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Sugita Genpaku:

Genpaku 'Clan':

'It seemed today was going to be the day.‘

Hanbei and Supau had spent much of the day before in learning what they could from one another, it seemed that in learning to channel her chakra through her other senses, Sukapu had a knack for sensory techniques and chakra enhanced sensation and awareness. It was a handy trick to have, Hanbei herself tended to rely almost solely on her own medical sight in order to get her through any bad scenario. So, in getting up bright and early, Hanbei would be awoken by one of the feelers that had been put out for their Doctor friend... Hanbei had not been resting in the time that they had been licking their wounds and getting ready to move out again, Daji, as well as some of her friends sat in a semi-circle around Hanbei's bed, each of them seemed to be foxes of some description, though amongst them Daji seemed to be the only white one, the others erring on the cautious side around her and giving her her a wide birth as one of them was pressured by her very gaze to begin regaling the tale of what they had been told... the story seemed uncommon, but it was simplistic to say the least.

'We managed to find some kind of hide-out for sure. in the mountains and hills about a day from here if you move quickly and don't take rests. There had been rumours from nearby villagers that people had gone missing there, and people wearing the outfits you had described were circulating in the area, so, we asked around as best we could before we came to a cave. The entire area reaked of dark chakra and fear... we wanted to get closer, but there was this big guy there and we couldn't get by... he was huge, and he smelt like metal as well as human... '

Hanbei would bow to the spirits as each of them would disperse in turn all except for Daji in the middle, she seemed a little disatisfied with the whole thing. Telling Hanbei that she would have been much better off following that woman and her snake into the heart of the sands, she seemed far more fun than this doctor and his experiments on the Hyuga girls' eyes or whatever else he was planning up there. She claimed it was none of their business and if she cared that much, she should pass the information on to the ANBU and let them handle it. Or the old man. Hanbei could not help but shake her head, it was never that easy. She was in too deep now, and whomever was running the show here was a medic... that much was certain. Hanbei could not simply allow a medical ninja like him exist in any form. He didn't exist to benefit the lives of others in the slightest. His works broke every vow in the ninja academy and likely more than that, the laws of nature and human decency. It was something that Hanbei was not able to stomache as a guanyin.

"You know boy," The fox would say, looking up at the female clad form of Hanbei. "You claim a lot of moral superiority when in reality you're the one who revived a known criminal from the brink of death, and not only that, I wouldn't throw stones when your very own clan developed a weapon like that red needle you have in that left hand of yours... You'd be naive to think that destructive power like that was made altruistically, and even if it was... that there hasn't been someone who has devastated a lot with it... Faux moral superiority doesn't make you a hero..."

With the last word, she was gone, and Hanbei was left agasp. Her face coiling into stubborn anger for a moment she would gather her things and move out into the meeting area in a hope to find Supaku. They had spoken at the end of their training the day prior to meet here so they could finally get their hands on the group that had taken them by surprise a few weeks ago. They had a dept to pay, Hanbei was not often the kind of person who would be out for blood, but something had to be done here in the name of justice, and should Supaku wish to deliver a final blow on the man that had claimed her eyes from her as well as almost her life, that would be her decision to make. Though it was true that it would also be her consequence to live with one way or another... As soon as Supaku arrived Hanbei would open her mouth, telling her of the information that he had been told by Daji after a brief greeting until just as she finished there was a sound coming from not too far away. From that direction came two quick moving figures as the siblings Yori and Ko would appear on the scene.

"Hope the two of you didn't think to go without us." Yori would say with a sly chuckle as his sister would smile, interlacing her fingers behind her back and stretching them high above her head, before breaking them and lowering them down to her sides. "I know right!? You're not in this alone Supaku, we're a team! We Hyuga have to stick together after all, thick and thin... you hit one of us, you hit all of us!!!" Hanbei would look to Supaku, she admitted that the backup would be nice, and Kotomine was furious when he had heard of the attack to begin with, but he would have been vehemently against allowing the group to go out alone and seek their own justice. Hanbei's eyes would move to Supaku as the sound of Yori's voice would once again raise over the silence once all the reactions had come to an end.

"So team leader, what's the plan?"



Supaku waited patiently for Hanbei to show up. As patiently as she could given that she was very nearly chomping at the bit to find the group of people who had taken her eyes from her. While revenge was not usually an option for her, at least in the very traditional sense of the word; she was anxious to get moving. She had spent the morning thinking about what she would do when they encountered those horrible people again. At first she had painted her intentions in a more altruistic light, imagining that she would be a gracious combatant, and seek only to make sure they didn’t hurt anyone else. After a while though, she found that if she was honest about it, her main concern was getting her eyes back, not any type of heroics. This sudden epiphany regarding her motivations left her second guessing herself. “Am I being selfish? Should I be more concerned with what these people might do to someone else?” She mused to herself as she paced about the garden area, trying to memorize the layout without her sight, a task she was finding easier since Hanbei’s training.

She heard Hanbei approach a while later and turned to meet her, pausing in her muttering and fretful walking back and forth long enough to hear what the girl had to say. She was only mildly surprised that the villainous group had holed up in a cave. She expected little else from such barbarous creatures. The news that one of them smelled of metal was interesting, she wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it, perhaps they had a lot or armour or weaponry on their person. Still she was feeling more confident now that they had some real information. “I don’t suppose your contacts had any advice on how to actually get past everyone? I’m sure we can figure it out, but last time we unfortunately interacted with them they were in our territory. I can only imagine what sorts of trouble we’ll run into inside theirs.

Her questioning was interuppted by the sound of footsteps behind her, and then a sudden sly voice cut through their clandestine plotting.

"Hope the two of you didn't think to go without us."

Supaku would turn to face who she assumed to be Yori and Ko. As she did so, it occurred to her that facing people who were speaking to her was more of a courtesy for them, as it made very little difference to her. She couldn’t see them, and hearing them was only slightly more difficult when her ears were not directly in line with their voices. "I know right!? You're not in this alone Supaku, we're a team! We Hyuga have to stick together after all, thick and thin... you hit one of us, you hit all of us!!!"  Supaku chuckled at Ko’s cheeriness, where before it had caused her irritation, it was now comforting to hear her speak so confidently about the task ahead. She doubted that Ko understood what she was volunteering for, as she hadn’t been the one whose eyes had been scooped out. However she would smile gratefully in the direction of the siblings, unconsciously bringing her hand up to her where her eyes should be, as the memory of how they had been lost brought a sharp stabbing pain to the area.

As Ko asked what the plan was, Supaku struggled with how to answer the enthusiastic girl. She wanted so much to just take them both along and have the extra help. It had nearly cost her life during the last encounter, and she was not eager to be in that position again without assistance. On the other hand though, she also didn’t want to be responsible for Yori or his sister Ko being hurt, it was why she had sent them away the first time. She tugged at the cloth wrapped around her head, covering the damage done to her eyes as she thought of the best course of action. After being silent for a few minutes in contemplation, she decided that she should simply be upfront about the very real risks involved and let them decide for themselves.

