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1(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:04 pm

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

The young Kaguya had advanced to the final round. But his last fight irked him the most. Sero, the boy he had met at the manor outside of Kirigakure. He was a brutal and mysterious individual. He would have to face him later on, there was time for that later. Kusono resided in the basement of the arena awaiting the announcement of his name. The chant of the crowd was muffled by the dense walls. All he could hear was a low murmur of cheering. Kusono sat relaxed on a bench, his arms behind his head. Fighting was a natural thing to him, nothing to get nervous over. Rather, Kusono was more prone to excitement than nervousness. The creak of an iron door drew his attention. In its frame stood a proctor, waving Kusono to the large iron gate.

With a sigh the young Kaguya made himself presentable. He slipped on his red and black Kimono, tying it tight with his purple braided belt. He sweeped off any dust that clung to his black pants and slicked back his long, white hair so his bangs framed his face. Presentation was everything. As soon as he took his place infront of the gate, it began to open. The full volume of the croads roar and the announcer's voice hit him. "Kaguya, Kusono from Kirigakure no Sato!" Kusono walked toward the announcer, stopping at the ten meter mark between himself and his opponent. On the monitors his highlight reel played. His victory over Suutei played out, ending where he had plunged his bone dagger in his throat. The other sceans where his face off with Sero. They concluded with the two in a deadlock, Kusono's blade was pressed against Sero's throat while Sero's launcher was pressed against Kusono's eye. The highlight reel put a grin on Kusono's face.

The announcer began introducing his opponent, so he was fighting a girl. A nice change of pace.

2(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty Re: (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:23 pm



Kaekio waited in her cell underneath the arena. She was in her usual outfit, it had been stitched back up since her last fight, minus her cloak, which had been lost in the round before that, and she hadn't had time to get that tangled mess repaired. Butterflies were in her stomach, even though she was well used to fighting by now, it must have just been the fact that SHE, the only Genin from Kumogakure Was in the finals. just then there was a knock on her door, her favorite proctor came to pick her up and take her to the arena. She stood up willingly and followed him out. Just as she reached the gate to her side of the arena she heard her name being called over the loud speaker. The crowd erupted into a explosion of cheers. sometime during the exams she had gone from a nobody to a crowd favorite. The Blue Flame Of Kumogakure. The girl that could be counted on to spill blood. Just as she stepped up, 20 meters away from her opponent, his highight reel ended and hers began. From her blowing out the lights to the wall, to her being the second to the center of the maze and bypassing prelims. Then to her first fight, Her opponent throwing down a flash bang, the flash and then her tearing into him, Slashing him until he was nothing but this mass of blood and cuts, all over him. then her leaping from the stands to catch nozomi as she fell, in her fight. Then Kaekio fighting nozomi, and The part that kaekio didn't remember. Kaekio burning Nozomi to where she had 2nd degree burns all over her body, and even then cutting her in the neck. She was ruthless, and all over there opponents were in such bad condition that the proctors had to stop the fight before her opponents died. The crowd of course cheered at her heartlessness. Kaekio however was standing there, giving her opponent the same murderous look that she had given, both Nozomi and motoichi right before they fell at her hands. In comparison of the highlight reels, the boy before her looked like an innocent little school boy that couldn't harm a fly. "BEGIN!" The proctor yelled and jumped as far back as he could manage, This was not something he would want be in the middle of... Kaekio Grabbed the 1 of the 11 kunai on her belt and sent flames into it, Then she threw it at her opponents neck, aiming right for the artery that lay within. Then she drew her twin katanas... She was ready for this.

Chakra: 140/150 activation of this

3(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty Re: (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:37 pm



The burning kunai stuck in the neck of them man as he made no attempt to even dodge it. It punctured his Carotid artery, and burnt the skin around it. Blood began to rush out of his neck, Right as the Kunai connected, kaekio sent raiton chakra into both of her blades, and Then began to dash forwards. As she did so she sent extra chakra into her right blade and shot a bolt forwards, At the time the bolt fired she was only 5 meters away from Kusuno, and so it would only take 1/4 of a second to reach him, Aiming for his right arm, intending to amke it painful for him to move it. Then she would reach him. She would have locked onto him with her Kekkei Genaki at this point, and was now able to track his motions with ease. She swung both of her swords, one aiming for the left side of his neck, the opposite side of where the kunai was sticking out. Her second sword was aimed for the right side of his stomach, Right above his hip. But she didn't stop there. Oh no, not by a long shot. using lightning fat movements as her blades finished their cuts, she flipped her hands around the handles to where she had a backwards grip on them and cut again. this time the right sword was aimed for his left thigh, and her Left sword aimed for shoulder, aiming to cut up the armpit to the top of shoulder. Then she flipped her grips again allow her quick strikes back and forth, This time Aiming for his Right thigh and his left wrist. This barage of attacks would happen as uickly as kaekio could move her body intending to slice the hell out of her opponent. If he attempt to move backwards Kaekio would keep the distance between them the same, She was only 2.5 feet away from him. and she was going to make sure he knew that she was serious about this fight. She was not something to joke around with. She still gave him that death glare.


