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1Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:30 pm



Kyohei had long since outgrown the training grounds provided for shinobi within Konohagakure, deeming both the facilities and those who utilize them too far apart from what he aimed to achieve to provide any value to him. There may have been individuals with an acceptable amount of skill present, but the entire atmosphere that surrounded these places showed him nothing that would hold any worth to him. These facilities had become more like playgrounds than training grounds, with even academy students running about, practicing the most juvenile jutsu available to them with bleeding heart instructors and even shinobi of higher rank cheering them on as if it were some sporting event. Kyohei himself may have used facilities like that when he was younger, but he had long since abandoned them in favor of seeking out his own locations outside of the safety of Konohagakure’s walls. No real training could ever be accomplished in the playgrounds of the Leaf, he needed something more.

It was that driving factor that brought him to a mountainside several miles off of the main road exiting the village. The location he chose, was as secure as he could find within reason, a small cliff and clearing in the forest with a waterfall dropping down about 30 feet. In the large, almost maze-like wooded areas outside of Konohagakure, this location was as difficult to locate as one could get. Any discernable path that could possibly lead to the clearing was obscured by the great foliage, including giant thorny vines, and riddled with sudden drops and wildlife. To the uninitiated, it was a treacherous path to say the least. Travelers dared not tread that section of the forest, and shinobi from the village knew well enough that nothing good ever waited for those who went off too far. In fact, the only reason Kyohei himself was able to locate the area was with the aid of Tomoe and her scouting from the skies. By traversing through the forest canopy he was able to use his gyrfalcon as a guide to reach his chosen training spot safely. Of course, after a few trips he did become capable of navigating the woods himself.

Even with the difficulty of reaching the location however, Kyohei still made it a point to only travel there to train under the cover of night. His days just seemed to be getting shorter and shorter, with his own duties occupying a great deal of his time. Beyond that, his time in the Black ANBU had only served to make the Uchiha more and more suspicious of virtually everyone. In his mind, anyone who was not definitively an ally was an enemy, there was no room for neutral ground any longer. Kyohei could not shake the feeling that a time was rapidly approaching where his current level of power would simply not be enough to carry him through. It is for that reason he had sought out a new place to train and it was that resolve that drove him as he threw down a rolled up mat that he had slung over his shoulder. As it rolled out onto the ground, the number of practice weapons and equipment he had brought with him became visible, the cold steel almost glowing under the moonlight. What he needed was power and this was the only way he had ever known to attain it. It was time to begin…




{ The lone Crusader }

The moon glowed a brighter tint of blue, its light striking the swordsman's mask and forcing its glass eyes to glow at a noticeable exposure. He forced a warm breath of air to escape through the his nostrils and out through the mouth of the mask in the form of grey water vapour. The weather had treated him well tonight; he didn't feel the need to lighten his armour in the hope of staying cool. The eerie mood of the night caught the lonesome swordsman's attention. It reminded him of the night he had left the village hidden in the sand in pursuit of his personal goals and dreams. It forced out the memories of his child spent alone in the house he was encouraged to call home. Home was the safest place they said, family was all a man had in this terrifying world they said. They were wrong. They all were.

Binsu had grown into his but figure and had taken over control of his mind almost indifinitely. On the odd occasion in battle he'd often lose control over his body, though it was never his to control in the first place. The jounin had trained his ass off to be where he stood today; alone in a foreign country with nothing more than a couple of swords and cat to call his own. His story on the surface looked pathetic, but he could never have gotten this strong had he walked along another path in life. Life. That one thing many strived to control, that one statement many tried to comprehend and that one thing all sort to keep a tight grip on, but that never stopped the inevitable. The weak died. The strong died. It made no difference how strong you were or how well equiped you had become in all your time alive on earth; when your time came nothing could prevent the inevitable. Not even life itself could save you from death. So why had he bothered to train?

Death is inevitable and unavoidable, but so long as you know what you are doing it can be postponed...

Binsu fought with his weaker self every day and won for one reason, and one reason alone: to welcome death with his own hands. Once the call had come he wanted to be the one to answer it first, he wanted to go on his own terms. The shifty shadow that was the Crescent Swordsman, just like tonight, wanted to accept the bright light of the bad news on his own will, even if that meant sleeping away through the tempting calls of the night until he saw sure he didn't want to see another sunrise.

