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Neci smiled as he made his way towards where he and Masaaski had chosen to spar and he smiled as he made his onto the field and he grinned as he stepped onto the field his red hair swaying slightly in the breeze that was passing through the area. Neci smiled playfully and he had to admit he was looking forward to this it had been a while since he had fought for fun, and he was sure that both he and his brother had Jutsu's to show the other as they hadn't fought since he got here... they were both Uchihas, and he was ready to show Masaaski why he was a Chuunin of the hidden Suna. Neci walked towardsthe area that he was meeting his brother, wearing his Standard getup garb and he Streached slightly as he got ready. Neci had to admit he was still shocked with how much Masaaki had changed over the years and he felt lucky to be able to test out his little brother...though he was scared slightly that he may accidently hurt him...but he put that in the back of his mind as he waited whiled reading the ninja monument...he saw numerous members of his family there...

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