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1D rank mission (Patrol within the walls) Empty D rank mission (Patrol within the walls) Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:27 pm



Mission name: Patrol: Within the Walls.
Mission rank: D.
Objective: Scout out criminals inside the village.
Location: Sunagakure no Sato.
Reward: 150 Ryo.

Mission description: We didn't think this was actually necessary, but apparently we have to pay you for this. Lately there have been some issues with people stealing, vandalizing buildings, roughing up the villagers, there's no end to what these gangs will do. Genin, do not engage the subject of your suspicion. You are to report to a superior-ranking ninja immediately with your findings.

Mission details: You can take this mission even in the middle of an ongoing thread, should the occasion arise! (You cannot use WC from prior to when you put this mission briefing in your post.)



It took some hours for Shujin to make it back to the village with the cart in tow. After all it was a slow process and he wasn't exactly known for his strength. Though the goats where not fat they were healthy free roaming goats. There was some weight to them. So he pulled for an hour and would rest next to the path. Drinking some water from a water skin before continuing on and repeat the process. By the time he had returned he had sweat stains on four sections of his shirt. It was actually a relief to turn over the bounty to the village gate nin. The herbs of course to be sent to the hospitals which desperately needed them and the goat meat to be distributed for academy student lunches. That irked him a little as that didn't exactly make any money from his effort so much as provide a sort of charity for those who could hardly fend for themselves. Such an irritating bunch really. Still the setting sun gave the village a cooling breeze and a relaxed feeling on his sweaty body. The weight literally lifted from his shoulders as he had finished his first mission. It was time to move onto his second.

He signed the papers he needed to in order to get paid of course. Ryo bound to end up delivered to him upon the proper paperwork being filed. A pitiful amount but doubled due to his acquiring of herbs. Of which he had known to begin with. However even as he provided his signature and a copy of his identification was made he knew it would take some time. Spending money wasn't an immediate thing. Besides the paperwork would get turned in relatively the same time as his new paperwork for the second mission meaning his payment would likely be bundled into one. Still he actually needed to complete his second task. So he pulled out that paperwork as well. The gate was an optional starting point anyway so they had him sign his starting location and signed that he had reported in for it at well. He was to run the outskirts of the slums instead of the slums themselves in order to make sure the actual citizens were not being harassed by the unwanted. A simple task that he doubted he would come across any difficulties with. Still he signed his name on the dotted line as was expected of him. So much paperwork just to go for a stroll and report any crimes he witnessed. Not even to intervene but to find a nearby nin if it was anything serious of an actual rank. If nothing else they would pay him for keeping to himself for an evening. He wasn't exactly inspired by the mission but the view might not be bad. Besides this mission he had requested himself. Not just for the simplicity but also for his own reasons. He wanted to get further into the slums but witnessing connections he could acquire for the time being were still excellent ideas.




Only after the paperwork was done for ending one mission and starting the next was he allowed to leave and begin. Informed that if he returned with no information and an all clear there would be no payment included but his services would be noted. That little bit was a little aggravating but he could always find something to report. That much was always obvious and was the reason for the condition they set. Still he would find it irritating all the same. He had to report some of his findings which meant he had to decide what was valuable and what was not right then. That night he had to choose which would make him money and what would not. Naturally that was a bit more pressure than he cared for but he would accept it as gospel for the time being. He would adjust his collar before bumming a smoke off one of the guards. Inhaling the first drag before doing a half assed salute with all the attitude he could muster and heading out. His feet carrying him up the side of the building box by box until he made it to the roof tops. An easy vantage point for any shinobi worth his salt. With that done he moved stone block shaped building by stone block shaped building and made his way towards his designated patrol area. It was after all time to make some money. Naturally he observed a couple of citizens partaking in illegal substances but that wasn't his patrol zone anyway.

Instead his feet would carry him gradually towards the edge of the more wealthy community towards that of the poor. Those too weak to help themselves that had no money to offer him to help them anyway. If nothing else the only reason the entire section of town shouldn't be cleansed of its stinking filth in fire was due to its abundant criminal element. Oh how they flourished there. If they flourished they needed more power to hold onto whatever they were doing. Power he was capable of offering. Of course he wasn't up there in ability yet nor did he have his puppet. He needed to start somewhere small. Not too small though as he actually needed to make money out of the trade. So his ideal for the night was a rather simple one. Distinguish who was competing with who and the one making the least was who he would report. The ones making the most though he would only make a personal note of. A group of men or women that needed shinobi influence and signatures to pass through certain checkpoints or just needed him to guard their shipments from competitors. By choosing the one with the most power he saved himself the trouble of fighting them and made more money in the process. Still he glanced over his shoulder after some distance. Always cautious of if he was being followed and observed. Already minding himself as a criminal should.




Still he would finish his smoke well before he reached his designated point. Shoving his hands in his pockets and walking the edge of the roofs for a good hour. It was fairly obvious who was making money and who was not. Certain individuals in one territory would fade into shadows whenever anyone they didn't know would walk by while the other side of the slums, while more violent was far more comfortable with their surroundings. Openly selling their wares in small amounts here and there. However they were only selling small amounts to people on the edges of the slums. It was aggravating to observe and see so little promise. He was about to give up entirely when something rather specific caught his attention. A wagon was arriving near one of these groups selling openly. A covered wagon with a blood stain on one wheel. Now that certainly was worth noting. If there was blood involved he doubted it was for some common goods. It could be for food but he doubted it. Especially since of all people to address the cart a couple of dealers came forward and led the wagon into a warehouse at an angle he couldn't see inside of.

Shujin would smirk as the larger picture was coming into mind. The dealers were small but a lot of them could move product over time. In small amounts it was far more difficult to notice. So this was the game of professionals. He knew who to report now and who to keep to himself. Certainly thought he did anyway. He would work on his approach later but still he would make his way back to the gate he started at. Moving towards it with plans forming in his mind all the way until arrival. Of course his report only included the shady folk that had been hiding in the shadows. Nothing of the actual threat to the village trying to clean up its drug trade. Still it was enough for him to fill out the reports to get paid. Once more with hid Identification copied and he was on his way home to rest.

1383/1350 for double pay.

Mission complete.
Exit thread

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