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Yumo dashed out of town and made his way to the shorebside.. He wasnt impressed with Kirinitos tact. But perhaps he would proven to be wrong.. Either way Yumo considered anyone who spoke of taking his tail, and ending his life, as an enemy. Yumo made a solid recolve that he wouldnt let anyone ever disrespect him like that again.

As Yumo made his way to the shore side he decided that he would once again take the pleasure of meditating in his beautiful surroundings.. After making his way to a poignantly poised rock Yumo sat above his pedastol cross legged with his palms open and facing upwards. The beautiful shore side scenery was invigorating and his one bushy long silver foxtail began to stand erect as Yumo entered his comeplete meditative trance and began the first step of transmutating nature chakra for use; collectingnit at the tip of his tail.. As more nature chakra began to collect Yumo became enthralled in rhe nourishing beauty in and around the sandy terrain.

Yumo sat upon the largest rock among the sandscape.. There were at lwast a dozen other miniature boukders and the water would occasionally engulf the smaller ones. It was a beautiful day to meditate.




Kirinito wandered do the shore for a quick nap. “Damn that guy got me all riled up.” He began to calm down slightly the more he chewed on the plant. He didn’t realize how fast he was going and hoped no one got injured this time. Kirnito began to picture his life as he would be when he was older. The clothes he wore would remain the same color but would look different. He debated whether he would grow facial hair or change up his hair style. His internal conversations almost seemed like pure insanity. He could hardly focus because of his fatigue. He sat down a bit out of sight of anyone to rest his body from all the running. He didn’t realize he was sweaty. He removed his jacket and tied it around his waist. He then tore off the sleeves of his shirt to make things more comfortable. He had his scars to the world that he used to hide. He spat out the plant and just sat there watching everything waiting for someone to slip up. His sat in silence focusing his mind mental training himself in all his past fights. He began to get lost in thought. He felt like he was losing his mind from all the criminals he fought. Put his hands in his item pouch counting all of his senbon making sure he did not lose any in his travels.

He saw what he thought was the fur ball that spoke to just a short time ago. “That sneaky son of a.” He stopped himself because he was too tired to get angry again. He didn’t have the strength to even finish that chosen swear as his stomach was still empty. He was having a hard time dealing with the stomach grumbling and the hatred had for the fur ball they called Yuno. Normally he wasn’t that vulguar or evil. But lately all he wanted to do was fight and get some new weaponry.

WC: 332



Amidst Yumos mental landscape he saw nothing but the bright cerulean nature energy amidst him. As it swirled around him, funneling like a twister at his tail, Yumo was in utter bliss. He was truly miost alive when he was connecting so deepky with nature.. As the current between his tenketsu in his tail and the natuee energy flowed freely Yumo began to process the raw awesomeness of the nature energy with his own unique Kotsine chakra.

By summoning his chakra to his stomach Yumo prepared his chakrs pool for the influx of such high quality energy. With deep snd long breaths iin through his nose and out through his mouth Yumo began to hum.. As he did so FoxFire lit upon his tail as it always did when he tuned in so heavily on his meditation. With each compkete breath the flame grew brighter until Yumos novice skills and untrained body could no longer maintain the strain of energy transmutation any longer. As he ended his meditation the flame receded and Yumo opened his eyes.

Sparkling with purple FoxFlame Yumos unique eyes caught a most unwelcone figure in his line of sight.. That ugly fish.. 'A much better place to be undisturbed... " Yumo thought to himself as he stood up upon the rock, surrounded by water.fortunarely they were many meters apart, at least fifteen, and it would take some time for either to advance. To with only one path free of water Yumo would be at a certain disadvantage.. From within his robes belt Yumo pulled out one shuriken and charge it with chkra in preparation for a substitution jutsu.

Wieldinng one chakra infused shuriken in his left hand Yumo used his agile fox tail to hold onto it for later use.. 'i understand why he wants it but.. ' Yumo thought to himself. With only his right hands free Yumo looked atbhis now oppoenet with a furrowed brow. Giving him a thumbs down with the purple painted nails on his right hand Yumo prepared himself for battle.

