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1Headaches (Private) Empty Headaches (Private) Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:09 pm



There was a dark storm in the sky ahead, and suddenly the daylight turned to night as Cloud looked up from branches of a tree. Kyoko was nowhere in sight, and the clouds became increasingly oppressive in the sky. A bit panicked, the boy hops down from the branch and regards his surroundings. He was in the thick of it, and even the trees looked like they were attempting to suffocate him with their dark tendrils, and he quickly turned and ran, unsure of the direction.

After what felt like several hours of running through the woods, Cloud stopped to catch his breath, and climbed up a tree. In one of the branches he saw Kyoko, but upon moving over to touch her she erupted into a red-orange flame, knocking Cloud back, and setting several of the tree's leaves ablaze. Cloud attempted to use one of his wind jutsu to blow out one of the flames, but it only spreads across the trees. Panicked, Cloud jumps down, and attempts to run. It seemed that the flame was following him, and upon looking back, he noticed Kyoko holding Jamie running through the forest, before they were consumed by the flames. Suddenly, it began to pour from the sky, and soft echoes of a gentle voice floated through the charred trees. Sprinting to where he had seen his friends, he woke up.

Arashi woke in a cold sweat, presumably with Jamie nearby, and like a lightning bolt sat up in his bean bag, instantly turning to him, and stared blankly, and still feeling the slight pangs of panic in his system. Something strange was in his eyes as he got up, before collapsing at the foot of his bed of his bed, and laying there for quite a while. 'Why am I having these dreams?' Grabbing onto the side of his bed, he attempted to hoist himself up, but the spike of a headache caused him to fall back onto the floor. Laying on the floor, he looks over at Jamie, hoping he didn't wake him up or scare him. Then, his head started killing him in the same, familiar way. He scrunched his eyes closed, curling up into a ball at the foot of his bed, trying his hardest to stop whatever was causing his headache. His actions were futile, as it only brought him more pain, as he looked teary-eyed at the ceiling.

2Headaches (Private) Empty Re: Headaches (Private) Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:05 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

The wind was howling as one small red haired tomato withstood the current of the ever changing winds, the tomato rolled around as best it could, but could not find any place to grow. Soon its roots began reaching out to the sky as a cloud embraced it, the demon lady of hot flaming brimstone and flames of epic fury gazed upon them as the cloud's transformed into a giant storm.

This was what Jamie was dreaming about as his head rolled around a few times like the tomato in Arashi's lap. Then the dream exploded as the storm and the demon collided with Arashi sitting up so quickly it made Jamie slide off and hit the floor as he landed on his tummy he looked up with some dirt on his nose and a bit of blood dripping out as his eyes looked a bit groggy and wet from the lingering sleep.

Jamie did not even know when it happened but some how they had arrived on the bed, or did they as both of them seemed confused in different ways. Jamie noticed Arashi huddling up as he moved closer on all fours crawling on the floor closer and closer before hugging Arashi close. "Are you getting cold?" as Jamie's arms had goosebumps and his hair on his head was standing up slightly as well as in unkempt as the cold winds blew into the small home. The door had broken open as Jamie was shivering it was clear the cold might become a serious issue if Jamie did not get on some warm clothing or get near a fire soon


3Headaches (Private) Empty Re: Headaches (Private) Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:28 am



Arashi was having a difficult time understanding the exact circumstances of his situation, but he did notice that Jamie was cold. He took his jacket off and put it on Jamie, dragging himself to the closet and getting the large blanket he uses during the winter months. This was all he really had the energy to do, and he collapsed once again in front of Jamie, the blanket covering his head and shoulders. He suddenly shivered once, though very violently, and slid under the rest of the blanket, spreading out the rug a bit more, so as to help somewhat with the cold floor. Quickly realizing the latch had once again failed to stand up to the wind, he groaned unhappily from the floor, slowly concentrating on splitting in half, but quickly stopped, changing his mind. Not wanting to see Kyoko after his dream, he decided it would be better to ask Jamie for help. Wiping the blood from his nose, Arashi points to a small table by his bedside with a screwdriver, and a few old looking screws. "..." Arashi spoke, but in a whisper, and realizing Jamie could not hear him, he repeated himself, only loud enough so that he could be heard. "If you can screw in the door..." Arashi glanced to the bed, and returned his gaze to Jamie. "You... Can sleep in the bed..." He nods, hoping a nice warm bed would be enough incentive for him to fix the door. His mind mixing around, he lays back on the bag, covering himself with the lovely blanket while he had the opportunity.

While on the bag, it felt like his mind was an incomprehensible swirl, and more than once someone sitting on a windowsill went to the right side of his vision, causing him again to wonder who it could be that was always leaving their silhouette on his mental space. He watched Jamie, feeling a sense of warmth in his chest, and he smiled, closing his eyes once again.

4Headaches (Private) Empty Re: Headaches (Private) Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:27 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie was a bit too sleepy to fully get the situation as he felt something warm cover him as he yawned a bit and sneezing slightly. Jamie did not seem that energetic at all, even though he was usually restless, his sleep outweighed his need to move. He watched as Arashi, or was it Cloud as he began getting a bit dizzy making sense of things as he noticed Arashi plop down with a blanket. Arashi seemed to have a bleeding nose that worried Jamie a little bit, as he looks to where Arashi is pointing, the table with a strange tool that was probably meant for stabbing things and a few old twirly nails that you hit into things.

Jamie was completely confused at what he was saying as he looked down, "What does screw mean?" as that was something he had never done or encountered before, though he may have said it too softly as Arashi did not seem to hear him. He really wanted to get the bed, but if he did not know what screw was then how was he suppose to screw the door. Arashi seemed to be dozing off as Jamie did not understand as he leaned forward he snuggled his way into Arashi's blanket to keep warm as he then ended up taking half the blanket as he was now making himself at home. "Arashi, what does screw mean?" as he snuggled inside then resting his back against Arashi to keep warm.


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