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“Come on Teru, we’re almost there.” His words were said between deep breaths to the young woman whom he was carrying on his back, piggy back style. Though, his words were more for his own comfort and reassurance than for Teru, considering that at that moment she was unconscious. Glancing back at her as Nayoko jumped from rooftop to rooftop, he grimaced at the sight. The gash on the side of her head was bleeding quite a bit, and though Nayoko was no medical ninja, he knew that at the very least a wound that size was not good for somebody to leave untreated. Gritting his teeth he turned back to the way ahead, inside the walls of Kirigakure no Sato. He had forgone the streets below for the uncrowded rooftops of the village, hoping that perhaps somebody on patrol would take more notice of them up here and offer to help the duo. It had not been long since Nayoko and Teru had left the Temple Ruins outside of the village proper, having been betrayed by a fellow shinobi that had asked them to meet him there.

“Burittsu…” Nayoko mumbled trough his still clenched jaw. He had known that the man was ruthless and possible unstable, but to attack two of his allies to more or less prove a point…well he had gone too far for Nayoko then. Moments before he had attacked, the young Hattori had said that he would not hunt him down despite him going rogue, and that if he ever came by the Village Hidden in the Leaves, that he would help him frond shelter. Well, those promises became null when he decided to turn on his kindness and repay it with an attack. It was clear that he planned to turn the world upside down, and if that meant that Nayoko would have to stop him, then so be it.

“Hey, you there! Halt!” Nayoko turned to see he was being followed by a kunoichi who had spotted his hasty movement across the rooftops and had come to investigate. She had short back hair and was wearing a cloak bearing the symbol of the Village Hidden in the Mists. Not slowing down at all Nayoko called out over his shoulder to the young woman. “No can do ma’am. I’m a shinobi from Konoha, and this one on my back is one of yours. She’s hurt pretty bad. Go ahead to the hospital and make sure someone is ready to take her in.” The woman’s mouth hung open for a woman, as if she was debating whether or not she should reply, but after catching a glimpse of Teru’s busted open head, her jaw slammed shut before she nodded and rushed off ahead of the young Hattori.

As he watched her leave, Nayoko followed her trajectory to where he remembered the hospital being located. He could not help but chuckle and shake his head as the mad this way toward the structure, as the irony of the situation was not lost on him. The first time he had met the unconscious woman on his back had been not very long ago when he had been searching for their very destination on his own. She had been kind enough to step out of the crowd and show him the way to the Kirigakure General Hospital, which he had been looking for in case his personal business in the Land of Water led to him needing medical attention. Now, it seemed those tables had been turned as he carried Teru to the building while she hung helplessly to his back. It was not much longer before the young man jumped off of a nearby building and landed on the front steps of the hospital. Rushing into the building, he was met by the kunoichi who had been on patrol as well as two nurses with w gurney already rolled up for Teru to be placed on. Laying the young woman down onto it, he followed her down the hallway with the nurses in order to make sure that he found te room they would be keeping her in. When they finally arrived outside of the door, the nurses politely told him to wait outside while they stitched her up, to which Nayoko obliged.

It was not very long before the nurses stepped back out into the hallway, smiling and chatting to each other. Abruptly standing up from the bench he had sat down on, Nayoko walked over to them, genuine concern on his face. “Is she alright?” The older of the two nurses, a woman in her late thirties, smiled and nodded. “Yes dear, the gash was pretty bad but nothing we couldn’t handle. She’ll need rest now to make sure that her head heals from the trauma, but if you’re quiet you can go in."Nayoko nodded quietly and thanked the nurses before stepping into the room. Nayoko did not bother turning the lights on has he glanced around the hospital white room. A shiver rolled down his spine as he thought of his mother being on a room like this one when she had died, so many years ago. Shaking the thought from his mind, the young Hattori stepped over to a chair that had been left in the room for visitors and leaned back in it, glancing over the sleeping form of Teru on the bed before him. Her chest slowly rose and fell as she drifted through a deep, trauma induced sleep.

Blinking his weary eyes, Nayoko glanced out the window to see the sun just now beginning to peek over the horizon in the distance. “Well Teru,” he said to the sleeping woman. “That was quite a night…quite…a…” Before he could finish his sentence Nayoko drifted off into a slumber that was well overdue, exhaustion claiming his consciousness in the hospital chair.


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Her consciousness was slipping in and out during the journey to the general hospital. Whenever she did regain her consciousness, it was only for a short time. There was not much she could say on what she saw. The landscape looked like a blur. A moving blur that left her feeling dizzy. She could feel that she was moving, but not with her own two feet. Someone else was doing the running or walking for her. It was too painful to open her eyes again. The damage done to the left side of her face was a burden. It throbbed and ached, and the bleeding was worsening. 

Shifting her head a bit, Teru focused her blurred gaze on the figure who had her on their back. 'Burittsu...?' she wondered to herself. No, it could not have been him. There was not that familiar chill that she got in her body. The air was cool, but it was not the kind of cold that appeared whenever the Yuki was around. It also could not be her sensei, the man who could freeze a human being solid by just looking them in the eyes. He did not have any knowledge of her whereabouts, she believed. So, with it being neither of them, it could be only one person. A strained sigh of relief. "We're almost there," she heard. Nayoko.... Teru closed her eyes again, feeling herself fall into the sleep-like state once again. Whatever happened to Burittsu? she wanted to know. There was so much she needed to talk to him about...

Feeling her eyes become heavy, the kunoichi embraced the idea of sleep. If she slept now, then maybe later she could find a way to solve this dilemma. It would be easy enough, just as soon as she could regain all of her lost strength. Shortly later, she was unconscious again as she was rushed away to the medical facility. She had not yet woken up since arriving and during the time they took to check her head wound. They treated the gash, cleaning it and applying their medicinal experience to make sure the bleeding was stopped. Very soon, they began the stitching to ensure that the healing process would go along without too much trouble. But, while she was recovering, they wrapped bandages around her left eye for a means of protection. 