“While I certainly appreciate that you’ve come to help, I also don’t want any of you to be hurt. You have a good point about the Hyuga, we do stick together, and I can’t help but to wonder if the same fate might also befall either or both of you if we fail. I’m not going to stop you, but I also want you to know that I don’t want anything to happen to anyone else. So it’s your choice of course, but think hard before you answer. If things don’t go to plan, could you live the rest of your life like this?” She would gesture at her injuries, hoping to emphasize the very real danger this mission posed. “Or worse, not live at all?”





“I don’t suppose your contacts had any advice on how to actually get past everyone? I’m sure we can figure it out, but last time we unfortunately interacted with them they were in our territory. I can only imagine what sorts of trouble we’ll run into inside theirs.” Her words were sound, though Hanbei could not help but think that 'getting past' the enemy was not the intended goal. The enemies they were fighting. Supaku, now that she had-had some training would be more than able to keep up with several members of their clan now, so long as they did not fight the entire group at once, they would likely be fine at overcoming each of them so long as they were smart about the entire thing, not drawing the attention of their leader. However, there were a couple of good things about the enemies' location, the fact that in the nearby villages people had gone missing, and that people of their descriptions had been moving in that area, meant that they likely weren't always in one place. They may be able to pick off the better part of one group and thin their numbers before they were locked into an all out brawl.

"I don't feel like the purpose of the operation is to get past enemies, so much as to go through them fast enough that they are not reinforced. But, if speed is the goal, we would likely want to avoid that golem, taking him down if we have to may take some effort... " Just as Hanbei finished speaking the others would arrive, Hanbei would smile as they did so and played the part, however, as happy as Supaku seemed that they had appeared, guilt of some kind seemed to swell up within her, the girl seemed to reject, or at least warn them that she didn't want them to end up like her, that she likely could not bare the weight one way or another of them also loosing their eyes just to help recover hers. At least, that's how Hanbei would feel, but aside from projecting her feelings onto someone else, she was surprised to see the reaction from Ko. The girl, normally happy and bubbly, looked at sayuri for a moment, cocking her head as she would visibly think for a moment. Attracting the attention of Yori. It took a small moment, like she was turning down a mental dial, but soon her expressions began to fade as her dopamine and seratonin being produced in her brain plummeted, her eyes falling from open and wide-eyed to slanted and neutral.

'This wasn't the same Ko...'

Looking to Supaku, even Hanbei felt a cold shiver run down her spine, and she wasn't the direct target of that icy glare. Inhaling slowly and silently the anxiety of the room would seem to almost rise and become tangible as she would finally talk, slow, constructed, purposeful. Her speech held the weight that every word that she used was hand-picked to mean exactly what she meant. "Supaku, while I don't pretend to understand why you would allow aid and potential advantage in this instance to leave, or why you would risk your own life for our safety. I feel your intentions, though misguided, to be noble in essence. Logically, we don't know the spread of influence these doctors have, they were able to infiltrate close to Konoha, and the Doctor at the helm of it all seems well known and even in some renown some time ago. The more information spread about him, the more likely it will return to him, and he will flee to continue his work. With us, we have the highest chance of reigning him in, and the smallest chance of objective failure. Yori and I are committed to ending this threat once and for all. Though i intend no offense, but we would be doing this with or without you. However, your aid presents a net advantage..." As a moment would pass, her face would light up like a candle, fast enough to give Hanbei whiplash as she would finish with a smile

"So! Lets get these sons-a-bitches!"

Even Yori looked a little shook by the whole ordeal, but, Hanbei looking over the group would await any reaction from the group before looking to make a beginning in moving for their next destination.

When the Clocks Strike Thirteen. (Finale! Supaku, Private || NK.) Forestanime

The area that they would reach would be a vast valley that would expand in every direction. The thick forest of Konoha at this point would begin to wane into a much more natural looking and thinner forest, loosing much of its density, light penetrating the canopy and in a sense, looking quite beautiful. At the northern peak of the valley there was a small mountain range with several hidden and long overgrown paths that would lead to it, however, there were traps and sensory cables running through it, as Hanbei would perch on the southern peak of the valley, she'd look to the team, panting slightly as she would recover her breath from the run, coaxing them to think of a plan of action to comb or find their targets within the forest. There were likely patrols, or even the ability to lure them into a trap with their own sensory devices. There were two nearby towns to the northeast and the southeast though one seemed to be little more than a settlement surrounding a sawmill.



"Supaku, while I don't pretend to understand why you would allow aid and potential advantage in this instance to leave, or why you would risk your own life for our safety. I feel your intentions, though misguided, to be noble in essence. Logically, we don't know the spread of influence these doctors have, they were able to infiltrate close to Konoha, and the Doctor at the helm of it all seems well known and even in some renown some time ago. The more information spread about him, the more likely it will return to him, and he will flee to continue his work. With us, we have the highest chance of reigning him in, and the smallest chance of objective failure. Yori and I are committed to ending this threat once and for all. Though i intend no offense, but we would be doing this with or without you. However, your aid presents a net advantage..."

Supaku was taken aback by the sudden change in Ko’s demeanor. Up until now Ko had been a bubbly and cheerful, if annoying, addition to the team. She had not expected to see such a cold and calculating facet of her personality. She listened to Ko’s opinion, and was interested that it was fairly well thought out. Supaku had assumed that Ko merely followed whatever orders or instructions she was presented with, and, not as any type of insult necessarily, thought that Ko didn’t really think much for herself.

"So! Lets get these sons-a-bitches!"

After observing the abrupt switch in Ko’s behaviour she answered her with more than a bit of defeat sounding through her tired voice.

“I greatly appreciate the help, I really do. And while your strategy is admirable, and mathematically correct, it leaves out the human element. I’ve grown fond of you all, and while I would like to believe that care for another person isn’t a weakness, it most certainly is. It causes you to make poor choices, illogical choices. If I thought any of you were in danger, I would likely do something stupid just to try to save you.” Supaku would 'look’ in the direction of each of them, or at least where she believed they were. With a small sigh she would continue. “I can’t stop you, because of course this is your choice. Just know that I value each of you enough to want to be able to stop you.”

She knew her protests were in vain. She could hear the same fire in Ko’s voice that Supaku felt in her own heart. And in truth she was feeling incredibly blessed by the insistence of the siblings, and of Hanbei. She would have tried to do it on her own, but she knew that would be suicide. So the added, and more importantly, volunteer help was a welcome thing. She did her best to smile at the group and even chuckled a bit as she responded to Ko’s final enthusiastic call to arms.

“Sons-a-bitches indeed. We’ll get them.”

