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1Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Empty Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:36 am



Hiromasa twirled one of his newly purchased kunai on a finger. With a flick of his wrist he tossed it into the air, his eyes following it until it came down. Attempting to catch the loop on a finger as it fell, he was rewarded instead with gash on his finger and mud on his brand new kunai. Looking around sheepishly, he saw an elderly couple laughing quietly at him behind open hands. Returning their laughter, Hiro's face suddenly took on a rare expression of seriousness as he saw smoke rising above the village. Yesterday he would've simply reported the fire and moved on with his life, but it was not yesterday. Today, he was a shinobi of Kumogakure. Picking his dirty kunai off the ground he dashed off towards the source of the smoke, weapon in hand. Running across nearly half the village, he realized the fire was much bigger than it seemed, entering a compound with a half-burned sign reading "arlo,". Despite the billowing smoke, almost everything looked like it had burned through already and he could make out a multitude of charred corpses scattered everywhere.

Kumo security was already combing the area, checking for survivors in all of the houses, but Hiro didn't see anyone without the symbol of Kumogakure decorating their clothing somewhere. "Perhaps all the survivors have already been taken to the hospital. Yeah, surely that's it," he thought to himself, his stomach turning at the smell of burnt flesh. Looking away from the compound, he could just make out a figure in the distance, far from anyone else. Drawing his second kunai and feeling suspicious, Hiromasa darted back into the compound, running along its walls until he was roughly on the opposite side from the shadowy figure. Jumping onto the wall as quietly as he could, he took in his target, almost immediately returning his weapons to the pouches they belonged in. This guy was in no position to harm anyone, covered in wounds as he was. A survivor? No one else seemed to have noticed him.

Hopping down from the wall, Hiro extended a hand to help the wounded man to his feet. "My name's Hiromasa and I'm gonna help you get to the hospital. Whoever did this seems to be gone now and I'm here;you're safe, and I'm sure the security forces will need as much info from you and the other survivors as possible to get whoever did this brought to justice." Hiro cursed inwardly. If anyone was safe now it wasn't due in any part to him and he knew it. Still, hopefully the words comforted the stranger.

2Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Empty Re: Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:04 am



Zabuuza lay in the dirt, fire blazing behind him. His arms were broken, he had whiplash and he was covered in cuts and bruises. That bastard Akako, tried to call himself a Samurai. He barely deserved the title of Human being. His face was in the ground and he was hurting all over. The thought of how he could have stopped the traitor in the shops, if only he had knew. Then he was too late, his entire clan was dead, his parents, his 8 year old brother. And he couldnt even do anything to stop the guy. He failed to stop him from leaving Kumogakure and he failed to protect himself. Zabuuza closed his eyes and drifted off into a sleep, hoping that he would just die or something while unconscious. Of course he couldnt fall asleep. Not in the pain that he was. Not with the thoughts that he held. Zabuuza couldnt do anything. Instead he focused on getting up.

"One, Two, Three...Igh"
Another failed attempt at getting up. In the state that he was, it was pretty hard to get up without using any hands. Now getting up without using hands, AND while in severe pain. That was a completely different story. He had been at it for the past hour, and he was pretty sure that he was close to dying. His cuts were deep and he could possibly bleed out, and while overexerting himself, that wasnt helping the case. Of course Zabuuza was a Cazorlo. Cazorlo's dont give up, he would keep on trying and trying, even until he passed out. One more time, One two three. Nope. Another failure. So at first he couldnt just lay down and die, now he couldnt get back out and save himself. Zabuuza felt like shit, he felt like a useless hunk of meat.

Footsteps. Zabuuza was sure that he heard footsteps. Quick footsteps. He was back. Daisuke was back. He had mentioned coming back for him, Zabuuza didnt take him seriously. Great. now that asshole was back to finish Zabuuza off, more than likely painfully and slowly. Zabuuza saw a blurry figure materialize above him and shut his eyes, ready for the worst. He was surprised when the stranger spoke in a soft tone."My name's Hiromasa and I'm gonna help you get to the hospital. Whoever did this seems to be gone now and I'm here;you're safe, and I'm sure the security forces will need as much info from you and the other survivors as possible to get whoever did this brought to justice."
Zabuuza smiled.
"It was kind of you to reach out your hand like that, but both my arms are broken buddy, I cant take you up on your offer. And he man who did this to me is long gone..."

3Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Empty Re: Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:17 am



Hiromasa frowned. "I'm sorry, that was stupid of me. Hm. Well, sorry to say, but I can't really think of a better way to do this. Everyone else is busy doing what they can for the rest of your people. " Stepping back, he drew one of his kunai again, kneeling next to the battered ninja and digging himself space next to the boy's torso so he could reach under and get a grip. Wrapping his arms around the chest, he dug in his feet and hoisted the shinobi onto his shoulder with a grunt. "I imagine this hurts quite a bit," he said as he began making his way towards the hospital in the best combination of speed and smooth motion he could muster.

"However," he continued, "You could either hurt on the ground there until you die or you can hurt a bit more and live to help make sure you and I are ready to take him when we find 'im. You have my word, I'll help you best I can now and when the time comes for the guy to be brought to justice." Picking up the pace, Hiro began breathing heavily. "Just about halfway to the hospital," he thought.

Jumping off the street and running atop the walls to reach his destination faster, he began to feel every breath of air, his throat and lungs growing sore from the exertion. "Almost there friend, don't go dying on my shoulder now," he gasped to his burden as the hospital came into view. Sprinting the remaining distance, he burst through the doors, blood dripping down his clothes. For a moment, the medical ninja immediately inside stared at him, confused, then everything became a blur as they retrieved the wounded ninja from him, green healing chakra everywhere. Red-faced and exhausted, Hiromasa dropped to one knee for a moment, catching his breath before following the medics. "Don't let this guy die now folks, he's important. Might be the only one who knows what happened to his people." Looking at the injured shinobi, he gave his best reassuring smile. "I'll stay with you as long as these fine doctors will let me. You're gonna be alright."

4Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Empty Re: Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:53 pm



Zabuuza laughed a little bit as the shinobi began to dog holes around it arms. What a strange turn of events. He had been attacked by a disgusting creature that didnt even deserve to call themself a shnobi; then he had been rescued by someone pure of heart. Strange. The kid was a maybe the same age a Zabuuza, possibly younger. He had dark blue hair which was extremely long, in a ponytail. He was decently tall, his eyes were a vacant black. Zabuuza grunted as he pulled him up to his shoulders, it was quite painful. But for a samurai to show pain, no sir. He smiled as the guy made the same kind of grunt as he pulled Zabuuza, what did he call himself? Hiro-sama? Cocky little kid he was.

The ride was painful at best, but mostly excruciating. "You could either hurt on the ground there until you die or you can hurt a bit more and live to help make sure you and I are ready to take him when we find 'im. You have my word, I'll help you best I can now and when the time comes for the guy to be brought to justice." Hiro was right, but Zabuuza wasnt exactly complaining. He managed to squeeze out a sentence among the pain. "Call me Zabuuza" before he passed out.

Zabuuza woke surrounded by doctors, screaming things like "HES AWAKE" or random medical shit that Zabuuza didnt understand. His arms felt...not broken. What were these medical nin capable of? He tried to move his arm up and he felt a dull pain in it, probably not smart to go around and do that. Zabuuza looked to the doctor "So how long am I gonna be stuck like this?" The doctor said a couple hours, wow, fast. Zabuuza got up from the bed with a spring, despite all the doctors screaming and telling him to take it slow. Hiro-sama was there. He didnt even know Zabuuza, yet he stood by him all the way. HE could be a valuable ally some day, and a great friend. Zabuuza walked over to him, at first trying to pat him on the shoulder, then realising the pain in his arms.
" So I just want to thank you for saving my ass earlier, I would probably be dead if it wasnt for you. So to thank you, almighty Hiro-sama, me and you are going to the Sky bar. I'm not taking no for an answer by the way. You saved my skin, I owe it to you to tell you what happened"

5Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Empty Re: Betrayer's Wake(Zabuuza, No Kill) Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:11 pm



Hiro-sama? Hiro chuckled. "Sure, I helped you out some, but I imagine anyone would've done the same if they'd seen you over there. No need to be calling me something fancy like Hiro-sa-" He paused a moment before laughing loudly. "Oh dear, I get the feeling I misspoke my own name, didn't I? Let's try this again. Zabuuza, was it? I'm Hiromasa."

"The Sky Bar, huh? Well, normally I'd feel bad if I didn't counter offer to visit my grandfather's restaurant, but I'm avoiding him for the moment, so Sky Bar is just fine. Seems to be a good place for making friends. I...I uh, didn't see anyone else that seemed to have come from your compound in here. Like I said, I'll help you as best I can but the two of us together aren't going to be able to match whoever did all that any time soon. We should probably make some kind of report, don't you think? If no one else got to tell the security forces what happened we might not ever be able to track him down when we're ready to end him."

Extending an arm out in case Zabuuza needed help walking, Hiromasa turned towards the hospital entrance. "Report what happened first, then food? I'm okay either way, just figured I should mention it."

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