Teru was resting in one of the hospital beds, now in much less pain than before. Her expression seemed peaceful, at least, but there had to be something else inside. A traumatic event such as what had happened not too long ago... that would never be forgotten. In her dreams, there would be distorted repeats of everything that happened. Meeting with the Yuki at the temple ruins, up to the point when he abruptly lashed out against her and Nayoko. The rush of the moment was intense, and it almost seemed like she was going to die if it were not for a trustworthy man. But, there was something that disturbed this almost pleasant rest, causing for her to stir in her sleep. A voice? It was muffled, but nagged for her to awaken immediately. 

The one eye that was not wrapped in bandages peeked open, revealing to her a white ceiling. Lights were dimmed, sparing her the suffering of being blinded by the reflective material. Teru inhaled a deep breath and attempted to sit up. Wincing as she did, a familiar ache throbbed in the left side of her face. "Mm," she softly groaned and traced the tips of her fingers along the bandages wrapped around her head. Although, feeling them left her somewhat confused. "When did I..." Teru blinked once, then twice. She was definitely in the General Hospital.

"Huh?" she glanced over to a slumbering figure in one of the seats next to the hospital bed. It was Nayoko, who was clearly exhausted. Smiling softly, Teru contemplated letting him stay like that for a while longer. He did look rather comfortable after all, and tired. But, then again, she wanted to give him thanks for getting her the help she needed. It was after attempting to defend against Burittsu's attack that she had been injured. So, because he made the effort to save her life, some form of thanks was called for. She looked around for a moment, hoping to find something within reach to poke him with. It seemed like the best way to go, but there was nothing that she could use. "Nayoko?" Teru called out to the Konoha ninja in a low whisper, which turned out to be much quieter than intended. There was no way he would wake up from that, so she tried again in a voice that was somewhat louder. "Hey, Nayoko..."

Well, hopefully he would at least move a little to let her know that he was responsive to something. Teru leaned back and rested her head back on the pillow. Her eye remained open, for she was unable to go back to sleep. Not much was on her mind at that moment, though she did occasionally have a thought about her roguish comrade running away. Right now, she could only be thankful about still being among the living.

Word Count: 875



In the few moments that Nayoko was asleep, he did manage to experience some sliver of a dream, faint as it was. He dreamed that he was in a forest; perhaps it was one back in the Land of Fire, just outside of Konohagakure no Sato, or maybe it was one of the forests that he had wandered through while here in the Land of Water, or perhaps it was a mixture of both conjured up by his imagination. Regardless of whether or not the forest was a real place or a conjunction of a few real places, Nayoko found himself standing in it, feeling lost. He would run trough the woods in search of some sort of way out, or some semblance of a society in these woods. But try as he might, he could not get out. Finally, he stopped in what seemed to be a small clearing that was still surrounded by trees. He was panting, taking deep breaths to compensate for all of the running he had been doing. Standing up straight, he turned around to see Tano Koyanagi, the man who had caused him so much trouble and forced him to come to Kirigakure in the first place standing before him, smiling. Nayoko stepped forward, raising his fists to confront the man, but when he spoke, no words came out. Panicked, he locked eyes with the mystery man, who nodded slowly before opening his mouth to speak. His voice echoed all around Nayoko, to the point where he could not hear anything else but the words reverberating around him in the dream forest. “I can show you the way out. I can show you how to make her proud….Nayoko…

"Hey, Nayoko..." The voice he heard no longer belonged to a man, and it was no longer echoing all around him. The only confusing thing abou the situation was that everything was pitch black. It was then that Nayoko realized that his eyes were closed. Slowly the young Hattori’s eyes fluttered open to reveal the hospital room that he had fallen asleep in. Sitting up in the chair he had passed out in, the young man took a moment to stretch before glancing over to the bed, where his new friend Teru had awoken. She was still laying in the bed, propped up but her pillows, but she was smiling now, despite the bandages that the nurses had wrapped around her head. Nayoko returned her smile and nodded to her. “Hey Teru, it’s good to see you remember be after that blow to the head!” He chuckled, trying to change the atmosphere of the room to a light one before the inevitable heavy conversation that the two would probably have to have soon enough.

Standing up, he pulled his chair closer to Teru’s hospital bed before plopping back into it, “Seriously though,” he said with a genuine smile splayed across his face, “I’m glad to see you’re alright. When Buri –“ he cut himself off, not wanting to bring the moment back up, but shook his head because he knew he had too. His smile slowly faded into a mask of apathy that he was not very good at wearing. “When he um…used that jutsu, I gotta admit I was worried. I’ve seen it before, but the last time I saw it he wasn’t using it against me. It killed six bandits without any chance of them escaping.” He let out a long sigh and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees while his hands were knit together by their finders. “You really saved me by jumping in when you did. If you hadn’t I probably would have been buried alive like those smugglers…I appreciate it.”

There had been so much that happened in such a short time in those last few moments against Burittsu. The conversation they had been having seemed so civil at the time. Sure, Burittsu was talking about changing the world and about how he would be going rogue, but he had turned on them so suddenly that it had completely confused Nayoko. Why would he have done that? Did he want to prove a point? Did he want to make sure that nobody knew about his plans since the two people he had decided to tell chose to refuse? Was he simply insane? Nayoko honestly could not be certain. Part of him hoped that he was, in fact, insane; it would be a lot easier to put him down if the time came knowing that he was not in his right mind. But if Nayoko was honest with himself, he knew that insanity probably was not the answer.

Unable to come to a conclusion, the young Hattori turned his attention back to the young woman in the bed before him. For now, he could help her and do everything in his power to make sure that she got back on her feet. After all, Nayoko had been betrayed by an ally, but Teru had been betrayed by a friend. “So Teru, are you feeling alright? Do you need anything?”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Teru, staying where she was, watched as Nayoko stirred awake, stretching out to help his body wake up. She too needed to get her own body moving. After being asleep for however long, some limbs were feeling the effects of not being active. In her legs, there was a tingly sensation that was all too familiar. They were asleep. Everything else was just stiff, and that made it a little more of a pain to move. Well, she would deal with it one way or another. For now, she was just happy to see her friend’s face. And it seemed that he was happy to see her too. “Hey Teru, it’s good to see you remember be after that blow to the head!” She heard him say, and Teru gave him a soft nod. Her right hand, for a brief moment, retreated to her cheek and touched the edges of the bandages. Trying to remember absolutely everything that happened made her head hurt more than it should have. It was all just one, big headache that needed to stop, but it would not. She was glad that it was not any worse than it was, otherwise she may not have made it back to the village. There must have been a lot of luck on her shoulders since she still had memory of the previous event, and she still remembered their faces. 

