructs appeared, about ten in number. He was supposed to aim for the blonde, while Arashi went for his brother, Satsujin if Zen remembered correctly. So, he rushed up to the former brother--Satsugai, that was his name!--and aimed a kick at his legs. Regardless of how much weaker he was than Arashi, Zen was a ninja; the profession in itself required some physical prowess. And the legs were always a weak spot. Zen would obviously do better on the battlefield with a debilitated opponent. But... his strike landed almost too easily. Upon looking back at his foe--after all, a sweep kick didn't afford much time for watching--the Special Jounin found that he had liquefied his foe. Or, someone more self-absorbed would think that; it instantly popped into Zenchi's head. "Arashi! They're Houzuki! They can turn to water at will!" So... he would just have to get around physically attacking, or somehow surprise his foe. Hopefully at least the former would not be a problem.
Satsugai was still trying to reform his legs after he had liquified; perfect. Zenchi clapped his hands, and several of his newly-created mirrors began to shine. Right about point-blank, now; only about one meter separated the Iwa and Kiri ninja. Four bullets of pure light and the chakra that bound it hurtled toward the Houzuki.

Heh. Who did this kid think he was? You're not going to get very far doing that! I'll break you!"
The squirt had tried to trip Satsugai. Amateur. Was this the best that the Tsuchikage could muster up to fight Team Tundra? If so, the Hidden Rock Village sure was pathetic.
Soon, Satsugai would get a taste of what Iwagakure no Sato was all about.
Four blazing-hot blasts of...something... hit him, and boy, did they hurt. They evaporated a little of his body, but otherwise he was completely unharmed. "This is what you get for that!"

He swung.

It was on, now. Fun, fun.

Wordcount: 2075/4750



Prince Ema had almost nothing to do as Dengen began to strike the opponent, he was thinking on helping the shinonbis who are allies to the Tsuchikage which came to be the best idea yet, but then he seen Arashi come out of nowhere and throw a kunai. That kunai missed its target but Ema took advantage of the loose weaponry and jumped over to the other end of the bridge where he caught the Kunai throught the whole in its handle. “This could be used a little later.” Meanwhile as Dengen began to overwhelm the Team Tundras, Team Sensai he began to notice an eerie mist materializing from thin air. “Hiding in Mist Technique?” Dengen said under his breath and as he kicked Hanzai with one swift and strong kick Hanzai quickly blocked the shot and gave the Tsuchkage enough time to back flip away from the hand to hand combat and replace himself with his summon, the Great Monkey Prince Ema began striking the sensai with his Bo staff repeatedly but still having little to no luck hitting Hanzai. Dengen understands that although they are Jounin level shinobis, they are surely stronger than the rank they represent, or else how be international criminals while still being alive? Dengen knew that Hanzai’s ability to dodge came from his basic instinct to survive and when you are in war with all of the 5 Great Nations that basic instinct become second nature for a shinobi. Still Dengen needed to get away so that he could see where this fog was coming from. Now where is this mist coming from?

Dengen got a good and safe distance away from the battle without anybody noticing he weaved a few hand seals along the way, as the Monkey Prince Ema stopped Hanzai’s attempts to get near the thinking Tsuchikage. Dengen noticed both of his teammates battling their opponents in a match that will only be described as a Dangerous one. Each blow struck my team and theirs have been blows that are capable of severely wounding a shinobi and have death be a potential outcome. Still this looked bad as the two brothers are extremely skilled in their Hydrification technique. Dengen needed to stop trying to think about a winning strategy and find out who is creating that hidden mist? and especially now since it is just a few seconds from engulfing the bridge in its mist. Hopefully Arashi and Zen seen what was going on and what Team Tundra is attempting to do. Then Dengen noticed something odd, something that he wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for his random searching observational skills. The blonde brother Satsugai, he was never on the bridge to begin with. So Zen is fighting a water clone? Soon after Dengen said this a water clone of Hanzai’s began forming just right behind the Tsuchikage himself but since he was zoned out in his thought he let his guard down and made the biggest mistake of all as Hanzai swung at him in full speed with a kunai pointed at the Tsuchikage’s temple. It was over. The Tsuchikage himself dispelled turning into pebbles, catching the water clone by surprise as Dengen was seen running towards Satsugai who was hiding under water just literally on the edge of its surface. Hanzai’s water clone knew exactly what Dengen wanted to do so he chased after the original, but it was too late.

