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My most recent attempts at reviving Bokuden as a character have been unsuccessful, so I have decided to try something new, soliciting writing partners through a public appeal. I'm currently in Kumogakure, but am willing to move about as needed for a thread if the story is interesting.

As a character, Bokuden holds no allegiance to any village and is a wanted man, at least in the Lightning Country. His current status lends himself more to being a mentor for a brief period of time or a or a passing stranger, as he will eventually need to move on and will not be settling down permanently in any village.

Feel free to post here or shoot me a Private Message for any who might be interested. Thank you in advance.



Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru


While I am not in Kumo, maybe Teru and Bokuden can meet sometime down the road (She's in Kirigakure). Maybe he could teach her med ninjutsu? Even a brief meeting would be cool. But whatever you feel like, we could maybe plan it out! 




I have characters in multiple places but my main will be travelling to Kumo, Kiri, and Konoha within a week or two



With multiple people contacting me regarding this, I'd like everyone interested to send me a private message containing details regarding what kind of potential story we might begin. I prefer not to do chance meeting, one-and-done threads.

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