“That’s right,” Teru said. “It could have easily turned out differently, though.”

Thinking back to that jutsu used by Burittsu, Teru realized just how dangerous it was. To think that it was capable of killing people. That was a surprise, more or less. But, unlike those bandits that it killed, she and Nayoko had lived through it. That was enough evidence for her to determine that they stood a chance against the man who was going rogue- against his techniques, at least. In spite of being wounded by Burittsu’s jutsu, Teru was happy to know that she did enough to protect her ally. “I know I shouldn’t be having any doubts, but I didn’t think that we would be getting out of there like we did,” she admitted her doubts. She almost regretted having any whatsoever, but it was the truth. The chances of death were just so high, and yet they were still alive to see the next day. “You know, now that I think about it, that wasn’t even half his power.” There were plenty of times when Teru witnessed just how well Burittsu fought. He had an excellent set of skills that put him at the top of the bracket. The man was able to kill a sea monster with his fists only. If that was not testimony enough, she had no idea what was. 

Teru pushed the thought out of her head and sighed. It could have been much worse, she thought. “So Teru, are you feeling alright? Do you need anything?” The subject changed, and it was for the better. It would not do anyone any good if this reminiscing continued. His betrayal was in the past now. Of course, she would still remember it later, for something had to be done about it. However, nothing could be done yet. Teru took his questions into consideration, dismissing all thoughts about the Yuki. 

There was a dull pain in the left side of her face, but that was easy to endure. It was believed that her eye sight would be fine after recovery, so she had not been worrying about that, either. "I'm fine, I think," Teru smiled again at Nayoko. But, she was not feeling the best. The hospital room was too cramped, and she found that to be most unsatisfying. She needed fresh air. There was a path outside the hospital, she remembered. It was one that patients were allowed to go on to take some time to relax and unwind. "Hey, do you think we could go for a walk for a bit? I need some fresh air."

Word Count: 675



Nayoko, leaning forward in his chair, watched Teru as she seemed to mentally struggle through the whole ordeal that they had been through. All the young Hattori could do was nod along with her, agreeing that if Burittsu had wished it, he could have made that fight a lot more difficult for the duo in the hospital room. Perhaps he had retained some semblance of comradery with the two ninja. Then again, perhaps he simply did not want to make his escape a messy one. Once again, Nayoko could not be sure, and speculation did nothing but worry him more. Nayoko could sense the relief that Teru felt when he offered a change in the subject, instead focusing on her than on the icy shinobi that had fled the Land of Water. "I'm fine, I think," the young woman said, smiling weakly. She seemed uncomfortable to say the least, which was to be expected after being attacked by a friend. His suspicions were confimed when she presented him with another question. "Hey, do you think we could go for a walk for a bit? I need some fresh air."

Nayoko smiled softly and nodded. “That sounds like a great idea to me. Just give me a moment to let the nurses know.” He stood up and exited the room, flagging down one of the nearby nurses to explain to her that Teru had awoken, and how all she wanted to do right now was to go for a walk around the grounds. Though they were hesitant at first, Nayoko managed to wear them down to a reluctant agreement, specifying that Nayoko would be held responsible for any further injury. Agreeing to those terms, the twenty two year old strode back into Teru’s hospital room and gave her a thumbs up. “Looks like we’ve been given the ok to go. So let’s get out there!” If she struggled at all, Nayoko would help her out of the bed, though he doubted that she would need any help.

As they walked through the corridors of the Kirigakure General Hospital, Nayoko remained fairly quiet, only responding if Teru asked him anything. Whenever he walked through a hospital of any kind, his mind always drifted back to his mother, and her last few years of life. His hatred for hospitals still remained since those days; the smell of antiseptic that lingered on everything in the entire building, the sterile taste that hung in the air and caused his mouth to go dry, and the bright, ever-shining lights that seemed to follow him silently like a crowd, he hated them all. But the memory of having all of his hope, belief, and faith crushed after waiting for so long was what made him try to avoid hospitals for the most part. He obviously understood their necessity, which is why he had asked for directions to this one only a few days earlier. But even so, he would usually only go into hospitals when fate demanded it.

The thoughts and memories were quickly replaced with relief as the duo strode into the hospital grounds just outside of the building. There was a small path that led through a quaint garden compete with trees, flowers, and even a small stream. There was also an open field just off of the path. There were patients in all different parts of the area, some in wheelchairs, some with nurses guiding their steps, and some with friends, like Teru and Nayoko. It was quiet, peaceful, and it reminded Nayoko of home; not because it looked like the Village Hidden in the Leaves, but because of the atmosphere. Nothing had ever seemed like it was as dangerous as they did here in Kirigakure no Sato. Perhaps it was because of the reason he was here, or perhaps it was because the people he had met so far all seemed like very strong ninja. Regardless, the few fights that he had dealt with in Konoha seemed like church compared to the violence he had been exposed to here. But in this small hospital garden, he caught a glimpse of the peace that he had always felt in his home.

He smiled and let out a quiet sigh before turning to Teru, gesturing with his hand to the path before him. “After you.”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

It was an agreement. And much to her relief, too. Even if it had not even been a full day, Teru was already eager to get out of the hospital. Apart from the now urgent matters that she needed to take care of, there was so much else that she wanted to involve herself in. Of course, she was not stupid enough to take it all on at once, especially at that very moment. For the next day or two, or for another day longer, she was to be spending time recovering until her wound was healed. So, she would be doing leisurely walks such as this, alone or with a companion. 

A moment after Nayoko informed her that he would notify the nurses in charge of her well-being that they were going to go for a stroll just outside the building, he had walked out of the hospital room and left her by herself for a short period of time. Teru was still sitting in the hospital bed with the covers loosely covering her legs. Her hands dropped down to rest on her thighs as she thoughtfully gazed at the sheets. There were voices out in the hall. Without a doubt, it had to be Nayoko and the nurses. They were probably giving him some trouble about their walk, but that was to be expected. With how vulnerable she was now, it was more of a hazard to be roaming about in the outdoors. Teru half smiled and lightly shrugged her shoulders. She was not worried about anything since she had someone trustworthy with her. 

