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1Finding the Mask (Part 1) Empty Finding the Mask (Part 1) Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:06 pm



Mission name: Doesn’t Anyone Around Here Work?
Mission rank: Event
Objective: Locate the ceramist.
Location: Namahage Festival
Reward: 10 Tickets.
Mission Description: Locate the ceramist shirking his duties around the festival and convince him to make you a mask for the Masquerade Ball.
Mission Details: While skilled in his craft, there is not a soul familiar with the ceramist that would describe the lazy, obese Oni as reliable or dedicated. As per usual his shop will be found empty, abandoned by the ogre in order to laze about and greedily eat his full. He could be anywhere (Player Choice), but places with food (especially sweets) would be where we suggest you begin your search. When you find him, he will be none too pleased at the prospect of being asked to labor over his kiln and clay. We’re sure you can find a way to convince him (Player Choice).

'So much for friendly!‘

Hanbei had just been wanting to go to the masquerade ball! She hadn't realized that the task to get there was going to be so hard! She had been given directions to a clay maker, supposedly one of the best in the area to make a mask for her. Taking the long winding streets slightly out of town into the darker areas of the namihage she would begin to move a little faster and keeping her eyes out for the monsters that liked to lurk in the darkness. Each of the creatures seemed to gleam out from the shadows until Hanbei would finally come to her ultimate destination. The world around her seemed to open up as a solitary street lamp seemed to light up this area, giving it a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the street.

'But what she found was disappointing.'

The shop appeared to be derelict if not totally abandoned. Whoever the oni was that kept this place going there was an ungodly odor that seemed to surround the place, like rot. At fist, Hanbei thought the rot would have been from old meat and bodies that would be lying around the area, ogres after all got their name from eating raw living meat as opposed to ghouls eating the dead. Though, this time around, the sickly smell seemed to come from sugar that had gone off and become almost poisonous to the taste and the senses. Coughing a little, Hanbei would immediately get the idea that the Oni was somewhat of a voracious eater, one whom would no doubt have taken advantage of the festival to eat as many treats as possible.

"This is going to be a long mission"

Hanbei would voice to herself, knowing full well that tracking this oni down was going to be a hard task on its own, yet alone no doubt getting it to do what she wanted...

2Finding the Mask (Part 1) Empty Re: Finding the Mask (Part 1) Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:12 pm



It didn't take long for hanbei to track down the sugary tracks that led from the hovel into town, the newer ones had not quite yet hardened into a crytal like substance that coated the streets around here. So, folling her instincts, hanbei would begin to follow them back into the festival itself, moving to and fro and keeping along side the tracks as they began to move through the area. Looking around it would seem to stop at stall after stall before finally coming to what seemed to be an end. The sugar that had been tracked on the ogres' feet seemed to have finally worn thin enough so that it no longer left a stain or a mark where it had moved. Hanbei figured that it can't have gone too much further from here, there were a number of candy stores around here where the Oni would be able to eat its fill, it was time to ask around.

Never again...

Moving from one strange yokai to another, Hanbei would ask if they had seen a sweet eating ogre that was known to be the mask-maker for the masquerade ball, some would give some information as to a heading while many would simply shrug, there were so many ogres in and around here that came in for the food it was sometimes hard to tell between them all. Other than the thought of that sounding a little racist, Hanbei would move on, using what little information she had gained to finally come to the shop that she had been looking for. A place called 'Home Sweet Home' a store that seemed to stock all kinds of kandy like a bar where one would order cocktails of sweets and eat them there before ordering another. Sitting there, seemed to be a rather large, fat oni that was surrounded in almost half a dozen empty vessels as it handed over another coin to be checked and rejected by the bar-tender.

It seemed the oni had landed himself in trouble.

3Finding the Mask (Part 1) Empty Re: Finding the Mask (Part 1) Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:17 pm



Moving up to the Oni Hanbei would ask it a question, offering to pay the tab that it had racked up as well as opening another pre-paid tab for it, only if it would do her a favor. The oni looked at the girl from head to toe before finally relenting, but saying that if the task was too difficult, it would decline and find another means of paying for its Tab. Hanbei shrugged, all she wanted was for it to make one of its masks for the Masquerade ball. Grunting, the Oni seemed to think about it for a while before finally accepting. Pushing the vessels aside and slipping off its stool and beginning to waddle back to its shop. Yelling at the bartender as it did so that it would be back to pay soon. The bartender didn't seem happy, so, behind the Oni's back hanbei would pay the debt and begin to move on, keeping the spirits happy in the wake of the decision.

When they arrived back the oni would begin to move everything aside and get ready for the work that was about to be done. The ogre didn't seem happy, but it was reluctantly moving, gathering some of its tools and placing them on the tables as it did a half assed job of clearing away the mess and broken furnature from the kiln and other materials that were needed for lay work...

but, this was only the beginning of the story!

[922 words]

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