{ An odd guy }

Binsu watched as a man covered in light armour approached the belly of the mountainside, a sword or more slung over his back and a large, rollup of some sorts carried over one of his shoulders. The man looked hostile, but so did any other stranger that travelled alone and carried weapons. The jounin traced the man's figure around the mountain path until he decided to make a sudden hault. It didn't take the stranger long to drop down his package and open the rolled up mattress over the dirt of the ground beneath him.

Inside the mattress it appeared were an od range of weapons and tools which looked too poorly crafted to be of any use in actual combat, though one could argue there was more than way to use a spoon. With the odd man in his line of sight, Binsu decided to wait and see what the figure was up to first before confronting him, though from the spot he was training at one couldn't say he was hidden from plain sight.

WC: 640/640



Kyohei brushed a bundle of stray silver hairs from his face as he scanned the area, locating a dozen targets in a circular area in trees around the center of the clearing. The bull’s eyes were littered with punctures and cuts denoting the countless times that they had been used in his training sessions, and the scrapes & missing chunks of wood from the trees they were positioned in each told a story of their own. From the outermost cut in the bark to the very center of the target, each mark showed his gradual improvement as a shinobi over the months he had been using this secret training ground.

The Uchiha found it amusing that when he felt lost as to what the next step in his progression was, he always turned to such basic tools as kunai and shuriken. The very practice of using them as primary weapons was ancient and virtually nonexistent outside of the shinobi world. Shurikenjutsu is taught to academy students as a basic fighting style, but Kyohei always found a hidden value in returning to the basics. Anyone could learn to throw a kunai, but what separated a master from the rest is their vision and ingenuity when given the same resources. Hitting a bull’s eye was simple. Hitting a dozen, spaced apart at different distances & altitudes simultaneously was difficult. But if it was possible, it was worth perfecting.

Dropping all of the equipment on him but a belt lined with kunai, Kyohei prepared himself for the drill. With a surge of chakra his eyes would awaken. His crimson red birthright glowing in the veil of darkness provided by the night. As he bent his knees slightly the three tomoe in his eyes spun wildly, signaling his focus before he launched himself high into the air. Spinning in the air during his ascent, he noticed an unfamiliar chakra lurking in the nearby woods, putting him on alert immediately. That however, would not stop his drill. At the peak of his jump, he would draw three kunai in each hand, tossing them casually in his desired directions so that they might lazily fall back down on their own. On his descent he would do a complete flip. Now plummeting head first back down to the ground he would draw 6 more kunai and this time throw them with a sharp spike in velocity, each angled slightly differently in a collision course with the 6 projectiles he had tossed previously.

Loud clangs of steel would be heard as the kunai collided with their targets, sending each projectile flying in a different direction in accordance with how they were struck. The clangs would be followed by several loud thuds as the bladed projectiles hit their mark, 11 kunai plunging straight into the red center of the bull’s eye targets. The twelfth kunai however, ricocheted off of the previous blade and instead of towards a target, flew in the direction of the unidentified chakra signature that Kyohei had seen with his Sharingan. It was a test of sorts, hopefully forcing the lurker in the forest to reveal themselves, either by somehow avoiding or deflecting the kunai or being hit by the blackened steel that almost seemed to disappear in the dark night sky.

Either way, Kyohei would address his uninvited guest after landing safely back on his feet following his descent. “Only those who have a reason to avoid being seen hide in the shadows,” the Uchiha proclaimed as he turned his head in the direction from whence the chakra came, “In my experience, those people very rarely have good intentions. Identify Yourself.”

607 | 1180~




Binsu couldn't help but glare at the figure as it pulled out a few even kunai from its pockets before taking to the skies with a kick off of the ground. Around him, at various locations were small wooden targets no bigger than a dinner plate, most with the bull's eye littered with cuts. The masked swordsman got the idea that this persona had a sharp eye; the chances of him being an archer or anything close to one were high, though it could've been argued that any man who was sharper than the average guy could effectively throw a kunai without it straying too far away from its target. This figure however decided to take kunai throwing to the next level, leaping into the air as he let go half of the adopted kunais and watching the tools freefall for no more than a second or two before launhing the rest, each aimed towards every one of the freefalling kunai. Each kunai pair clashed and the two changed direction in respect to the ofher before piercing hard into their bull's eyes. 'Use one kunai to redirect the other towards a target whilst the other also flies towards its own, clever,' Binsu thought to himself, but when he counted the kunai that had pierced their targets one was missing.