Walking to the location that they had been told of turned out to be much more difficult than Supaku had imagined. It was one thing to carefully feel her way around a house, and another thing entirely to navigate the outdoors. Every rock and slick patch of grass was a potential hazard. While she was getting better at making her way around larger objects, like trees, tinier things were ridiculously frustrating to circumvent. They didn’t disturb the wind, they weren’t large enough to give her the pushing feeling against her skin that came with being too close to people or buildings or furniture. So along the way she tripped many more times than she thought was dignified. Over time she found a trick, it slowed her pace but at least saved her from falling flat on her face every couple of minutes. Instead of lifting her foot each time she took a step, she carefully slid each forward foot along the ground in front of her. It allowed her to feel all the tripping hazards before they became a problem. After traipsing through what she was sure was a forest the whole group came to a stop. She knew they had been going uphill for a while, but had long ago given up any hope of accurately determining where they were. So she asked, hoping to not display yet more weakness with her question.

“So what’s it look like around here? Are we close, or are we just taking a break?”





“I greatly appreciate the help, I really do. And while your strategy is admirable, and mathematically correct, it leaves out the human element. I’ve grown fond of you all, and while I would like to believe that care for another person isn’t a weakness, it most certainly is. It causes you to make poor choices, illogical choices. If I thought any of you were in danger, I would likely do something stupid just to try to save you... I can’t stop you, because of course this is your choice. Just know that I value each of you enough to want to be able to stop you.”

Hanbei was going to shut that line of thinking down right now... "Don't forget, you're in Konoha, a land that the human element made the greatest and most legendary nation on this earth. You may not consider friendship and human nature to be a benefit, but I and many of your superiors, even the old man, do. Friendship and care for one another allows us to push past our limits and perform incredible preternatural feats that would otherwise be totally impossible. Connections with others develop experience, empathy hones awareness and improves tactical decision making. There is a reason many animals pack together, it increases their chance of survival. A single twig is easy to break after all, but bound tightly together by our bonds, we form a pack that is far more difficult to break... " One would almost be able to feel the intensity radiating from Hanbei, a disciple of the fire temple and follower of Konohas way of fire for quite some time.

"However, I guess we can get into that later."

Looking over the valley, Hanbei would listen to the others talk, Supaku asking about where they were and what they were doing. Taking a deep breath, Hanbei would think about that response that she was going to give, as it seemed now, it was time for this mission to finally commence. "We're on a rise overlooking the forest valley where the targets are meant to be. If we go in, they could be stalking anywhere within there. There are two towns within sight range we could go to to get information, but, seeing as the area has already been scouted, i would assume that avenues already been seen to its logical conclusion. We could probably easily pick up a trail, but the cave itself is probably a couple kilometers straight ahead. But if we attack the cave, any of the Dr's super-friends will be on us in minutes. I suggest it's not where we start." Yori and Ko seemed in agreement, both of them looking to Supaku, she was the leader of the last mission, so it only made sense to them that they would follow her say on this one.

"Well supaku, what do you think we should do?" Yori would say with some confidence, raising his hands over his head and smiling as he did so. He sounded confident, but there was a hint of anxiety about the mission at hand, unlike Ko, which with her current attitude, one would think that the thought that anything could possibly go wrong was so far out of the bounds of possibility that nothing would matter in the slightest in the mean time. The group of Hyuga and the Guanyin seemed to be ready for a fight. Hanbei, now no longer their instructor would look to Supaku and tell them of her particular set of skills. "Well, should you need me, as a Guanyin my skills as a medic should be able to keep many of you safe and healed, but even my chakra is not infinite. I'm also able to reverse the polarity of my healing techniques to kill cells in the body, though, as the results can be a little graphic, I prefer to keep to my acupuncture techniques, of which I have a considerable sum. Place me where you need me."

It all came down on supaku to take the reigns now, the wolves prowled before them... but what would the plan be?



“Well Supaku, what do you think we should do?”

Supaku was surprised at the question. While she didn’t think she was incapable by any means, she was uncertain if someone who was completely blind should be the one to make any strategies regarding their current unsanctioned mission. She was grateful for the support from her companions, but she did wonder if perhaps their looking to her was out of sympathy rather than good strategy. Now that they were so close however, she also wasn’t sure if now was the time to start voicing any doubts she was having. Thinking back on their first mission, the one that had gone so terribly wrong and caused all the trouble in the first place, Supaku began to formulate a plan. She doubted that it was a good plan, but she equally doubted that any good plan could be made to retrieve her eyes from a mad doctor and his band of ghouls.

One thing she had noted in her first experience with the cadre of thieves was their passion. While normally passion was considered an admirable trait, in the case of maintaining order and discipline within ranks, it was not. The horrible woman with the skull mask had been far too easily provoked, Supaku held no illusions about her own skills in intimidation or the like. That success, such as it could be called, was due almost entirely to the fact that the woman was unsure of herself, and had a considerable temper. It was probable then, that the others may react in a similar fashion when presented with a scenario in which they felt personally attacked. She knew that this revelation was not something that would win them the day, but it may help them gain the advantage. In her many readings of military battles and strategic texts she had often seen the phrase ‘Divide and Conquer’. It had been something she had absorbed but not truly understood before. They had a significantly better chance of success if their opponents were, firstly; alone, or in smaller groups, and secondly; if they were off their guard.

After musing to herself in silence for a few minutes, idly adjusting and readjusting the bit of cloth covering her eyes, she would lift her head and speak to the three of them.

“You mentioned that this area has been scouted you think? That’s good for us I believe. My main concern, besides the obvious, is that we don’t end up in a similar situation as last time. There were too many of them, and we were simply overwhelmed. Now I’m not saying that any of you did anything wrong, on the contrary, you all saved my life. But I think the easiest way to approach this group, is one at a time. If they’ve scouted before, likely they’ll do it again, and that’s perhaps our way in. A couple of them we can take on easily, and with a quick transformation we can just walk in the front door. Well, you all can, sadly I don’t think I can transform into something I can’t see.” She laughed quietly at her own dark humour, hoping to ease the tension that she assumed the others must be feeling. This was a dangerous task that they had undertaken, and for her part she knew what it might cost.  

“From there of course there will be a new set of problems, but we need to get in there and a full frontal assault doesn’t seem like it will be successful. If we’re on a rise overlooking the forest, then we must also be above the cave. If I were going to post guards or lookouts at a cave, one of those places would be above its entrance, with a clear view of who comes in or out. I think we should start there. Also, a cave seems like a terrible place to have a secret evil lair. How would you get out if you needed to and the entrance was blocked? I think we should assume there is an alternate entrance somewhere, that way at least we won’t be jumped from behind. I also wanted to point out that I think we could use their lack of discipline to our advantage. While the group of them listen to their leader, they were pretty easy to rile up last time, maybe we could do that again?”

She took a breath as she finished pouring out her thoughts, and waited patiently for feedback on her ideas.