Chakra: 95/150
-10 for KKG
-15 for Blue blade
-5 for dual wielding tech
-15 for blue balde bolt

tech used:

48 hours has passed, auto-hit claimed

4(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty Re: (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:37 am

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

The announcer's voice rang in Kusono's ear, snapping him out of his thoughts. Within an instant, the girl threw an enflamed Kunai directly at Kusono's neck. He was far to slow to dodge the kunai as it made an incision in his carotid artery. The fact that the kunai was burning hot helped cauterized the wound, cutting the blood flow of the wound to a trickle. Instinctively, Kusono activated his core jutsu as the girl came barreling towards him, both swords drawn.

His bone armor had completely enclosed him, his secondary bone film covered the slit on his neck,knocking the kunai out and putting pressure onto the wound without him having to. At the same time, he spawned his bone dagger from his shoulder, violently ripping it from his left shoulder, holding it tight in his right hand. As the girl drew closer and closer she shot out a lightning bolt from the end of her blade. Kusono was the epitome of a defender, the lightning bolt did not scare him, he invited the pain. Reaching out with his left hand, he caught the lightning as it traveled through his body and into the ground. His bone armour acted as an insulation, negating the lightning bolt.

Kaekio was now in range, making two slashes. One was aimed at the undamaged side of his neck, the other for his right hip. With a widened stance, Kusono stepped into her attack, making sure he was as far into he guard as possible. The first sword made contact with his neck, but Kusono only felt pressure as his bone plates stopped the blade in it's tracks. The other blade met a similar fate, blocked by the plates on his hips. As Kaekio had to have stepped into range to slice Kusono, he was now directly in her guard. Stepping further into her, Kusono hooked his left hand behind Kaekio's head, grabbing her hair tightly. In that instant, he would bring her into him, his one foot long bone protrusions would leave numerous cuts along her upper body. As he threw his weight into her he would stab his blade into her side, aiming to puncture the left kidney. If this would all go through, he would pull her into a bear hug, savoring her agony as blood trickled from every cut.

Chakra: 105/150:

5(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty Re: (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:25 am



Place Holder~~~~~~~~~~

6(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty Re: (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:34 pm



Her opponent simply stuck his hand out in order to block her Lightning bolt, Kaekio was shocked, he must have some incredibly fast Reaction times to be able to react that quickly to something the reached him in a quarter of a second. She reached him and slashed meeting no resistance from the man what so ever. his skin is where the resistance met. When she flung both of her swords forwards The neck slice made contact first, It simply Clashed with the skin, making no breach what so ever. Then almost instantly after that her sword hit his stomach, and it too had troubles, but the stomach caved, and its right side was torn into, not nearly as deep as it should have been, but it was still enough to do damage. It was then that she sensed he reaching for her hair, as she switched grips she ducked her head, so she was lower to the ground, his hand reaching right over her head. missing her completely. Kaekio was was down as she flipped her grips, Then she slashed, Her blades cutting deeply this time. She cut right into his right should, from the armpit to the top of the shoulder, and His left thigh as well. these gashes were deep, and kaekio knew it would make them difficult to operate either appendage while baring with the pain. Kaekio felt him reach his right hand forwards and stab at the area where kaekio should have been, had he actually grabbed her blue hair. She flipped her grips, and slashed. he did his stab as her sword cleaved his Left Wrist, and his Right thigh. now he was cut and badly injured, His first neck wound still bleeding badlys, was now accompanied bya deep slash on his Wrist and Right thigh, as well as his left thigh and right shoulder, with a small cut about 3/4ths of an inch deep. However, Kaekio didn't stop her barrage now. Oh no, she would not stop tell the fight was stopped for her, or until he was dead. She slashed twice more, this time aiming her left sword for his right wrist, and her right sword aiming to slash his stomach. Again flipping her Grips she slashed again, aiming for his dagger that he held with her left sword, and his left shoulder with her right. She was going to win this. There was no doubt in her mind now... her killer instinct had come alive. The Blue flame of Kumogakure was itching to tear her opponent apart. she went for 2 more slashes, One aiming for his neck once more, again on the opposite side, and the other aimed to cut off an area kaekio never wanted to touch on a man. she was aiming for that appendage between his legs, and she was going to cut it right off. Then two more aiming to slice in between each of his rips, on opposite sides of each other. She was going to keep barraging him with a flurry of attacks util he could no longer stand. This was Kaekio's nature. This was her dark side. Her Violent and Vengeful lust for murder, and to cut and tear until there was nothing left. This looks was evident in her eyes, and that pair of blue orbs were glaring directly at her opponent.


