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1Kyudoka Clan Empty Kyudoka Clan Tue May 30, 2017 10:28 pm




Kyudoka Clan 1861Uj8

Kyudoka Clan FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Kyudoka
Location: Scattered
Specialization: Bukijutsu (Kyujutsu)
Elements: No Set Elements

Kyudoka Clan HhU72Pp
Clan History: The Kyudoka clan history spans back not too far ago, only about 250 years ago did this Doujutsu start readily appearing. The clan started popping up, in every village known to the world. There would be a handful in every village, yet they never had a settlement or any place of permanent residence to their selves. Since their teaching weren't passed down in any specific way, the Kyudoka could be raised by people who weren't even Kyudoka themselves, and since the clan became so known throughout the lands that eventually they were taught how to use the Takamegan they possessed from someone who owned it before them. The teachers would often find the students, knowing if they were able to unlock the Takamegan, and then training to to actually acquire it and study how it works. The pains in their mind have always been there, even when the first Kyudoka was here. He was known only to the Kyudoka at the time, and the sole possessor of the Takamegan, as he lived so did his story. It lived to become a tall tale through history, as the Kyudoka had spanned across the continent and had seen the world. Only a few have unlocked the Takamegan in the last 100 years, and even now, only a handful of shinobi have even been born to the Kyudoka in the last 25.

During their prime the Kyudoka clan thrived, but one in particular had a Doujutsu far beyond what any previous Kyudoka had. His name was Mishito Kyudoka, and he was born with the gift of the Takamegan, just like every other person who had been born into the clan. Even though the clan was scattered, tale far and wide was heard of Mishito and his legendary Takamegan. He had received the highest known release of the Doujutsu anyone had heard of, and he was merely a child. His skills with a bow were remarkable, he was the first one to unlock the true secrets of the Takamegan. His ability grew, and all it does was grow. It kept growing, his eye power was far beyond any other Takamegan user at this point. He turned fifteen and he began feeling lightheaded at points, his eyes were hurting most of the time, he started to talk to people who weren't there, the slow and reasonably noticeable signs of schizophrenia set in. He started having fits, and they took away his title of a shinobi. He then became worse. He would never speak to anyone, and he would only speak to his imaginary other half. Until he began to get quiet. It seemed that all of his ticks and his troubles had passed. Until he left, and no word from him ever since. This is what the Kyudoka call, the Year of Shi. Slowly, one by one Takamegan users started falling. Falling from an unknown source, it seemed as if they had been naturally killed, as if they died too soon. It was too clean. The few that knew Mishito knew he had to have a part in it. With his Genjutsu usage he learned how to manipulate people's minds, make them see things that weren't there, and make them do things they normally wouldn't. All across, they started to be slaughtered. One by one they fell, and they got sloppier as it went. More brutal, vicious deaths. Hung by their rib cage, tied to trees by their own skin, all of it gruesome. Mishito then made an actual appearance, before the council of the Kyudoka he came. Told them all of the process, the plan. The plan that his "god" had given him. He said that he was the cure, the cure for the disease of this eye, that it was a vile and evil consequence. The council saw that his eyes were not of the fourth release, that they different in a way. They looked strained, like they hadn't been closed in a long time. They even looked as if the gold had completely enveloped the eye. As he spoke, dread filled the air. He told the council he had unlocked the true sight. He called it the Predator Release, and that he was the one to end the impure Takamegan from this land. After he had his speech, the clan council fought with him. Taking him down in the end, but only at the cost of their own lives.

Slowly, the Takamegan made a reappearance. Ten years ago the first user was thought to have been a child, recently no one knew of this eye in the small village that he or she lived in, but the child had the eye. And, ever since more Kyudoka have been born. Yet, none had unlocked the Doujutsu ever to the extent that Mishito had. And, everyone hoped that no one ever did again, they still did not know what had happened to make Mishito go against the ways of the clan, and we may never know. No one has reached the "Predator" release he spoke of, except himself of course.

With the clan being recently renewed, there are a few that the Takamegan came easily to. Some, not so easy. With this clan still being scattered across the world, and the villages, they go wherever destiny takes them. Holding on to the secrets of their eye, and the secrets of their bow style, they thrive once more in the land of ninja.

Members: Kyudoka, Mishito Deceased
Kyudoka, Haslen Deceased
Kyudoka, Aza Deceased
Kyudoka, Daikyu

Kyudoka Clan Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Takamegan
Kekkei Genkai Description: Takamegan is a Doujutsu which predominantly effects ones abilities of perception. One with this Doujutsu will find that they have far greater accuracy, visual acquisition and visual range than normal. At every stage of this Kekkei Genkai, the wielder of the Doujutsu can enhance, or in better terms, 'zoom' their vision to a greater distance. At higher stages of the Doujutsu, it will affect their visual scope, as well as gain added abilities that they can utilize to their advantage, further aiding them. Aesthetically, when this Doujutsu is released, the yellow surrounding their irises grows, taking up more of the iris. Further outward along the eye, the sclera becomes darker. The Doujutsu also grows with rank and the iris and pupil take up a great deal of the eye and eventually fully consumes the entire eye in a golden yellow design, with the pupil of the eye growing twice the size of it's normal counterpart, remaining pure black. Those members of the clan born with the capacity to use this jutsu later in life are also born with a unique ability, their visual prowess is far greater than normal, and their powers of perception are thusly boosted as well. However, utilizing the eye of Takamegan also comes with drawbacks. Their field of perception is greatly reduced to visual, mostly. Other types of perception come slower to them other than visual cues. They are also a clan that specializes in long range fighting, because of this their capacity to learn and fight against Taijutsu is simply almost nonexistent.

