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26Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:53 am



Once Trilby headed out of the mine, she followed him. She didn't know exactly where she was going, so it was best to let him lead. The pills were slowly kicking in. She could feel her energy coming back slowly, though her body was weak because of the fever. She would get past that, or rather, she had to if she wanted to be of use. She listened to Trilby speak. Her expression was slightly confused. She tilted her head to the side. Did he... did he care for her? Had seeing her like that - tortured and beaten - made him angry, sad, even? She wondered. It was a strange idea, but she didn't quite dislike the idea. It made her smile. "Thank you," She said, barely above a whispered. Once they arrived at the mansion, Gin listened to his plan and nodded. It made sense to infiltrate the mansion where it was emptiest. She followed him, watched as he set up the zip line.

Gin let him go first. She stared at him as he went for a moment. He was difficult to read. His mood changed often and she could never quite guess what he was thinking. He was... different, she supposed. He wasn't the average person, but now she supposed she understood why. Her hand went to the marking on the base of her neck. She knew that it would likely never fade, but then again, she didn't want it to, though she didn't quite know why. It now had a sort of sentimental value to her. She was too absorbed in her thoughts to notice that Trilby was already inside the mansion. She slid down the zip line, towards the balcony. She managed to land gracefully on the ground, despite her illness. She had to be silent. She needed stealth if she wanted to get through this quickly.

Gin stepped into the room slowly and silently. She wanted to be cautious. However, the sigh of Trilby and the dead body in front of her didn't quite allow for that. His back was facing hers as he stabbed the man through the chest. The man didn't quite look like a guard. Was he about to raise the alarm or something along those lines? Gin moved around the room so that she was now in front of Trilby. "What's wrong?" She asked, at fist not noticing how distraught he really was. Her eyes were fized on the body, slumped in the chair. Something caught her eye. The hat that he had gone back for before they left for the mission. He had said it belonged to his father. She detailed the man's features. They weren't identical, but their looks resembled each other. Gin's expression softened. She turned to look at Trilby and saw a tear sliding down his cheek. She closed the distance between them and wiped it off his face with the tip of her thumb. She wouldn't press the issue. She wouldn't ask him about anything that he was unwilling to divulge on his own. But he clearly needed someone to comfort him. She wrapped her arms around his back and held him to her, caressing his back lightly. It was the least she could do for him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. They had been through a lot in the past couple of days. This mission had been both emotionally and physically draining. But at least Gin had managed to get closer to her former student. That had it's own value and it was more than she could comprehend.

27Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:27 am


"What's wrong?" Gin asked, confused. Trilby turned as she entered, trying to hide his sadness. He felt her embrace him from behind, wiping away his tear and resting her head on his shoulder. she wasn't stupid, she could figure out from the now pierced hat lying on the dead man's chest and the resemblance who he was. But, he had to admit, he felt legitimately better with her embracing him. He stood there for a few minutes, allowing her to continue embracing him before turning around and hugging her softly, being sure to avoid aggravating her wounds. After a few moments, he broke the hug, kissing her softly on the forehead before turning back towards the door. "Thank you..." he said, almost inaudibly, before heading for the door.

Atsusa no Kami allowed him to see heat signatures through the door and walls. There was one guard patrolling the hallway outside. Pushing Yamato silently from it's sheath, Trilby waited til the guard turned his back, opening the door silently and tossing the blade like a Javelin straight through the guard's throat. He quickly made his way over, recovering the blade before dragging the body back into the room, lest anyone see it. Looking up, he saw a mass of heat signatures above them. A giant of a man, a grotesue blob and two regular sized people. It was them. "They're directly above us" he whispered, pointing a few feet to their left above him. Looking around, he saw stairs leading up at the end of the hallway they were on. "There" he said, making his way quickly towards the stairs. Normally he'd have gone for an underground approach, but unfortunately the floors here were too thick for him to penetrate without explosives.

He rounded the stairs, reaching a large set of double oak doors. He could see four figures through the door. The same four. A giant, an obsess man and two short men. These must be his personal guards. "I know you're going to object but I need to lead this fight. You're injured. There are three of them, plus Yoku. Ones a giant man. The other two are fairly short. There's nothing else I can tell without direct confrontation and the longer we wait, the more danger the slaves are in." Trilby looked at Gin for a moment, silent. His eyes showed concern. He didn't care what happened to him, as long as Yoku died and his people were free. But he cared what happened to her. She had to live. Nothing could befall her due to his weakness. Nothing.