Chakra: 75
-10 for current perception
Maintained the Blueblade and dualwielding tech, Justu listed when activated.

Last edited by Kaekio on Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I was asked to)

7(CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Empty Re: (CE-Finale)Kusono VS Kaekio Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:14 am



Pain was evident on Kaekio's Opponents face. Apparently Her slashes had just registered in him. Her guess was that he wasn't used to being hit. his defenses seems decent enough, but they weren't enough to handle the Blue Flame of Kumogakure. Her murderous gaze still glaring at his shocked face. Her blades flurried, She cut him on his right wrist, and in the right side of his stomach, more pain light up his face, as kaekio continued to cut. She shattered his dagger, with ease and his left shoulder torn in a flash. He began to stumble backwards as her all of her strength was being put into her blades, but he was injured and she wasn't, she could at this point run circles around him. She took two steps forward as she swung forwards once more. He Neck received a deep gash, and his Man area was now completely severed. she didn't even care, she still kept slashing. Her next two slashed found their mark, slashing deep in between her targets ribs, and he finally fell over. Kaekio was about to keep going. she was about to cut into her opponent, more and more, but her favorite proctor intervened once more. Shoving her away from her Opponent, as The medical team rushed to his aid. Quickly they put him on a stretcher and rushed him to the medical ward. As Kaekio began to calm down, she noticed that he was unconscious. She was slightly surprised. She had seen his eyes open As she torn into his ribs... Had it been then that the lights went out for him? That was certainly possible. She stood next to the proctor that had basically been around her since the start of the exams. He had been there to intervene at each one of her fights, and as a side bonus, had also thrown her out when she had rushed to nozomi's aid, as she had passed out. Yeah that's right, this same proctor has thrown her out of the Arena three whole times now, And kaekio was sure he was about to throw her out again, so she walked up to him and said quietly enough that no one would be able to hear over the crowd screaming their heads off "So.... Do you want me to kick myself out, or shall i wait for you?" he turned around to her with a questioning look on his face. That was until she saw that he was serious, and he erupted into laughter. Kaekio simply stood their with her hand on her hip watching as he rolled around on the ground laughing his head off. As the Crowd began to die down he stood up regaining his composer "Haha, no you idiot. you won... you won the exams." Kaekio made a O with her mouth in shock. She hadn't even remember that this was the final round until now. He placed his hand under her chin and closed her mouth. Then he grabbed her shoulders, and turned her to one side. there she saw it. The five kage all sitting in one stand, all next to each other with two anbu assigned to each of them, with one on each side. Then the proctor took her hand. Then he shouted out once the audience was completely silent. "Kage of the five great nations. may i present to you, the winner of this years chunin exams" Then he raised her hand high as he yelled his next line. "Ryuzoji, Kaekio of Kumogakure!" Kaekio's smile was absolutely massive, as she stood before the crowd of people, now screaming and yelling once. She was covered in blood from her opponent, She felt a tiny bit dizzy for the fight, but none of that mattered now. Her looked at her Sensei, and saw pride in his face, and that filled kaekio with so much happiness. she had made him proud. She had proved something too him. she had proved something to everyone. She had proven she was the best genin, on a world stage. The world knew how great she truly was. Tears started to form in kaekio's eyes, but she blinked them away. Shinobi were not supposed to cry, and she knew this. She had won! She took a bow, and then turned around and walked with the proctor out of the arena.


all justu ended....

OOC: Claiming 48-auto hit rule (48-hours since the requested edits were made), along with Zoe's permission for you to be unconscious, seeing as how that was the ruling before, and this was supposed to be the post you fell unconscious from the ruling..... with that ruling meaning you could no longer participate in the battle, and thus i win.


total WC:2108

Training Katon C to B-rank

608 words remaining.

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