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Invited Persons:

Perhaps it was time to return to where he began? He could go back to Konohagakure.... yes. Perhaps that would be best – it was a place that Yurei knew very well, and his face was well known. People would listen to him there – even if they believed that it was Yurei speaking. If something went wrong, it wouldn't be all bad. He could simply leave again, and no one would say much as he [Yurei] had done it once already. The man was no longer a ninja of the village of Konohagakure no Sato, so the local authorities had no reason to hold him, nor could they make a claim against him for leaving as he pleased.

It was perfect.

With his destination in mind, the Incarnation clothed in the flesh of Man turned himself in the direction of Konohagakure, and began to make his way. But as he did so, he could feel a bit of apprehension in the air. He could feel... something. Something bad was on the horizon, something that would engulf the world. The winds smelled faintly of blood. Weird. He'd never experienced something like this before – but he would push it to the side, nonetheless. With that and a swish of his coat, the male turned away from the gates of Kumogakure and began to walk. Fast steps, ones that would bring him to Hi no Kuni and Konohagakure no Sato rather quickly.

The country side would pass quickly by him as the male made his way through it. The previous time this body had traveled from Kumo to Konohagakure, he'd taken the land route, trekking over the mountain and taking the merchant roads through the valleys that led to the edge of Kumogakure no Sato. But this time, the male knew of a trick, a secret if you will. There was a system of tunnels within the mountain, tunnels that allowed for a quicker descent from the mountains to the low lands of the plains.

After arming himself with a lantern and some oil, the male would seek out a hidden entrance into the underground complex. These tunnels were once used by the village in times of evacuation, but had long fallen into disuse due to sheer neglect. It would seem that Kumogakure no Sato had become somewhat complacent in its time of peace. With no wars going on, there was no real reason for them to keep up such escape routes. But the incarnation could not blame them – the tunnels were notorious for collapsing without warning due to changes on the surface of the mountain above. The incarnation had to be careful – his host did not naturally possess an affinity for the Doton chakra nature. While Yurei's Raiton nature was perfect for blasting through earth, he was just as likely to cause another massive cave in as he was to free himself from one.

Oh well. He would deal with that bridge if and when it he came to it. For now, he would continue on through the tunnel complex in an effort to make his way to Konohagakure.

It would take a merchant caravan a full day to descend the mountain from Kumogakure to the plains; a feat Yurei accomplished in half the time, thanks to the tunnel system. As night would fall, the male would take his time, seeking out a reputable inn for the evening to keep from traveling in the dark.


Once the sun began to rise in the morning, the male set off once again across the plains. He had more more leeway as to what route for him to take to reach the gates of Kiri; while he was technically still within the borders of Kaminari no Kuni, he could take a route that took him out of his way to reach his destination, ensuring that he could see and meet more people in order to learn more. Or, he could take a more direct approach, and begin pushing the main goal as soon as possible.

Decisions, decisions. He could always use the time he spent wandering through the extra towns and minor villages to seek out information on the remaining horsemen.

No. If there was anything on the remaining horsemen, he would have heard about it by now. They could not be in a place long without causing destruction. It would be best if the incarnation continued on to Konohagakure as soon as possible. There was no time to waste -- he had work to do, after all. It wouldn't take long for the incarnation to arrive at the gates of the village. It was only half a day's walk from the inn he stayed at. As the incarnation pushed himself, he came to the swamps and low lands of the village he knew only through Yurei's memories. He would learn on this day, in this village if his flock was capable of being taught the truth.

818 WC



A fucking straight jacket. Yup, she was still wearing it. The same exact one she’d been in when she had escaped the insane asylum. She had been put in there by a Uchiha Friend as a ‘joke’, but her escape had been anything but. The reasons the authorities weren’t swooping down onto her from the roof tops as she made her way through the crowds was likely KentaKage’s doing: the Inuzuka was rather fond of her, and she of him. She considered him family, and as far as she knew the feeling was mutual. Sure, she was a bit strange but then again… strangeness was needed in families, right?