WordCount= 339

Chakra= 110:



Kirinito had a bad feeling like the time he had bad spicy vegetables. “Oh why now and I aint even eaten anything.” He ran out of sight to examine his own stomach as he popped out a senbon just in case he was to be ambushed. He began to fill the senbon with his chakra. “If anything goes near me I will have no choice but to use this.” “Last time I did I caused the person to lose control of their body.” “Thankfully Im more experienced and my aim with pressure points its more acute.” His constant thinking began to take his mind on his stomach. “Damn I forgot I had abs underneath this jacket and shirt. “ He felt his own abs. “Hard work sword training before tragedy pays off.”

He kept out of sight with a senbon ready to be used. “With this jacket off my torso I can more free.” He glanced at the water. “Looks like its show time soon.” He kept on his guard. “Rule number two always remain on guard. “ “I may not have my toys on me but I will sure as hell never make a mistake.” He tried to remember how to aim with a senbon since it’s been a while since he used this tactic. “These appear to be faster than a sword.” He tried to control his menacing thoughts. “I must not lose control this time.” He kept out of side the best he could. “I probably should have done a transformation jutsu.” His eyes were darting around and he spun around in a 360. “This is bad no cover.” He put his in the ready position to fire off more senbon if needed to get a quick and easy beating. He could feel his anticipation growing. “Well this is cliché and a rotten situation for me.”



It seemed the two were ate a stand off. Yumo refused tp budge, unwilling to venture away from solid ground. As Yumo watched the fishman draw a senbon his tail stood erect. He couldnt hide his excitement at thw prospect of duping this fish guy

Patiently waiting for the first move by the primal fish Yumo pkotted his next move. He understood for any chance at victory he would have to draw his enemy from the water.. With his long tail poising the prepared shuriken above his head Yumo grinned at his enemy in an obnoxious manner.

WordCount: 99



Kirinito stood waiting for the Yumo to make a mistake. His mind remained calm. “Make a mistake.” “I will capitalize on your mistake like a predator.” He kept his senbon charged up with his chakra and in the ready position. “All I need is one exposed flesh and they’re going to wind up in pain.” He smirked at the thought of catching Yumo off guard. He was sure his combat expertise and intelligence would give him the upper hand as always. His scars were out. “Let him think that this is my first time on the field.” He was alone his whole family was dead. He had no one to rely on but the darkness. “I am alone and I prefer it that way.” He noticed his words might seem off to some on this day. But he really did not care. As toying with his their minds was part of his enjoyment lately.
He stretched his body out. “Better to this than cramp up and lose this.” He hated how the weather has been recently. Wishing it was cold so he could chill out and sleep comfortable. The wind in the city was not even cold enough to please him. He hardly could recall his intentions. He shook his head and raised his free hand up some while debating whether to move back a bit. His thoughts began to shift to a cold almost serial killer like state. “His fur had better be able to sell for a hefty price.” “Or I will butcher everything he stood for.” He then shook his head to fight the evil thoughts. “I must walk the line of good and villainy.” He tapped his food as he legs were starting to bug him from standing still so long. He cracked his wrists while being careful not to stab himself. “Damn it I am so tense today.”
His actions might have seen unjust to anyone else. He looked back on his recent wins when he was alone at night. He decided to silence himself this time for now until someone said something idiotic. He was completely lost in his thoughts. But yet his remained vigilant. He moved slightly farther away to make sure all actions would be in his favor. He slipped out, “Come on waste your chakra.” “I will drag you into the water and start beating you.” His sharp teeth were showing as was practically smiling at the thought of making Yumo bleed. “I must not lose control.” He looked at his hand starting to shake as the horribly violent thoughts crept in. He was still sweating from his nonstop running out of the city. His lowered his body quickly. He glared at the water. “Soon it will be show time and it will be another win in my column.” He wiped the sweat off his brow with the bottom of his shirt. “Today will not the day I will not run.”