Trilby kicked the door open, drawing Yamato as he stepped in. "DADDY, I'M HOME!!" Trilby called out, walking confidently into the room. It was a wide, circular room. The walls were lined with marble, and the two short men stood on either side of the Yoku, a few feet ahead of him. One of them was unarmed, and physically thin. Probably a ninjutsu user. The other had a blade at his side, and a scroll hung on his back. A summoner? An item user? The large black man stood behind him, two maces hung on his back. Yoku himself was sat in the centre, lording over all on a large red sofa, a few harem girls at his feet. Ouroboros tattoos could be seen on their necks. Slaves being forced to whore themselves. As Trilby entered, however, they scattered, clearing out. It was time to take out the trash, once and for all.

Chakra: 200/275
Kami no Me: 5

Last edited by Trilby on Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:04 am; edited 2 times in total

28Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:15 am



Gin let Trilby wrap his arms around her. All the while, she stayed silent. There was really nothing that she could say to make the situation better. SHe could only be there for him and listen to him if there was anything that he wanted to say. She wished she could do more for him, but she knew that she couldn't. These were things that he had to deal with on his own if he wanted to be at peace with himself and with his past. That had been the whole purpose of this mission, hadn't it? Gin wondered if anything about his usually callous disposition would change after this whole ordeal. Well, only time could tell, couldn't it? Gin kept looking at him intently as he let go of her and kissed her forehead. Her heart leaped involuntarily when he did. She shook her head. Why was she reacting to him like that? It was somewhat frustrating, though pleasant in a way. In any case, this was hardly a time for her to sit down and sort out her emotions. That would come later, once she got out of this hellhole. All they needed to do was kill the Baron and they would be done. It seemed easy enough.

Gin followed Trilby outside of the room. He was the one that knew the location of the Baron, not to mention the fact that he had a rough idea of the mansion's layout. Gin supposed that she culd use her sensory technique if she wanted details, but that would require spending chakra that she wasn't willing to lose, not yet at least. For now, Trilby's eye would suffice. She followed closely behind him. She had dispelled Yajirushi a while ago, meaning that she would likely be unable to summon any of her blades for a while. She sighed. That would complicate things slightly, unless she were to use Soul Cutter. She didn't yet know what, exactly, the blade could do. Testing it out in real combat wasn't the smartest idea. She would only use it if she had no other choice. She would have to relly on her Fuuton techniques instead, unless she convinced Trilby to had over Yamato. Then again, he was hardheaded, mor so than she was. That would likely never work.

The young Kazekage entered the room behind Trilby. The Baron stood there with three guards by his side. They were slightly outnumbered. The Baron's eyes narrowed, glaring at both Trilby and Gin. He was defensive, frusttrated, maybe even scared. "You," He began, addressing Trilby. "A lowly scum, a slave, dare challenge me?" He laughed pompously. The mere noise of it was disgusting. He then turned to look at Gin. "And you, I suspected there was something odd about you. But no matter, two shinobi from the Sand hardly mean anything." He snapped his fingers, drawing attention from the three guards. "Kill them. Or rather, leave the woman alive. I'd like to... enjoy her myself," He ordered, cackling. Gin's eyes narrowed. Each of them drew their weapons. Two of them used katanas while the other wielded a pair of steel maces. "Looks like we get to have some fun for once," Said one of them. He was a short man, holding a katana in his hand. If she would manage to pry it off his fingers, Gin would have the weapon she needed. One of the other guards charged forward without saying anything. He formed a single handsign. A bolt of lightning extended from the tip of his blade, towards Trilby. The bolt likely had enough strength to cause 2nd or even 3rd degree burns if it hit him directly. The man continued his attack by closing the distance between the two and swinging his katana, aiming to stab Trilby through the gut.

The other two men weren't as quick, though they each initiated their own attacks. The tall, dark skinned man seemed slow and brutish. Gin would start her attack with him. "Wind Release: Spiraling Wind Ball!" Gin yelled, firing five spheres of wind in rapid succession. Three of them were aimed at the guard she had decided to focus on. The other two were aimed at the man attacking Trilby. They pierced Juro's shoulders and his left leg. The man, however, seemed unphased. Rather, he looked confused before he decided to smash his maces against the ground, tearing a large hole in the wooden floor. Gin rolled out of the way of his attack, though barely. She hadn't expected him to have such strength. While she paid attention to Juro, the remaining guard charged towards Trilby, accomanying the other one. He moved quickly, more so than the other two. He swung his blade, aiming to cut Trilby's shoulder and impair his movements.