Of course, that didn’t mean the people who were nearby weren’t bothered by her. Her appearance was definitely strange: outside of the straight jacket everything about her screamed “WRONG” and “DANGER!”. Her pants were torn and bloodied; nothing more than a pale blue pair of hospital scrubs. Her feet were bare, covered in cuts, some of which were bleeding and leaving little droplets of the red liquid in her wake. Her chest was covered in a white tank top, though it was hidden by the light gray colored straight jacket whose sleeves were currently unbuckled; though they were so long they hid her hands very well. Her hair, which currently went down to her waist, started out pale blond at the top, but quickly faded to jet black toward the ends; currently down but in an unkept like state. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner, and eyelashes thick and covered in black mascara. In a way she was… utterly beautiful. Yet, strange and mysterious and crazed all at the same time.

She was as different from the people around her as day was from night. The best part? She didn’t seem to care. No, she just made her way through the street singing in a beautiful voice the strangest of tunes, ”My friends don’t walk, they run. Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun. Poppin’, poppin’, balloons with guns. Getting high of helium. We paint white roses red, each shade from a different persons head. This dream? This dream is a killer, getting drunk with a blue caterpillar. I’m peeling the skin off of my face cause I really hate being safe. The normals, they make me afraid. The crazies, they make me feel sane.”

The people closest to her, the short few who hadn’t put a good ten feet of distance between themselves and Demi, began to back away at her tune, but it did little to stop her. She simply smiled on – in her usual crazed way – and kept on going with the wonderful song, ”I’m nuts. Baby I’m mad. The craziest friend that you’ve ever had. You think I’m psycho, you think I'm gone. Tell the psychiatrist that something is wrong. Over the bend, entirely bonkers. You like me best when I’m off my rocker. Tell you a secret! I’m not alarmed, so what if I’m crazy? The best people are! Where is my prescription? Doctor, doctor, please listen! My brain is scattered. You can be Alice I'll be the Mad Hatter...”, the end of her song was spoken with a flourish, and then a laugh: a purely free and insane sounding laugh.

Several of the people nearby turned, clearly heading off to get some kind of authority figure for ‘help’ though Demi had done absolutely nothing wrong --- yet. Demi simply giggled insanely, her head cocking to the left as she watched them go. She stood still, amusement glittering in her eyes. Oh what fun the sheep and cattle were…

Word Count: 610



Careful steps would take him through the swamplands and into the plains of the Fire country. He wanted to make it to the village of Konohagakure no Sato before nightfall, but there was something that he was wanted to find before he actually ventured into the village; according to the memories of Yurei, there was an old blacksmiths forge out here in the forest. While that itself was nothing special, the force house within Yurei's body knew the location to be one of great power -- a crossroads at which the life force of the world ran close to the surface, granting the area above incredible mystical power. The nature chakra in the area was particularly vibrant, if one was attuned to that sort of thing. Either way, it was this to place that the Incarnation of War was drawn to, aiming to use the forge and the particularly vibrant natural power of the area to craft his arsenal of weapons. After all, what was War without his toys?

He would take careful steps, but he was on a mission; each step was made with confidence and with great haste. He had an appointment to keep, and he would be late if he did not hurry.

Today was turning out to be wonderful. The Mischievous Ghost had located the forge, and was successful in creating his first weapon from it. It was something special, he could feel it, even though he was not quite sure what it did just yet. He was excited to find out, and had a feeling he would learn soon enough. For now, it was off to Konohagakure no Sato, and into the streets he would move, passing among the populace as quiet as part of his name. He was not here to interact just yet, but rather to observe the world as it was, and to take note of the people. He would move quickly calmly noting all that he came across until something caught his eye -- or rather, his ears.

