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1Deed: The Cheating Husband [Kumo - D] Empty Deed: The Cheating Husband [Kumo - D] Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:00 pm



Mission name: Deed: The Cheating Husband
Mission rank: D
Objective: Retrieve the recipe.
Location: Sky Bar
Reward: 80 Ryo
Mission description: This is a rather personal mission, but I need you to go get a recipe from this couple I know. Their names are Orwin and Corina Gown. I hear that Corina is looking for her husband at the moment, so you should go find her.
Mission details: Before entering the Sky Bar, you will find Corina. She explains that she will give you the recipe if you find her husband for her. Regardless of whether you agree, you must go into the bar and find her husband. Once you do, you will find that Orwin is cheating on his wife. He will bribe you with the recipe, asking that you not tell his wife. You may either take his bribe or tell his wife of the cheating and receive the recipe from her. If you accept the bribe and then tell his wife, you will fail the mission...just because. Minimum word count: 600

[b]Mission name:[/b] Deed: The Cheating Husband
[b]Mission rank:[/b] D
[b]Objective: [/b] Retrieve the recipe.
[b]Location:[/b] Sky Bar
[b]Reward:[/b] 80 Ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] This is a rather personal mission, but I need you to go get a recipe from this couple I know. Their names are Orwin and Corina Gown. I hear that Corina is looking for her husband at the moment, so you should go find her.
[b]Mission details:[/b] Before entering the Sky Bar, you will find Corina. She explains that she will give you the recipe if you find her husband for her. Regardless of whether you agree, you must go into the bar and find her husband. Once you do, you will find that Orwin is cheating on his wife. He will bribe you with the recipe, asking that you not tell his wife. You may either take his bribe or tell his wife of the cheating and receive the recipe from her. If you accept the bribe and then tell his wife, you will fail the mission...just because. Minimum word count: 600




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