"This stalemate is rather tiresome," Yumo sneered to himself as he decided to make the first move. 'This will surely make the fish swim... '

Yumo began mustering together his chakra. With his eyes transfoxed on his enemy Yumo revealed his hands and began to form handseals.. First dragon, then rat. Yumos movements were seamlessly fluid but his muscle memory needed work. Following rat were horse and then tiger. His hutsu began to take form as he finished the handseals.

From a four meter distance the rocks in between the two ninja began to shed layers.. Soon there were ten tile like layers floating above each of the rocks in a symettric pattern; the trajectories of the tile shyuken were fairly evely
spaced. It would take an agile Shinobi to dodge them all perfectly at such a range..'. Yumo thought to himself. The two shinobi themselves were at a range of about 15 meters but the ten shuriken were between 11 meters from Kirinito.
"Ninja Art: Tile Shuriken!" Yumo screamed as he released the shuriken at Kirinito; as the tileshuriken flew Yumo leapt in the air, prepared for a counter strike with both hands, and charged shuriken equipped.

WordCount: 197




Kirinito did his best to dodge it as he kept his eyes on the jutsu. “Good grief.” He smirked “Fur ball got some pallor tricks.” He tossed his chakra senbon at Yumo. “If only I had a giant newspaper for this mutt.’ He was officially intrigued. He felt like he never had to bother or try at anything in his life. He always succeeded ahead of everyone. He grabbed three more senbon from his item pouch. He then charged them with chakra. “Once I’m up close and personal its game over.” He sidestepped and began to run at him in full speed moving in zigzag patterns. “This justu is pathetic.” He grinned. “Run fur ball.” “You made me mad.” He held the hand with senbon close for the ready of his three part plan. He was mad he had it Yumo. “Primal bloodlust do your thing take over.” “Great now I have to jump up and get him.” “Now he’s sitting weird again and it’s pissing me off.”
He smirked as he felt the blood lust boil inside of him. He dodged the tiles to the best of his abilities. He thought of how to get up there and get to Yumo. “Get down here now.” He made several attempts to jump up to him. “Stupid fur ball get down here so I can break you.” He howled like a demon enraged. He temper was getting shorter just like his patience was now. He tried to jump from rock to rock to grab Yumo and attempt to throw him down.

WC: 260



Upon his ascent Yumo watched in splendor as the ugly fish dashed forward at him. 'Perhaps I should be a fidherman.. ' Yumo thought to himself as his tiler shuriken jutsu the completed. In accordance with his plan Kirinito had begun hi leap up into into the sky to counter attack Yumo.

As Kirinito left the ground to grapple him mid air Yumo reached the apex of his ascent and found an oppurtune moment to adequately gather chakra. As he flew into the air above the winds soothingly wrapped around him in an embrace; as if nature itself were guiding his chakra for him Yumo pointed his body in a nosedive, facing the leaping fishman with both hands held in the bird handseal. Just as Kirinito had leapt into the air Yumo unleashes his technique.

With his mouth agape Yumo faced Kirinito and unleashed a stresm of wind from his maw. With the wind galeing at Kirinito Yumo was catapulted further forward into the air.. His once meager height of three meters into the air extended to nine. Meanwhile Kirinto, the ugly fish, was pelted by powerful winds and staggered back by the force..

As Yumo backflipped further into the air, his precharged shuriken secured on his foxtail, Yumo began aking the oppurtunity to form another set of hand seal. As he flew throuw the air and began to summon chakra in his throat Kirinito looked just like a fish out of water.. Yumo wondered if Hoshigaki tasted like his favorite dish; smoked salmon.

Yumo had completed his jutsu and held his hand at his mouth. Firing ten small fireballs at the staggering Hoshigaki the Phoenix Flame jutsu was unleashed.