Teru’s eyes shifted to the sleeve of her hospital gown. It was a plain shade of gray that would make any child cry by just looking at it. But, then there was a stroke of luck that happened to go her way. On a bench that sat to the left of the room’s only window, there was a folded article of clothing, a set of robes that must have been placed there for when she was discharged from the hospital. She glanced back to the doorway, not yet seeing Nayoko on his way back. So, sliding out from under the covers, Teru picked up the set of robes and used the restroom as a changing room. Her legs were strong enough to support her all the way there. The robes turned out to be a perfect size. After slipping on a pair of sandals, she exited back to the hospital room to see if Nayoko had finished talking to the nurses. 

The moment she closed the door behind her, she noticed him walk back in with a triumphant mood. “Looks like we’ve been given the ok to go. So let’s get out there!” That was exactly what she was hoping to hear. Teru smiled and nodded, taking his word for it. “Alright,” she said and walked around to get to his side. Through the halls of the building, they were mostly silent. Not yet was there a hot topic to bring up and laugh about. Such as one of the downsides of being in the hospital. There was never anything good to bring up without causing problems for another person. But, that was perhaps the only thing she ever did dislike about hospitals. This was her first time being admitted to one. Although, she was starting to really dislike the smell of it. It was like a mix of the scents of the elderly and squeaky clean homes mixed together. And it was not a very pleasant mix. At least the employees were decent enough and experienced with what they did. 

A little bit later, they had finally made it outside. Teru inhaled deeply, taking in the freshness of the outdoors. She already did not want to go back to the hospital, even if they might force her to return. The dullness of her hospital room was willingly left behind. When they got to the garden, Teru felt most at ease. It was as though she had forgotten all about her troubles that silently plagued her. Her visible eye scanned over the area, seeing all of the other patients and their escorts walking around, too. And, then she gazed over at the flowered bushes at the sides of the main path. They were the poisonous kind, but she found them quite beautiful.

Teru walked along with Nayoko, who was motioning for her to take to the tranquil path. “Thank you,” she bowed slightly, and continued onward at a pace that would keep her from being too far ahead of or behind Nayoko. The peaceful mood was wonderful to her senses. But, it made her wonder and think about what life was like in Konohagakure. That was Nayoko’s home, she recalled. “Are the gardens in your village similar to this? I guess the plant life there isn’t so-” Teru paused a moment, slowing down at one of the flowers that had an appearance similar to the Iris flower. With her index finger, she tapped the small petals. The seemingly gentle plant swayed as a result before returning to its initial position. Harmless, but not to the touch. “Toxic. But, I bet it’s all still very beautiful.”

Word Count: 879



Nayoko smiled as the young woman accompanying him gave him a slight bow before continuing down the path outside of the hospital walls. The young Hattori made sure the walk close enough behind her that he could catch her if she passed out or something like that. Head wounds were always so unpredictable, and he did not want to take any chances. Still, Nayoko managed to tear his thoughts away from his nearly motherly instincts and toward the serenity of the small courtyard that the duo had found themselves in. The sound of bird songs nearby being accompanied by the rush of a light breeze through the leave sin the treetops allowed for an incredibly peaceful atmosphere, which explained to Nayoko why the hospital had made this garden area in the first place.

Nayoko personally knew the toll that being in a hospital for extended period of time could take on a person’s psyche. The constant monitoring, testing, question asking, and other repeated activities that regularly took place in a hospital could numb a person to a sense of self and privacy. Not only that, but constantly being exposed to the sick, injured, elderly, and dying would do no good for one’s state of mind.  He had seen it happen to his mother when she was in the hospital for so long. She had been such a jovial woman for as long as Nayoko had been alive, but by the end of her life that was brought on so early due to her illness, she always seemed nothing more than tired. Nayoko could not help but shake his head at the thought as he wished that a garden like this one had existed back in his home of Konohagakure  no Sato.

The special jonin was snapped back to reality and stopped as his companion did but a few paces in front of him before speaking. “Are the gardens in your village similar to this? I guess the plant life there isn’t so-” she reached out with her hand and tapped the small petals of a bright purple flower and watched it sway in response. “Toxic. But, I bet it’s all still very beautiful.” Nayoko stepped up next to his friend to look at the flower that was in question. He slowly nodded in agreement. The Land of Fire was home to all sorts of flora, many of which was beautiful by its nature, though he was no botanist, so when she mentioned that this flower was toxic, Nayoko figured that it was a common trait among the plant life in this region. “You’re not wrong there. Though to be honest if a flower that I came across was in fact poisonous, I would have no way knowing. It’s not a common thing in the Land of Fire, at least not in areas where I have been.”

He nodded, turning toward a clearing in the courtyard that was not too far off of the path that the pair stood on, remembering an old conversation that the two ninja had shared. “Have you decided if you’re going to visit the Village Hidden in the Leaves yet? It would be so nice to have a familier face around. Plus it would only be fair considering you showed me around these parts.” He paused to chuckle. “And hey, maybe when you visit you could show me some of that awesome earth style skill. I must admit, I was pretty impressed by the strength and speed of that wall you summoned when we-“ The Hattori cut himself off, not wanting to bring up the source of their frustration again. “Erm, well…in any case. I was impressed! And I would not mind learning some of that myself someday, if you feel like teaching me.” He smiled and stepped past Teru, continuing down the path for a couple of steps before waiting for the young woman to join him. He was serious about the training; having seen the defensive capabilities of the doton technique that Teru had used against Burittsu, he knew that he needed more jutsu like that in his repertoire. Hopefully Teru would agree.


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

In spite of all that had happened in the most recent of times, it was a moment of true peace. And, in spite of all that had transpired in the previous night, Teru kept to acting like it was undisclosed to her, for there was no reason to lure in a fit of panic. What a good thing it was to see that everything else was doing so well. The breeze was gentle and free. It would take its course through the trees and bushes on and off on occasion, pausing to regain its strength for another run. The tree leaves swaying as a result frequently dropped leaves of various sizes, which also included a unique fragrance that eased the mind. It was a light scent, but there would have been a detestable odor if that scent was even a little stronger. 

