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It was late afternoon. The relentless sun of the desert was beginning to finally reach the horizon, slowly but surely. Slabs of sandstone were laid out, scattered in semi organised patterns. Some of them had minor scorch marks, others a faint red smear. And among them, lying on their back in the sand, was the non-binary ninja; Chiaki Fukitsuna. Their left arm was covered in slight scratches, some of which were deep enough to have been bleeding, although not bleeding anymore. Sand was covering a fair amount of their silvery hair and clothing, the mess they have on top of their head made even messier as the gentle breeze blows. Their breathing was heavy, and the ghostly pale of their skin contrasted heavily with a large, red bruise across the left cheek. Next to their right arm, which was kept safe from the unforgiving heat of the sun via a very long sleeve, a kunai lay nestled in the sand, dried blood along one of the edges.

Their androgynous features highlighted by the combination of the harsh light and sweat beading down their forehead, they look directly up, focusing intently on the few clouds in the sky. They frowned as they watched it drift with the breeze. The unpleasantly sticky, humid, stale breeze. Hesitantly, they lift their left hand to their bruised cheek, gently touching it as if it was almost a reminder of why they were here in the first place. Almost. They didn’t need reminding of why they were here, and why they have been here since the morning. Groaning, they sat up, looking around in an almost surveying fashion. The dark blue in their eyes begins to fade to black, a red glow appearing at in blocks to highlight scythe like patterns in their eyes, as they activate their Onigan. They stare intensively towards nothing, however quickly stop, gripping their head in clear pain. Once more the Onigan deactivates, returning Chiaki’s eyes to the usual look.

If they were one to show their emotions openly, this would be the point where Chiaki clenches their fist, or starts to cry. However, instead, they just look at the mess of a training area, and frown. They spent all of the previous day simply setting up the grounds, something that any who knew them would know is more effort than they usually go to. But for once, they had a need to put effort into something. It was either accomplish their current goal, or spend a long time sleeping in the sand. Less because they wanted to, and more because they had to, Chiaki stood up, gasping slightly. It was a long day. It was going to be a longer evening. They opened their eyes wide, activating the Onigan once more when… THUD! They collapsed where they stood, lying weakly on their front. Why? Why was that their limit? How do they get better? Why won’t it stop hurting? The thoughts rush through their mind as they simply tilt their head to the side, looking emotionlessly at the emptiness of the Sandy Arena.




Running across the desert a young girl of about twenty made her way quickly through the dusty arena. The heat was one thing she was used to, having come from the Land of Wind, but the sea breeze would often bring something cooling to help her indulge in back at the capital, which was located by the ocean. It always let her play in the sand when she was younger, and enjoy the cool sea and land breeze as she grew up and was forced to act much more lady-like than her peers were.

There was no reason for her to be rushing though, not that she minded. On her self-proclaimed pilgrimage she’d had to do a lot of things she otherwise wouldn’t have; expanding out of her comfort zone, one could say. In her right hand was a parcel meant for a town somewhere out of the ways, but it didn’t really need to reach its destination for three days, and at the speed she was moving at, it would probably reach it in one. That would give her plenty of time to walk around the town and get to know the people, a habit that she wasn’t able to shake from her days of being forced to dress up as a mannequin and walk around as a doll for her mother, interacting with people she didn’t know nor did she want to get engaged to.

As she travelled speedily she caught sight of someone collapsing on the ground, just out of pure chance in the desert, though with the plainness of all the hills it was easy to make out the uneven form of an individual and catch onto their colours. Skidding to a stop in the sand, she changed her direction to head towards the lone figure, keeping in mind the rough direction she was going in so she could still make it to the village without having to double back for directions .

She’d stop to the person’s right, her blue combat dress fluttering to a stop as she kneeled down to inspect them. The sunlight would bounce off of her metal tiara and the garments on her arms and waist. Letting one stocking-covered knee rest on the hot sand, dulling the heat significantly, she asked, “Are you okay?”