The young Grimm Brother knew the Tsuchikage was coming but it was fairly too late as the mist was already completely out and in full effect, and when Satsugai seen the incoming threat get to close he merged his body into the water, disappearing from sight. Right then and there the water clone caught up to Denge and swung at him with the same hand holding the kunai, Dengen without hesitating turned around and dodged the attack. This time the water clone was giving Dengen a bombardment of strikes and Dengen had trouble dodging them all, and not it’s the time where he really can’t get hit. Although those strikes are normal and non - chakra spending strikes, they are still lethal to the hit, life threatening to any shinobi. This was something that Dengen needed Ema for even if it is real quick, and right after the thought rang up Ema appeared out of nowhere leaving his fight with the original Hanzai only to dispel the water clone by throwing the Kibba Staff as if it was a spear. Ema is extremely skilled and Dengen is lucky to have his summon but as Ema landed to pick up his spear Dengen told him, "Alright Ema, I have no need to tell you that you are doing a great job since you already know but I do need you to help my teammates at all cost. Okay.” Ema then picked up his staff and said, “Yes sir, and what will you be doing?” As soon as Ema said this, there are 3 water clones rising up from the river plus the original making it four Hanzai’s facing Dengen. “I got these guys.”

2500/2500 EVENT

285/3000 Taijutsu Specialization



[OOC: Yes, yes you have to post chakra/spoilers in missions/events as well. Also makes things less confusing.]

The mist got thicker. Arashi's visibility was greatly reduced, but still enough to see shadowy figures. Satsujin, who was still flying backwards, was holding his Kubikiribocho tightly. Dengen and Ema were out there, right of Arashi, engaging in close combat with Hanzai. Arashi saw one shadowy figure; Dengen; kicking himself away from the fight. He completely went out of Arashi's eyesight, the mist was truly thick. About Zenchi; Arashi couldn't see much. But he could hear something. Zenchi's voice.
"Arashi! They're Houzuki! They can turn to water at will!"
What??? So that's why he didn't bleed when I scratched him! He liquefied! Arashi spoke back to Zenchi.
"Got it. They're tough."
Arashi could also hear another voice; probably Satsugai's, as Satsujin's lips weren't moving. Satsujin landed on the bridge, not too far from Arashi. Two meters or so. All Arashi could notice was Satsujin tightly squeezing his sword; before charging at Arashi with such speed and force that to slow-eyes civilians it wold seem that he teleported. He's fucking fast! But, Arashi was simply; faster. And so were his eyes, especially now with the adrenaline flowing through his veins. He had more than enough time for replacing himself with a rock he prepared for the purpose even before they got on the bridge. Arashi replaced himself so he was right of the rock, about a meter or so. Satsujin's powerful slice with his sword cut the rock in two, and it wasn't long until he realized that he was tricked. The force of the swing was such that even after cutting through the rock; the sword cut in the concrete bridge. 30 centimeters at least, if not more. That was just the thing Arashi was aiming for; gaining some time. Even if hardly a couple of seconds, it means very much for Arashi as it was just enough time to launch a counter-attack.

I need all the speed I could possibly get... What if I... And that's when it hit him. An idea, for a new technique. He would concentrate chakra in his feet, reducing friction between the ground and his feet; effectively giving him a speed boost. It worked. Arashi could feel his speed-up, it was almost unnatural. The tingly feeling in his feet... He liked it. The speed-up was at least 50%, a great addition to Arashi's natural speed. Though, the distance between Arashi and Satsujin was only about a meter or so, so the addition wasn't all that useful. Also, Arashi couldn't control the great amount of chakra for longer than a second, so he had to dispel it as soon as he reached Satsujin. Arashi leaped in the air, so he was just a bit higher than Satsujin's head, and immediately launched a straight kick aimed at Satsujin's face; meant to knock him on the floor. Though, Satsujin was stronger than Arashi thought. He managed to pull out the cword from the solid concrete; and block Arashi's kick with it, using it's flat side as a shield. He managed to pull the blade so fast? Such a heavy one? Damn, he's strong AND fast... Arashi concentrated a bit chakra in his foot that was on the blade, and he stuck to it, only to crouch down and then jump away from Satsujin; pushing himself off with the leg. So, Arashi finished a couple of meters away from Satsuin, of the ground.

Satsujin leaped in the air, obviously taking the shot he had. Being in the air and all, Arashi was pretty defenseless. Satsujin was just infront of Arashi when he swung his sword; as fast as always; at Arashi. It appeared he was aiming at his shoulder, so the cut would continue through his heart. Though, Arashi was just as fast as Satsujin, so he managed to turn sideways, and dodge the attack that could've easily killed him. The fight continued for some more time, Arashi and Satsujin were exchanging some good hits. Though, Satsujin managed to block a great majority of Arashi's attacks with his large blade, and those that he didn't block; he dodged. Arashi on the other hand would mostly parry the incoming blade attacks, blocking them with his own terrifyingly fast punches and kicks. If some of them could not be parried, Arashi managed to dodge them. I'm getting a bit tired... Just then, he noticed a shadowy figure running towards them. As it got closer and closer it revealed it was... Ema?

