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The ground was slightly unstable. The ground near the deep fissure was cracked and crumbling. But none of that mattered right now. Zenchi was not moving. Nor was he going to move. Everything he was focused on doing was not in the surroundings, but within the depths of his mind. He sat in the middle of a slightly raised area. It was not a hill, more like a plateau. Given the region, the tectonics probably forced this area up from the rest. That wasn't a problem now, no. Zen delved into a place where only he could go. He escaped to his mind. An entire realm to himself.

In his own mind, his own chakra network, he could control the flow of chakra perfectly. So, he thought, wouldn't it be easy to practice on myself? And so Zen began. He felt a bit woozy, sitting in Lotus position for so long, but he knew that would fade away. Just like everything else. Fade away.....

The entire scene of the Fissure Training Grounds dissolved into nothing.

Flowers. Trees. A scene of beauty. Grass as far as the eye could see, and clear skies, uninterrupted by mountains. Zen had not had anything in particular in mind. Perhaps this is what he wanted to see instead of the crags and such?

That also was not of importance right now. What Zen came here to do was train. The young Kyōga forcibly changed the flow of chakra in his head. At the very moment that he opened his eyes, Zenchi saw brown. Everything was turning brown. Every single bit of the lush greenery wilted and withered to naught; all that was left was a ground of pure stone.
[288/2000 words]


The body is no good if the mind is not sharp. And vice versa.

Zenchi was getting sore from sitting in Lotus position all that time. Legs crossed, feet up on thighs. It was just plain uncomfortable. It was strange, though; that sitting position did stimulate his thinking and other faculties. However, it would not do for his training to lose circulation in his legs. The young mirror-maker stood and did some stretches. Toe-touching and the like. Stretches always made him feel good; in fact, while he was stretching, Zen decided to take a round of jogging.

There was nothing to genjutsu. It was simply another form of ninjutsu, only classified as different because of its slight differences. Anyone who knew ninjutsu could learn genjutsu. It was because of this one thought that Zen strove to perfect his illusion skills. From what he had heard, both of his soon-to-be teammates were users of a form of Taijutsu, one way or the other. If they went up against a Genjutsu user.... it would be over. No matter what, Zen had to protect what was important; his Kai had to be able to dispel anything an enemy could throw at them.

Thus did Zen sit again.


No sooner did Zen settle in position than he was irked by the training of two young children. One boy, one girl. They were... Academy-aged. No doubt they were students; no one came out here save for training purposes. They were simply sparring. It seemed to Zen that the girl was getting the upper hand; her counterattacks were devastating compared to the 9-year-old boy's simple rushes at her. Luckily, they were using only their fists.... the male student would have been dead by now.

Zen's face crinkled into a naughty smile. He waited, waited..... until the boy was far enough from his female companion. Then, he sent his chakra into the boy's head. Let's see... What, oh what, can I do.... Nothing personal; Zen just needed to work on his Genjutsu. Not the best target, but it was a start.

The boy fell to the ground, the girl rushing too him. Too bad.

Zen thought that the practical training could stop for now; he needed to look into theory. What could he do to make it better?

He headed to the village's library to look into this.

[No longer in Fissure Training Grounds. Moving along in the village.]



This was the perfect training scenario. People walked by at a rate of at least two per minute in the Complex the Rokudaime Tsuchikage had built. The Libraries were up on a higher floor, but.... how was he supposed to get there? This place was a labyrinth of stalls and shopkeepers. Zen decided to simply wander around for now. He would find the stairs eventually. Right now, what he could do was test out his newfound prowess on actual ninja. The people here were those dealing in shinobi equipment; surely there would be some customers here?

It really did not amount to much. Nothing more than making something appear as something else. Zenchi almost snickered when one ninja asked the scrolls shop sold swords. Well, he almost did; the young shinobi's attention was diverted from the otherwise humorous scene by a small commotion that was going on. A thief.... why take anything without permission? Cheaters and thieves never got far, in Zenchi's experience. And that was why the Kyoga had to send his chakra into the attacker's head. Sure, he was a shinobi. Sure, he may have been Iwa. But no one would give any Hidden Village that Zen belonged to a bad name. With a bit of exertion on Zenchi's part, the man fell over, and the Genin went on his merry way.



Now.... where in the world could that Library be?

