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1Looking for Role Play!  Empty Looking for Role Play! Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:07 am

S'athmos Hadalis

S'athmos Hadalis

Hey! I'm brand new to the site and just thought I should let you know, once S'athmos is finally approved he'll be looking for people to fight and potential acquaintances to make along the way. Looking for Role play threads soon! Hit me up if you any plot ideas or anything! Maybe we could try to team up as the bad guys and take over or something? ^^

2Looking for Role Play!  Empty Re: Looking for Role Play! Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:20 am



Welcome to saga, I look forward to seeing you around the site

3Looking for Role Play!  Empty Re: Looking for Role Play! Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:12 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

welcome to saga i think we met in chat box but did not get to chat much, sorry if i seemed a bit quiet in there

4Looking for Role Play!  Empty Re: Looking for Role Play! Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:45 am



Hello and welcome to the site. We can make some threads if you drop by in Kumo. Just pm me if you do that.

5Looking for Role Play!  Empty Re: Looking for Role Play! Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:24 pm



Always up for RP! Welcome and I am glad that there's hype :P

6Looking for Role Play!  Empty Re: Looking for Role Play! Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:01 am

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

Welcome to Saga, S'athmos :]

If you have any sort of questions concerning Saga or its system, don't hesitate to drop by in chatbox. Staff and veterans alike will surely be able to help you out. This guide [x] certainly is a good start to get you settled, though it's outdated on the Mission ruling section.

As for RP, the greatest question to ask yourself before getting started is: what Village do you start? As this will heavily influence who is and isn't around to join you in threads. Either way, I do hope you have some fun.

Saga Jutsu Moderator.

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