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1Clean The Library!(Completed) Empty Clean The Library!(Completed) Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:24 am



Hiromasa sat at home for nearly an hour, his fingers tracing the Kumogakure emblem on his head protector, still not believing it. Eventually he became restless and paced back and forth for a while, thinking things over before finally leaving the house. Wandering aimlessly, he eventually passed by the Mission Board, a landmark that until that day had been largely meaningless to him. "Hm. Well, maybe a simple, manual labor job will keep my mind off having to break the news to grandpa," he thought to himself as he walked over to the board and began browsing the D ranked mission section. "Carrying crates, killing rats, package delivery...library cl-gah!" Hiromasa grunted, his head protector coming loose and sliding in front of his eyes. Removing the device, he tied it around his arm and continued where he had left off. Deciding that cleaning a library was a good way to get his mind off of things for a while and a good excuse to delay having to talk to his grandfather, the new genin made his way to the library.

Arriving at his destination, Hiro stepped inside and immediately grinned. "Ms. Aoi, good to see you today!" "Oh little Hiro! I haven't seen you here for a while! How goes your training, any luck?" asked the librarian, returning the boy's smile. Walking closer to Aoi, Hiromasa spun around, dramatically pointing at the emblem on his arm. With mock seriousness, he continued. "Ma'am, I am here on official ninja business. I understand you had an ad on the Mission Board?" The old woman blinked and stared at him for a moment before realization set in and her face also feigned severity. "Oh yes sir, I am in dire need of a shinobi of your caliber for an important undertaking. I trust you memorized the task from the Mission Board and I needn't repeat the details where prying eyes might hear?" her eyes unable to hide her amusement.

Hiromasa nodded, and Aoi walked a few feet away to a closet. Turning around, she solemnly laid a broom on her desk in front of Hiro, followed by a feather duster and lastly, a cloth. With a final nod, the woman turned and walked away, leaving the young ninja to his work. Removing the tools he'd been lent, Hiromasa placed them on a nearby table so they weren't cluttering Aoi's desk and surveyed the library. There were books everywhere, left stacked on desks or simply dropped carelessly on the floor, dirt and mud tracked in by oblivious patrons and all sorts of trash tossed in corners, some literally a few feet away from trash cans.
Chuckling at just how lazy people could be, the youth nonetheless realized that said laziness was why he was getting paid to do this and set to work. After a moment's thought, he decided to start with the most obnoxious part, namely putting the books back on the shelves in their correct places. Gathering them up by the armload, Hiro derived some small entertainment reading the titles of the books: Ninjutsu for Morons, Decorating with Shuriken, Beautiful Earth: A tourist's guide to Iwagakure, and so on, each stack a pile of clues as to the kind of person who had been reading them.

Long after the books had been replaced and the more general cleaning had begun Hiromasa's imagination danced as he formed images of the books' readers, feeling as if he was almost getting to know people he likely would never actually come in contact with, an interesting experience that made the nearly two hours of cleaning fly by, picking up trash, dusting, sweeping, wiping down dirty tables. Before he knew it, there was nothing left to do and his daydreams faded. Looking around at his work, he felt a small sense of pride. Not glorious work perhaps, but it needed to be done. Grabbing his cleaning supplies, he carried them back to Aoi, who was quietly reading a book, though he couldn't see the title. Placing the broom and friends reverently before the librarian, who set her book down and put them back in the closet she'd taken them from. "Thank you dear. You wouldn't believe how messy this place gets. You'd hope people would have more respect for a facility that stores so much knowledge. I wind up having to post these notices fairly often, so feel free to check for me on the board from time to time if you like," said the woman, sitting back down at her desk and picking up her book.

Hiromasa paused. He hadn't been payed for his work, but at the same time it would be rather awkward to ask to sweet old lady to pay up. Just as he was about to turn and leave, Aoi looked up from her book and laughed quietly. "You were just going to let me get away with not paying you, eh? Oh, don't look so embarrassed, it's not like you're taking anything from me, dearie. The library sets aside money to pay for these regular cleanings. Don't be a stranger now little Hiro. And congratulations on finally graduating!"

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