Zenchi was certain that one existed; every village he knew of had a record-keeping system for almost everything. As far as he knew, he was just unable to find it. This was a treat for the Iwa ninja; he loved solving riddles and cracking codes. Clamor from the crowds, however, inhibited his ability to make an educated guess on where the stairs might be. Oh, how he loved and hated this place at the same time. You could find practically anything here; sadly, there was also pretty much everyone in the Tsuchikage's tower, as well.

He let his mind go on autopilot while he thought on his illusions.



Zen found the library to be dull. Of course, nothing was going to be going on in there, but....

There could have at LEAST been some useful information. What time he spent in the Archives was simply a brush-up on what he already knew. So, he made his way out of the Complex--a much easier feat than entering--and proceeded back to his designated training area.

He noticed someone else had arrived in his absence.




Jutsu training:

[OOC: Uhm... I'm not sure, but I'll RP like this is the place where Arashi and Zenchi met, is that okay?]

The sun was high in the sky, toasting everything; and everyone around The Village Hidden In The Rocks, Iwagakure for short, Iwa for shorter. A certain red-haired genin was walking around the streets of this Iwa village, looking for, well, anything to do. His name, not known to many, was Arashi. It's a bit boring today. I don't have an idea what to do... He was still walking around the village, with his eyes focused on the sky; the clouds more accurately, with his arms supporting his head behind it. Arashi, know what? You haven't trained for quite some time for now. You've just been laying your lazy ass in the bed for entire days. He stopped walking, and though some more. Yup, I feel like training. The fissure grounds are as good a place as any other. Arashi turned around on his heels, and headed towards the Training Grounds, where he already trained a couple of times. His speed wan't really admirable, he was, well, walking. And not normal walking. Slow walking. Like he wanted to delay the training as long as possible. Well, he is a overall lazy guy...

More than half an hour passed, and Arashi was just on the edge of the Training Grounds. Honestly, if he had any real will to train, he could've reached the place in under ten minutes. But alright, nothing changed. At least he got some time to think about what he should train. First he thought a jutsu would do; but he didn't really have any good ideas at the time... And his house and his dad's former locker full of jutsu stuff was far... And the library was even further from him... It's all just a tad bit too much walking for his taste, he really was feeling particularity lazy today. So, there he was, walking on the dry ground, occasionally kicking some rock, walking towards the middle of the Training Ground. The fissures were slowly getting wider and wider, but none of them were wider then 20 centimeters at most. Then, Arashi saw something... A figure? It seemed to be a male, around Arashi's age. He had black hair, and wore glasses. Arashi wasn't sure, but the guy seemed a bit higher than Arashi. So, I might have company. Would be fun if this ended up like a fight... Though, I'm not feel like fighting right now... Arashi stood still, and looked at the guy, awaiting some sort of introduction or something.



Zenchi was pleased to finally see someone around his age here. All he had to test Genjutsu on were those wet-behind-the-ears Academy Students. This.... this was a good challenge. Slight calluses on his knuckles, the Iwa ninja thought. Probably a puncher, then. Ooh, this would be exciting. As much as Zenchi disliked getting hurt, he liked a good puzzle. Battles were often puzzles.

The red-haired young man did nothing, but had a sort of presumptive look on his face. As if he was saying "you first".

"Kyōga Zenchi. I'm a Genin, but my squad hasn't been picked yet... odd, hm?" He tried to use this rhetorical question to get the boy that looked his age to open up about who he was.

[Now training the Temporary Paralysis Technique.]



"Arashi, Nekomotze. Iwa genin here, without a team yet... Well, nice to meet you Zenchi."
Arashi's voice was friendly, but serious. It was a tone Arashi never heard anybody else using, but he was quite fond of it. Friendly, but "cool". That's Ara for you. He stood there for a few more moments, before opening his mouth.
"So, you came here to train? I did, maybe we could train together if you want."
Arashi's voice lost all of it's "cool" with this sentence, and all that was left was "friendly". Arashi looked Zenchi straight in his eyes as Ara started slowly walking towards Zen, to have a closer look at this fellow Iwa genin. Could get along, maybe.

Wordcount: 579/1000


Zenchi had an interesting feeling. Quirky. Perhaps it was nostalgia. Something made him like this guy. He seemed easy to get along with.

"Oh? Would you like to spar? I'm working on my skill in Genjutsu. Plus.... Another technique that will no doubt come in handy."

Zenchi removed his glasses, as he intended to start sparring posthaste. There was no reason for them to get broken in a non-serious battle like this. Now... what to start with......
The young Kyōga instead decided to do the Seal of Confrontation. It was only proper; this guy exuded worthiness of respect.