A small black object flew straight towards the masked shinobi at empicable speeds. The kunai punched his porcelin mask and ricocheted a meter away from him whilst spinning on its on axis. The swordsman quickly snatched the small projectile towards him before launching it back towards the figure wo had thrown it, investing a great deal of strength behind the throw whilst aimin the kunai towards the figure's head. He missed, not that he anticipated a hit. No, he sought for a reaction, and after the figure had located his whereabouts he approached the Jounin with a comment and a question. “Only those who have a reason to avoid being seen hide in the shadows,” the man spoke, his voice sounding more and more like an old boy's more so as got closer and closer. Binsu stepped out from the bushes he was hiding in, albeit with little intention to remain hidden.

"Only those that seek attention worry about who can see them," the swordsman explained, his voice muffled and disguised by the mask he wore over his face. He traced the man's face till his gaze tired of the sameness of it. All but one aspect of his facial appearance were uninteresting, at least to the swordsman himself; those eyes, that figure bore those eyes. The man's eyes was beaming with a crimson glow that irritated the darkness around them. Those dreaded eyes with their even black spots. This man was an Uchiha by appearance, though his eyes foreshadowed his strength and underliningly spoke lies about his age. Binsu was lucky to have confronted a second person in his life who was probably born into that infamous bloodline known best for its eyes.

The figure spoke again, sounding much more insisting than before. “In my experience, those people very rarely have good intentions. Identify Yourself.” The swordsman looked the man in the eyes through his own mask's glass eyes before speaking up above the silence that had settled between them. "If it's my name that you want then it's Ni, or Watashi, or Shun, or anything better you can come up with. I assume you want to know who i am, but who is a form following the function of what, and what i am dear stranger is a man in a mask," Binsu responded, his gaze fixed on the man's expression, his thoughts carefully interpreting his reactions and guessing his intentions. He seemed harmless enough, though again Binsu was never really good at reading people's minds.

WC: 650/1290

5Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:34 am



Apparently Kyohei’s uninvited guest was not too appreciate of the Uchiha’s greeting. He watched carefully as the man hiding in the woods picked up the kunai and threw it his way. There were times when being an Uchiha had its benefits and this was one of those times. The finish of those kunai were not particularly suited to be easily visible in the dark, especially while moving at higher speeds in flight. That was the point, he supposed, to give targets as little time as possible to respond after seeing the threat, if they could even see it. The sharingan however, did not subscribe to the same limitations that normal eyes faced. Where human eyes would struggle to adjust to swift movements, the sharingan saw the world in slow motion, not missing a single detail. In addition, the dark was never a thing that Kyohei need fear. There were no shadows for foes to hide in when confronted with the sharingan. Their chakra lit up like a candle even in the darkest of nights, and every move they made was telegraphed, whether they believe so or not.

The man in the woods’ movements were easy to read, including the angle of his arm and the velocity with which he fired off the weapon. With that information it was simple to calculate the flight path of the projectile, one that was dangerously close to Kyohei’s face. It was only just close however, and Kyohei was able to remain completely still as the blackened metal whirred past his face, just barely catching a strand of hair that was blowing outward from a breeze. Kyohei didn’t so much as blink when the weapon flew by his face, instead glaring intently at the brush as the man stepped out, revealing an extremely suspicious masked appearance.

“Well aren’t we the hypocrite,” Kyohei jeered arrogantly at the masked man before him, “Making assumptions about people who worry about who can see them. Wouldn’t that same theory apply to you? After all, you’re the one standing there in a mask and skulking around in the dark. It would seem that by any normal standard, the one most concerned about being seen is you. I’m merely irked that my training has been interrupted, especially by someone as self-righteous as you. I come out here to not have to deal with people’s bullshit.”

The Uchiha brushed his hair back casually with his left hand, always keeping one eye trained on the man before him. “So tell me then, Mr. Masked Man,” Kyohei said as his eyes narrowed back into a harsh glare, his right hand rested on the handle of another blade at his hip, “What should I make of you? My experience tells me not to trust masked men. So I’d suggest you give me more to go on than some contrived pseudo-philosophy and a smartass response. If you’re unable to do that, move along if you have no business here. I’d like to get back to my training.”