There are four stages (excluding standard) of the eye that can be unlocked. With each level needing the appropriate ranking to train the eye. The thread that you trained your Takamegan in must be posted in your jutsu registration and be approved as though you were applying for a technique. All benefits of each release are kept throughout, not erased or left behind as you rank up.


The standard Takamegan offers no additional bonuses and or buffs, this is the eye that is shown when the Takamegan is not in use. The eye is the grey eye without any gold ring attached.


Kyudoka Clan CCbXmaP

This is the first release of the Takamegan, a golden yellow ring grows around the pupil, and it allows the user to enhance/zoom their vision, and giving them a better reaction time as well. This is available to learn at D-rank/Genin. The user must complete a thread that you train your standard Takamegan in, along with a 2000 word count, and you must pay 500 ryo to unlock, with the cost going up for later stages. It costs -5 chakra per turn while active.

Active Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • The user gains the ability to enhance/zoom their sight in up to 2x their normal vision. (Gaining +1 Perception to visual cues while active/does not stack)

Passive Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • Kinesthetic Awareness: Members of this family have an enhanced sense of their own body. Because of this word count for training and/or learning anything Bukijutsu based is reduced by 20%. This passive skill is a permanent buff, and is gained as soon as the first stage is unlocked.
  • The user receives a +1 Reaction Speed when reacting to visual cues. (These do not stack.)


Kyudoka Clan JPoyzth

The second release of the Takamegan, the golden yellow ring around the pupil growing larger and more vibrant. The user gains access to their unique "Hunting Sight" ability, and the zoom on the eyes is taken one step further. The user must be of C-rank/Chuunin to unlock. With this requiring a training thread of 3000 word count and paying 1000 ryo. It costs -10 chakra per turn while active.

Active Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • The user gains the ability to enhance/zoom their sight in up to 5x their normal vision. (Gaining +1 Perception to visual cues while active/does not stack)

  • The user gains the ability Hunting Sight.

    • Hunting Sight: While activated, the user's visual spectrum is highlighted with visual marks, ally auras are painted blue, enemy and combatant auras are painted red, and mission specific targets aura is painted gold. This ability utilizes the knowledge of the shinobi using the techniques. Thus if a member of their team is a double agent, he will still be painted blue because the shinobi is under the impression that they are an ally. This ability uses visually ready body language cues, markings and other forms of identifiable tells, which the Kyudoka clan member's Doujutsu picks up on, in order to decipher the alliance of others. Those who appear to be aligned with an enemy, or are violent towards the user are painted red. Those who appear to be aligned with an ally, or are passive/helpful towards the user are painted blue. People and items which are mission objectives are painted gold. Hunting Sight and Life Sight are unable to be used in unison. Chakra Cost is an extra -5 per turn every turn this ability is active.

Passive Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • Any previous benefits except for Reaction Speed bonus.
  • The user receives a +1 Reaction Speed when reacting to visual cues. (These do not stack.)


Kyudoka Clan LPM5nMl

The third release of the Takamegan, where the golden ring around the pupil grows substantially, and they gain two lines, one horizontally and one vertically, in their eyes. The user gains access to the "Life Sight" ability, as well as surpassing the previous zoom from the past release. The user must be B-rank/Special Jounin to unlock. A training thread of 3500 word count and paying 1000 ryo. It costs -15 chakra per turn this ability is active.

Active Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • The user gains the ability to enhance/zoom their sight in up to 10x their normal vision. (Gaining +2 Perception to visual cues while active/does not stack)
  • The user gains the ability Life Sight.

    • Life Sight: When activated this ability allows the Shinobi to see all chakra sources within their field of vision, and for as far as they can see. The chakra sources are seen as masses of fiery white. This is different than the Hunting Sight, as this sight shows all living creatures with some sort of chakra source, not just people. The chakra masses take the shape of their source. So a human's chakra mass would take the general shape of a human. A deer's chakra mass would take the general shape of a deer, so on and so forth. Just because they can see all the chakra sources, doesn't mean that they can differentiate between friend and foe using this ability. On the contrary, they cannot. Please note that this sees the chakra pool. So beings that can reduce their chakra pool in order to avoid being sensed will also mask themselves from Life Sight. Hunting Sight and Life Sight are unable to be used in unison. Chakra Cost is an extra -5 per turn every turn this ability is active.