"Oh? Would you like to spar? I'm working on my skill in Genjutsu. Plus.... Another technique that will no doubt come in handy."
A... Spar? Damn. Could be fun though. I should give him a chance. And, well, I've never been up against a Genjutsu user. Arashi usually like fighting, anytime-anywhere. But today, well, it's really not his day, but hell with it; he would fight. See what this guy's got.
Well, if you want. I came here to train for something as well. Good luck."
There was about 5 meters between Ara and Zenchi. Good. Quite close. Taijutsu users like to be close. Well, Arashi didn't wait for anything. Nothing to wait for. A simple rush, that's all Arashi did. His body leaned forward, with his arms streched back to keep balance. He just ran at Zenchi as fast as he could. The distance was short, so he shouldn't have a lot of time to respond. I'm soooo tired...

Wordcount: 754/1000


This guy was pretty fast.

Nothing like a Taijutsu user to put your own speed to shame..... Whatever. Zenchi could not anticipate what Arashi was going to do; it just seemed like a head-on attack. The best defense.... was a good defense. Offense was stupid. It would not do to get killed trying to end things quickly. After Arashi had elapsed about half the distance between them, Zenchi stuck out his hand. He then channeled a good bit of his chakra to it, and, tensing it, generated a gale force that blew straight forward. He shouldn't be able to dodge, he's going too fast to turn...

The wind picked up the loose stones and dusty dirt that Iwa called its floor. These would not do very much damage, of course, but it was a simple distraction. The very minor lacerations that his Fuuton attack naturally causes usually induce just enough pain to avert the attention of Zen's sparring partner for him to---

Jab. Two jabs to the stomach-area. Zen did not have very good striking power, but he was pretty accurate; his Gale of Severance should have kicked up enough dirt to at least partially mask the intent of his movement. But he could never know if he hit, because his vision too was obscured by the small dust cloud. He could not even feel if his blows landed, because the remaining chakra in his punching hand made it quite tingly. He kicked at the ground to dash back a meter or so, and waited for the dust to settle.


[OOC: Yeah! woo! Now I'm going! Thanks, you're a great RPer!]


[OOC: Lulz. Observations post for word count. But it is completely relevant, non?]

The Kyouga was impressed. This guy seemed to know what he was doing. Not only that, his partner in this faux fight seemed to be taking it easy. Arashi was not fighting at his maximum. This was not all a Genin was capable of. Especially one from the Nekomotze clan. Zenchi had heard of their prowess. A fighting style modeled after creatures of the forest... positively beastly. This fight would surely be riveting; nothing like fighting the exact thing you're weak against to give you a rush.

The dust still had not cleared. Now it was getting in the eyes of the one that had summoned it forth from its sedentary position: namely, the ground. At least it was not blowing any more. It was merely an irritation, as it did not sting like it would have at 20 miles per hour.

This would surely be quite the interesting match. Not a boring day, no.




[OOC: For future reference, just edit the earlier post. Btw, I expect a "Thank you" for the opening I gave you in my previus post.]

Arashi was still charging, he was just about 2-2.5 meters from Zenchi, when Zenchi made his move. He stretched his hand towards Arashi, and fired a gust of wind. It wasn't too strong, but strong enough to pick up the dust and some smaller stone from the floor, creating a "dust cloud". The gust blew quickly to Arashi, and given the small distance between, there really was no time to dodge. Well, I guess I'll just have to take a hit. Arashi threw up his guard, his right hand in front of his eyes, ready to protect his head, and his left arm lower, around the stomach area. He stopped running, and held his ground. It was really a perfectly natural guard, that was almost reflexive to Arashi given his experience in close range combat. The gust hit him. and it hit him hard. Just kidding. It was actually, quite weaker than Arashi expected. The wind made a few cuts, mostly on his neck and his arms, and ripped his shirt a bit. No biggie. And the dust, well, didn't really do much. It decreased the field of vision by a lot, and stung his eyes a bit, but yeah, practically nothing. He could still see pretty well, given his arm protected his eyes.