'Hanbei nodded in agreement.‘

The plan was a solid one, Yori and Ko each exchanged a look with one another before physically voicing their approval, it was that voice that cut through the silence after some deliberation that snapped Hanbei back to the reality that Supaku was blind, her eyes shooting open for a moment as she had been contented with the nod, left to stutter and apologize before giving an affirmative to the plan as a whole. All the while a sinking feeling weighed in her gut as the guilt for forgetting such a crucial detail had gone by the wayside so easily... But you know what they say about bad habits. Hanbei would look over the ridge and see if there was anything from here that they would be able to see, but sadly, there was not. The forest from up here seemed calm and serene, not at all like it might be hiding a secret as dark as the doctor and his men. Sighing Hanbei would finally voice up and talk about the plan that Supaku had posed.

"The plan sounds fantastic, if we can pick off more than one or two scouting on the way in that will be even better, I like your idea of going in, in disguise, but if they have two exits, do you think we might be able to find the other one somewhere and use it to attack from somewhere else? Though I'm sure a passage like that will be more than well hidden. The tunnels could potentially go for miles." Realistically, it likely wasn't worth attempting to find, there was a chance that it was a hidden trap door somewhere in the forest that would be almost impossible to pick up without combing the forest with their doujutsu active just so they would be able to find it when they came across it... Then there was the chance that any deep hole they found was one made by the konoha wildlife. These thoughts left Hanbei to hum the more she thought that this plan of action wasn't exactly the best one.

"I don't think we're going to be able to avoid a big fight or two, the more people we move past the more reinforcements the doctor is going to have at the end of it all, and he seems to be the strongest of them all. Don't forget that he was feeding the chakra for their waterfall attacks and those seals, i bet he was the one who placed them on his men. That must have been an intense amount of chakra. " Ko said, looking to the group, her voice a little more somber, but not without its charismatic chirp.

Yori on the other hand didn't seem to have much to contribute, he was far more of a follower of the plans of others, thinking about them and acting in the interests of the plan when it came to it. And improvising when things undoubtedly went awry. He simply advocated that he didn't mind what they did so long as the slippery bastards got what they deserved and didn't darken the doors of anyone else ever again... Hanbei could hardly disagree with the sentiment. Whatever was in store for the group, there was going to be at least one brawl. So, giving the affirmative, Hanbei would give a signal for them to begin moving, if there was any need to update the plan, they could do it on the move, discussing as they walked.

It would take about half an hour after their conversation started, but eventually there would be a clear trail of what appeared to be heavy footprints, like humans but far more weighty than they were, easily as if they were twice or three times as such as a normal person... an MO that linkded uniquely with their sub dermal armour.



Supaku chuckled as Hanbei quickly tried to correct her error. While Supaku was definitely bitter about her eyes being missing currently, she didn’t expect that everyone would necessarily remember that was the case. It was everything in the world to her, because it was her eyes that were gone now, but to everyone else well, it was easy to understand that they might not always consider it. She would look in the direction of Hanbei and smile broadly before taking the time to reassure her.

“It’s okay Hanbei, I know you didn’t mean anything by it. And I don’t take offense at all, I appreciate the apology, but I’m not worried about it. Soon it won’t even be a consideration, since we’re going to go get my eyes back. If I need clarification on what something looks like, or I need to hear you, I’ll ask. I don’t want you to be worried about that the whole time, we have enough to be worried about.”

She laughed gently in an attempt to ease the tension of the situation. She truly wasn’t offended by Hanbei’s oversight, it had only been a few days after all and she didn’t think it was entirely fair to expect everyone around her to consider her new condition in everything they did. She also hoped that she was accurate in her assessment; that soon it wouldn’t matter anyway. They had a very low chance of success considering how their last encounter had gone, but hope was easy to manifest when you had friends with you.

As Hanbei and Ko went over strategies she followed along as best she could, trying to increase her speed as she walked. She knew that she was slowing them down and that fact bothered her. If she couldn’t keep up with them while they were just walking, then what would happen when they inevitably had to fight? She tried focusing on her other senses as they walked, the smell of the trees and grass, the change in air pressure as she passed near something solid, the different sounds that were produced when she stepped on greenery as opposed to dirt and stone. All of these things were surprisingly helpful at giving her some idea of where she was, and with each step towards their destination she grew more confident in her ability to navigate her surroundings.

When there was a pause in their travels and it was pointed out that there were footprints in the ground, she would bend down and feel around for them. Taking her fingers and measuring the depth that they sunk into the soil compared to one of her own, she was able to visualize, at least somewhat, what they must look like. A shiver went down her spine as she realized how close they were now. She was utterly terrified to face this group again, she had never felt pain like that before and was not looking forward to any physical altercation with the group. Pushing herself back into a standing position she would dust off her knees and hands, using the time as a reprieve from her concerns and trying to pull herself together. She would turn towards the group and, pushing her worry as far down as she could, spoke in a hushed tone. She wasn’t sure if anyone would be able to hear them from here, but it wasn’t worth taking any chances at this point.

“Alright so we’ve found them, or at least we’ve found where they patrol perhaps? And if these footprints are those of the scouts then I’m not sure we’ll be able to subdue them. I have no weaponry, well none of us do except for you Hanbei. And punching is not exactly the most effective method for handling armoured opponents. So I am at a loss, we either wait around here to get the jump on a couple scouts and hope we can take them down without too much trouble, or we try to sneak in to the caves. Either way this is going to be difficult, but if we fight the scouts here, then we’ll be drained somewhat when we have to deal with whatever is inside. I suppose we could try to transform into the ones we remember from the mine, it hasn’t been that long, hopefully we’d get the details close enough no one would notice right away.”




'At least no offense was made.‘

Hanbei's heart was put to rest at the thought that no offense had been taken by her comment as she looked over to the others, continuing to move deeper into the territory. It looked to Hanbei like they were making some decent head-way until they finally came across the tracks, it seemed that they had come this far, and that three of their enemy were here. Supaku moved down to inspect the footprints, though it would be perhaps hard to tell, but amongst them would be the vocal female as well as another two of the nameless hooded enemies that they had come across last time. Hanbei would analyze Supaku's movements on the matter, looking through them to ensure that she was still okay as far as things went, she had been keeping up with their pace well, without the group augmenting to accommodate her, Hanbei could not help but give silent praise to the girl as she had done so well and come so far in the stark day that she had been dealing with her recovery. Opening her mouth she would speak to the group, a thought about the scenario.

“Alright so we’ve found them, or at least we’ve found where they patrol perhaps? And if these footprints are those of the scouts then I’m not sure we’ll be able to subdue them. I have no weaponry, well none of us do except for you Hanbei. And punching is not exactly the most effective method for handling armoured opponents. So I am at a loss, we either wait around here to get the jump on a couple scouts and hope we can take them down without too much trouble, or we try to sneak in to the caves. Either way this is going to be difficult, but if we fight the scouts here, then we’ll be drained somewhat when we have to deal with whatever is inside. I suppose we could try to transform into the ones we remember from the mine, it hasn’t been that long, hopefully we’d get the details close enough no one would notice right away.”

'It was a risky plan either way it seemed.'