”My friends don’t walk, they run. Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun. Poppin’, poppin’, balloons with guns. Getting high of helium. We paint white roses red, each shade from a different persons head. This dream? This dream is a killer, getting drunk with a blue caterpillar. I’m peeling the skin off of my face cause I really hate being safe. The normals, they make me afraid. The crazies, they make me feel sane.”

What the actual hell was that? Who was singing something like this in public, and in a village that did not tolerate rouge ninja such as Konohagakure no Sato? The male shifted himself, turning and moving about, attempting to find the source of the sounds. As the male moved, there came more sounds of singing, a haunting melody to the Ghost's ears.

”I’m nuts. Baby I’m mad. The craziest friend that you’ve ever had. You think I’m psycho, you think I'm gone. Tell the psychiatrist that something is wrong. Over the bend, entirely bonkers. You like me best when I’m off my rocker. Tell you a secret! I’m not alarmed, so what if I’m crazy? The best people are! Where is my prescription? Doctor, doctor, please listen! My brain is scattered. You can be Alice I'll be the Mad Hatter...”,

Who was singing this interesting song? Gold eyes would look about the crowd, note able to see much due to his short stature. Given the circumstances, the would make his way through the crowd, attempting to locate the source of the singing.

599 | 1417



As one song ended another began, only striking more fear and unease into the hearts of many of those nearby. Whoever was off to get the authorities just wasn’t going fast enough. ”Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a hundred dollar bottle of Champlain like me? Just to pour that mother fucker down the drain like me? Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me? You don’t hear me when I say “Mom, please wake up, Dads with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis”. No one ever listens. This wall paper glistens. Don’t let them see what goes down in the kitchen.”

Jumping up and onto a nearby crate, giving her a great deal of height among everyone else, she spun around laughing: the sleeves of her straight jacket flapping around her in the wind. Oh yeah, she was definitely off her rocker. The worst part? She no longer cared to hide it. It didn’t bother her what the ‘normals’ thought of her. Just like it didn’t bother her that at that moment there was likely someone tattle telling that this crazy girl was in the middle of the street singing a song and spinning around while wearing a straight jacket. ”And all the people say you can’t wake up, this is not a dream. You are part of the machine, you not a human being. With your face all made up, living on a screen. Low on self esteem, so you live on gasoline. Picture, picture, smile for the picture (I think there’s a flaw in my code). Won’t you be a good sister? Everyone thinks that we’re perfect (these voices won’t leave me alone). Please don’t let look through the curtains.”

The crowd was beginning to move away further and, pausing in her song to laugh once again in a very insane manner, she jumped down off of the crate: ignoring the swigs and such that broke beneath of her bare and bloody feet: if anything the pain brought her a small amount of pleasure, causing her eyes to momentarily roll back and a deep and satisfied sigh to escape her. Of course, this moment only lasted seconds: two or three at the most. She then began to sway from side to side, continuing on with the end of her insane and perhaps even quite a bit unhealthy song, ”My hands are cold and my heart is all gold. D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e, I see things that no body else sees. D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e, I see things that no body else sees. Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me? Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me? Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me? Pointing fingers cause you never take the blame like me. Uh oh, she’s coming to the attic. Plastic, plastic, go back to being plastic. No one ever listens, this wall paper glistens. One day they’ll see what goes down in the kitchen. Places, places, get into your places. Throw on your dresses, and put on your doll faces. Everyone thinks that we’re perfect, please don’t let them look through the curtains…”

Whispers broke out but she ignored them. Since she was all out of a song to sing she began to move on once more, the crowd still continuing to keep its distance as they backed away from her. She didn’t care though, she had suddenly got a taste for some chai tea and planned on sating that need. It was that or she was likely to start gnawing on a nearby civilian to sate her boredom that way – and no one would appreciate that. No.. doing that would probably end her up in a lot of hot water. Best to get the chai tea, then, eh?