This attack was pretty weak, it would be stupid to use it as anything more but a distraction. I should keep my guard up. Not surprisingly, Arashi was right. A moment later, a shadowy figure appeared in the dust cloud, charging at Arashi. It looked like he was going to punch Arashi, and he did. Twice with the same hand, around the stomach area. Luckily for Arashi, he didn't lower his guard. Only a slight upward twitch with his left arm was enough for the first punch to land on Arashi's gauntlet. With blocking force from Arashi, the punch was easily repelled. He isn't very strong. Arashi fend off the second punch as well, with no problem. He was just about to launch a counter-attack, a kick to the face. Ara already prepared his leg, tightened his muscles, but Zenchi simply jumped backwards, away from Arashi. So, a hit and run? Cowardly tactics. Careful. Boring. Arashi was well aware that the enemy was surely expecting a counter-attack by this time, but hell. As far as Arashi could see through the dust, which was already slowly clearing, Zenchi was only about a meter or so from Arashi. And he didn't have his guard up. Perfect opportunity. Hmm... Should I launch a real attack? Or a distraction? This almost feels like, well, he's asking me to attack. Could be a trap. We'll see. So, Arashi decided it would be best to play safe, at least this time. He quickly grabbed the kunai from his pouch, and launched it at his target, while taking a couple of steps forward. There was less than a meter of distance between them now, and Arashi threw the kunai as fast and as strong as he could, so the kunai was almost bound to hit in the aimed area; upper chest, just below the neck. It was a nice place, as there was almost no chance of blocking and Arashi didn't remember seeing any armor at that place.

With the kunai being thrown, Arashi launched himself forward towards Zenchi. While Ara was in the air, he formed the Tiger handseal, preparing his Kawarimi. The dust was still in the air so maybe the enemy wouldn't notice. We'll see.

Wordcount: 1363/1000



Now he was getting a bit serious, non?

Arashi did well in foreseeing his fellow ninja's tactics. From what Zenchi heard and felt, his attacks went... mostly as planned. His hand started to hurt after his chakra's tingly effect wore off. Perhaps he had hit something on the Nekomotze that he didn't mean to.

That could be saved for later discussion, however. Mainly because he saw a kunai fly out of the now-dispersing cloud of dust. And it was moving quite quickly. What was he doing, aiming to kill!?
In any event.... it whistled as it raced toward his shoulder-area. Wait. The sternum?

That little....

It would seem that Arashi had almost tried to kill him. It did not shock him much, though; it had happened multiple times already to him this week. But there was an impending problem. There was no way he could lift his arms in time to snatch that out of the air. So he did the only thing he could; moved his body. He slightly crouched and shifted to the right; now, at least, that kunai would not impale him through a rather unsavory place. Instead, it slashed the top of his shoulder, and was lodged in the wound for a second or two before it fell out.

So you want to play that way, eh...

Zen picked up the kunai that had plopped on the floor. Standard issue. But it would do for his purposes. His Genjutsu training was almost over, anyway.... time to move on to the next, eh?

The Iwa ninja would make a half tiger sign while facing the now-airborne Arashi. His faux foe was but a silhouette, but he could still use the sunlight to discern his location. He had to do it with his left hand, because his right was holding the boy's expended kunai. Zenchi could now feel his chakra extending out of his body. Even ninjutsu was all about envisioning; he imagined his chakra, a projectile, enveloping Arashi like a weighted rope, tying itself off once it hit its mark. Granted, Zenchi had not given much time to this technique of late; he was not sure if it was a good idea to use it, in hindsight.

He waited, waited. Would his sparring partner fall to the floor, or would he continue the assault? If Arashi did get paralyzed, the young ninja would deliver an eye-for-an-eye wound to Arashi's right shoulder. If not.....

Zenchi looked at the position of the sun, and tilted his kunai to try and reflect it. He was a Kyouga; light was his specialty. He knew the mechanics. And hopefully he could come out the victor, here. Wherever Arashi went, he would try to make the kunai's reflection follow. Not to blind, no; but for a severely different purpose. He was finally glad to have a worthy test subject for his illusions; real-battle experience is what made you better.


Last edited by Zenchi Kyoga on Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total



[OOC: This is your first time even trying to perform the technique. There's no way you'll only have a -10, more like -30/-40. Look at my training post with Raishi (Underground Tunnels). He won't get his jutsu right until... 3rd or 4th try. That's about average, but as you are currently "in the heat of combat" this will do.]