"Sneaking into the caves without narrowing them down is a good way for us all to get cornered and killed. Likely we can't outrun them so it would be best to eliminate them as we come across them. " Hanbei would take a couple of Kunai from his pack, the kunai that he had begun with as a genin in kumogakure as well as the few senbon he had to begin with as well for Supaku, it wasn't much, but it was something. "There's a couple of weapons you can use in the mean time, however, as i discovered with my fight against them, the armour is only in static locations on their body, all save for the big guy. So any location on their body that needs to be able to move has no armour. So, hips, under arms, elbows, under knees, waist, neck, ankles and the jaw is likely unprotected. Also, external organs like the eyes are vulnerable. Should we choose to ambush, i suggest immobilize a target, create an opening and finish them with a single blow to the neck, they're good, but they're not that good, and the sub dermal armour definitely makes them slower... that tank however... he's... we may need to work together. "

Hanbei would finish for the moment, looking to the group for approval with the idea, the fact they could not just sneak into the cave was a simple reality of their mission. It would leave hanbei at the door at least, fighting off all of the people who were on patrol outside of the area as they would stagger towards the entrance group by group. Hanbei was strong, but even she didn't know if she could take them all by herself. Whatever the decided as a group though, Hanbei would be okay with, kneeling down a little away from everyone for some rest in the mean-time. The footprints were quite fresh, no more than likely an hour old or so, the idea of tracking them with some haste would definitely have merit to it, allowing them to spring an ambush from the shadows. With their group, against three of them unaware... Hanbei was confident that with the element of surprise that they could happily eliminate them without much of a hassle.



Hanbei was right. This was a situation where they definitely needed to work together. Splitting up last time; although it had saved Yori and Ko from the fate Supaku had suffered, it had still ended poorly. This time around they all had a better idea of what they were facing and she wasn’t sure if that made the situation feel better or worse. Sometimes not knowing a thing really was better than knowing it. Especially if said thing could kill you. Bravery was sometimes borne of ignorance, hers certainly had been during their last encounter with the crazy doctor and his goons. If she had known then that her standing up to that woman would result in her eyes being ripped out of her head, she may not have done it at all. She knew it was no good thinking like that now, not when they were just about to jump into the fire again so to speak. So she would let out a deep sigh and start walking, fully expecting to be either told or physically redirected if she was walking off in the wrong direction.

As the four of them carried on she would pause for a moment and focus her chakra outwards, activating her Dark Sight. It was disorienting at first, the once black world around her now an explosion of white coloured light. She would stop and reach out a hand to touch a tree near her. A tree she could see. As her fuuton chakra broke in waves across her surroundings everything was plain as day, if somewhat monochromatic. It was breathtaking, and she took it all in, turning to look directly at each of her companions. They looked different than she remembered seeing them with her eyes, but she could still recognize them, their shapes. Looking down was a mistake, the flow of chakra radiating across the ground was almost akin to walking on water. At first glance she would stumble and cling to a tree, trying to force her brain to accept that the ground was not actually moving. It would take a few minutes before she was comfortable walking again, and tentatively placed one foot in front of the other, easily avoiding obstacles in her path.

She moved as silently as she could, not speaking and concentrating on the world around her, looking for the enemy they were about to face. All seemed to be going according to plan until with a start she realized she was staring at a pulse of yellow coloured light. She would stop dead in her tracks, holding out her left hand in a silent attempt to have everyone stop as well. Without turning to face Yori, Ko or Hanbei she would speak in a hushed voice. “They must know we’re here, that way. . .” she would point in the direction of the yellow light as she spoke, “. . .someone is using a sensory jutsu. I’d bet anything those are the scouts, and whatever element of surprise we had is long gone. This is not going to be pretty, but I can see them, more or less.” As she spoke she saw the yellow light move closer to her, overtaking their current position. “They’re coming, get ready.”


Chakra 115/130:



'It seemed supaku was having a problem‘

However, hanbei had faith that the ninja would be able to resolve the struggle with her new sight technique, the two had worked on it together, and while it was to serve as a temporary replacement for sight, hanbei would smile knowing that, should she ever be in a position where she was not able to see, it was something that she was able to activate and use as a tool in order to overcome that ordeal. In this fact alone, the tragedy they had been through had already made Supaku a stronger all around ninja. Though the sharp inhale of Supaku's breath as they continued to move, had Hanbei halt in her tracks, looking to Supaku as she seemed to state that the group of them were moving into a sensory area, directing them to a side they all needed to move. Hanbei was never one for stealth, but, not all sensory techniques were the same, some were remote viewing techniques, others were different. By the display of their jutsu and chakra control, as well as their history, it was more than likely that they were using something similar to hanbei's medical sight technique.

'They would need to act fast.'

Putting her hands together, Hanbei would use the transformation technique, turning herself from a person, into the shape of a deer, though the image wasn't quite perfect, her mastery of the technique was somewhat lacking as it was seldom used in her daily life as a ninja. If they were going to get close to a sensory ninja, they needed to fool their senses. Hanbei's medical sight was able to see living things in fine form, but he was likely a better medic than most of these people. It would be more likely they were using some form of biorhythm radar. They would need to appear as something living, something to throw them off if they wanted to get close, so, as they moved, Hanbei herself now prancing along as a graceful spotted deer due to the shape changing nature of the transformation technique, Hanbei would beckon them to do the same, speaking from the lips of the deer somewhat as she did so.

"Follow suit, i think getting noticed is something we're going to have to deal with, but, who's to say they'll know it's us? Positions!"

Hanbei would take up an ambush position, as Supaku would no doubt see the sensory technique wash over Hanbei's form first, and then stop. They had no doubt picked Hanbei up on their radar in one form or another, and were beginning to move closer to the grazing deer, making their ungodly approach until, soon enough they could be seen, stalking them, but, Hanbei knew what direction they were coming from. Craning her neck down and grazing, Hanbei would hold the mental image of a deer in his mind for a while longer, thinking, rotating the ears to sense for predators, the heavy footsteps of the attackers audible even from here as Hanbei would have his mask turn to face them, raising her doe's head high to perceive those coming her way. Yori and Ko had, moments before also performed the academy technique to take the guise of fawns. One of the females of the group laughed, punching the male in the middle of the three of them who seemed to have the technique active, her voice familiar, revealing her as the very woman who had defeated Supaku before...

Playing the inquisitive animal, Hanbei would begin to move a little closer as the group would scorn one another for a moment, the male looking somewhat ashamed and embarrassed as they looked to turn and move away from the group of them, moving back to their route as Hanbei, Yori and Ko would all seek to move a little closer, until finally, they were in position for the trap to be set. It was all thanks to the 'eyes' of Supaku that their cover was not blown, she had made this possible from the beginning, and now, with everything set to go... it was time for them to make their next move!