It was almost a rare occasion when any harmless animals that were not the birds in the sky or creatures such as worms and the domestic pets. There were some cute, normal size squirrels and other small animals that lingered around the hospital grounds. They stayed out of sight most of the time, but they were nice to see. As they walked along the path, Teru admired much of what there was to see. She sighed quietly and to herself, accepting the moment as it was. While Teru was not apart of an occupation that had her so involved with the wildlife, she still had some knowledge on it. Maybe it came with the duties of a ninja, or maybe it was because she had been immersed in the worst parts of it during her time as Sero Osada’s student. 

She had gotten the chance to observe and directly encounter the hostilities as well as the more innocent pieces of nature. Bad or good, it was all beneficial to her. Nayoko, too, had stopped to observe the floral life. “You’re not wrong there. Though to be honest if a flower that I came across was in fact poisonous, I would have no way knowing. It’s not a common thing in the Land of Fire, at least not in areas where I have been.” And it was rather difficult to discern between what was lethal and what was not. Perhaps, when the time came for her to pay a visit to Konoha, she would see to it that she stopped and smelled the roses. 

And, with the Leaf Village still as the topic, Teru was approached by a question. “Have you decided if you’re going to visit the Village Hidden in the Leaves yet? It would be so nice to have a familiar face around. Plus it would only be fair considering you showed me around these parts.” Teru smiled and nodded as they approached a clearing. There were a couple benches, but there were no people to occupy them. But, before going to take a seat, Teru stayed by Nayoko’s side as they conversed. “I have thought more about going there,” Teru said in response to his inquiry. She spoke with a kind smile as she confirmed that there was still a desire to travel to Konoha. “I’m still not certain about how soon I can go, but I do promise to visit.”

Teru was a little surprised that Nayoko had taken an interest in that jutsu- the one she used to defend against Burittsu’s assault. The praise was flattering and brought a bright smile to her face. And he wanted to learn it, too- from her. There was the option to refuse teaching him the ins and outs of Doton, but she could not muster up the intent to do so. After all that he had done for her, it was only natural that she would hand to him all that she knew about the element and jutsu. “I’d be happy to give you some pointers,” Teru, still smiling, agreed to giving Nayoko a lesson on the earth element. “Actually, how about I teach it to you right now while you are still in the village? Then I can teach you some of the techniques, too. Consider it a big thanks for helping me out. What do you say?”

Word Count: 710



The twenty two year old Hattori returned Teru’s smile as she approached the bench that was set out near the small clearing that the pair stood beside. He was glad that she had at least though about travelling to his home country, after all, he had been the one that suggested it to her initially back when she had led him to the hospital those few days before. “Well, no matter when you show up, you’ll always be welcome at my place.” It would be fun to show her around just like she had done for him. Perhaps he would even show her how to get to the hospital, just for old times sake.

After he had asked her for lessons on using the earth release that she seemed so adept at, Nayoko was worried for a moment that he had crossed some sort of line that he was unaware of. She seemed fairly surprised that he had asked, which was confusing to Nayoko, considering how quickly and adeptly she had used the jutsu in question. Regardless of his opinion, he decided to let her decide what to do of her own volition, rather than pressure her into teaching him. If she was not comfortable doing it, then that was up to her. But the young Hattori would have been lying to himself if he could not admit that he was excited when he heard her respond positively. “I’d be happy to give you some pointers. Actually, how about I teach it to you right now while you are still in the village? Then I can teach you some of the techniques, too. Consider it a big thanks for helping me out. What do you say?”

Nayoko eyebrows raised up and his smile only grew at the offer. Nayoko had always absolutely adored training of any kind, and learning new techniques? Well that was one of his favourite past times to be sure. He gave her an affirmative nod and stepped back, glancing out to the field behind him. “If you’re feeling up to it, I would love to! We could even do it right out here.” Not waiting for a response thanks to a more eager nature taking hold of the young Hattori, he stepped out into the clearing and glanced around, making sure that there was enough space. Most of the patients that were spending time outside of the hospital were wandering along the pathway proper and not straying from it like Nayoko had just done. It may have been due to orders from their doctors, or perhaps because they were being guided along the path by others. In any case, the green, grassy clearing had more than enough space for the pair of ninja to do even just a small amount of training.

Spinning back around to is companion, a grin still plastered onto his face, he took off his blue jacket and set it onto the ground nearby leaving him in a sleeveless black top. “Alright! When you’re ready, I am. Though I must admit, I have absolutely no experience when it comes to any earth related jutsu. I’ve always been one for Suiton and Fuuton myself. So, you’re staring with a clean slate.” He chuckled while he stretched out his arms. “You’ll have to let me know if I’m an awful student after this is over.” Nayoko knew that it was not going to be easy for him to learn how to use Doton in a few minutes, but he was confident that Teru would be able to show him easily enough. She was a talented kunoichi who was able to hold off most of Burittsu’s assault with a single jutsu; that alone showed Nayoko just how capable the young Uchiha was.

Having completed his few stretches, he stood up straight and crossed his arms, awaiting instruction. “Alright! So what’s step one, teacher?”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Teru smiled, pleased to know that Nayoko was just as ready as she was. While she was not bouncing up and down out of joy, there was much excitement that she felt on the inside. Perhaps, though, it was better that she kept this eagerness to get started to herself. As a patient who was not yet discharged, the hospital employees would likely be agitated with her doing more than she probably should. But, as the teacher in this situation, there was not very much that she would have to do. “Alright, then we better get started before anyone shows up,” Teru nodded. 

Approaching Nayoko, Teru rubbed the palms of her hands together with a calm grin plastered on her face. It was fine with her in spite of him not knowing anything about the chakra nature. The point of this lesson was to give him that knowledge so that he, too, would be able to harness the earth as his weapon. “Suiton and Fuuton, huh?” Teru raised an eyebrow. Neither chakra nature was one that she had any skill in. Fuuton was not quite something she had an interest in at all. But, it would be a useful one. After all, it was another fuel for her flames. As for Suiton, she simply did not like it. The only times she ever did like water was when it was for drinking or bathing. Perhaps when there was another time when they would be able to meet, she could learn something from him. “I suppose this might seem very different than anything else you learned. But, that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll be able to pick up on it real fast.”