WordCount: 279
Chakra= 85:



Kinrito saw the jutsus coming. “Interesting.” He then tried to flip out of the way taking minor damage to his legs and arms. He then went to toss all the senbon in his hand at full force and speed. “Bleed you son of a.” This damage made him even more infuriated. He went to land below him as perfectly as he could since the Injuries. “This is nothing I have walked on hot coals for hours on my hands.” He brushed off the dirt. “The nerve thinking this damage would make me suffer.” He looked at his shark tooth necklace. He sighed as he wished he still had some swords on him so it was play time. “You’re looking pretty tired their fur ball!” He roared proudly. “I will not back down to the likes of you!” He glared up at him. “Senbon make such a pretty painting.”

He wanted to hurt him officially. He was done playing around with his prey. He regained his composer the best he could during this situation. He was sure those senbon would hurt Yumo. “Im running low on projectile toys I have to be more cautious.” He adjusted is jacket on his waist. He began to think of a perfect counter to finish wearing down Yumo. “This should work.” He went back to brushing off the dust and dirt. Kirinto pointed up to Yumo. He then drove his thumb alongside his throat slowly. He then went into a defensive pose. As he went to make his next move of jumping up and biting a chunk out of Yumos flesh. He wiped the sweat off his brow. “Damn that other jutsu is great for your skin.” He was ready to make the jump his legs weren’t hurting him much. He was sweating worse than before and his body stung a little bit. He used shirt to wipe off the sweat. “It is time for a swim.” Kirnitio gives up and blacks out from the pain.

WC :331



Ad the final fireball hit his enemy Yumo landed into the water.. He couldnt quite see what was going on but he did catch a glimpse of the fish shinobi falling unconcious.

Leaving his enemy blacked out in pain Yumo swam to shore and made his way home for supper.. He wondered what his mother had cooked for him. It had been a very long day for Yumo.. This fish guy was quite the bither..
As Yuno made his was home he couldnt help but wonder if there were more ninjas out there like the fish man. Primal and so very clearly determined.

It seemed his technique was adequate but Yumo knew his skill in ninjutsu must improve. With a plessed smile Yumo made it home and began to retell the story of his first combat experience to his fsther.. It was truly surreal.. After eating a smokdd salmon over rice Yumo rested one of the greatest rests he would ever have.

Wordcount: 162 words

End of thread:

YumosWordCount: 1183

TotalWords for thread: 2210



Kirnito lay their probably dying from internal wounds. No telling when the hell he would wake back up. He could be in a coma who knows. He had given the up the fight and lost for the first time in his life. No telling what this could do for him when he wakes up. He could go utterly insane. Or he could turn evil and get blades and try and murder Yumo. There was no telling what this shameful lose could have brought on to his psyche at such a young age. He will clearly need to go away and reflect on this if he doesn’t try to commit seppuku from the shame. His father would have disowned him for losing to a non shark person. At this point regaining consciousness would be a mistake. He might as well waste away to bones. He was hungry so maybe his loss was due to lack of food. Or maybe he lost due to his own blood lust and rage. There was truly no telling what caused it deep inside Kirinito’s brain. This could as well been a death sentence to him. When and if he wakes up this could damage him and cause him to hate his own village. He might start aiding criminals becoming a rouge ninja slowly. At this point his destiny was coin flip for what it will become. His body bled as he lay unconscious. He would awaken to find more scars on him then before. He might not even pick up another weapon ever again or bother fighting. He might become unstably depressed. He might become a withdrawn serial killer. Who knows but not even Kirnito knows. His will would be broken and his confidence would be shot to hell. He might start taking his senbon to his own wrists to cause pain toward himself. He might give up and quit being a shinobi. There are doubts of him being able to even move on his own if he could wake up. His future was left up to fate for the first time in his life. His mind began to play scenes of what happened to make matters worse for him his own subconscious was making his mind unravel more. His blood was slowly coming out of him not as alarming as it could be but still. Nothing was for certain for him anymore. He would feel weak and useless for the rest of his life. All hope could be gone and his dreams would be reduced to lies.

WC: 423
Total WC: 2014
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