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[OOC: Sorry for "story-telling" post, I really don't have the will to post a 1k post about every detail -.-"]

"Kanashibari... no Jutsu."
What? Crap, not again. Arashi thought that Zen couldn't do any more jutsus, first because he really looked worn out, and second because Arashi would simply cut him open in a millisecond, with his super-awesome claws. But what if Zenchi paralyzed him? Arashi did not think of that, and that was exactly what Zen did. It felt like several ropes now, 5 at least. And they were super hard. Like steel hard. Arashi really couldn't move an inch! Zenchi tried to jump back, but instead he just collapsed. It looked like he fainted, which was not surprising as he really spent large amounts of chakra.

Shit, he could die with that rib! I have to get him to the hospital! But... How do I get out? Then, a thought popped up in Arashi's mind. What if he did what he did earlier? But, there were so many ropes now! And they were so firm! It was nearly impossible to concentrate your chakra in lke 30 different spots at one time, and actually expect to tear all the ropes... But, what if he didn't even concentrate chakra? Just release it out, violently tearing up everything around him. That sounded right... And so he did exactly that. Zenchi was only on the floor for about a second, when Ara dispelled his claws and got to work. No preparation, no anything. He simply expelled a astonishing amount of chakra from each and every centimeter of his body, with the meaning to rip the ropes around him. It worked. Arashi immediately rushed to Zen, who was lying on the floor on his back. Arashi picked him up, it appeared he still had the strength for it. He was carrying him in the was that his one arm was around his back and the other around the legs, like a husband will carry a wife, let's say. Luckily, the hospital was very close to the Training grounds (logicly) so Arashi could bring in Zenchi at time, at least the doctors said so. Arashi then headed home, with sore arms and barely standing. He spent an awful amount of chakra as well.

[color=red]--- Arashi Left The Thread ---[/color


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