Teru giggled softly in response to Nayoko’s words. Awful student? She doubted that he would be one of those. Nayoko seemed to be a shinobi of great skill, so this would surely be a walk in the park. “Alright! So what’s step one, teacher?” Keeping her hands together, Teru thought about the question for a moment. “It is best to use elemental detecting paper for learning these sorts of things, but… I don’t think either of us are carrying any. So, the next best method is hands-on learning.”

“If you can actually connect with the ground beneath your feet, your chances of mastering Doton are in the clear,” she said, tapping her foot on the ground. “This can be done through meditation, like what you might do if you were learning Suiton. Listen to the flow of the earth with your body and not your ears, and let your chakra flow into the earth. Gauge its density and match it with your own strength, then you will be able to utilize any techniques." Teru paused a moment and motioned for Nayoko to take a seat on the ground. "So, if you don't mind not pounding your fists into rocks just yet, go ahead and begin with the meditation."

Explaining exactly how to do it was something that was greatly difficult, but the information given should have been decent enough. What he was looking for in this meditation session was a linkage to the earth's structure and "life force". If he did find this link, it would be like a beacon alerting the rest of the mind and body that the rooting process was a success. It was easy, but it was also hard. Easy because the training was nothing of the rigorous sort. It was hard because he would need to keep from letting outside distraction getting the best of him. 

"If you do have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I just hope I'm being clear enough for you. Heh, maybe I'll need the evaluation after this is over."

Word Count: 633



As the your Uchiha woman stepped up towards him into the clearing in which the duo now stood. She then rubbed the palms of her hands together, a calm grin plastered onto her face. She was ready, and so was Nayoko. She did not seem too worried that he had no prior experience with earth as an element to be used for jutsu, so Nayoko’s confidence was slightly bolstered to that effect. She giggled slightly at his comment about being a poor student before stepping closer to him with her palms still together. “It is best to use elemental detecting paper for learning these sorts of things, but… I don’t think either of us are carrying any. So, the next best method is hands-on learning.” Nayoko nodded slowly, remembering having used such paper in the past while he was part of the academy. For a brief moment, his bravado slipped away as he contemplated if this would even be possible, but the loss of confidence was quickly replenished as Teru began to tap her foot against the ground and continued with her lesson anyway.

“If you can actually connect with the ground beneath your feet, your chances of mastering Doton are in the clear,” she said, her foot still playing an unfamiliar beat on the earth below her. “This can be done through meditation, like what you might do if you were learning Suiton. Listen to the flow of the earth with your body and not your ears, and let your chakra flow into the earth. Gauge its density and match it with your own strength, then you will be able to utilize any techniques." Teru paused a moment and motioned for Nayoko to take a seat on the ground. "So, if you don't mind not pounding your fists into rocks just yet, go ahead and begin with the meditation." The young Hattori stepped forward confidently, a smile still on his face as he took a seat onto the ground next to where Teru was standing. “Alright, I’m sure I can give this a go. If I start sinking into the ground be sure to pull me out!” He chuckled and threw a friendly wink in the direction of the young woman before crossing his legs and closing his eyes.

Nayoko had never really been one for meditation. Aside from his slightly introverted tendencies, such as reading and training alone, he had really begun to enjoy the company of others more an more as time went on. That only made meditation like this more difficult, and Nayoko had never been that good at it anyway. He usually found himself needing something tangible to bring his focus into whatever subject he was supposed to be meditating on. Back when he had begun to study suiton, that had been a simple matter of heading down to a river side or to the docks on the coast. The easily accessible areas like that, on top of the Hattori’s natural affinity for water, had made the study of suiton fairly simple. On the other hand, learning fuuton had been more of a trial for Nayoko. Grabbing air was something he was not very adept at, though thanks to a particularly windy day that had rolled through the Village Hidden in the Leaves, he was able to meditate on the subject of wind based techniques a number of years earlier.

Luckily for Nayoko, the tangibility of earth was always very present around him, including now, as he sat on the ground in the small hospital courtyard. Reaching down with his right hand, he placed an open palm onto the ground beside him and allowed his chakra to flow through his body, and into the surrounding earth. Obviously there was no immediate control and no flash of inspiration that always the young Hattori to yield the earth like a mater, but if he was honest with himself, Nayoko knew that a connection of some sort had been made. It was not instantaneous, but after sitting with his hand feeling the ground for around ten minutes, he definitely made connection that he would not have without Teru’s help. Around him he could feel the earth, sitting stoically, solid, unwavering; it was so different from everything that he knew. Keeping his eyes closed, he began to speak to Teru, hoping that she had not left. “Its just so….dense. I’m so used to manipulating elements that are far more fluid than this. It’s throwing me off a little bit, but I can feel it flowing around me, like one, solid, nearly inconceivable flow."

Allowing his eyes to open, he placed his other palm onto the earth and glanced up at his teacher. “Alright Teru, this has already been amazingly helpful. With practice, I should be able to manipulate it into jutsu for sure. But for now, do you have anything else I can do help me understand this, or to at least help to nurture this newfound understanding of doton chakra and how it works?”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

It pleased her to see that he was willing to take on this small challenge. And, he did it with a smile on his face, too. Returning the wink and giving him a nod, Teru quietly laughed at his statement. It would have been some kind of sight if he had actually sunk into the ground while he was forming this connection. Although it was unheard of, it could not have been impossible. If a ninja was able to manipulate the earth at will, and shape it with their own hands... then it was possible for someone to take it an entire step further. Teru was one of the many capable of submerging into the earth for a time, which was done by tunneling. But, this image that Nayoko had painted into her head. It was humorous to think about. She could laugh all day with it on her mind. Though, she would definitely have to save him if such a thing ever did happen. 

Teru observed from where she stood, taking note that Nayoko begun his meditation with closed eyes. The quietness that flooded over them was becoming deafening in such a short time, but that was necessary. She believed that this silence would grant him the focus that he needed to proceed with his learning. To Teru, Nayoko seemed like one of the social types. He was a good talker and always had something decent to say. But, someone who was good at striking up conversation would likely have some trouble maintaining a meditative state. The form of zen was always one to complicate a particular group of people. However, she had faith in him. Nayoko would somehow manage and prove to her that he had what it takes to achieve the basics of this new element.