Chakra Count: 180/250


29Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:07 am


Trilby's eye remained in it's heat sensing mode, and as such, he noticed the temperature of the short man's katana rising. It was clear something that could heat steel was travelling through his blade. Lightning? Fire? Trilby leapt to his left as the heat reached the tip, dodging the lightning bolt. As he leapt, rapidly sheathing Yamato before forming a few hand seals. God, Sage, Release, Anger, Ox, Dog, Rabbit, Boar. Trilby slammed his hand into the ground as he landed a few feet from where he originally was. A Jigoku Youjinbou rapidly burned itself into the ground beneath his hand, with an usual seal inside it. Trilby added a Ichiji Igami seal to the technique. Normally, his Jigoku Youjinbou would detonate instantly given there were enemis within it's range, but thanks to Ichiji Igami, it wouldn't. Trilby added a 6 second clock to it, so that once the six seconds were up, the seal would detonate as normal.

Slamming his palms together, Trilby breathed in, and thrust out his palms. At the same time, he released a power burst of air from his lungs. The combination of Reppusho and Ryuusui sent the short man flying into the nearby wall, knocking the katana from his hands as he flew. As he did so, the seal detonated, and the ground at his feet rapidly began to devour him, crushing his legs before burying him alive. As this happened, Trilby lunged for the dropped blade, clutching it in his left hand. "GIN! CATCH!" Trilby yelled, flipping the blade in his hand, holding it carefully by the dull end as he tossed it, hilt first, towards her.

Trilby had focused too closely on the initial thug. While he had taken him out, the second guard that had focused on him. Sure, his initial dodge of the lightning bolt had helped him avoid the first slash, but the guard was already on him again. Trilby narrowly avoided a stab in the head, pulling to the left. The blade swung down, plunging an inch into his left shoulder. Unfortunately for Trilby, it had found it's way through the plating on his shoulder pad. Still, the plating was what was preventing the man from cutting his arm off entirely, so he felt grateful.

Trilby locked his left hand onto the blunt side of the blade, swinging his right leg into the man's stomach as he did so. He stumbled, pulling his blade out of Trilby's shoulder as he tried to regain his footing. Trilby took the opportunity to pull at Yamato, drawing it from it's sheath with his right hand before dragging himself to his feet. Trilby raised Yamato like a blade, but suddenly tossed it at the man. It caught him by surprise, and he turned to dodge it. However, he was too slow, and it plunged into his left bicep.

The bandit screamed, and grabbed the hilt in an attempt to pull Yamato out. The seal on the blade flared, however, and it began to gain weight rapidly, causing the blade to split the man's left arm in half. While he was distracted by this, Trilby saw his window. He drew a kunai, lunging towards the man. As he was caught off guard by the blade increasing in weight, he plunged it into his throat, ending his life quickly. Gathering up Yamato, he turned towards the giant bandit. Sure, Gin only had one to deal with, but it was the biggest and baddest of the lot, and she was injured.

Trilby saw Gin locked intently in a fight with the bandit. His bulk and ability to take a hit, combined with her sluggish movements due to her injuries, kept her on the ropes. Though it was clear he was an idiot, he had completely ignored Trilby and his fight, and furthermore, had left his back open to flanking. Trilby charged at the man, leaping onto his back and shoving Yamato into his skull, causing him to fall to the ground with a crash. He pulled out his blade, sheathing it before turning to Gin, worried about her well being. "Gin! Are you Okay?!" Trilby had his back to Baron Yoku, and did not notice he had revealed a hidden shuriken launcher on his forearm. The baron fired them at trilby's back, and it looked like he was going to hit the unprepared Shinobi...

Chakra: 140/275
Doton: Retsudo Tensho: 15
Futon: Reppusho: 15
Futon: Ryuusui: 10
Jigoku Youjinbou: 10
Fuuin: Ichiji Igami: 10

Retsudo Tensho:




Ichiji Igami:

30Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:39 pm



Gin was immersed in her own fight, mostly dodging the man's blows. He tore through the ground effortlessly. Luckily, his movements were slow enought that Gin could dodge each of his blows. She rolled on the ground, dodging his most recent attack, which left a gaping hole on the ground next to her. Gin was panting. The fever was taking its toll on her body. The wounds on her back stung fiercely and her broken arm impaired her movements in general. She would dodge until she could think of a way to get her hands on a weapon. She was drenched in cold sweat. She was breathing heavily. Her vision even began faltering. She knew she was about to faint, that her body was about to give in to the infection, to her wounds, her lack of sleep, her starvation. Nevertheless, she couldn't just give up, she wouldn't let herself. Gin was much too prideful. She would fight until she reached or even surpassed her limit. She was barely able to catch the sword that Trilby threw at her. Even so, she was greatful for it. "Yami no Katana: Brute Force," She said, panting. She instantly felt chakra coursing through her system, particularly her uper body.