515 | 1695~




More so alarming than his possible heritage was his unsettling, hostile persona. He addressed the masked man with an irritated tounge, and hiding behind every icey word he spat was a tinge of undeserving judgement. His stare spoke a thousand words, all nonsense to the likes of Binsu, but the facial expressions were noteworthy. He was upset, no angry, at the thought of his training session being interrupted by a figure he had sought for himself. 'And he calls me a hypocrite', the Jounin thought.

Binsu's posture was relaxed, his tone calm and collected, as if to mock the stranger's own bizzarre mood. His hands were draped alongside his pants and his face was raised a few inches above the stranger's glare. 'Strangers,' was what they were; nothing more and nothing less. It amused Binsu a great amount to know that his mask provoked a hostile reaction from those who encountered him, not that such a reaction was not expected. The swordsman had his reasons for pasting a lifeless cast over his 'true' identity, many being for the purpose of preserving his most abundant identity for those he trusted the most, but this stranger had been so bold as to assume the swordsman was more concerned with who had seen him than who had seen his false identity. Truth be told that the Jounin frequently hid behind disguises, but this one he wore too often for it to be a disguise. It was more of a second face than a cover of his dominant face. That lifeless mask had evolved from the innaminate guise Binsu wore on the odd ocasion he performs a bad deed into the consistent face-of-his-chose that he was modelling today.

“Making assumptions about people who worry about who can see them. Wouldn’t that same theory apply to you? After all, you’re the one standing there in a mask and skulking around in the dark. It would seem that by any normal standard, the one most concerned about being seen is you. I’m merely irked that my training has been interrupted, especially by someone as self-righteous as you. I come out here to not have to deal with people’s bullshit.” the masked man purged a hidden smirk. This, person, had the balls to call him a hypocrite. Binsu was many things in life; a percimist, an immoral bastard, but he was far from a hypocrite if at all. "I don't worry about who can see me or who can't. Just because i reside in the same location as you, but decide not to make my presence obviously apparent, does not mean i am hiding from you", the swordsman explained.

"As for my mask, would it put your mind at ease if i were to remove it and reveal a face you've never seen before? Why would i waste my time doing that? Furthermore, who are you to question my identity without making the slightest atempt to explain yours?". The swordsman was on the brink of snapping; this figure knew all the right tricks to make him tick, but he jounin never gave in. "What you make of me is beyond my care. I do not require, nor do i want your trust. My business here is as personal to me as your training is to you, and since this is a public location, unless you hold a legal title with the rights acknowledged by the Hokage himself, you cannot dismiss me away from here against my will." The swordsman was losing his temper, albeit very slowly. He knew that Uchiha offspring were as cocky as they came, but for one reason or another he had expected much more from this one; he was no different to his infamous kin, his attitudes vividly reflected those of his elders.

"Lest you resort to violence, much in the same way that your kind has been infamously known to do..."

WC: 663/1,953

7Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:07 pm



A wry smile curled upon Kyohei’s lips at the masked man’s response, amused by both the stranger’s apparent desire to involve legality in the dispute and his assumption based on Kyohei’s “kind”. For a man that seemed to be so keen on preserving whatever air of mystery surrounding him that he perceived to be important, he sure did like to talk a lot. The Uchiha had more experience with people and masks than he would ever need, especially of late, but this man certainly lacked the air of secrecy that seemed to surround members of the Black ANBU. Perhaps it was the masked man’s distinctly human reaction to Kyohei’s previous remarks that made his presence less threatening than he originally treated it, but even so the Uchiha would tread cautiously as all shinobi are taught to do.

Never removing his hand from a position that would allow him easy access to his equipment located at his hip in the event it was needed, Kyohei continued to stare down the man with a glare that emanated both hubris and hostility. This man was stubborn, a trait that the Uchiha shared, but did not admire in other people. Very often when two stubborn people butted heads, the road to reach an amicable resolution was a long and arduous one. This was even more the case in this instance, where Kyohei felt the man was intruding on his training and was now only stealing more of his time from him by feeling the need to spout out nonsense in an attempt to justify his position. Needless to say, the Uchiha had no intention of backing out without good reason.