Word Count: 640 | 1,250



”Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a hundred dollar bottle of Champlain like me? Just to pour that mother fucker down the drain like me? Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me? You don’t hear me when I say “Mom, please wake up, Dads with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis”. No one ever listens. This wall paper glistens. Don’t let them see what goes down in the kitchen.”

Was this another song? What the hell was this person singing about?! Yurei's mind spun slightly; the sounds of this melody was slightly intoxicating to him. As the male was making his way through the crowd attempting to locate the source of the sound, his eyes were drawn to the sight of a woman wearing a strange clothing set who was jumping atop a crate and singing; was that a straight jacket on her? Her clothing was in disarray, torn and bloodied; were those hospital scrubs?!

”And all the people say you can’t wake up, this is not a dream. You are part of the machine, you not a human being. With your face all made up, living on a screen. Low on self esteem, so you live on gasoline. Picture, picture, smile for the picture (I think there’s a flaw in my code). Won’t you be a good sister? Everyone thinks that we’re perfect (these voices won’t leave me alone). Please don’t let look through the curtains.”

There were whispers breaking out in the crowd of onlookers; someone had informed the local shinobi of this woman's antics, and they were on the way to investigate. Yurei could not help but stare for a moment longer as the woman continued to sing out her song, but when he attempted to turn away to continue on his way, he found himself unable to do so. A single thought echoed through his mind, and with it, came a thread of connection, attempting to bind himself to the woman.


The thought made the male stop cold; another potential Horseman? This soon? How was this woman a potential horseman? What could she possibly bring to them? Judging by her looks alone, she seemed to be nothing more than a raving lunatic, one who was going to be taken into custody by the local shinobi force soon enough.


”My hands are cold and my heart is all gold. D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e, I see things that no body else sees. D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e, I see things that no body else sees. Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me? Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me? Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me? Pointing fingers cause you never take the blame like me. Uh oh, she’s coming to the attic. Plastic, plastic, go back to being plastic. No one ever listens, this wall paper glistens. One day they’ll see what goes down in the kitchen. Places, places, get into your places. Throw on your dresses, and put on your doll faces. Everyone thinks that we’re perfect, please don’t let them look through the curtains…”

She was still singing, giving away her location without a care in the world. As quick as he could, Yurei moved forward, raises his hands upward in a non threatening manner. He needed to get her attention, and quick -- from the corner of his eyes, he could see the crowd parting to allow the shinobi to arrive.

"Hey, sis! Its me -- your brother? Mom sent me to bring you home!" A lie, but it was the best he could do. His forte was weapon making and fighting, not lying. But if could get her attention, perhaps he could get her alone to talk to? As far as the shinobi knew, he was her actual brother, trying to keep her calm....

"Come on, we are gonna be late for dinner if you keep this up! And where are your shoes!?"

673 | 2090



From insane and laughing her head off to focused and quiet in under a second was what happened the moment Demitria noticed the young man coming toward her. Her laughing stopped, her smile faded, and her head snapped quick as could be in his direction: her violet colored gaze locking on to him and him alone. She took notice of the way he was holding his hands up – as if he were trying to come across as as least threatening as possible – and she couldn’t help but wander why… Had she hurt someone?

Demi cocked her head to the right, contemplating this for all but a split second or so – her mind a work of art and a finely tuned machine albeit a bit broken. No, she had harmed no one. At least not that she could remember, and there certainly weren’t any long stretches of darkness that would have indicated her blacking out and going postal on the civilians. Her violet gaze then snapped to the civilians a second later, her head cocking to the other side as she quickly and efficiently took them in: they were weary of her, and afraid, but they weren’t screaming and running in terror or holding their heads as if they might explode were they to release them… So no, no she hadn’t done anything wrong, yet.

In another second her gaze focused back onto the male, taking in his words as a smile formed across her face. ”Hey, sis! Its me -- your brother? Mom sent me to bring you home!” Home? She had no home… it had been destroyed. She also had no mother or brother for that matter. So… what was this man talking about? Was he crazy like her? Was he trying to play some kind of game? It made no sense… therefore she went right along with it without hesitation – she was fucking insane after all, and a Malkavia loved a good game.