The kunai flew at Zenchi, and; it hit. Not really where it was intended, as Zen managed to move a little before the impact. The kunai hit him just around the right shoulder area, stabbing into his flesh before falling to the ground a couple of seconds afterwards. Zen picked up the kunai. Zenchi made a hal-Tiger handseal with his left arm, probably preparing for a technique. Shit, not more Ninjutsu!Arashi couldn't really see anything, he was still flying towards Zenchi, he was really close now. Then; Arashi felt something. It was... Restraining him. Arashi's forward motion stopped, and he landed back on the ground. What is this? Feels like... Ropes of some sort. Still, I should be able to tear them. The ropes really weren't tight at all, actually quite weaker than real life ropes would be. Whatever the jutsu was, it actuallly seemed that it failed. Arashi tightened his muscles from his entire body, with a determined look on his face that was looking Zen in his eyes. It was only a fraction of a second, but to Arashi, it felt like an eternity. Focusing all his strength. Looking at the unnaturally gray eyes. Then; Arashi teared the ropes. He simply tried to move his arms sideways, with all the strength and force he had. He felt as the ropes teared up and he was set free. He unleashed a loud "roar", more like a cry or a scream some would call it. Let's just say shout, but it sounded like a roar from a beast.

Zenchi came at Arashi, only took a step forward as there wasn't even a meter of distance between them. More like half of so. Zen tried to deliver a wound at Arashi's right shoulder, or at least did it seem like that. Though, this was a perfect opportunity for Arashi to actually land a real attack. Good offense is the best defense, some would say. Ara was one of some. I should end this. I'm sleepy. Even with the kunai heading toward him, he simply threw himself forward, landing on his arms, with his face pointed opposite of Zen's direction. He was just somewhere below Zen's chin now. Ara bent his knees so they were nearly touching his chin, and his arms a bit to prepare for the upcoming launch. He pushed with his arms as strong as he could, launching himself airborne. He simultaneously streched both of his legs, launching a strong double-kick aiming at Zen's chin. The preparation to the kick, and the kick were delivered at such speeds it would be close to impossible to dodge them, especially for a fellow Genin.

If the kick landed, it would surely cause a whipslash, and the chance of breaking the jaw and some teeth was a lot higher than not. Both Arashi and Zenchi would be launched air-borne, and Arashi would make a half-flip, turning by 180°, so his feet would be looking towards the ground once again. Arashi would then launch a series of surprisingly strong and fast punches, around ten of them, which had a great chance of breaking ribs and damaging unprotected internal organs. With the assistance of his spiked gauntlet, with it's two centimeters long spikes extending from the knuckles, Arashi would also cause a series of stabs which would probably bleed pretty much. Arashi wouldn't aim for the head, as he didn't want to knock out Zenchi; or kill him maybe.

Wordcount: 2015/1000



This was.... not... good. Not good at all.

Zenchi's technique had failed. His genjutsu was a no-go, now. Although... the look in Arashi's eyes when he was restrained hinted that it might have worked.

That is, if he had not knocked his fellow Iwa ninja into the air. A crick in his neck and quite the sore mandible. This guy was good. Zenchi wondered if he could make requests for teams.

Well. This seemed like a formidable technique; it would not do to be caught by the brunt of it. Still in midair, Zenchi made an effort to string together hand seals as fast as possible, having sheathed the kunai he had in his pocket during the ascent. At the moment that Arashi flipped around him--quite the acrobat, eh?--mirrors began to spin into existence.

But he wasn't fast enough. Zenchi had planned to replace himself with a Mirror Clone, but that would take too much time; so he decided on an alternative.

Placing his hands in the Dog sign right after the first punch landed--did he feel something crack?--he activated his technique. He usually focused by saying his technique's names mentally, but that first blow's pain output... he could not help but speak out loud as an outlet for his turmoil.

"Reflect Arts! Light Screen!"

All of his mirrors swarmed in front of him instantly, shining and enlarging. But that would only do a little good. This technique was formidable enough that even Light Screen couldn't block it. What was this guy?

But it was enough. Each punch would break a Light Screen mirror, and the damage would be reduced. Enough for him not to sustain any huge injuries, at least...
When one mirror broke, another swooped in to take its place. There were ten blows in total, and ten mirrors. He had one left, since he didn't guard against the first. Somehow, he managed to break his fall; it would only get worse from here.

Zenchi made another half-tiger seal. "This ends now!" Again... The chakra seeped out of his body again, but this time... he could control it just a tad better. He could make multiple... maybe two, to bind different places. More effective, but he didn't have much chakra left.

And so did the ropes fly.