“You sure like to talk, don’t you masked man?” Kyohei hissed haughtily, “Those who take such precaution to hide their faces are typically men of few words. And when they are skulking the woods outside of a country’s military capital in the dead of night they are rarely so eager to seek the involvement of the authorities. You can obviously see how your position is not the most favorable one for inspiring trust or facilitating peaceful conversation. You didn’t actually expect me to simply ignore your presence and carry on without a care in the world as if I didn’t know I was being watched, did you? But I suppose that is neither here nor there at this point. So tell me stranger… what is it that you think you know about ‘my kind’?”

420 | 2115~

8Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:23 pm




'A sly smile, a weak one at best...a reaction.'

This man was the hypocrite he saw in Binsu. He made claims that the latter was stealing his time, robbing him of his precious training, as if he was incapable of simply leaving the issue in his 'intruder's hands and removing himself from the site. What were his fears, that the masked man would be so insisting as to follow him wherever he chose to go? The swordsman's curiosity was invested in the Uchiha's responses, but he'd never waste his time chasing down the man for that reason alone. He had much more pride than the stranger hoped. Still the man had purged a smirk, if even that, a sure sign that confessed his interest in the dispute. What did he hope to gain from the conversation? An undeserving apology? A reason for the masked man's persona? It was naked to say just how interested this man was in their little dispute. Much like Binsu had hoped to receive from the man, he too wanted a reaction out of Binsu.

They were more alike than they had hoped, two peas in a pot the mature would say.

The masked man had registered the Uchiha's move for the sword that was slung beside his hip, but hadn't given the gesture much thought as it was to be expected from a stranger. His kind were famous for employing violence early into a dispute, though Binsu was somewhat baffled to see this man go against the reputation of his clansmen and use his words instead. A stereotyped reaction contradicted indeed, but his sharp words imprisoned a small truth of the infamous red-hot temper of his kin, a stubborn tinge to match. The swordsman kept a mental count of the number of insults it'd take to break the Uchiha's will, thus far he had counted up to one. "You said you wanted to train. To make up for the time i have stolen from you allow me to be your training partner," Binsu spoke once more, clearly ignoring the Uchiha's latest question albeit not entirely disregarding it.

A dart of the eye would confirm the Uchiha still had his (most likely) dominant hand rested over the hilt of one of his swords. The masked shinobi knew he had intentions to use it against him, perhaps all he wanted was a reason to. His stance was unusual, nor trained; he was expecting to adopt a defensive role against an attack he suspected he'd get from the masked man. The weight of his body seemed lighter on his right leg, which might've meant the other leg was his dominant; people often kept most of their weight supported by their weakest leg in case they needed to quickly utilise the other. His other arm was draped by its side and his eyes were focused somewhere below his mask's centre. His heart beat was slower than expected, his stench fairly weak, at least from his proximity and his eyes were still encompassed by the red glow of the two tomoe sharingan. The man seemed calm, at least at to the physiological level. He seemed alert, yet unphased by the masked man's cloud of mystery. An unusual reaction indeed.

WC: 555/2508

9Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:44 am



Kyohei raised an eyebrow out of curiosity, staring at the masked man before him as if he had been speaking another language. This situation was bizarre and incredibly suspicious to the Uchiha. The masked man had yet to answer a single question posed to him or identify himself, but now he was talking about being a training partner. The offer was a bit too convenient for Kyohei’s liking, and as such he was more than a bit hesitant to accept such an offer from a complete stranger, much less one that was choosing not to reveal his face, name, or intentions.

“Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?” Kyohei sneered, his glare remaining unwavering, “You haven’t answered a single question I’ve asked you and you want to stand here and talk about being my training partner? Surely you know better than that. No person with any semblance of intelligence would agree to “training” with an anonymous person who they found skulking in the shadows of the forest in the middle of nowhere. There aren’t enough hours in the day to explain all of the things about that situation that could be a bad idea. How am I supposed to trust you with my safety as a training partner when you won’t even trust me with your identity. If you insist on maintaining your anonymity, then you can be of no use to me.”

Kyohei exhaled forcefully as he folded his arms in front of him, his harsh glare dulling into an apathetic gaze, empty and devoid of emotion. He stood there silent for just a moment before turning his back on the masked man and walking back towards the equipment he had laid out in the center of the clearing. “That’s all I have to say to ‘A Man in a Mask'," said, waving the stranger away with his hand, “I’m done playing games with you. As far as I’m concerned, as long as you refuse to identify yourself, you aren’t a real person. That’s where I stand with you. Now, scurry back to your shadows ‘Masked Man’.”

