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The blade dances with the wind. (Nodachi, C-rank) Katana-swords-to-join-the-elite-ninja-force-2

Name: 'de Vent
Type Of Weapon: Long Katana
Rank: C-rank
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: /
Appearance: The sword measures 36 5/8 inches long, with 24 ¼ inches long blade. The sword shows a white handle that’s covered with leather and ray-skin wrapped grip. A long katana as the color of the entire blade itself is all white. The only thing that is different is the red symbol of the Zozo clan on the starting point of the blade where the cross-guard is located and the long, yet thin black streak on the front of the blade. The scabbard itself is white. Although different from other katana's, the blade itself is tip-less, making it more useful for both cutting and defense.
History: Given to Tinili's father when he was a Special Jounin as her father passed it on to her eldest brother, Yasu. Yasu did not like the sword, as he was a tantō type of person, and passed down to his little brother, the second oldest, Raisu. Raisu had no intention of even wanting the blade because he was a staff person himself. So Raisu gave the blade to Tinili at a young age. By the age of 14, she started to hold the blade and practice. By her rank as a Special Jounin came to her, she had perfect practice with holding the handle of the blade with one hand, showing impressive strength in a kunoichi holding a sword that long in length.



1/2 nice sword

Azumi Aisu

Azumi Aisu

approved. 550 ryo?



Take it off of my tab.



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