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1Clear the Lake [D-ranked mission] Empty Clear the Lake [D-ranked mission] Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:16 pm



Approaching the lake, a small, 5 foot figure with distinctively orange hair could be seen trudging with his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and smiled as he walked, for he could easily close his eyes and walk on such familiar terrain. His family had come here so often to initiate picnics. Makato heard the familiar sound of the waterfalls crashing down on the water as he trudged along the lake with a basket on his back, and a sharp stick holstered to his hip by a belt loop in his shorts. Makato wore a grey sweater and some black cargo shorts, enjoying the cold breeze which skimmed across the lake, and hitting his leg. He had been assigned another boring, janitorial missionCleaning up the Lake. By himself. Makato couldn't think of a more torturous way to spend his aternoon; however, he was grateful that he had received missions. Makato had dreams of becoming a powerful swordsman and shinobi. He had to start somewhere.

Makato was walking with eyes closed and his hands behind his head, humming a guitar tune that he had heard a man play earlier. "hmmmm, hmm, dum duh dum duh dummmmm."

Makato then began to smell a foul stench, forcing him to open his eyes and view all of the trash which plagued the shores of a lake which Makato held dear. The matter had suddenly become personal. Makato extracted the pointy stick from his belt loop, twirling it around quickly in his fingers. He then pointed the stick straight forward across the horizon of the trashy shores. He pointed it in all directions, as if to scope out the extent of the job that needed to be done. Their sure was a lot of trash. Makato made his way to the left side of the shore, flipped open the top of his basket, and got in a fighting stance. "First basket.... ninety seconds..." Makato exclaimed with a keen look of determination plastered across his face. Makato then made his first jab into a piece of debris with much agility and precision. The stick pierced through the center of a damp, crumpled up piece of paper.

Much of Makato's sword training was paying off here as he rapidly stabbed through pieces of paper, empty milk cartons and plastic wrappers. Makato's method was to rack up the pieces of trash on the stick until they were stacked all along it. It was similar to making stick kebabs. Once the stick was full, he would carefully scrape it all off into the basket on his back. When he had completely filled his first basket, he realized that he had no method of keeping time, so he wasn't sure if he had completed the task in under 90 seconds or not, but it seemed to him to be a very short period of time. After he had dumped the trash in the basket off at a dumpster, he went back and continued the routine, at a more relaxed pace this time. Makato had covered the entire beach collecting all trash that wasn't glass or metal. He dumped the second basket off and returned to the lake. It was now time for the most boring, and tedious part. Makato scoured the shore of the lake, repeatedly bending over to pick up washed up glasses and metals. There were so few, though, that they barely filled up the basket on Makato's back. When he was finally finished, he took the basket to the dumpster, emptied it, and headed back to the mission room to officially end the mission.

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