360 | 2475~

10Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:34 am




The swordsman listened as the damned Uchiha spat at his proposal and insist on boldyn labelling him as a man who wasn't "real". Had the mask gotten the better of him? Had his guise convinced the man to abandon his ability to think logically and make true judgements on other people? The man wanted the one thing Binsu was hiding from him; his records. No, the man didn't want his name, he didn't want to see what face the mask was hiding. No he couldn't have caref less about what the man looked liked. All he wanted to know was his records. For one reason or the other this man felt it was his right to gain access into the world of this masked man that stood behind him. He felt as though he had the right to demand for the man's identity and recieve nothing less from him. All for what, for ruining his training session? For catching his attention? For crouching in frot of the crosshairs of his aim?

The swordsman felt as though his subject was being unreasonable, but he knew better than to let the man's misguided words cloud his judgement. Well, he knew better, but he didn't. The other Binsu was begging to come out, no insisting. His patients had worn off long before the Uchiha had uttered a single word. The very thought of the Uchiha firing a kunai straight towards his face had caused the 'other' Binsu to boil with rage, though the Uchiha's last words were all that was needed to push the man into reacting.

"You say a lot for a man that wants nothing to do with me. It's almost as if you need my presence, my attention... the dark Binsu spoke aloud, his force lowering the swordsman's eyelids into the shape of sharp, stern glare towards the Uchiha who now had his back turned towards him. His right hand twitched, if ever so briefly. His fingers quickly stretched into position before the masked man sent them after the handle of his Hada no Ken sword, which he had slung by his left hip, his eyes still fixed on the walking Uchiha. " rage!" he shouted, the audio cue loud enough to alert the unsuspecting shinobi, as the masked man quickly adopted the blade from its sheath with one hand and dashed after the Uchiha with sword point down to his right side. There wasn't much distance between the two; so little that the masked swordsman was able to reach his target within the long tick of a second before directing two upward verticle slashes against the man's back, the first slash originating from the right up and the second from the left up towards the opposite side each time.

WC: 472/2980

11Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:51 pm



Something was different. It was subtle, perhaps enough to even be confused for paranoia on Kyohei’s end, but something was definitely different in the masked man’s voice from the moment the Uchiha turned his back to him. The sound of the voice was largely the same, but the other factors just didn’t seem to line up properly. Gone was the calm and mysterious feel that came from his voice previously, instead replaced by a hint of subtle aggression. Even the cadence in the way he spoke had slight, but noticeable variations that someone who knew what to look for could detect. It was almost as if it was a completely different person standing behind him, but he knew that was not the case.

The Uchiha would stop in place mid-way through the masked man’s sentence, his crimson eyes shifting to the side and his head turning slightly to locate the speaker, denoting that the stranger had garnered his attention. The word rage rung out as an outlier, echoing through the clearing as the man announced his aggression. The alert would prompt Kyohei to begin pivoting on his left foot, preparing an attempt to face his would be assailant, but by the time the masked man came into full view he had already begun his advance. “He’s fast,” Kyohei thought to himself as his Sharingan locked onto the man’s movements. Even with the almost slow-motion visual prowess that his doujutsu afforded him, there was a clear difference between his assailant’s speed and his own.

The Sharingan allowed Kyohei to see and predict the man’s actions, but that didn’t necessarily mean that he could stop it. Aside from the raw speed advantage, the masked man had gotten the jump on him, using the time the Uchiha had his back turned in order to make the first move. Even if Kyohei managed to turn himself around completely in time to face the man head on he would find himself completely on the back foot, not having the time or distance between them to set up any kind of proper defense to counteract the man’s movement speed.

No, any traditional defensive measure would fall short of its mark. Instead, Kyohei loaded his weight back on his pivot foot, bending slightly at the knee while keeping his eye trained on the dashing man, more specifically the sword that he had just drawn and had cocked back as if in preparation for an upwards slash. Just before the slash would be commenced, the Uchiha would abruptly lower his shoulder to use as a defensive measure and launch off of his left foot, using his body as a battering ram to intercept the masked man before he could finalize an attack, aiming to bash his bodyweight directly into the man’s chest against his momentum. It was a non-traditional defensive measure and in many ways was more of a “panic button” response, but in that moment that was what seemed to be the best option. If nothing else, it was better to put his shoulder forward rather than give the armed man an opening at his torso. In a best case scenario the unorthodox maneuver might throw the masked man for a loop, and the size advantage Kyohei had would provide even more impact as he crashed into the man’s chest in motion.

