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Sero would tilt his head as he examined the tickets in his hand. Those who had lost to him, he could still smell their scent on the tickets. Each on unique in its own way. How he had managed to get here was beyond him but his purpose here was clear. He was to be a victor again. He was the challenge and be challenged in return. This was something he didn't mind as it promoted growth. The blood in his veins stretched over his bones as he could sense his heart beating faster. Was he excited to have returned here? If so was that a twisted view on things? He needed to press on all the same though. His charcoal robes shifted as he slipped the tickets up his sleeve to a hidden spot. No pick pockets to take advantage of him he would hope. Holding ones tickets in the open was a dangerous move. Either you were luring others in to take theirs or foolishly displaying what could be taken. He didn't care to carve his way through his enemies so there was no need to gather tickets that way. If anything he simply had to locate the next activity. Something that was a simple task only requiring a slight amount of observation.

His grey eyes shifted over to the hill nearby that some of the more thin but athletic contestants were heading down. Less combat experts by the look of them and more likely a mix of gymnasts and acrobats. A second event that tested skill and flexibility perhaps? He was fairly stoic in his movements but he was a capable individual. Thinking there couldn't be any harm he shifted and flowed like a dark cloud towards the crest of the hill. Standing on the ridge he looked down to a track below. His head tilted as he observed the track with one team already sprinting across it. What was so challenging about a race? It was then that he saw what looked like a blade flash across the track and take out one of the runners at the knee's. A cheer erupted from the onlookers and the event continued until no runners were left. None having finished the event. So it was a survival test at long open distances. A unique play on the average foot race. Even the contestants were being treated and limbs reattached. It was a bloody contest and one that only a couple had surpassed so far. It made sense that he should try too.




Regardless it looked like they had cleared the track and were preparing for the next race. Once again collecting ten runners at one ticket a piece. Sero would once more slip into the crowd. This time not concealing himself. Some who remembered him from the year before whispered excitedly when they noticed him or rather felt him. Some rumor about him aiming to become part of the championship event. To see him fight again. It was the first he had heard of it so he listened even as he passed in his ticket and received a number in return. So it appeared if he won five of these he had a chance to fight in an all out battle with others who had. He wondered for once if it was fair that he was participating. However there was something else lingering on the track. Even as he contemplated it, he took a deep breath as he moved to the starting line of the track. He could still smell her. Nozomi had been here. For a moment he considered the chances of that meaning they would fight in the competition. With that said he smiled a thin pale smile. He looked forward to that particular fight.

However he didn't have time to day dream about that. A whistle blew and the other racers were off. Sero trailing behind as if he were simply floating behind them. As if it were a bother for him to just keep pace. However his eyes were scanning for the attackers. They seemed to take out the front runners too. So he waited and he watched until a flash of metal caught his eye. Something was running with the blade coming out of its back. Some long rodent from what he could tell. A second one took out the guy in the lead and Sero noted there were two at least. He shifted as he finished the first lap and watched as three more runners were taken out in quick succession. They had almost made it to the end of the second lap when three more were taken down in rapid flashes. So they seemed to be taking down the runners in teams of three. Leaving just Sero and two more fairly panicked runners. He waited for it though. Patiently observing until he saw the flash of metal come out of the grass early in the third lap.

With a sudden shift upwards he managed to avoid two blades under him as they caught both the other runners. However his flip had him spin slightly as pale hands reached out to grasp both sickle beasts by the base of the blades. Surprise entering their faces as they were lifted at the end of the flip and as Sero's feet hit ground his hands released the two. Flinging them hard into posts to stick there where they struggled. In vain as they were stuck in the posts. With that done Sero finished the last lap unbothered without competition and collected his winnings once more.

900+/750 event completed again.

Exit thread.

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