Wordcount: 2500/2500, 386/1500



This was just great. Zen had thought he had scored a good hit, there. But this was not the Houzuki's Hiden--their Secret Technique--of Hydrification. Zen could tell just from the looks of it; this person-thing-whatever he was fighting was not gelatinous like Houzuki were said to be. It was just plain water. So... He was fighting a Mizu-Bunshin, a water clone. Zen was a bit mentally absent at the moment; he was trying to figure out, pinpoint, where his supposed opponent was. What kind of coward would not even confront his foe in the first place? Ha ha... I suppose all ninja are cowards... otherwise we'd be samurai, would we not...?

Zen thought on what he should do. Going down to the water is a no-go, now... I should probably assist Arashi up here. Satsugai can wait. Dengen can deal, eh? He's the Tsuchikage. So he rushed over to Arashi. This Satsujin... he was much less talkative than his sibling. Honestly, he had much more prowess in fighting, by the looks of it; though, Zenchi couldn't truly judge this, as he was fighting a mere clone of the elder of the two brothers. Either way.... After a rather dicey midair exchange, the two combatants were duking it out again on the ground. It was something of an even match... Zen couldn't really tell who had the upper hand. Arashi was the physically strongest person in Iwa, perhaps barring Dengen. But he was unarmed; that huge Executioner's Blade Kubikiribouchou was a force to be reckoned with, especially in the hands of the Demon's next incarnation (or so it's said).

Even together, one Grimm brother might prove troublesome for the two of them. Luckily, the Monkey Prince Ema joined their fray, or so it seemed. The Tsuchikage Dengen might have just wanted to relay some information. But some help would be much appreciated. Whatever his purpose, Zen decided to try out another new technique. Arashi! Let's get this show on the road!" Now he had, what, sixteen mirrors at his disposal. He began to charge them up, just like his Mirror Shot technique. Only, this time he would let them absorb far more light. Six should be enough for this...In the meantime!

Zen thrust out his hand. The length of the bridge and Satsujin were all in his jutsu's range. So... Wind Style! Gale of Severance! A fairly strong wind shot out of Zenchi's hand; it wasn't so strong as to knock down a person, but... Something that was almost intangible like the Hidden Mist that hung over the area would be a breeze--pun intended--to dispel. Naturally, the heavy fog blanketing the bridge, at least in the jutsu's radius, blew away; it might or might not recollect due to its incomplete destruction. Satsujin, however, was unharmed by the blades of wind that Zen used in his technique; he probably turned himself to liquid, partially, to avoid the minor cuts that would have been caused.

As a fail-safe, Zen laid out several of his dangerously charged mirrors; two on the ground, and four hovering, almost as if stuck to an invisible wall. Now... let's see how this does.

Last edited by Zenchi Kyouga on Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



(OOC: Ive been out on vaca, so its the first time ive been late to post. And for Arashi, Okay then. It would make more since.)

Dengen sent the Monkey Prince Ema to help his team with the fight above and on the bridge but he sent the Prince off only after getting handed the Arashi’s Kunai that almost went over the bridge. Ema was mostly following the young Hozuki shinobi that had the clone in the first place apparently he is going to join the fight as well. Ema was given just one mission, and that is to help out Arashi and Zen no matter what the cost, although help will be needed on this side as well since Hanzai is not an average Jounin. Already Dengen has spent a considerable amount of chakra, leaving his last resort techniques to the Taijutsu fighting style. A fighting style that Dengen has yet perfected but being around Arashi and Tatakai for so long, Dengen has a basic feel for the style. The Monkey Prince Ema already left Dengen’s vies as he was left to fight a couple clones and the original Hanzai, on water which was his strong suit. Dengen was going to have fun with this since he hasn’t been on a fight this intriguing is quite some time. As soon as Ema left Dengens sight, Hanzai and his clones charged head on towards the Rokudaime Tsuchikage. Dengen closed his eyes and he was calm and waiting for the touch.

Hanzai was the first to reach the Tsuchikage and when he punched the Kage, he was aiming for a power blow into his stomach. The power blow made Hanzai through himself into the punch almost wildly while Dengen waited to feel Hanzai getting close enough to make contact in order to use his signature body replacement technique. Dengen left nothing but his black jacket and the black jacket wrapped around Hanzai as he was still pushing force into that punch. When Dengen appeared from his body replacement technique, he appeared in between the three water clones and with the Kunai that Ema passed him, Dengen stabbed one of the clones right in the face where then it suddenly dispelled but only to have the other two water clones attempt a swift kick and each aiming at Dengens face. The Tsuchikage had no choice but to dodge the attack by back flipping up and away from the attack. As Dengen jumped and was in mid – air the original Hanzai must have already released himself from the jacket since he was the first face Dengen seen while in the air. Hanzai then with quick hand gestures began to form the Water Dragon technique. Dengen wasn’t able to know where the water dragon was forming but if he had to guess he would guess that Hanzai is forming it right under his feet. When Dengen looked down he wasn’t surprised to see the water begin to appear like it was boiling and secants after the mouth began rising. Dengen didn’t know what to do, being in mid – air, he has nothing to defend himself with. The attack sprung up and swallowed the Tsuchikage before he got to do anything else. Dengen felt like he was trapped in the ocean within title waves as he traveled in and through the water dragon. It was a harsh and head on hit that the attack struck and when it was done Dengen got spit out of the tail – end of the dragon. The Tsuchikage fell down and into the water as he almost got knocked unconscious with that straightforward attack. Dengen was sinking down slowly but surely and when he got the strength to open his eyes he seen the other two water clones diving into the water and charging at Dengen like torpedoes because of the speed in their movements under water.