”Come on, we are gonna be late for dinner if you keep this up! And where are your shoes!?” Demi jumped down swiftly from the crate, moving over to the male while holding her hands together in front of herself: her way of coming across as non-threatening. Though, if truth be told her physical self was never really a threat to begin with, it was her mind that was. ”The boys took my shoes, brother. The big boys… they held me down and they took them away. I asked for them back, but they wouldn’t give them to me.” She would pause near the male, waiting for him to lead the way. Though her gaze never left him she was well aware of the way the crowd was parting as if to allow through some force making their way toward her: the villages shinobi no doubt, sent here to reign in this ‘terror’ that was her.

”What’s for dinner, brother? I’m hungry...”, she would add on, remembering at some point that food had been mentioned. She liked food, and was actually quite hungry now that she focused on that particular need and thought about it. ”Is it something meaty? Like steak! I love steak. Mmmmm… with some mashed potatoes and gravy on the side!” Absently she began to mutter to herself, mostly under her breath, and mostly about different kinds of food she liked. At least until a little boy ran from the crowd and toward his mother across the way. His mother ran forward, catching the child and swooping him up and into her arms. Demi watched closely, eyeing the pair as if she were mentally salting and peppering and seasoning them for a well planned out meal.

Catching herself though she simply focused back to the male; following him were he to begin moving through the crowd. ”Will father be coming to dinner? I miss him, greatly...”, she would ask suddenly, her eyes and gaze once more sharpening as if some sort of moment of great concentrate or ‘clarity’ was occurring within the lunatic.

Word Count: 675 | 1,925



The one thing the male did not expect was cooperation from the female. It would seem that he had her attention from his first words; something that he would use to his full advantage. He would step even closer as she spoke to him, taking note of her raised hands. Was she mimicking him? Or rather, was she smart enough to realize that the only way she was getting out of this situation was to play along with him?

”The boys took my shoes, brother. The big boys… they held me down and they took them away. I asked for them back, but they wouldn’t give them to me.”

What? What was she going on about? Was she truly insane, or simply that damn good at playing along? Either way, it would seem that it was working; the crowd was allowing him to step forward and make his way towards the female. Worried expressions were sketched upon the faces of the masses, even those the arriving shinobi. To keep the plot going, the blonde male would step forward, extending a hand and hopefully take hers into his own, if she was willing. If she would take his hand, he would begin leading her through the crowd, paying to whatever deity that was listening that she would have the mind to behave herself until Yurei was able to get her to someplace safe.

”What’s for dinner, brother? I’m hungry... Is it something meaty? Like steak! I love steak. Mmmmm… with some mashed potatoes and gravy on the side!”

Yurei glanced back at the female, giving her a side-eye just in time to catch her expression towards a little boy who had darted forward, but was pulled back by his mother. That expression was just down right creepy. She looked... hungry.

Deities, this woman was off her rocker; was he truly sure that she was a candidate for Famine? What if he was wrong? He was assisting a deranged lunatic, one that was probably dangerous and would kill him if given a chance. But his gut told him this would not be the case; all he had to do was keep moving and get them both to a place where they could be alone and talk.

”Will father be coming to dinner? I miss him, greatly...”

Yurei grimaced slightly, still pulling the female past the shinobi that were attempting to step into his path. "Sis... he is... he is not going to be coming, dear. Father died, do you not remember? Today is the anniversary...." The male bit down on his bottom lip in an attempt to use the pain to make the performance more convincing, but it was not needed. A memory rose up within the male, something that caused the tears that pooled in the corner to be genuine; it was indeed the anniversary of his own father's death, but these people did not know that to be true. They did not need to know it either, and so the male sniffed hard, swallowed his pain, and went back to his improvised acting.

"I am sorry, Sis. You took his death hard... ever since then, you have been like this... I am so sorry that I cannot help you overcome this mental breakdown...."