[chakra = 255]



Supaku watched as a bright yellow glow emanated from Hanbei and then shortly thereafter from Yori and Ko. She didn’t know precisely what the three of them had done, but she took her queue and hid herself in amongst some brush and small trees, hoping that she was well enough disguised in with the greenery. It was nerve wracking to say the least as she saw and felt and heard the sentries approach, the way everything was lit up for her it was hard to believe she was hidden at all. Much to her surprise however, not only did the approaching enemies not notice her, they also appeared to examine all three of her companions and not recognize them. She would have to remember to ask them all later what exactly they’d done to disguise themselves, as it seemed to work perfectly.

As one of the three sentries laughed Supaku’s blood would run cold. This was none other than the skull masked woman who had taken her eyes from her days ago. While Supaku liked to claim that she was a strategic and level headed woman - that was far from the whole truth. She was those things, sometimes. Other times, like now when faced with a person she most definitely had a vendetta against, she was more of an impulsive individual. And now, although she could not truly see, what did cloud Supaku’s vision was red. Reaching down to her belt she would grasp her kunai in hand and without so much as a second thought she would hurl the sharp piece of metal straight at the womans face. As she threw the weapon she saw a crimson flare of light ignite in the hand of the form to the masked woman's right hand side. “Get down!” Supaku would yell as she rolled to the opposite side of the tree should stood near, putting the hard wood of the tree trunk between her and her opponents. As expected she could feel the heat of fire against her face as the red light of the jutsu splashed against the tree, unexpectedly she could still clearly ‘see’ the jutsu despite the tree now being in the way.

With all the bravery she could muster she stood behind the nearly toppled tree and called out any jutsu she could see to Yori, his sister Ko, and Hanbei.

Coming out from her moderately safe spot she surveyed their surroundings. All threats seeming to be eliminated, at least in the immediate area, she would walk up to each of her companions and check that they were alright. She had no healing abilities, but she knew that even simple bandaging was sometimes the difference between healing and not. “Well just one last place to go then. I think we’ll do alright, last time these guys. . .” she would gesture to the ground at the crumpled bodies, “. . . just kicked our asses. So this time around I think we have the upper hand.”


Chakra 110/130:



'And suddenly from silence came motion!‘

With a whistle from a Kunai, it seemed that Supaku had been seen, having not adopted a disguise of her own as the sensory wave passed over the group, one of them would begin to charge a jutsu of some kind, though the Kunai that came from the treeline was the thing that Hanbei was focusing on. The woman, who had been preparing for an attack of some-kind from that direction would tilt her head to a side allowing the Kunai to fly on past as the blast of fire would echo in the direction of the treeline, though not before Supaku's warning. Everything happened so quickly from that point. The warning prompted the three fighters in animal forme to charge their opponents, ducking and sliding as their disguises gave way. Yori and Ko together attacked another of them men, one of them right there planting one of their Kunai into the back of his knee before he would have time to so much as bound in a direction. With his tendons slit at the back of his knee before it attempted to move or bound, he came crashing down, the other ready and waiting like a hungry wolf throwing a direct punch into his throat causing a hollow crack and laying him out on the ground.

'And so came Hanbei.'

The one who had fired the katon jutsu was dangerous, moments before it was released Hanbei would be upon him, needles in hand and throwing many of them for the backs of his legs as he was focused on launching a wave of fire in the direction of Supaku in the background. Landing the needles would stop his legs from being able to bend least they shred the tendons on the inside. Reaching him, Hanbei would leap, more needles suddenly between his fingers as he would hurl them for the larynx of his opponent, though he opened his mouth instead at the pain of being hit in a soft and volatile spot. The needle aimed for his spinal cord through his neck would instead go through his mouth and hit his spine at the back of his throat and through his own uvula. Something that Hanbei would not wish on anyone.

"And then there was one!"

The woman had temporarily recovered, however, she was not out. Yori and Ko collapsed on her like a tonne of bricks, attacking low and at her legs one after the other in a potent group attack, forcing her back as she was unable just yet to make a counter attack. Until finally, stepping into one of their strikes there was a sound of steel on armour as her dermal plating blocked one of the Kunai, but, in a flash, Hanbei was there, slide tackling the witch in the back of the knees causing her to buckle and loosing her footing as Yori and Ko would both use the Vacuum Palm technique, slamming her square in the chest and hurtling her over hanbei into the direction of Sayuri, allowing her to deliver the finishing blow as the dermal pate in her chest, hit by 2 b Rank jutsu of powerful Hyuga make, had caved in on itself, pinning her diaphragm and not allowing to to flex or stretch... meaning that she was permanently and medically winded, without the extraction of the plate, she would soon suffocate.

With an amount of eagerness, the three of them would watch as to what Sayuri would decide to do.

After the battle was over, Hanbei would look to the others, taking the daggers and any equipment they could use from the medical practitioners, their buzz saws seemed to be especially useful. Like rotating electric kunai, they likely were able to cut through bone on impact, at least of high ranking surgical quality (B rank.) Hanbei liked their weight and feel.

"So, moving on then i think. If that's three of them down, there should only be one more squad of three, which im willing to bet will be closer to guarding the hideout. I managed to end two of them back when they attacked, which leaves one rogue. Assuming they're all in groups of three. But, next time, we should probably all use the transformation technique, if we're going to use it. haha."
yori an ko nodded. Ko exclaiming how amazing they were as a team though.



Supaku watched the ensuing battle, never more glad to have friends with her than now. It ultimately would have been foolish to insist they not come along. Even with the assistance of three people what they were doing was incredibly dangerous. The last time they had encountered this group it had been nearly fatal. Her vision of the battle was not perfect, but she could clearly see when the skull masked woman was down. A slow fire had been burning in her heart since she first recognized the person responsible for her pain and blindness. And now that the woman lay disabled it had turned from a gentle flame to a roaring blaze. Many thoughts ran through Supaku’s mind as she walked slowly over towards the woman. She did not think of herself as the revenge type, but now that this opportunity had presented itself, revenge was all she could think of. She thought of ripping the woman's eyes out, giving her a brief chance to experience the pain that she had put Supaku through. Or perhaps just setting her on fire, and observing as she slowly burned to death. They were dark thoughts, ones that under ordinary circumstances Supaku would never even have. But this was not an ordinary situation. This woman had, for all intents and purposes, tortured Supaku. And for what? Her eyes? It seemed almost surreal to her, that a person would be willing to do that to a person on the off chance that they get some sort of power out of it.

Kneeling down so that the woman could clearly see who it was that would end her, Supaku removed the cloth she had covering where her eyes should be. She wanted so desperately to make this woman suffer, but she knew in her heart that doing so would make her just as awful as her attacker. So she did the only thing she could think of that would both solve the problem and end the woman's suffering in as humane a way as possible. Placing her hand over the woman’s throat she would speak, her voice trembling with rage. “You should have killed me.” Not waiting for the skull masked woman’s response she would strike with her palm along the woman’s windpipe, hearing a satisfying ‘crunch’ as the muscles and cartilage submitted to her blow she would wait until the sounds of gasping and choking and gagging had stopped and then slowly stand. She was glad for the chance to finish the woman, it was fairly cathartic, and at the same time terrible. She had never even killed an animal before. In the back of her mind she knew that this would be a thing that would haunt her at some point. She had done little more than speed up the inevitable, but her heart became a tiny bit darker for it.