Zenchi kept a very careful eye on his opponent. He needed more mirrors.... that move would surely finish this battle quite nicely.


Last edited by Zenchi Kyoga on Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total



[OOC: The Temp. Para. has a cooldown. But, we're still training it so it doesn't matter. I don't think you should've even wasted chakra, as you're still training. I wouldn't mind if you edited the previous posts to recovered the 20 chakra.]

Arashi's kick connected, pretty good actually. The jaw wasn't broken, but Zen still suffered from quite a hit. They were both airborne now, and by the time Arashi flipped over, a dozen of small "mirrors" started swirling around Zen. Arashi punched, and it landed just nicely. Ara could feel a rib crack. Good. Arashi proceeded with attacking, but Zenchi weaved a handsign. Dog, was it? Or wolf? Ara wasn't sure, he never payed much attention to Ninjutsu. Well, whatever the sign represented, the mirrors grew a little and started blocking Arashi's punches! But, the blocking power was minimal. It wouldn't do much to Arashi's punches, but enough to keep Zen from having any more broken bones. Not good. Though, the force behind the punches was still great, and Arashi would jab his spikes on his knuckles fully into Zen's skin on every punch. The spikes were quite bloody already.

Zenchi was sent flying to the ground with Arashi's last punch, but managed to suspend himself without taking any real damage. As suspected, shinobis don't fall. But Arashi was kind of expecting him to fall, as his enemies are usually knocked out after this attack. But Zen... He was something else. Arashi wouldn't mind if they somehow ended up on the same team. Zenchi again made the half-tiger handsign. The ropes again? If the ropes were of the same quality and quantity as before, Arashi could tear them again; but with some trouble. The last technique left him a bit tired. So, as Arashi was still in the air, the invisible chakra ropes bound him again. There were more this time, 2 at least, probably 3. And; they were a bit tougher now, but still not like those in real life. Damn, he's gotten better! Gravity pulled the now-immobilized Arashi down to the ground. In the meantime, while he was falling, he thought about how he should get out. So, these are definitely chakra ropes. Ninjutsu, I believe. If I could somehow disrupt the chakra flow in these ropes, I believe they should tear up... Arashi started concentrating chakra within himself, to unleash it out of his right hand. There was a rope there. Ara felt the flow of chakra... Like a wild, strong earthquake deep within him. Controlling it, focusing it into one spot on his hand... And pow! Release it! As Arashi hoped, the rope dismantled. But only one... Arashi was still left there, partially immobilized. He could at least move a bit with only two ropes left, but nothing more but a couple of centimeters. Damn!

Wordcount: 2482/1000



[OOC: Okay... but the same goes for Seismic Shock.]

"I must admit. You're probably the toughest Genin I've ever met. But... Let's end this quickly. Reflect Arts!"

He had more mirrors now. The jutsu weaving them ended once he had ten more, but eleven, now, would be good.

But... he couldn't get hit again. Not with those punches, those things that looked like brass knuckles....
The shinobi just noticed that he was bleeding. Not profusely. But bleeding. And the sight of his blood made him conscious of what blood loss could do. He was not a hemophobe, afraid of himself bleeding, but the psychology of ignorance had benefited him thus far. Guess that was over.

But he had to focus on the task at hand. While Arashi was looking at Zen doing his yet-imperfect Paralysis Technique, mirrors were forming. And it was then that he activated the genjutsu he wanted for the entire battle to use. It was pretty likely that by looking at his sparring partner, Arashi had also looked at the gleam of the mirrors. And that was the key.

So, if his calculations were correct, the genjutsu would begin. And now this fight was just a fleeing game.

Zenchi, a bit woozy, made the Hare sign, but did not begin the technique just yet. Wait for the opportune moment....


Last edited by Zenchi Kyoga on Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:25 am; edited 1 time in total


[OOC: we're continuing this as if we were genin, non?]



[OOC: I think so, yes. But, we don't need cooldowns while we train the technique. Once you get it right, you have to start using cooldowns. Is that okay?]

"I must admit. You're probably the toughest Genin I've ever met. But... Let's end this quickly. Reflect Arts!"
"You're pretty good yourself. Not many people can keep fighting with a broken rib."
Arashi said nothing about the "Let's end this quickly" part, as there's no way he's going to give up! I should try tearing the ropes again. It worked last time, but I need to clear both of them now. I don't have much time. A couple of more tiny mirrors formed around Zenchi. He had... Three now. If Ara could count. I never saw anybody fight like that. Using mirrors, but I must admit. Pretty badass.