WC: 392
TWC: 392



A shadow. That was the only indication to Chiaki that someone was there. They contemplate for a moment whether to get up, but eventually decided to half entertain the thought, repositioning themselves so that they were once more lying on their back, mostly to look at the stranger than for comfort reasons. Judging from the facial expression of the other person, they had just asked a question. Sadly, Chiaki hadn’t seen the motion of the lips, and as such had no way of determining what the other person had just said. They hazily watched, surveying the stranger so as to try determine what they had just asked. This stranger was close, so it was seemingly likely the question pertained to Chiaki. They then looked at the overall body language. She was knelt next to them, so it was without a doubt something to do with them. Lastly, their eyes looked over themselves, and the question, or at least what they assumed the question was, became clear. Maybe. They were just standing up after all.

I’m… Fine…” they answered, quiet voice broken up by heavy breaths. They moved their non-injured arm to their eyes, rubbing them slightly as if all they were doing was preparing for a nap, before returning their gaze to the stranger. It wasn’t so much out of interest, as a need. It was fortunate enough that she wasn’t wearing anything that covered the mouth, something a lot of people seemed to do to protect themselves from the sun and sand. After all, it’s practically impossible to lip read like that. Thinking for a brief second, Chiaki realised that it was perhaps vain to assume the question pertained to them without reason of interest. Shaking their head, they spoke up once more, still quiet and breathless “I’m sorry… Did you need to… Use the training grounds? I can leave if you do…” they were hoping the answer was a no, as it was quite a while they had spent to set up the stones, gathering them up taking more time than they would like to admit to. And aside from the effort that they had to go to, it was also something they needed for personal reasons. However, despite this, they would leave if asked, as it’s not exactly like this strange lady was aware of a sudden, injured strangers circumstances.

393 + 513 = 906



Ashelia looked worriedly at the individual, who remained silent despite her question. It did seem that she was heard, or at least noticed, since the person repositioned them until they were on their back, though the silence continued. Ashelia wasn’t a medical expert, but she was at least certain hallucinations and impaired brain functions were a possible symptom of dehydration, a deficit of water very commonly exhibited by anyone stepping into or living among the sand dunes.

The person was sweating, likely having exhausted or exerted themselves. Were they travelling? No, that didn’t seem right. She turned to look around, seeing that she’d stumbled into the unmarked borders of a training ground, one that was slightly demolished. So, training? It wasn’t random to see a ninja in the Land of Wind, however far you considered they were from their home of Sunagakure. Her eyes returned to the individual whose back was on the floor and whose eyes were looking her over.

“I’m… Fine…” came the ragged answer, broken up in between pants. One arm moved to rub their eyes, and Ashelia reached behind her for the bottle of water she’d been saving for her journey, lest a complication like this came up which prevented her from making a quick journey to her destination, where the oasis would provide her a fresh supply of water. Her fingers brushed against it before their words distracted her. “I’m sorry… Did you need to… Use the training grounds? I can leave if you do…”

“What?” she asked, surprised by the question, but wasting no time in helping the person into a sitting position and withdrawing the bottle of water in case it was a case of dehydration. “Drink up. You’re likely dehydrated.” Taking another look at the wrecked ground she stood in, she faced the person again. “Were you training?”

WC: 314
TWC: 706



Chiaki watched intently as the stranger spoke, focusing entirely on the words that were said. It appears the strange person was offering them some water. They shook their head, holding up a hand in an attempt to politely decline her offer. This stranger was kind though, to offer water to one whose situation was an unknown. Chiaki made a mental note to do their best to show what little manners they had, since it’d be unfair to do otherwise. They sigh, then focus on the ladies lips once more, paying attention to every pronunciation and potential speaking quirk. Raising an eyebrow at the stranger’s next words, Chiaki finally understood their previous error in assuming this person was at the training grounds for training purposes. Perhaps they were simply passing, and Chiaki had them concerned. It was a slim chance, but if that were the case, it was almost embarrassing.