Looking towards where the other three were, Supaku would nod in agreement. She hadn’t realized that they were all expected to transform, and it had been her who had nearly blown their cover. Were it not for the quick thinking of Hanbei, Yori and Ko, they likely would have been discovered too quickly and lost that fight. “If we find someone else, which I expect we will, I’ll make myself a rabbit. I have a fairly clear image in my mind of what a rabbit looks like, and I don’t think any of them would care about a bunny sitting there. So it looks like we have what, four more people to get through probably? If we’re lucky we can deal with them the same way, it worked well enough this time around.” With another nod, Supaku would begin moving in the direction she had ‘seen’ this group come from, placing the cloth back over her eyes as she went.


Chakra 105/130:



'The woman would crash into the ground‘

As she would hit the ground she would tumble like a doll for a couple of feet before sprawling out on her back, having been beaten by children she was stunned, she couldn't breathe, her body struggled to for a moment as she knew where she had been hit, but, she thought she had just been winded. When her hands instinctively moved to where her diaphragm was, panic ran across her eyes as she felt that her chest had been forced almost a full 1/3 of her body span inwards, knowing the medical implications she would begin to panic, but, with no air in her lungs already she was on a very small timer to unconsciousness. She would flow healing chakra into her body hoping to heal the damage that had been dealt in a panic, but, the sub-dermal plating was not a part of her biological body, it didn't repair and she was still left clawing for breath. However, as a shadow crossed her view, her eyes would look up at Supaku, stricken and looking for help for a moment, thinking it to be her master or an ally.

'But then reality dawned.'

It was her, the Hyuga she had pulled the eyes from, immediately her eyes fell cold, dull and reserved, she knew what came next, she didn't want to die but she had to steel herself. Her criminal mind thinking only of what she would do in this scenario, she would likely put a single hole in the plating connecting it into a lung, no larger than a needle hole. Enough air to keep the brain alive, but enough to almost eternally give the victim the burning feeling of suffocation chronically until it was repaired. Enough pain to drive a being mad in the hours it would still take for them to die of sensory overload and the resulting trauma. However, as the hand went to her neck, and the blow rained down and broke her. The only look in her eyes was one of confusion, a question lingering for a moment as she would expire in moments... and it was done... Hanbei having watched it would move over to Supaku and place a hand on her shoulder.

"You did well, lets move on... Yori, Ko, move them off the road, we'll come by and pick them up soon when we're done. Supaku, we're going to need your sight still, four more sounds about right, hopefully we'll meet them nearest the gate, then there's the man himself... Sugita..."

Hanbei would begin to move out, just as Yori and Ko would have dragged and thrown the bodies off to one side of the road, slightly out of sight and moved over to comfort Supaku in the mean time. Looking to her, Yori would pat her on the back while Ko would let out a giggle as they had passed the first of their trials here. The next one would hopefully pose less of a problem, though there was still the matter of the golem amongst them that they had not faced yet... he would likely be in the next goup. If there was a cave the thought of him being in an enclosed space would be ludicrous... but guarding it would lead people into a bottleneck that would be almost perfect for someone who was not as mobile as he was. Ko would be the first of them to pipe up.

"You did really great Supaku! We got these guys, we know the trail to the cave entrance, so lets get goin!"

The entrance of the cave was at the side of a hill, behind several layers of brush and right outside it, like a troll was the massive cloaked figure, his two companions unseen though, in reality were not far away. Another squad of three but this time playing it all far smarter, the unique looking male was now among them, hanging upside down from a tall tree like a bat far above the forest canopy watching the opening of the gate as well as his companions. Another that had taken a position further up the hill behind several of the rocks and was scanning the horizon, each of them were about twenty meters total away from the entrance itself that the massive golem guarded, who still bore the small holes in him from hanbei's needles, though it didn't seem to affect him at all...

Pulling back hanbei would move to the group, asking what the plan was to be...



'As the final battle redied to come to pass, Hanbei would prepare himself for the trial to come.‘

The immediate hurdle before the ninja, was making their way through the obstacle that lay before them. Yori and Ko each seemed to be ready for the battle, though Hanbei was not so sure, last time the group had been moving in threes, and this time, with another four opponents to spare, there was only one at the entrance. It would not take a genius to assume that the other two were also in hiding... It was then, the childlike Hanbei was struck with yet another excellent idea, mimicry was the highest form of flattery after all... the giant was obviously a creature that was intended to draw fire from others, simply due to the fact that he was a monolithic creature that was more than able to take any punishment or initial volley that was put out for him. The trick was to down him quickly, alone. He was built to weather attacks, but, if they had an attack that he could not, he would be isolated, alone, unprepared. Pulling their trap, with a distraction of their own, their own monolith, would likely push them into desperation, allowing Yori and Ko to close in from the flanks... exactly like they were intending to do with the goliath's presence.

Hanbei would forward the plan to the others, letting out a light chuckle as they would split up to move into position. Ko would set up a perimeter with his paper bombs and wires, spinning a cats cradle between the trees invisible to the naked eye while Hanbei would mold his chakra ahead of time, coiling it within herself as it was time to show the true power of the Guanyin. The giant's armor was strong, of that, there was no doubt... it was built to withstand small attacks like Hanbei's needles... Though, needles were not the only jutsu Hanbei was competent in... The raiton nature of what the child Guanyin was weaving would have what little hair that was not bound stand up on end as he was certain that she was ready for the next battle. She didn't 'want' to use these techniques when there was likely a harder battle coming up ahead... though there was little choice in the matter. Taking in a deep breath, and after a small wait, Hanbei would take the first step out into the open, dashing out in front of the man as if he'd made some grant interest, attracting his attention.

"You there! I'm here for what you took from my charge!" Hanbei would let out a cry, feeling the gaze of the golem turn on him as the hidden eyes of the other two would rouse, turning their attention to the child as their companion would stand up straight, revealing his full height as almost nine feet tall, and hulking to match. Hanbei would follow his ascention, fear tingling down his spine for a moment before he too would steel himself pulling a half horse hand sign before his body, running towards the giant at full speed as Hanbei could almost feel the presence of the other two beginning to close in rapidly, but, before they could, just as the Golem would brace for the attack, Hanbei would hurl the bolt of lightning in his direction... using the kinetic energy to throw himself back towards the trap they had prepared. A large grunt would escape the lips of the titan as he would be blasted back by the lightning, just as the other two would penetrate the canopy and close in with their ambush.

'The world would go black.'