2500/2500 EVENT

906/3000 Taijutsu Specialization



"Arashi! Let's get this show on the road! Wind Style! Gale of Severance!"
This was Zenchi's voice, Arashi was sure. At this time, Arashi was around two meters from Satsujin. Zenchi jumped just somewhere next to Arashi, before he held out his hand, and fired a strong gust. I know this technique... He used that to blind me! The gust blew fast, and it blew strong. Soon it revealed what was probably it's main purpose; it cleared the mist. Not all the mist though, only the mist where the wind blew. (duh!) Actually, it wasn't even all that helpful; the mist was thick, but their visibility was still a couple of meters. Zenchi only cleared, what, 4 or 5 meters? But still, better that then doing nothing.

A moment later, he saw that some of the mirrors that were swirling around Zenchi moved away from Zenchi. They were... Rearranging themselves? Arashi looked at Zenchi, and spoke.
"We have to come up with a plan, and quick! What do you plan to do with those mirrors of yours?"
This was important, as teamwork is exactly what they needed now. Arashi couldn't really do much against Satsujin alone, as they're pretty much of the same level of strength. Just as Arashi finished his sentence, Satsujin ran at them, at top speed. I don't know if Zenchi can keep up with this!

2500/2500, 630/1500


Several thoughts raced through Zenchi's mind. Frontal assault is a no go... even trying to distract him wouldn't work. He would just liquefy, same as Satsugai did to me. What to do---

"We have to come up with a plan, and quick! What do you plan to do with those mirrors of yours?"

Oh! Right. Mirrors. Those ones. Mirror Mines! That's what they were called. Zen's mind was a mess, at the moment; he did not like it one bit when things did not go according to plan. But... He would just have to make a new plan when the old one fell apart. Thus... Katsu!

The mirrors on the ground had been placed right between the two members of Hidden Stone's Team Alpha and the Grimm brother. And then they weren't. Because they exploded.

The collective blast from the four mirrors was enough to blow away the thick mist in quite a large radius. Far better than what the Gale of Severance did. Nearly the entire bridge was clear now. Zen was unsure of how long that would last, but.... Zen spotted Satsujin, farther away. Probably had gotten away from the explosion.

He noticed that the part of the Stone Bridge where his Mirror Mines detonated was not marred. Not in the least. Which could only mean...

"Arashi! I've figured out these mirrors! ....Please trust me on this. Let me attach these to you." His two last Mirror Mines... They would be a definite KO, on Arashi's fists, anyway. He whispered the rest of his plan to Arashi. "All right. I'll distract Satsujin. You, however, have the real weapon. Get him good for me, eh?" He couldn't even finish his last idiosyncratic noise before the younger Grimm was upon the two of them. "Go!" Ten mirrors was plenty. They had absorbed enough light to be Mirror Mines; however, they would serve their purpose as distractions. Zenchi thought to himself as his plan unfolded. One! He solidified one of his mirrors to block the strike from Satsujin. Two! Another mirror shot a light bullet at Satsujin.


Zenchi's eyes widened. Kubikirbochou--at least, its replica--cracked Zenchi's Light Screen. And broke it.

The blade fell. A self-muffled yelp of pain.

Zen had attempted to doge the Executioner's Blade; in the end, his sidestep to the right wasn't enough. Pain shot up his leg as blood oozed from his shoe. It seemed to be... one? Ugh.... two toes were 'decapitated' by that blade. He could not be sure. The pain was unbearable, and the blood loss.... well, Arashi had taught him about that. He needed to stop that immediately.

Mirror Shot... He was getting a bit woozy. But he had to fight. He couldn't let...Arashi... down. Or Dengen. A flash of light surrounded his left foot as he cauterized the wound with a light bullet. Another yell.

[OOC: Someone had to do it....]