She continued to observe and supervise Nayoko's session of meditation. It looked like it was going well, for he had not stirred. A while longer and he would be close to his goal, she thought. 

Teru knelt down and quietly sat on the ground a couple of meters in front of Nayoko. She did not join in meditation, however. Rather, she took a moment to think back to the time she first expressed her talents with the very element she was teaching him. She was not sinking into the earth, but she had found herself in a world that did not feel like anything normal. It felt like she was in an ocean, but not one of water. Her chakra had connected to the heart of the earth, feeling its every pulse. But, the density of the chakra nature was a bit much. It did get better over time as she trained, however. Teru dropped her gaze to the ground for a moment, but it was only a second that transpired. 

It was not because of someone approaching, nor was it anyone from the hospital trying to retrieve the both of them. They were still alone in the clearing outside the hospital building. Rather, it was Nayoko's voice that she heard. His meditation was not necessarily broken, but he was speaking to her and still maintaining some focus. “Its just so….dense. I’m so used to manipulating elements that are far more fluid than this. It’s throwing me off a little bit, but I can feel it flowing around me, like one, solid, nearly inconceivable flow." Teru smirked a little. It did not take as long as she had initially thought. Feeling for that density was the first step that he managed to accomplish. And, as a result, he would be able to expand on that. His training could go farther, even without her help. He just needed to remember how he got there and have some dedication. 

Teru nodded as Nayoko opened his eyes. She approved of his progress so far. “Alright Teru, this has already been amazingly helpful. With practice, I should be able to manipulate it into jutsu for sure. But for now, do you have anything else I can do help me understand this, or to at least help to nurture this newfound understanding of doton chakra and how it works?” Again, it was pleasing to her that he was so willing to go through with this. And because he did, his understanding of a truly formidable force was beginning to bloom. "In the beginning, there won't be much that you can do. Through whatever means necessary, you should continue to increase your knowledge of Doton. More meditation or more physical efforts. Either way will work, really."

The Uchiha paused a moment and stood back up. "Okay, here's another challenge that you should be able to do without a problem," she stated, smiling at Nayoko. "It should help motivate you to continue to train with the element, too. So, what I want you to do is, with every new development you make with Doton, learn a new jutsu. I'd be happy to see how far you can go."

Word Count: 838



Nayoko smiled and nodded in response to his teacher’s instructions as well as her challenge to him. Standing up, he let out a slight chuckle. “Well, I’ll certainly do my best to learn jutsu that quickly, but I make no promises. I know that if I do, then I won’t be able to focus on anything else! I’ll wan to impress you too much.” He let out a laugh as he dusted himself off, glancing around at the park that they stood in. It was such a peaceful day, and a peaceful place on top of that. Were it not for the bandage that his Uchiha companion still wore around her head, Nayoko would have almost forgotten the treachery that had brought them to this point. Instead, he decided to wrap up their short training session with something a little more fun.

“Alright Teru, since you want me to learn so many jutsu, why don’t you show me one?” He smirked as he spread his arms out dramatically to make a show of his request. “Something simple of course, and something that I can reasonably work towards. But why don’t you go ahead and use one of your earth release jutsu on me?” He stepped back a couple of meters from her, looking around to make sure nobody was waiting the duo. “Just be careful that you don’t make too much of a mess of this field; we wouldn’t want the hospital folk to come down on us too harshly.” The young man then crossed his arms, leaving himself defenseless to whatever was to come. He trusted Teru, and figured that even if she did hurt him, they were at a hospital anyway. With a smirk, he extended one hand and motioned for her to come at him.

“Alright Teru Uchiha, show me what you got!”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Teru commended Nayoko for his positive attitude towards this lesson. To his response, she merely nodded in understanding. He had much to do on his own time, so it could not always be dedicated to this particular training and such. That was just fine, she thought. And, she could not be the judge of him for what he did and did not do. All she could do was let him run his course. That did not bother Teru at all. The day was too tranquil, and it was too light for her to become negative in any way.

It was cloudy as the morning faded into the afternoon. There was no doubt that it would be raining and storming within the next couple of days. But, it only added to the peaceful moment. With the sun not beating down on their shoulders, it would have been good for some more training while the hospital employees were not bothering them. However, it had gone on for long enough. It was likely that they had already spent well over an hour out there. Now, it was about time they had brought it to a close. 

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Teru said in response to Nayoko asking for her to teach him one of her jutsu. Staring at him for a moment, Teru laughed as the perfect jutsu came to mind. If it was something simple and reasonable to work with, there was one that easily fit the criteria. For a brief moment, she was a bit reluctant with using it on Nayoko, for he was becoming a truly good friend of hers. And, she never raised a hand against a friend. But, he urged her on to do it and show him how it worked, and it was under good terms. “Well, if you don’t mind, then I’ll do it. Not to worry, though. They won’t know that anything happened. Better prepare yourself, because here I come!”

As soon as Teru stopped speaking, she slammed her clenched fists into the ground and disappeared in a cloud of dust. It would appear that she had simply disappeared, but further observation would reveal that there was a hole in the ground in the spot where she had been standing. Teru was underground, three meters deep and tunneling towards Nayoko. Back on the surface, he would have been able to hear a sound resembling that of a tremor. Moving at a speed of 10 meters per second, closing the gap between them was not a big deal. 

Teru quickly made her way to a position that was directly beneath Nayoko’s feet. Her hands would breach the surface of the ground, emerging from the shelter of rock. She reached out for both of Nayoko’s ankles and would latch onto them with all her strength. A successful grab would then prompt her to pull downward and drag Nayoko into the ground with her. However, she would only leave him with his head sticking out of the ground. 

If he chose to move out of the way or remain willful to letting her use the jutsu on him, Teru emerged from the earth regardless a couple meters away from where Nayoko was. Her bandages were a little dirtied, as were her clothes and skin. But, a good washing later would easily clean her off. It would not be difficult for someone like him to escape from. The jutsu was low in rank and only effective on those who were much weaker than her. To be exact, it worked excellently on Genin and Chuunin. But, it was still fun for her to use on someone.