Arashi, once again, started concentrating and molding his chakra. He could feel the flow. But, this time, he concentrated it on several different spots; basically wherever he could feel the ropes were binding him. At least 10 spots. Here goes nothing! Pow! Arashi violently expelled the chakra he prepared for the technique; it worked. The ropes were reaped to shreds, freeing Arashi. A droplet of sweat came down his cheek. Just at that time, Zenchi made a handsign; Rabbit. Or was it Hare? Whatever, Zen was preparing something. Arashi just hoped it wasn't a genjutsu, he was never under a genjutsu. Ever. Or so he though. Okay, I should end this quickly. I don't really have any more strong jutsus, I think I should... Do a distraction! Clones should do the trick. Arashi put his hands together, in the Tiger sign, and a puff of smoke appeared next of him. The smoke covered both Arashi and his new clone, who was left of Arashi. But; they switched; so Arashi was left adn the clone was standing where Arashi was a moment ago. The smoke cleared in a moment, and a replica of Arashi was there. It wasn't really perfect, but nobody should be able to tell a difference unless the clone was just next to Arashi. And it wasn't, as both of them charged at Zenchi, who was about two meters from Arashi. They both attacked from an arc, real Ara from the left and the replica from the right. The clone would try to kick a 360° kick aiming for the ankle, trying to sweep Zen of his feet while Arashi would jump of the ground and try to kick Zen in the face, wit his right leg. In karate, the kick would be known as Tobi Yoko-Geri, or just Yoko-Geri.

Wordcount: I won't count anymore.


[OOC: Sounds good to me.]


Now was the time. Definitely the right time. Zenchi really hoped that Arashi didn't grasp the concept of physical clones. Because otherwise the both of them were in for some hurting.

He was still lightheaded from his minute blood loss; as such, he slightly lost focus at Arashi's rather quick counter... but he had to get rid of that clone, somehow, too....

Zen's mind had no bounds. This... this was bad. Two of the same guy... not knowing if it was physical or not, Zenchi readied the Mirror Clone technique again, but made his movement for the Hare seal very sharp. It was directly followed by him clapping his hands as a seal. Panting, obviously exhausted, he shouted "Reflect Arts! Mirror Armor!"

Creative, as always. The fake name fit, though; all of his mirrors stuck to various locations around his body. Instead of protecting him, however, they were memorizing the pattern of light that he gave off, so as to clone him. The twin attackers moved in. Soon the second part of his jutsu would take effect. The lower came first. It did a trip-kick type attack, and Zenchi tried to dodge by hopping over it. However, the rib injury and bleeding made this too strenuous for him; his legs gave out in midair and he lost his balance. He did not land prettily; he faceplanted on his side, hitting his broken rib again.

The only upside to the technique: his mirror clone took a hit for him that surely would have knocked him out. The entire upper body of the clone--made up of 6 or so mirrors--was basically obliterated by Arashi's kick. Normally it would take two hits... but at least some remained. The hit mirrors flew from the trajectory and power of the blow, hitting the ground in numerous places, since they were made physical temporarily. But where each mirror hit the ground, it cracked. Not like the fissures. This was a distorting kind of crack. But it was pretty far-off, so only the most perceptive--Zen included in that category-- would notice it at this stage.

The second part of Zenchi's combo had begun. The four mirrors that remained as the clone's legs--so one of those two was intangible--began to shine as he activated the Mirror Shot technique, which was the clap hand seal he did before. Point blank. Target: two faces.

He started to wheeze. That meant his rib was poking his lung. Bad. Bad, bad. If he suffered any more damage to that area, his rib would surely puncture his lung, and then he could die of lung collapse. Zenchi managed to pull himself up despite the pain, and waited, waited... He just needed one more...

If he couldn't stop the next hit, he needed to forfeit. This guy was just a little out of his league. Or maybe he was just too vulnerable to Taijutsu...



[OOC; The part where you talk about cracks, that counts as me missing you, right?]