Although Dengen felt more than helpless in the predicament that he found himself in he knew that water was an affinity to him like the earth was, and maybe he isn’t as proficient with water as he is with earth but it is assured that Dengen can fight very well underwater. Dengen may be able to fight well underwater but the fight will mean nothing if he is versing someone with a main water affinity, so instead of using his ability to move swiftly underwater to fight, Dengen used it to somewhat flee from the situation. As soon as the first clone hit Dengen, the clone came fast and with both of his fists out ready to spear through Dengen, the Rokudaime in the other hand made a cross with both of his hands in order to protect himself from the incoming attack. When contact was secants from being made Dengen used the technique that he prides on using in dire situations, the Earth Release Shadow Clone Technique. By creating the clone hand sign just secants before the clones got near, Dengen was able to create two clones and each clone was summoned in front of Dengen forming a type of wall. The torpedoing water clone hit the shadow clone and impaled him only to stay stuck to the clone because of the mud. The Earth Shadow Clone grabbed the incoming water clone in order to prevent them fro reaching Dengen while the water clone that followed, hit the colliding and impacting clones ahead. This collision caused the water clones to dispel but the mud clones stayed intact. Well they stayed far from intact but because they are composed of mud they were able to reform quite swiftly.

The fight was looking tough from the position that Dengen was in, the Tsuchikage was running out of air and Hanzai appeared to be waiting for him to go up for air but still Dengen needed to find a way out. After that Dengen hear a terrifying sound for a leader of a squad to hear, it was a large explosion. The Tsuchikage didn’t think much after he heard that as he held one of his clones by the feet and began spinning in a rapid succession. Then Dengen tossed the Mud Clone straight up and towards Hanzai, letting him get a taste of his own torpedoing ways. This act was perfect way for Dengen to see his full strength at work as this technique was purely done with the strength within the body. A taijutsu specialist would have probably tossed the clone further and faster but wither way it was a Tsuchikage that did it and the clone reached Hanzai in a little less then a minute. Tackling the war criminal and bringing him to the air in order to distract him from Dengens escape from the water. Dengen escaped the same way he made his clone get out, he had the second clone grab him by the ankle as he tossed himself up and right behind the first torpedoing clone.

As Dengen arose from the water he was tossed up and looked like a jumping dolphin. After landing on the bridge he noticed the mist was cleared but still a little foggy since it was on the verge of getting cleared. Dengen seen as Arashi and Zenchi were doing more then holding their grounds against the young assassins since they appeared to be giving the Grim Brothers a run for their money. Satsujin was running at the two shinobis while unexpectedly more explosions began to erupt. These explosions were of a smaller scale but Dengen noticed that it was Zen creating the bombs. Dengen was proud to see the shinobis working tactically but he also noticed the explosions being awfully near the user of the technique to begin with. Dengen ran at top speed in order to catch up to the team before Satsujin got to his target but before Dengen got there an explosion caught the Grim Brother by surprise. Dengen noticed a shard of the Executioners Blade flying rapidly towards the feet of the young Zenchi. Zenchi is a young prospect and he is needed in full flesh so Dengen did something that even surprised him. The Rokudaime caught up to the young Zen before the blade got to hit the ground and with swift and precise body movement Dengen grabbed Zenchi with his right hand and with his left replaced the foot that would have been stabbed by the blade. The blade struck Dengen and with blood gushing he kicked himself and Zenchi backwards with his feet using the same momentum used as he came. Dengen landed by Arashi with Zenchi beside him as Sasujin got tossed back because of the blast. Dengen then asked, “Where is the other brother?” As soon as he asked this the Earth Clone that was under water and tossed Dengen up already reached the shore and got to the top of the bridge while the othe clone was falling with Hanzai in hand. Ema also gathered up beside the Team and standing was Arashi, Zen, Dengen, One of the mud clones and Ema. Awaiting the other Grim brother to appear and for Hanzai to land.

Dengen hid the hand that was stabbed and looked for his jacket in order to put it on and better keep hidden the severe wound to the Tsuchikages hand.

The Dodge looked like this:


2500/2500 EVENT

1809/3000 Taijutsu Specialization



[OOC: Dengen, could I meantion something? Zenchi made 4 Mirror Mines, and they all erupted in like pretty much the same time (miliseconds between them, Zenchi confirmed) In your post you act like there are far more explosions, and that they are seperated. They are not, they all blow in the same time. I just wanted to mention this, no need to edit or anything. Also, am I allowed to kill Satsujin? :3 I'll edit if you want him to stick here for a bit longer. ]

After Arashi finished what he was saying, he saw that a couple of Zenchi's mirrors started shining. From Arashi's and Zenchi's talks and previous experiences, Arashi knew they were absorbing light. Come on Zenchi, you can do it! They needed something big, and it all depended on Zenchi. A moment later, three or four mirrors stuck to the bridge just between the Iwa Nin and Satsujin, who was charging at them. A moment later... Boom! Explosions! And big ones! The knockback knocked Arashi back a couple of feet, but no harm was done. Did we get him? The smoke cleared, and with that Arashi saw that nearly all of the mist was gone. But... there weren't any holes where the mirrors blew up. Was it just an illusion? Or do the explosions only go in one direction? And Satsujin... He was further away, probably dodged the explosions as he wasn't damaged at all. Damn...