Hands on his knees, Hanbei would pant as Yori and Ko would come out of the shadows, each of them laughing and patting their temporary teacher on the back and congratulating the plan. With the second sight of their 'eye in the sky' using the term loosely, the group had managed to outmaneuver a surprise attack from the enemy that had proven to be tougher than they had initially supposed, but, with three bodies charred on the ground, the massive one that Hanbei almost thought was still breathing sending a chill down his spine as Hanbei would snap back around to the realization that it was likely just the mans' massive body relaxing. With a smile and congratulations, Hanbei would pray that what came next would not be as brutal as the battle that had just been... though, as a hollow, metallic clap echoed from the depths of the cavern before them. The dark visage of two hooded beings exiting the abode would become clear to the motley crew. The forms of the smallest of the groups, as well as the Dr that had led them all making themselves known at last to them all.

"You've done well to get this far, my assistants had the best care when it came to their...enhancements. But it seems that in my drive to keep them, aesthetically pleasing, perhaps I traded out an amount of pragmatism... a mistake I doubt I am likely to repeat. I'm glad you're all hear, you will be the first to see my masterpiece! Behold! The ultimate form of the Byakugan! I call it the Kugeki-Byakkugan! The void white eye!"

The mans' proclamation was shown with a revelation of the eyes of the child that stood before him, the once silver eyes of the Byakugan had become a dull boltgun steel, radiating with blacklight as chakra was poured into them. Power would wash over the group as the girls' hands would light up with the chakra of Juken. Hanbei would stand out in front of the others, gritting his teeth and shouting in return! "Suigeta! You'll pay for what you've done!" But the platitude, regardless of heroism fell on deaf ears as he would callously call on his creation to attack, placing his hands on the ground and creating a chakra circle, which a copy of would light up on the forehead of the girl, empowering her further...

With wicked speed the girl would vanish, appearing near Hanbei who would dodge faintly to a side as two bullet-like Juken punches would launch out to strike at the boy's chest, each of them letting out a gauss like blast of sound with the speed of the blows that tore at the clothes Hanbei wore, revealing some of the Porcupine Mantle that he wore beneath. Taking them would have meant shattered ribs, of this there was no doubt. The chakra in her hands was powerful, but it didn't seem like it was hers. Yori and Ko would dive into the fight, and with them, Hanbei with his needles and them with their impeccable Taijutsu would attempt to launch a Counterattack... but, as she would switch to defense, she saw them coming... not moving in reaction to them, but almost beforehand. Every blow from the trio would meet air before she would spin out with a somersault, flipping over Ko and landing behind them all as Suigetsu would let out a laugh...

"Foolish ninja! you cannot hope to best the Void-Byakugan, see, it sees and reveals the truth of the world, it sees under the skin of nature, the binary code of the universe! Not just energy, but the potential for energy! Ahahahahaha!"

It was an interesting idea, potential energy was something that was fickle, it stretched out from every action, but it was not foolable. Hanbei would look out to the two at his sides, Needles in this instance would likely prove beneficial, especially his Guanyin spheres as they were so versatile, ready to explode in any direction if she was really able to see potential energy. Hanbei would smile, and the smile on his face would trigger anger in Suigetsu who would let out a scold for the child before them. "Keep up the attack you two, i have a plan!" Hanbei would speak, moving back as the two would make their move on the female, allowing Hanbei the chance to move to the backlines of the battle and prepare another of his jutsu...

Yori and Ko would attack with a fury, Yori, casting a jutsu where his wormlike strands would launch out and around the girl in an attempt to tie her up, but, the power of the Void eye, allowing her to see the paths of each of the strands would allow her to maneuver backwards threw them all without so much as breaking a sweat as Ko would slide through the break in the threads, Activating her eight trigrams sixty-four palms technique. The two of them would engage in rapid combat, faster than even Hanbei's eyes could see. The skill of the two was apparent, but a lot of it came from the centuries of Hyuga study, perfecting that one specific technique that had even their opponent on the back-foot for a fraction of a moment as Hanbei would complete the jutsu. Casting four Guanyin spheres out into the world as they would move to surround the girl. Her vision would be bathed in color. The Jutsu was capable of firing needles in explosions or cones, making the potential for energy in every direction a limitless sum of actions stored within the orb, a constant threat.

Ko would take a blow, being knocked away into Hanbei's arms, ribs cracked and blood seeping through into her shirt as Yori would use the confusion to activate another jutsu. The threads that had missed leaping to life and jumping up for her. While she was able to avoid many, one of them latched onto her arm, sewing a fuinjutsu symbol into her skin as Yori would activate it with a hand-sign. electricity would surge from the symbol as the girl would become instantly irradiated with the violent light. Letting out a sharp cry, Hanbei would bring the orbs into her for an attack, knowing it as a Feint as Suigetsu would act, pouring his chakra into the girl and forming a massive barrier of Suiton. Yori would back off, watching the tower of suiton envelop the girl for a moment before falling to the ground and creating a pond where the group stood... Suigetsu was strong, but his skill as a ninja was lacking, he seemed to be little more than a battery for the others, throwing in the occasional powerful jutsu.

As soon as the barrier dropped, Hanbei would cast another of his guanyin sphere techniques, the sun an star techniques never attacking, simply hovering with the threat to attack as they would cover for the other two... but what happened next, none of them could have expected. There was a sharp sound and a gasp from the distance, as Suigetsu's eyes shot open... a gasp escaped his lips as he would fall to the earth, blood pooling around him as, none other than Supaku held the knife that downed the mad scientist. Distracted for a moment, the girl's eye failed to glow, the chakra Suigetsu supported her with was gone, and so, like pulling the trigger on a pistol Hanbei fired the spheres. Each and every one of them letting out a blast of needles from every direction turning the girl into little more than a pincushion as Hanbei was sure not to hit her eyes...

'and so, the battle ended.'

Hanbei would carefully take the Void Byakugan from the girl, using his medical sight technique to inspect them for flaws or any other kind of mad tamperings. To his surprise, they were fairly perfect. Much of Suigetsu's work was lunacy, but, looking at the mans magnum opus, there was no denying the fact he was a genius. If only his mind could have maintained its sanity with all the greatness swirling around in there. Looking back to supaku, scared, wondering if it was all over, Hanbei would walk by and place a hand on her shoulder, leading her towards the cave where he was certain Suigetsu's lab would be as they moved deeper into the cave. The eyes, in full gripped carefully in Hanbei's hands, freshly taken from the doll.

"Don't worry, it will all be over soon, you're eyes may be a little different, but, I think that will be for the best. The man was a raving lunatic, but, I've never seen anything like these. I guess. Consider these... Void Byakugan a reward, for all the hardship you had to go through to get here... But i won't lie, I don't know exactly what might happen in the future with these eyes, but, I'm fairly certain it will be fine, if not more beneficial. Sure you wanna go through with this?"

The night was long, and in the morning, Hanbei left without speaking so much as a goodbye, Supaku Resting in her bed, waking to the light of the morning sun on her face with Hanbei at her door, leaving with a smile and a wave as he would pack up his belongings and move towards his next adventure, knowing that his karma was spreading throughout the world.

'until next they met'


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