"Reflect Arts! Mirror Armor!"
So, he'll try to defend again. Good. Didn't serve him goo last time. Arashi closed in quickly, as mirrors flew around Zenchi and stuck themselves on various parts of his body. There were more now, six or so? Still, Arashi continued with his attack, the clone went first and performed the sweep. Zenchi tried to hop over it, which was a bad idea; maybe he did dodge the harmless clone's kick, but in mid-air it looked like he lost balance or something, the pain probably, and fell face down on his side. It looked painful. What bothered Arashi the most is the fact that there was another Zenchi satndign where the Zenchi that just fell was standing moments ago! What kind of armor is that? Arashi was confused, but it didn't stop him from continuing with his kick anyway. His foot went right through the clone, afterimge, twin or whatever the hell it was; but it dispersed. Something else happened then. In a fraction of a moment, some mirrors that were situated around the leg area of the former clone started... charging up? Arashi just covered his eyes with his right hand, as he had really had no time for anything else, even if this was a perfect opportunity to use his Kawarimi. Next thing he knew, he felt a warm sensation on his face, just below his chin.

A moment passed before Arashi realized what happened. SOmething was fired at him. It definitely pierced the skin, the pain couldn't simply be ignored. Well, not unless Ara was completely focused on something. He also heard a large puff, which came from his now gone clone. Ara moved his hand to uncover his eyes, and quickly scanned the are. There weren't any mirrors left, or Arashi was blinded. Good. Zenchi was standing. Not good. Ara really didn't expect him to get up so soon. But that's okay, as the sparring mate looked pretty damn exhausted. It was obvious that the fight would end in less then ten more seconds. Very good. Ara'll finally get some rest. Time to finish this, for real. Ara landed on the floor, and once again launched himself off ground towards Zen, who wasn't even a meter from him. There was hardly any time for actions, but he managed to concentrate some chakra on his knuckles, creating sets of six centimeters long chakra claws on his fists. Though, the claws instantly caught fire and prolonged up to 15 centimeters. Arashi would be face to face, nearly nose to nose to Zenchi in an instant, with one his hand and the claws nearly touching Zen's neck, just under his chin, and his right hand and other set of claws pointing at his stomach; nearly touching it with the sharp claws, more like blades for their sharpness and length. He wasn't going to really hurt Zen, but show him that he means business. He would say this.
"Time to end this, no?"
he truth; he was actually pretty damn tired himself. He really used up a bunch of chakra, more than he intended to.



[OOC: Those damned unspoken rules... It was just revealed to me that 10 chakra or less makes you unlikely to be conscious, and 5 chakra is an automatic KO. Bleh.]

"Time to end this, no?"

Heh... taunting. Although Arashi had earned the right to. Zenchi had never tried this, but... could he do it?

There was only one way to find out. This was his final shot. Without wasting any of the time Arashi had spared him--bad idea?--he turned both his hands to half-tiger signs. "Kanashibari... no Jutsu." He now spoke with an utter calm. Perhaps he knew that one way or another, this would end very, very quickly. And he would be okay if he lost. It was a good fight.

Now, controlling it from two hands, and at zero range, he could easily manipulate the binding chakra. He didn't have very much chakra left, but at this distance he could envelop... two arms and one leg. It would seem he couldn't get too far away from his targets, but when they were in his desired radius it worked well. At least, now it did.

Next, for better or worse, he kicked back again with one foot. This time, though, he attempted to use the other foot to score a small hit on the retreat. He could have gone for the cheap-shot area, but that would have been spurning his sparring partner's help; he instead tried to hook his heel in the back of Arashi's knee. That.... he probably should not have done that. It took a toll on him; his breathing was getting abnormal. He couldn't afford another stunt like the one he just pulled.

Just one... if one of his strange claws hit the ground or anywhere that was not Zenchi, it would be over. Then again, if even one of those claws hit him, it would be over as well, though not in his favor. He felt extremely exhausted. Zen's vision blurred, his consciousness waning. Too...much chakra... His legs, his entire body failed him. He slumped to the floor. He was slightly aware of his surroundings, but it was hazy.


Last edited by Zenchi Kyoga on Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total



Karasu was traveling through the area and he managed to find two people around his age going right at it. Karasu shrugged and curled his right eyebrow up in curiosity. What was the meaning of such a game? They didn't have the intentions of killing one another, but Karasu was still appalled to see them going at it so harshly. Karasu contemplated stepping into the rink to fight the victor, but they both seemed so very fatigued. Almost as if there was such little energy to even casually move left. Karasu wasn't going to call for a battle when he was fully rested and the other two still partially going at it. So he turned around and left before any of them could tell that he was in their general vicinity. He did take note to their physical features however. Just in case he would run into them again in the future. He'd know what he was up against.


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