Zenchi got close to Arashi, and whispered the plan.
"Arashi! I've figured out these mirrors! ....Please trust me on this. Let me attach these to you. All right. I'll distract Satsujin. You, however, have the real weapon. Get him good for me, eh?"
His plan... It's genius! I just have to make sure I hit the swift son of a bitch!
"Will do. Trust me."
Satsujin was closing in. And fast. Arashi prepared his combat stance, still inspecting the mirrors on his fists. They were very bright, definitely charged enough. Okay Arashi, let's do this. A moment passed, and Satsujin was there, just in front of Arashi and Zenchi. The plan was for Zenchi to make a diversion. He didn't. Still, Satsujin targeted Zenchi first. He threw a couple of those super-fast swings at Zenchi, and he managed to block them with his mirrors. I didn't think he could cope with his swings! Zenchi, you're really something! Arashi was ready to step in the fight at any second, but he had to wait for an opening. He only had one shot. This was serious. And Arashi was serious too. He closed his eyes, even if for just a moment.

Just then, it seemed that something... Twitched inside of Arashi. This... This was a side he was not proud of. Pretty much everybody who ever seen him as this completely changed their thought about Arashi as a person, and most likely stopped being his friends. But this was important. Zenchi's barrier just broke, and the sword went down rushing on Zenchi. Arashi opened his eyes, and was ready. That was the opening Arashi was waiting for. He tightened his fists, and already stepped towards Satsujin, when; something happened. It was Dengen, he jumped in the middle of the clash, and made some fancy funky maneuver, successfully getting Zenchi out of the danger. He was swirling on his hand, and somehow replaced Zenchi's foot with the hand. A moment after; the sword struck directly in Dengen's hand. Blood gushed, but Arashi... Didn't even bother. He was now completely cold-blooded, didn't care for pretty much anything but ripping his enemy apart. And that's what he did. Satsujin got knocked away a little, but he charged back in a moment. Arashi charged at well. They were closing in, and fast. There was what... 3 meters between them? Another moment passed. Satsujin gripped his blade tightly with both of his hands. Arashi tightened his fists. The conflict was about to happen. 2.5 meters. 2 meters. This is it. Both Arashi and Satsujin already had a good idea about each other's speed, and there was probably no way for Satsujin to know what was coming next. Arashi focused some chakra- No, Arashi focused a butload of chakra in his entire body. He felt his muscles reacting, continually stretching and relaxing. Though, most of his chakra was focused in his feet.

He jumped towards Satsujin one last time. The huge amounts of chakra reduced the friction between Arashi's feet and the ground by a huge amount. The burst of speed... Was simply amazing. Arashi prepared his fists, he would strike Satsujin with both hands at the same time, both around the stomach area. Arashi traveled about a meter, when he started feeling... Pain. A lot of it. It felt like his muscles were on fire. But he had to keep going. No stopping. No turning back. Just... keep... GOING!!! He traveled about another meter, he was now directly face-to-face with Satsujin. Every muscle in his body was hurting him like there were 1000 swords cutting him. But he had to keep going. He punched Satsujin, with both of his fists directly around the stomach. The mirrors exploded, releasing two powerful explosions. At this range, Satsujin was toast. There was no way in hell he could dodge that, as to anybody besides Arashi it would seem that he "teleported" himself. The super-speed only ended after Arashi's punch was punched. He fell on his knee, with his eyes slowly closing. The last thing he could see were bloddy pieces of flesh laying there on the floor. I... Did it... The pain was just too much for Arashi to handle; his muscles were completely torn apart. Arashi's eyes closed, as he fell on his back. I... Can't... Die... Arashi struggled to keep him conscious; and he somehow even managed. He wasn't dead. Unlike the disintegrated Satsujin. At least for now.

[OOC: 1 down, 2 to go! >:]

Wordcount: 2500/2500, 1596/1500



(OOC: Ehh Since Satsujin is the "crazier" brother i would have liked for him to do more damage. But his DEATH is approved. Instead of body pieces everywhere ima go with what you said about disintegrating him when i post. And the mines, i was trying to message Zen about the post but he logged off right when i sent the message. Either way a little time lapse wont hurt. About the EVENT, so now it is the better swordsmen left with his sensai. For Zenchi now on the posting roleplay front, Lets just say that they retreated for a little only to catch us off guard. {you can say you seen them leave or something to fill up the word count} When I post i will reveal there positioning.)


[OOC: Toe-cutting null and void. Still counting words. Roger that!]

Well, wasn't this a surprise.