570 | 3045~

12Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:52 pm




The masked swordsman prepared an upwards slash against the man's back, originating from below his knees to the right of his body and promising a diagonal cut across to the man's left shoulder. However in the moment of the sword swing's commencement his opponent had decided to quickly dash towards him, an unusual response on his part but one that proved to extinguish Binsu's original plan of striking his back with the slice of his blade. The swordsman had been disorientated by the unorthodox manoeuvre, but his perception over the situation and incredible reflex speed would prove useful in the following manipulation of the would-be collision of the two strangers.

The Uchiha pushed off of his pivot foot, possibly his most dominant foot, and sent his body in an awkward lunge against the masked swordsman's run. Binsu could not react fast enough to stop the motion of his swing, however he was able to plant his left foot down along the ground, turn it ninety degrees towards his left on the balls of his foot and use the momentum of his would-be upward/inward slash to drive his right right leg forward and raise his knee up to meet with the incoming Uchiha's abdomen. The power generated by his weight multiplied by his acceleration should have been more than a match for the incoming Uchiha's force, and should his strength have been greater than the Uchiha's by a notable degree his knee attack should have sent the Uchiha flying back a few meters. In the event that his nee attack connected the Jounin would send a follow through kick with the flat part of his foot to send the man's body even further back, before sliding his left foot slightly back whilst planting his right foot down and turning to face the Uchiha once more.

It was clear to Binsu that this man was far beyond an average shinobi. The way in which he dealt with the latter's unprecedented offence displayed a great understanding over the gross movements of the body and the ways in which they can be manipulated with little to no effort. His sharingan with no doubt would've assisted his analysis over these movements, but the most captivating part of his response was the way in which he decided to meet the attack head on as opposed to evading away in a different direction. The unpredictable nature of his actions had grasped the difficult attention of the swordsman. In light of the situation, a small part of him wanted to applaud the man's reaction, but that small part of him was but a speck of dust in a pit of unforgiving sand. The 'other' Binsu wasn't the type to donate compliments to anyone, regardless of the relationship they shared, good or bad. This Uchiha had ticked him off and the last thing on the swordsman's mind was comradeship, next to respect for the man. Engulfed and entranced by the insisting grip of his alter ego, Binsu could only sit back and watch as he forced his hand over the Uchiha with a wave of regret following closely behind him.

Items used:

WC: 538/3518

13Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:45 pm



“Tch, figures,” Kyohei thought to himself as he watched the man change his body’s position completely mid dash, no doubt to prepare an appropriate counter. Not wanting to be the only one caught in motion, the Uchiha would stomp his lead (right) foot down, using the thin layer of chakra afforded by the Supernatural Walking Practice technique to secure his footing. He would not yank himself into a complete halt at first, however, instead allowing a bit of give in the chakra’s grip on the ground which was intended to allow him to slide as he began to shift his body to the man’s left side. This would prove to be crucial for the oncoming attack he was sure would follow given the man’s previous actions and the fact that he did not relent in his forward momentum, but instead seemed to shift his focus away from his drawn blade.

Crimson eyes trained on the masked man, Kyohei made every move without breaking sight, knowing that he would need every moment to accurately predict the man’s next attack. In Kyohei’s mind the motion would have been obvious, especially considering the man was so quick to reach for his weapon. He was a swordsman, and the presence of the sword needed to always be accounted for. Taking that into account, the fact that first impressions would peg the man as a speed reliant fighter based on his movements, and the size disparity between the two of them made Kyohei doubt that a hand to hand fight was in the cards. To his surprise however, the momentum that he suspected the man had intended to use for a slash with his blade was transferred to his right leg.

Dodging the blow seemed out of the question, as did attempting to meet a hard knee bone shooting up from the ground with equal force from his position. Allowing himself to continue sliding Kyohei kept his body in motion to potentially absorb some of the momentum a direct strike might impose on his body. By the time to high knee had begun its upswing, Kyohei had already slid towards the masked man’s side, bringing his forearms up to protect his torso and face while in motion and spinning on his right leg as he gathered his footing in order to position himself almost perpendicular to his assailant.