With a nod, Chiaki began quietly murmuring their response. “I was indeed training… Training something I do not know how to train however...” they sighed, before resolving to not be self-centric and prideful about things that didn’t make sense to be prideful about. "My name is Chiaki, and I am of the Fukitsuna clan. Thank you kindly for your cooon sern.” Their pronunciation was absolutely terrible in that sentence, and it was almost as if they were creating new words. To Chiaki, however, it sounded the exact same; it sounded like nothing. Their voice rose once more, however as it always did, was barely a whisper in the gentle breeze. “Can you tell me who you are?” Their question was more an attempt to show they did not say empty thanks, although you don’t learn how to properly hold conversations while being deaf, so perhaps it came across differently. They weren’t expecting an answer. In fact, quite honestly, Chiaki expected nothing. It was terrible to hold expectations to strangers, and doing such a thing rarely ever resulted in the expectations being met. Instead, they simply watched, preparing for either a response, or lack thereof.

343 + 906 = 1249



Ashelia watched puzzled as the person refused her offer for a refreshing drink, shaking their head and holding up a hand in response to her. Despite wanting to insist, she knew better than to push her place in society, and so returned her bottle to its strap behind her waist.

“I was indeed training,” the person confirmed. Ashelia wasn’t far from her mark then, though it wasn’t a difficult guess. “Training something I do not know how to train, however…”

“Something… you don’t know how to train?” she repeated silently, her lips not so much moving, confused. She wasn't expecting answer from that though, no. She wasn’t an expert on chakra, since she’d just begun learning about its applications less than three years ago, but considering she’d been able to achieve the same standards as most others who attended the Academy despite lacking a formal ninja education, she might’ve known a trick or two to help this person get back on the right track.

“My name is Chiaki, and I am of the Fukitsuna clan. Thank you kindly for your concern,” they said, though they pronounced the last word slightly weirdly. “Can you tell me who you are?”

Ashelia paused at that, though not enough to be noticeable. She didn’t like giving out her last name, simply because there were so many negative connotations that people associated with the word ‘Uchiha’. Some thought they only wanted power, others thought they were inherently evil, and Ashelia found there to be no way of making sure that she’d be excluded from that list. She didn’t have a problem with how society viewed her as much as she did how they forced her to behave at times, but she didn’t want her last name to be a deterrent to what she was trying to do, and so opted to keep it hidden.

Her first name, however, also rang warning bells. Her mother surely had people searching for her despite her father’s request, and the very unique name, Ashelia, at least in the Land of Wind, would be a dead giveaway. It was one of the reasons she avoided using her first name, much less her full name, wherever possible.

“My name is Elia,” she answered. There were a hundred and one variations of her name she could come up with, the primary being Ash, Ashe, Shelia, Elia, Lia, Ia… but this would have to do. “I’m currently on a mission for Sunagakure,” she provided. “What about you? What were you trying to train?”

WC: 434
TWC: 1140



Thinking for a moment about the response the one called Elia gave, Chiaki hesitated in their response. Was there a particular reason they did not wish their full name known? But, aside from that question, there was no reason to hesitate, and realistically, it was none of Chiaki’s business. Rather than state their training, it would be perhaps easier, as a deaf person, to explain while demonstrating. Slowly and steadily, they rise to their feet, waiting until they were fully standing to shut their eyes. They focused their chakra in their eyes, and beneath their eyelids the deep blue faded to black, and from black glowed red. They opened their eyes once again, the Onigan activated. In colouration, the Onigan covered the iris and pupil, like a lot of dojutsu. The outer ring of this was covered in black, while the inside was a pattern of red and black, the red highlight scythe like patterns recurring eight times around the eye. Lastly, the pupil, surrounded by another ring of black, was the same vibrant red. A pointlessly intricate dojutsu.

Black and red orbs begin to fall from the ninja’s eyes, and they begin speaking once again, words sounding almost shaken, weak. As if the very words were getting caught in their throat. “This is what I have been training… My clan’s do-dojutsu.” They stutter, stumbling in place as the orbs that were falling cease, and the few that had managed to fall simply fade away. With a slight frown, they continue speaking “I’d prefer not to say specifics, for safety purposes, but basically, I don’t know how to use it properly. And as such, when I do use it, it hurts.” They kicked at the sand slightly, half from frustration and half from their lack of balance. In hindsight, it was probably a terrible idea to admit weakness in front of a stranger. But, unless they were playing a really long con, it seemed unlikely that they were being deceptive or malicious.

