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1Jamie and the Boxes(D-rank Mission/Solo) Empty Jamie and the Boxes(D-rank Mission/Solo) Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:05 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Record Transport D-Rank:

Jamie arrived early today as he was simply dressed in casual wear unarmed and harmless as ever. He gave a slight nod and greeting when he met with the staff and proceeded towards the main section for old records in the administration building. The lady in charge looked at him and simply said he must take all those boxes from here to there as she pointed out the directions he should follow as he nodded politely and got to work. The first box seemed to be rather light as he made his way to the new location for the records. As Jamie was going along he began to wonder if he would ever get over that day, with Shippo as the blood that was red like his hair haunted him at night. He had been losing a bit of sleep as his mother became rather worried about him, but she knew if she tried asking he might pull away from her as he tended to enter into his silent mode if he got questioned by her too much.

As he continued walking he wondered if he should carry more boxes as he then remembered how weak he was and decided against it. He finally reached the new location after about fifteen minutes and placed the first box down as he realized that right now might take forever if he did not find a way to speed things up, but he had nothing else to do so he decided it would simply be okay to get home late. It was not like Jamie's hunger would kick in and make him suffer.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie wiped his forehead a bit and began running back to the main building carefully as he looked around he began to wonder if he enjoyed the simplest of missions more. However deep down he knew he would have to face his inner demons and learn to deal with all his feelings. He then remembered reading in the shinobi rule book, that a shinobi must never show his tears. Mitsuo made him cry so badly as he finally reached the admin building again and took the next box, he then proceeded to head back to the new location again as he wondered what it would be like in the future.

As he was going passed some people just stared as Jamie would walk back and forth fetching box after box, placing them one box at a time instead of the usual style where shinobi would carry like ten boxes and run like machines. Jamie did not have the strength for that so he took his time as he went back and forth peacefully.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie felt really bored with taking all these boxes, he began to wonder if killing people was worse then being bored. It hurt him in a way he could not understand, like the life was being sucked out of him with each box he took, over and over again he would make his way to the end goal with no end in sight. The boxes were stacked and no matter how he kept going it was like it never came to an end, the sorrow he felt from the curse of this intensely uneventful mission as a part of him just wanted to break the boxes.

Time seemed to move slower then a snail as it dragged on for an eternity as Jamie attempted to keep track of the madness that had ensued, if only he had known what this mission really was. He was an errand boy or a delivery boy as he kept thinking to himself.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After all Jamie's back and forth antics it was clear that this mission was tiring for him, all this carrying of whatever was in these boxes was making him tired and hungry, as well as bored. However he just wanted to get it over and done with as he kept pacing as he was finally seeing the end, the boxes were few and the steps were many as he started feeling a bit dizzy. How many boxes had he carried, how many steps had he taken as his feet felt like they were in hell, the sweat of his brow dripping on his cheek. He was not strong, he was not really fast and while he had endurance it was not the kind that could deal with being this patient with a job. He could not run with the boxes, they were not that lightweight that he could afford to do that.

In the end when he finally dropped off the last box he went to the admin building and the lady said her thanks and that he could go and receive his payment for a job well done. Jamie began thinking thoughts to himself of never again as he got his payment, went home and just slept the rest of the day away.



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