During the upswing of the man’s leg Kyohei would swing his right elbow roughly four inches diagonally to the right and up, allowing for a very short and compact downward swing with his forearm. There wasn’t any real striking force behind it as if to cause injury. There wasn’t time for that. What it was however was set to impact the softer thigh of the man’s leg rather than the stronger and more dangerous knee bone, diffusing some of its acceleration and force as well as redirecting it slightly. The actual impact it might have had given so little force behind it was minimal, but more importantly it positioned Kyohei in a manner that would allow for his next move.

With his left arm still guarding his chest, Kyohei would purposefully eat the strike, using his slide to move with it and avoid absorbing the entirety of the strike’s impact. He grunted upon the initial impact. Even diminished he could still feel the force of the strike. However, with his right arm positioned above the man’s right leg and his left arm used to guard on the other side, Kyohei found the opening he was looking for, clamping down on the thigh from over top and behind the calf from the opposing side harshly. This was intended to straighten out and lock the man’s leg out as if in a vise, dragging him along with the backwards sliding Kyohei from the force of the knockback. Mid-slide, Kyohei would perform 2 spins, one where he properly grabbed hold of the man’s leg while spinning him around off the ground, and the second maintaining the same momentum from the force and spin to throw his assailant at approximately a 45 degree angle up and away from him and towards one of the large trees that Kyohei had been using for training.

Knowing his window of opportunity was limited to the time he had to the masked man being air born, Kyohei immediately drew four shuriken into his left hand and three kunai into his right from the pouch on his lower back, using the mounted spool of ninja wire at the center of his back to fasten wire to them as quickly as he could. Immediately he would throw the projectiles, staggering them ever so slightly. Should the masked man attempt to dodge the projectiles, Kyohei would set his plan into action and pull back one shuriken using the tree behind him as an axis, pulling several strands of wire down onto him to bind him to the tree.

836 | 3881~

Techniques Used:

14Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:29 am




The man threw himself into the attack, swiging his right arm up and around to feed power to the left arm, which would meet with the swordsman's thigh as he drove his knee through the man's mass. The Uchiha had purposefully kept himself within the crosshairs of the counter strike, the majority of his attention clearly invested in the bent leg and away from the sword the swordsman once provoked him with. Binsu felt his knee connect with the man's chest, or something in place of it, however he hadn't felt the full force of his kick rebound back into his thighs. The man had absorbed the impact from the kick and had slowed it down into a harmless slide. Binsu felt the Uchiha's firm grasp along his right leg's calf muscles and thigh. He felt the man's attempt to push his thigh up and pull his shin and calf up in order to throw his weight over towards a tall standing tree, though he wouldn't allow the main to so easily gain the upper hand.

The masked swordsman would quickly spin his sword to grasp it firmly with the reverse sword hand-grip, before piercing it into the ground just below him and wedging the blade against the direction of the pulling force of the Uchiha. He'd quickly cork his left knee inwards, before using it to strike against the man's neck. He'd withhold a great degree of strength from the kick, aiming to simply force the Uchiha to let him go instead of breaking his neck. Should the Uchiha release his grip the masked swordsman would swing his body back down towards the ground, using his wedged sword as a pivot point, before jerking the blade out of the cracks of the ground and dashing five meters away from the disoriented Uchiha. He'd hold his stance but would sheath his sword to show the Uchiha he was prepared to end the fight where it was. He had recieved what he wanted from the man and had no interest in dragging the fight any further than it had gone.

"You are far more skilled than i had guessed," he'd confess, before saying, "...but you have much to learn. I'm renewing my offer for you to train with me, that is if you can fathome the idea of learning something from a nobody. You will see me by the Naka River, should you accept my offer." The masked man would refrain from smiling; the very idea of denying the Uchiha exactly what he wanted from him was a pleasure too amusing to disipate.

WC: 447/3605 (- 3000 words Training Fuinjutsu B -> A rank)

15Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Crescent Clash [Binsu/Private/No Kill] Thu May 25, 2017 4:17 pm



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Total Word Count: 3,881

Word Count Used:

  • 2,400 - Strength B-0 > B-3

Unused: 1,481

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