Folding her arms across her chest and looking to Nayoko, Teru smiled. “Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation,” she said shortly, taking a moment to pause. She examined the area, taking into note that there would be a couple holes. It was not that much damage to the area, but there would be a lot of questions revolving around how it happened. “I hope this was something you were hoping to learn. You’ll be able to bury anyone underground up to their necks. It works well, depending on who it is you are facing. Anyone who is as strong as, or stronger than,  you or me would be able to get out without a problem. Still, it would be able to get you somewhere in battle. Like it?"

Word Count: 742
Chakra: 240/250
Jutsu Used:



Nayoko followed Teru’s movements as she stepped back slightly, and could not help but laugh along as she agreed to show him one of her more basic doton jutsu. She seemed to be enjoying the whole exchange, and Nayoko had to admit that he was too. The pair were quickly becoming fast friends, and to have friends form around the world was something that Nayoko had always wanted to be able to do. As she paused to contemplate something, she continued to smile which caused Nayoko to be ever so slightly nervous. She obviously figured out exactly what jutsu to show him, but he had no idea what she had in mind, which was unsettling to the young Hattori; not in the way that danger is unsettling, but mischief.

He was about to ask her what she had in mind when she finally responding, her smile still splayed out on her face.  “Well, if you don’t mind, then I’ll do it. Not to worry, though. They won’t know that anything happened. Better prepare yourself, because here I come!” Once again, Nayoko’s attempt to react was met with Teru acting far to quickly, as she slammed a clenched fist into the ground and vanished into a cloud of swirling dust. Glancing around briefly, Nayoko had no idea where she was. “Huh, that was pretty-“ he cut himself off as he noticed the hole in the ground that was left where she had been standing. Just at that moment, he realized that there was a slight rumbling coming from beneath him. Raising his eyebrow, he glanced down at the earth below him, following the sound as it moved closer and closer until it was beneath him. “So now what happ-WHOA!”

The young Hattori could not help but let out a yelp as Teru’s hands broke through the surface of the earth and latched onto Nayoko’s ankles. He felt that he could probably break out if he tried, but instead decided to see where this jutsu was going, trusting that Teru wouldn’t kill him if she could help it. Her pull was strong, and before too long, Nayoko found himself buried up to his neck in the earth, with Teru emerging and standing above him and looking down, smiling as she folded her arms. “Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation,” she said shortly, taking a moment to pause. During that time, Nayoko began to pull himself up and out of the ground, leaving a hole behind and chuckling as he glanced down at it. “I hope this was something you were hoping to learn. You’ll be able to bury anyone underground up to their necks. It works well, depending on who it is you are facing. Anyone who is as strong as, or stronger than,  you or me would be able to get out without a problem. Still, it would be able to get you somewhere in battle. Like it?"

“Oh, that’s a perfect place to start,” he said with a smile to his doton teacher and friend. “Even if it doesn’t help me in a fight, it will be find for pulling pranks on friends.” He let out a chuckle as he glanced around at the holes that their training had left. “Hey Teru, we should probably get out of here before they figure out it was us who made this mess.” With that he would turn and head back toward the path that they had strayed from, leading his friend back to the hospital. “Not only that, but you should probably get back to bed. All of this activity probably isn’t the best for that head wound.” Over the next few minutes, Nayoko led Teru back through the garden, responding to her small talk if she presented him with any before they finally arrived at the door that led back inside.

“Well, I should probably head back to the hotel. My travelling companion is probably worried sick about where I’ve been since I disappeared last night.” He smiled softly, looking down to the Uchiha woman’s bandage. “I’m really glad you’re alright, and if you ever need a new partner for missions since your latest one kinda…ran off, well I’ll be around for a while. So just let me know.” Stepping inside, he turned to head toward the exit, looking over his shoulder as he walked off. “See you around Teru, and get better soon.” The twenty two year old then stepped out of the building, heading back to his hotel to explain to Shimada why he had vanished in the middle of the night, all the while wondering hwere it was that Burittsu had run off to.

[Exit Thread]

Doton from nothing to C-Rank (4500/4500)

D-Rank Jutsu: Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation (750/750)

Unused WC:636

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

In the end, she had taken Nayoko by surprise when she partially buried him underground. He was successfully pulled down and left with only his head sticking out of the ground. Thankfully, he had not been hurt at all by it. And even as he freed himself, he emerged from the ground with a chuckle. The both of them were dirtied, but neither one was in a negative state. It was all smiles and laughs. To pull pranks with the jutsu, however, seemed like an amusing activity. "That does seem like a lot of fun," Teru laughed softly, agreeing with Nayoko. It would just have to be used responsibly. For entertainment, perhaps.

"I think you may be right," Teru nodded, looking over the scene. He had suggested that they get out of there now before anyone determined who was responsible. The worst that could happen was them having to pay for the damages. It would not be the worst punishment, but... did they even have the ryo to take care of it? "I'm sure the hospital can handle it. They make a lot of money everyday, so it shouldn't be a problem."

She followed Nayoko through the clearing, heading back to the hospital. “Not only that, but you should probably get back to bed. All of this activity probably isn’t the best for that head wound.” Nayoko was right about that. Her bandaged wound was throbbing a little, but not in a painful way. In addition to that, her bandages would need to be changed out with fresh ones to prevent any infection. "When I'm done recovering, we ought to spend some time training with each other again. Probably when I visit Konoha."

"You might not want to keep them waiting for much longer," Teru said, referring to Nayoko's companion. It would make her feel guilty if his partner searched all over the village for no reason. And, if he was ever in the village when she did need a partner, she would be sure to let him know that she was looking for someone. Teru was still determined to figure something out with Burittsu. If she had to hunt him down throughout all of the neighboring villages just to bring him back to his senses, then she would. She would figure something out. "Well, Nayoko, thank you for all of your help. I'll have to repay you somehow. Goodbye for now," Teru nodded to Nayoko, and she watched him depart from the hospital and back to the hotel. She then turned on her heels and made way for her hospital room to deal with the medical staff. In the back of her mind, she plotted on getting out of there as soon as possible.

Word Count: 461
Total Word Count: 5813
Thread Status: Exiting

Training Summary:

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