The katana became light in Gin's hands. Her strength increased exponentially. She could take care of her opponent, now. She blocked his next strike with the blade and deflected it to the side. She created an opening for herself and used it to stab the man through the shoulder. He dropped the mace that he was carrying in his left hand and let out a loud yell. Gin pulled out her weapon from the man's body and leaped backwards a few feet. At that point, Trilby took advantage of the man's distraction to stab him through the skull with his own blade. Gin instantly dismissed her jutsu and dropped the blade on the ground. It landed with a loud clatter. Gin closed her eyes momentarily, trying to stablize herself, trying to keep herself from collapsing. She was doing a somewhat crappy job at that so far and it was rather obvious. But still, she wouldn't admit that she was struggling out loud. "I'm... I'm fine," She breathed out. She placed a hand over Trilby's shoulder to keep herself from falling to the ground.

As Gin tried to recover, she saw the Baron move. He pulled out a shuriken launcher and aimed it at Trilby's back. Gin barely had time to react. Even in her current state she knew that it would be too late if she just tried to warn Trilby to get out of the way. Yet she was unarmed and exhausted. She knew that she wouldn't be able to deflect and incoming attack. She had a decission to make and very little time to make it. In her mind, time seemed to slow down for her, enough so that she could think things through. She knew that getting in the way of the attck would likely kill her or the twins, but the mere thought of possibly losing Trilby to this was unbearable. Besides, it was too late for her already, wasn't it? She was ill and wounded. There wasn't anyone who could provide her with proper medical attention anywhere nearby. Her decission was made practically made for her. All she had to do was take a step forward. A volley of both kunai and shuriken flew towards her, lodging themselves deep within her torso and limbs. She spat out blood as she fell backwards. Her vision began to get hazy. Her breathing was slowing down. She was losing blood rather quickly. And even so, as she closed her eyes, she let a peaceful smile cross her features.

Chakra Count: 175/250

31Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trial By Fire [Mission] [Gin only] Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:32 pm


"I'm...I'm fine" Gin used his shoulder to brace herself, clearly weak on her feet. It was done. All that was left was for them to take out Yok- Gin suddenly lunged forward, and Trilby heard the wet sound of blood splashing out of fresh wounds. Trilby turned on his heels, only to see Gin falling backwards. He grabbed her, guiding her to the ground. Three shuriken and a kunai were lobbed in her abdomen. The wounds weren't too deep, but added to everything else, they could be potentially fatal. Her light was fading. Trilby didn't even care about Yoku any more, all he could think of was Gin. She had been hurt, all because of his stupidity. He let his guard down and she took the blow. His weakness had hurt someone he truly cared about. "Gin! GIN!" She blacked out in his arms. Trilby quickly checked for a pulse. Good, good, her heart was still beating. Trilby pulled out the Kunai, which had only pierced a few inches into the left of her abdomen. It was the only one he could remove without hurting her further. He looked up, firing it at Yoku before turning back to Gin. He ignored the sound of the Baron gagging on the kunai in his throat. "Gin! Stay with me dammit." he whimpered as he reached underneath his armour. He grabbed a hold of his top, pulling it roughly out from underneath his armour. He wrapped it as tightly as he could around her open wounds, working around the Shuriken in his abdomen. She was still unconscious, but she was breathing, and the bleeding had been stabilised. She should live. She must live.

Trilby lifted Gin into his arms, running rapidly down to the floor they came in through. Running past the corpse of his father, he leapt off the balcony, landing on the grounds outside. He wouldn't be able to find a local doctor, the entire town was dedicated to the slave trade. He couldn't wait for backup, she risked bleeding out in the wait. All Trilby could do was aim for his camp, and use the supplies there to patch her up more adequately before rushing back to Sunagakure. It didn't take long for Trilby to reach his camp. As he did so, he laid Gin down, drawing a kunai and carving the fabric up into thin strips. He rapidly formed more superior bandaging, removing the makeshift work he had done with his shirt and redressing the wound with the new bandages. he was able to work around the Shurikens, putting pressure on the wounds and stopping the bleeding. Now all he could do was hope she wasn't bleeding internally and hope the Sunagakure medics could handle her. He pulled out some food pills from his supplies. Shoving an energy pill and a food pill into his mouth, he scooped Gin into his arms and began to sprint towards Sunagakure, leaving everything not on his person behind. Thankfully, he still had all the important things like weapons on himself from the mission.

His legs burned. It was freezing. He cradled Gin to his body as he ran. She was still breathing. She'd be fine. She had to be fine. Twelve hours he had ran, only on adrenaline and energy pills. She needed medical attention, he could get tired when he was dead. Finally, he could see Sunagakure in the distance. He had to take her to Sunagakure medical. They'd treat her. She'd be fine. Her babies would be fine. Everything would be fine. She couldn't die because of him, she couldn't. He wouldn't let her...

--Exit Thread--

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