They sit back down rather gracelessly, the sand beneath them scattering from the impact. They quickly glanced around, then back to the stranger, eyes squinting. The Onigan was something they really should have known more about, but didn’t. And so because of this, it was a struggle to even keep it active, let alone use it. But they had to try, and so try they did, facial expression in an almost grimace as they watch Elia, paying attention for any signs of response.

415 + 1249 = 1664



There was a small window of silence following Ashe’s question, before the white-haired person got up on both feet. The action was slow but steady, with Ashe standing up just as they were with the intent of catching them should they fall. At full height, one of her hands still remained slightly outstretched in case the person should wobble, but other than that, she watched as Chiaki closed her eyes, before opening them to reveal a curious red pattern.

Was this the Sharingan? She wondered. She’d heard of it multiple times. It was also one of the Dojutsu that her father was capable of using, but she herself had had no luck in unlocking it, and likely never would, according to the stories that she heard regarding females of the Uchiha clan normally having a more dormant Sharingan than their male counterparts. It wouldn’t stop her from trying to perform on her pilgrimage but it would definitely have helped if she had the aid of one of the legendary Dojutsu in her arsenal.

Upon a closer look, she realised it wasn’t the Sharingan. It had a significantly different pattern than the three-tomoe Sharingan that she’d seen in her father’s eyes, and it didn’t seem to resemble the Mangekyou Sharingan, which she’d heard of from her father’s stories, though personally she couldn’t tell. The person was also not from the Uchiha clan, unless they took on a different surname, so it was… possibly a different sort of Dojutsu altogether.

“This is what I have been training… My clan’s Do… Dojutsu,” they explained, stuttering on the last word. “I’d prefer not to say specifics, for safety purposes, but basically, I don’t know how to use it properly. And as such, when I do use it, it hurts.”

Out of frustration, likely, they kicked the sand, sending grains of sand flying in one direction, before almost dropping back down onto the sand in a sit. Ashe almost thought they were falling, but it was clear they were just frustrated. She knelt back down with them, not sure of what their Dojutsu would do but sure of what advice to give. “Try taking a rest. Some Dojutsu don’t do anything if you’re too exhausted to use them. The body might not genetically accept it if it’s harmful.”

WC: 401
TWC: 1541



Shutting their eyes, Chiaki thought on this for a moment. On one hand, Elia’s suggestion was right. Perhaps rest was the correct path to take in this situation. Chiaki tried to mould chakra into their feet, noting it had become significantly more difficult than it had been before. However, on the other hand, resting took up time, and they needed and wanted to train this as soon as possible. They deliberated on their thoughts, weighing up the pros and cons of each course of action thoroughly. They furrow their eyebrows, a look of intense concentration spread across their face.

It would be a good minute of silence before Chiaki made another move. Whether Elia had spoken in this time or not, they could not know. All was void of sound, as it always had, but for once this seemed to be useful. There were no distractions among thought. No sound to deter their thoughts. They were alone with the voice in their head; their thoughts. They opened their eyes again, looking directly at the other person, before nodding slowly. “Your idea is a good idea. Can you help me get to that sandstone block over there, so I can sit before heading home?” they asked, the quiet and shakiness of their voice almost not audible in the picking up breeze. They weren’t really wanted at home at the moment, but if nothing else, sneakily resting while practising could work.

They didn’t wait for assistance before at the very least standing up, stretching out their back and yawning lightly. The red of their eyes fades completely to black, and from the black returns the completely different dark blue of their normal eyes. They move a hand to pat down their hair, which had become increasingly dishevelled from the wind and physical strain. With their long sleeve, they wiped away what little undried blood there was from their left arm. Chiaki was glad about the suggestion of rest, although from their facial expression it wouldn’t show. All that would show was the fatigue they were glad to be rid of.

348 + 1664 = 2012



Chiaki sighed, saying goodbye to the person they had recently met with a nod. They’d just pick up their stuff and head home. Only so much someone could do in a day. The suggestion of rest was a welcome one. Elia didn’t help them get back, likely having not heard the quiet voice of Chiaki, but regardless, the ninja stumbled away. Maybe one day they’d be able to master their dojutsu. But today was not this day.

77 + 2012 = 2089


(OOC: Exiting thread since it’s been dead for 3 months, and I kind of want to use the WC for stuff. Looking back, I apologise for my crappy writing~)


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