Dengen had.... rushed into the path of the swing. He was truly a noble man... willing to make a sacrifice like that for his village... for him, personally. The blade seemed to have chipped a bit from Zenchi's earlier endeavor; his Mirror Mines' collective explosion seemed to have dented the Kubikiribouchou. Not only that, but seemingly the hits that Satsujin had tried to get in with the giant butcher knife had contributed to this, his Light Screens cracking it even further. All in all... The great sword snapped at the point where it had cracked, fortuitously right where Dengen's hand was. Surely if it had been in slightly better condition, the Tsuchikage's left hand would have been removed. This... maybe I might be able to help with this. Zen couldn't bear to see those fighting alongside him hurt. If either was mortally wounded... next time, he would be able to stop it.

But right now, Zen was getting his revenge. For Dengen. And if not for him, it would certainly have been for Zen's own self. And the catalyst for that revenge was Arashi. He was... around two meters away from Satsujin. And from what he was seeing, Arashi had blurred, nearly out of sight. He was using that technique again.... Way farther away from Satsujin than when Zen saw his comrade use it earlier. Is that even feasible? he thought, and right at the end of it, Arashi proved him right. Now's my chance.... KATSU! Making the half-Tiger hand seal, Zen knelt at the side of the Tsuchikage. And Arashi's intense speed only would increase the damage done by his last two mines. It was like...he was pressurizing the explosion. From what Zen could see, the very energy was dispersing throughout the (former?) Grimm brother's body. It seemed like Satsujin was trying a last-ditch attempt at using the Hydrification Technique to avoid severe damage. But it just wasn't good enough. The sheer speed and power that Arashi put behind that double-punch began to disperse Satsujin's body of pure water. Right as that happened, his Mirror Mines detonated; the pent-up light inside of them was released in a wave of explosive heat. It went almost in slow-motion; a few beams of light poked through the body of Hanzai's student before... well, Satsujin went out like a true Houzuki. His body was torn into minute particles of mist, which even then evaporated into water vapor.
With that taken care of, Zen looked around for Hanzai and the other Grimm brother that he was initially given orders to fight...Satsugai, was it not? Dengen had left the two of them for his students' sake... it would soon be time to repay the favor. But first, he had to tend to Arashi. "I would ask if you're okay, but you look in not-so-good shape. Dengen, I'll be fine, I have to tend to Arashi...but Hanzai and Satsugai still need apprehending. To the west." He made the Dog seal. His mirrors would become solid; they would bind themselves to the outsides of Arashi's legs. It seemed that his extreme pain was mainly coming from them--an reflexive wince was Arashi's reaction to touching one--so that was the logical place to offer support. He also attached mirrors to the soles of Arashi's feet. I may not be a medical ninja, but I at least know how to keep this injury from worsening. As long as Arashi's legs were intact, he should be able to stand... and using his Light-Speed Technique, though still imperfect, could move around. His muscles were... how could he describe it? Loose, compared to even a relaxed one. What did he do? Zen couldn't figure out if he had pulled a muscle or had done something while 'teleporting'. He offered his hand.




{OOC: Ambush will come on my next turn}

Dengen wasn’t to surprise to see Arashi attacking the young Hozuki as soon as Zen and I dodged the blade since Arashi has always been the type to strike when the time is right. This and the thought that this could have very well been a plot the whole time and a dangerous plot at that since it almost got Zen hurt. Dengen as the Tsuchikage knew his villagers and he knew that Zen was a brilliant strategist so the idea must have came from him, although the mirrors to Arashis hands also gave Dengen the tell on who idea it was. Either way as Dengen kicked himself back he seen Arashi not only charge at the young assassin at full speed but his face looked like he was holding no regards to the outcome of his event, Arashi looked furious and Dengen has never seen his young prodigy loose his cool like he did but Dengen knew it was for a good cause. As Zen landed he seen Arashi just nearly making contact when in a hurry he made a hand seal and yelled out the trigger to the explosion that caused the young Grimm Brother to disintegrate and result to being less then ashes.

Dengen was himself setting his feet up to better balance himself as he seen Hanzai land from the fall with the clone as he kicked the clone off in order to backflip out of its positioning and away from Team Alpha. As Hanzai landed Dengen seen the second of the Grimm Brother rise from a puddle of water and as Hanzai gave him advice to flee the young Assassin just looked back starring down Arashi and Zen as he is helping Arashi out. Right then and there the Hozuki created the signature clan WATER BULLET and targeted the finger right at the weak and limbering Arashi. Arashi has no way to dodge the technique since he had no strength and Dengen was to far to attempt anything so he gave his hopes to Zenchi in trying to prevent the shot from hitting Arashi in what ever way he can. But this was just a form of intimidation as the young assassin pulled the gun back as if it had shot the bullet. While he made this threatening gesture the Grimm Brother said, “You will pay.”

