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Mission Name: In the house of Buddha?
Mission Rank: EVENT
Objective: Convince the Hitotsume-Nyūdō that you are a highly pious individual in order to get rewards for your holiness.
Location: Namahage Festival
Reward: 10 Tickets
Mission Description: In a quiet corner of the Namahage festival sits a small temple. Inside is a Hitotsume-Nyūdō or Blue Monk. These giant cyclopean creatures are devout followers of Buddha and thus the particular individual who has set up shop there is attempting to turn those in the festival away from the opulence and debauchery that the rest of the yokai love so much. Those who stumble in need to convince the monk exactly how little they are enjoying the festival , how devout to Buddha they are by reciting mantras and meditation and by donating gifts to the offering box.
Mission Details: The monk while eager to win converts is no fool. It is much easier to fool him if the character applying does in fact practice some form of Buddhism. Other than that it is all up the characters acting skills.

Looking back on Hanbei's time at the namahage festival, he couldn't help but think about his time with the monks and the Nekomata that he had saved once and for all on the streets, he had heard the stories from other ninja about beating them up and putting them away, but, because of the no violence field over the area, divine beings would ensure their safety and they would return to their schenanigans. In the end, it was the careful touch of mercy that finally dealt with the problem at its heart, and it seemed that, that finally had caught the attention of somebody rather rather important...

Hanbei was resting in his usual hangout at the festival, the bar in which the monks liked to frequent, they were drunk on their peach wine and getting rowdy again, creating a hassle and bothering the yokai of the town once again. Hanbei didn't much have time for it, and the noise of their small disputes and jeers faded into the background as he enjoyed his juice at the bar, too young to purchase alcahol for the most part unless he was with someone else. It was at that point that a woman entered the bar wearing what appeared to be a white dress of immaculate disign, the white seemed to reflect even dim light making it seem to shine no matter where they were. Sitting down beside hanbei and offering the boy a drink. Hanbei looked up at the woman and smiled as he graciously declined, not wanting to bother her, but instead, she would pour him a drink in anycase from a vessel she had on her person.

Bowing in response, he would drink, his lips touching the golden nectar as the chakra from the water exploded through his body. his eyes would shoot open for a moment as he would stare between the drink and the woman who had poured it in disbelief... only then did he realize who he was talking to.



[336 for previous post.]

The woman who was sitting beside him, looked exactly the same as some of the idols that were in the temple, it was here that Hanbei realized that the monks had gone eerily silent, in fact, no-one seemed to be so much as moving except for the flowing robes of the woman before him. Hanbei would slide his drink to a side for a moment, turn and near prostrate himself before the woman that he and the rest knew as Kannon, the goddess of mercy, though she had taken the form of a Deva to walk amongst people by the look of things, not graced with the blessing of many faces and a thousand arms so that she may hear and reach out to all those who cry out in need.

"Madam Kannon, I, I should have known it was you, I'm so sorry." The woman chuckled heartily at the frantic display as Hanbei would quickly recover, Daji leaping up onto the table and beginning to sip at the cup that hanbei had slid to a side, her gemstone beginning to radiate at the chakra rich liquid as she would purr. Guanyin would happily place a hand upon the boys' shoulder, looking into his eyes.

"Why, dear sage, do you not remember me? Well, whatever your state, I know you, I thought it strange that you had not come to me when you were in the temple, so I thought it best to seek you out. I did not expect you to be this young, i must say... but I'm glad you remember me now." The smile on the divine being would be more than radiant, one of the most beautiful things that hanbei had ever seen in his life, there was a sense of royalty to it, but it was kind and gentle. So, the two of them began to talk, swapping stories about their deeds for some time until a thought began to mix into HAnbei's mind, poisoning his good mood as he thought about what he had undergone 2 years ago.




"If you knew me and have known me for so long... why didn't you help me from the state I was in two years ago? Could you not have helped free me? It wasn't until Tenmei had arrived that I was finally able to escape... I never would have beat their leader on my own."

A frown overcame her face as her eyes drooped in sorrow, never a look more heartbreaking had been seen as tears flowed freely down her cheeks, cloaked in the light of the moon within them. She was not sad for not helping, but her kind and pure heart at even thinking about an event like a mortals' torture hit her so deeply and emotionally that that kind of cuelty existed that it bought her to tears.

"Hanbei, my child, Had you not thought who had stilled the winds so that your torn cloth would survive the sands? Who whispered words of hope in your ear every night. Who came to you in familiar guise to help you when you were at the point of breaking..." Hanbei could remember, he thought it was his mother, and it made sense, in a way, why would his mother, who abandonded him come back to help him in his time of need? As for the rags, the fact they had survived the sand for 2 years in tatters and still shown a ninja a path was a miracle... it seemed she had done a lot. In the end, Hanbei thanked her, and the goddess was on her way with a loving goodbye.

Time resumed and the sound flowed back into the room

However, it quietly dulled, several of them looking over at hanbei, more specifically the liquid in his vessel. Thinking to themselves, they could all smell the divine liquid. Hanbei would offer it to all of them, but, only if they were to share equally, adding the elixir to their drinks in equal parts as they consumed them merrily, their mood and belief in hanbei's holiness skyrocketing as a result, thinking that he was able to create soma.

at least it was one problem solved.

At the end of the night, he bid them all goodbye one final time, asking them to be kind and take care of his feline friends as they all cheered in response. Finally, hanbei left.

It was about time to go home.

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