Passive Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • Any previous benefits except for Reaction Speed bonus.
  • The user receives a +1 Reaction Speed when reacting to visual cues. (These do not stack.)


Kyudoka Clan 1ehzF66

This is the fourth release of the Takamegan, resembling a golden wheel at this point. With lines coming from each direction, and the golden sclera becoming more and more prominent, almost completely washing out the rest of the eye. The user gains access to the "Purity Sight" ability, as well as surpassing the previous zoom from the past release. The user must be A-rank/Jounin to unlock. A training thread of 4500 word count and paying 1000 ryo. It costs -20 chakra per turn this ability is active.

Active Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • The user gains the ability to enhance/zoom their sight in up to 20x their normal vision. (Gaining +2 Perception to visual cues while active/does not stack)
  • The user gains the ability Purity Sight.

    • Purity Sight: This is the combined ability of Life Sight and Hunting Sight, replacing the two and combining them into one. Chakra Masses of Life Sight are painted alongside the coloring of Hunting Sight. As an additional effect, this changes the color of people who are prepared to and are about to act aggressively toward a blue target, as well as heart rate and other applicable tells, reading subtle signatures and subconscious chemistry, changing them to red as long as they have a violent or negative intent towards the user or any other being in the vicinity. This ability can be hidden against, and would need to be hidden by a technique of at least A ranking to avoid. When avoided, the target will remain blue in nature. Purity Sight also no longer costs additional chakra to activate.

Passive Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • Any previous benefits except for Reaction Speed bonus.
  • The user receives a +2 Reaction Speed when reacting to visual cues. (These do not stack.)


Kyudoka Clan P5fJGkX

The final release of the Takamegan eye, also known as the Predator Release. fully enveloping the eye in a golden glow, the pupil growing significantly in size along with a ring surrounding the outside, with lines protruding from each angle of the circle. This is the final and ultimate eye of the Kyudoka clan, and their hasn't been a wielder of this release for decades. Surpassing each of the previous releases in power and ability, this is the ultimate power of the Kyudoka. A thread of 6000 words and paying 1500 ryo will unlock this, only after you have gained the fourth release and have reached S-rank. The Predator Sight will unlock alongside this, this release costs -20 chakra per turn it is active.

Active Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • The user gains the ability to enhance/zoom their sight in up to 40x their normal vision. (Gaining +2 Perception to visual cues while active/does not stack)
  • The user gains the ability Predator Sight.

    • Predator's Sight: When activated this visual ability projects the user's intention onto their visual field. If the user of this ability wanted to hit a water drop falling from the wing of an eagle with a senbon needle, while a gust of wind blew past, a golden visual line would be projected onto their field of vision showing where to throw the senbon, and the real time trajectory that needle would take once thrown. This ability uses common knowledge and readily perceivable information in order to operate. It also works in reverse, to track attacks by using the trajectory of the attack along with readily available information to tell the user where the attack will land before it does. This characteristic is most effective outside of a 4 meter area, and makes most basic projectiles almost entirely useless against the Kyudoka who wield this ability. This ability reads the users outward intent, using readily perceivable information to project the outward intent. The user can only analyse 1 second forward at any point. Reaction Time for visual cues is also increased by +1 tier while active. The Chakra cost is an extra -5 per turn it is active. This cannot be used in unison with any sight, for the power needed to concentrate on this sight exceeds the limits of the others.

Passive Benefits: (These occur only when the Doujutsu is active.)

  • Any previous benefits except for Reaction Speed bonus.
  • The user receives a +2 Reaction Speed when reacting to visual cues. (These do not stack.)

Note that any Takamegan user will have LITTLE to NO peripheral vision while zoomed in, reducing any perception outside of your initial cone of vision rarely perceived.
Anyone who implants the Takamegan eye will not have ANY of the ability sights and will only have access to zooming.


  • Unable to take/learn Taijutsu.
  • They receive +1 against Taijutsu attacks.
  • They must take Bukijutsu (Kyujutsu) as their primary specialization.
  • They are unable to learn any sub-spec of Bukijutsu except for Onojutsu or Kyujutsu. (As they already start with Kyujutsu.)
  • They are unable to learn a fourth specialization or a fourth element, also unable to take either Hesitant SC.
  • They react -1 tier slower for any non-visual cues.
  • They must take the Focused SC and the One Track Mind SC.

2Kyudoka Clan Empty Re: Kyudoka Clan Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:57 pm

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

Looks good. I will pass to Admins for final approval since its a Dojutsu clan.

3Kyudoka Clan Empty Re: Kyudoka Clan Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:38 pm



Heya! This modding of mine was preapproved by Jet, an admin, so I gotcha covered~

This clan is mostly good, which is great considering that it is a Dojutsu as such needs to be very well written! :)

The only thing I would ask is instead of only describing multiplicative increments of their eye’s “zoom”, you also describe how far away the person can see and focus on things in meters. Still, this might be a bit confusing, as visibility in humans has a variable range. Average visibility, according to the internet, is between 3km up to 30km.

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