Dengen looked at Arashi and Zenchi since he thought a shot was fired so he didn’t notice the direction where they headed. Zenchi in the other hand did and told Dengen where they ran too. “So they went west huh? That’s a problem. Theirs no way to get out of the Village mountains heading west, be prepared since they might be getting ready for an ambush. We are not leaving our post right here.” Dengen while saying this began to walk to where he dropped the black long jacket. As he picked it up Dengen swung it around his shoulders and began to walk towards one of his clones. Dengen gave the jacket to one of the clones and the clone began to tie it too the hand injury of the Tsuchikage. The blade definitely struck the hand right on its center and thus resulted to Dengen ripping his hand off in order to kick back from the strike, the Tsuchikage hand was definitely gone for the count but he didn’t want his young Teammates seeing that especially because of the situation that they are in. As soon as the jacket was wrapped on tight Dengen gave orders to gather up the team and so far he had Team Alpha, Ema and two of his Earth Clones here. “Okay. We certainly have numbers now over Team Tundra, thanks to Arashi. But they seem to have a large amount of chakra stored up so we have to make this quick. I have the weapon that is going to help us with this. (Dengen pulls out the Kunai that Arashi through in the beginning of the fight)”

2500/2500 EVENT

2475/3000 Specilization Taijutsu



[OOC: Now training Ancient Instincts and Beastly Destruction]

Arashi was still just lying on the floor. He couldn't hear anything from the high pitch noise in his ears, caused by the explosions. His vision was very blurry, he could hardly resemble the clouds in the blue sky. At least the pain was slowly going away. Arashi wasn't sure was it really going away, or he was just getting used to it, but he didn't really care. Suddenly, he felt a lot of pain coming from his legs. It quickly expanded, and even covered the bottoms of Arashi's feet. He couldn't help but release a loud yell, that would maybe even fall under screams. Whatever happened, some time definitely passed until Arashi started putting himself back together. Little by little, the pitch noise went a bit quieter and his vision got a bit clearer. But it was still very far from normal. He could hear somebody speaking, probably Dengen by the sound of his voice. But Arashi wasn't sure.
"...have the numbers... To Arashi... Chakra... Help..."
Arashi really hardly heard anything, and he clearly couldn't get much out of it. Though, something popped up in front of his face. A... Something? Arashi couldn't say, but it looked like a hand. He tried grabbing it, but he twitched as soon as he moved his arm. The paint was unbearable... Still, he somehow managed to rise his hand. When he saw his hand, he realized that the thing in front of him was definitely another hand as well. It took Arashi at least some 10 seconds just to try grabbing the hand, as his coordination was a pure disaster. He just couldn't get it right. After some time, though, he managed. Zenchi helped Arashi up, but the poor jounin could hardly stand on his feet. When he first got up his legs were so weak he couldn't even stand. Somehow he managed to retrieve his balance, but this was very weird. the floor was... Slippery, like Arashi was on ice. And, whatever he did, he only felt pain, so when he thought about let's say holding his hand up he didn't know did he do it or not until he looked at his hand. His vision was slowly clearing, just as the noise was getting quieter. This is so strange... At least I got the bastard down. Arashi understood that the mirrors under his feet were doing something, as his feet weren't even touching the ground. Arashi's weight was pushing the mirrors, and not Arashi's feet and legs. This was good, as without the mirrors there was no chance in hell Arashi could stand up, even if hardly. He was leaned in front and his arms were hanging loosely. Arashi tried talking, but his voice was very messed up, and he couldn't really hear himself speaking, so he was unsure did he even make a sound.
"T... Th -cought cought-... Thanks..."
He looked around, and saw that there were several figures behind him. Zenchi, besides him, Ema the monkey, and three Dengens. One of them had something black wrapped around his hand. Oh, right. He got hit too. Arashi tried taking a step, and he felt the pain on his leg. A tear formed in his eye, he was just about to scream again. Though, he managed, and once the mirrors under his feet touched the ground he felt relief. He still couldn't control his movements properly, as the gliding was really strange. When he made the step he slowly started gliding in that direction, for about 20 centimeters. Arashi started experimenting with his mirror-feet, slowly but surely gliding towards Dengen and the company, with great pain and an occasional moan every now and then. When he got to Dengen, Arashi would look at him in the eyes, and try to make a weird and deformed thumbs up sign.

Wordcount: 2500/2500, 1500/1500, 750/750, 2/2000

Mayu Kaguya

Mayu Kaguya

Gentlement, I'm sorry to inform you that this entire thread is voided. The reason being that Dengen used a summoning that he was not approved to use. Mind you, I am allowing you (Arashi and Zenchi) to keep the ryo gained and the jutsu that you finished training from this, but this thread is over, and the event is closed. You are more than welcome to try again. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

See you soon,
Tyth -- Grim Reaper

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