Another urgent tugging on her arm, and the shinobi seemed to buy the sob story; it would seem that several heartstrings in the crowd were pulled and several of them stepped aside, gazes lowered. As Yurei pulled the woman with him, several of them -- including some of the villagers, whispered bouts of "I am sorry for your loss" and "You are such a strong brother for her!" as well as "Take care of her!" Yurei did not reply at all, keeping his gaze downward to keep from meeting gazes as he moved.

642 | 2732



When the male reached toward her, clearly wanting to take her hand, she didn't hesitate to respond and place her own in his. It was strange really, considering the fact that she didn't normally allow people to touch her. It wasn't like anything bad had happened to her, but with all of the voices in her head a physical touch could lead to a kind of sensory overload which would lead to a whole lot of twitching. Yeah, so it was something she normally avoided, but not this time! No, for some reason it felt right to close the distance and take his hand, to allow him to begin leading her through the crowd. The best part? No twitching.

Despite Demi's more insane antics and methods it didn't escape her notice that the people around had gone from looking worried and scared to concerned and even sad. They were believing the story that the male was speaking – about how their father wasn't coming home, and how she had taken his death hard. It was strange really, how the old pain from her real father's death actually crept up and tried to overtake her. That horrible night she had returned from her mission to find her village ruined, her father and friends dead. The pain threatened to swallow her up and over take her but she beat it back with a mental broom to keep it at bay: if she let it swallow her up she was going to snap completely and that meant someone was likely going to get killed – others and then likely her when someone came along strong enough to put her down. No, best to keep that closet closed and locked up tight.

Besides, I'm not dead, chylde..., the voice of her father floated through her skull, easing the pain almost immediately, and without the fight she had been mentally putting up. It also helped her to focus more on where she was being led and less on what kind of head fuck was currently going on in her brain.

It was still strange: she felt absolutely no fear of this individual – though that wasn't exactly strange since even death didn't give her pause – and she felt no unease. It was as if this individual was an old friend whom she simply hadn't seen for a long time and yet who she fell into pace with as if they had spent years together. Okay, so... she was definitely nuts. Whatever.

Demi allowed herself to continue to be led to wherever it was the male had in mind, waiting until they were past the crowd and out of ear shot of the shinobi who had arrived but whom had felt sympathy enough to allow them to pass without stopping, before she finally decided to speak, "So where are we going, brother?" The word brother was spoken with more emphasis than the rest, as if she were purposely drawing attention to it. Meanwhile, a grin – albiet a less crazed one – had spread once more across her face to replace the sadness that had been there as she had been playing around. "And is there actaully food? Because I'm starving... they don't feed you well enough in the loony bin...", she tacked on thoughtfully, an expectant look on her face: yup, she fully expected food, and seemed to have zero fucks to give about where this total and complete stranger could possibly be leading her.

Word Count: 610 | 2,535



It would not take them long to leave the crowd of civilians and shinobi behind; the pair would find themselves moving through a mostly empty street as Yurei sought out a place for them to talk privately. The young male was still not even sure as to why he was doing this still; he was operating on a hunch, and he could very well be completely wrong about this woman.

"So where are we going, brother? And is there actually food? Because I'm starving... they don't feed you well enough in the loony bin..."

Loony bin? Did this woman -- oh gods, she was an escapee from the mental asylum?! It would explain the manner of clothing that she wore, as well as her general actions.And if she was indeed a escapee, then it would seem that Yurei was now an accomplice to her evading apprehension.


Well, this was not the worst thing he would do in his lifetime, but he did not need this sort of attention just yet. Turning his attention to the female as they made their way through the streets of Konohagakure no Sato, the blonde male nodded somewhat.

"Aye, there will be food sister, but only one of us is eating today." A cryptic reply, but his intentions would revealed soon enough; from beneath his red cloak the male would produce a bag of ryo, his own personal savings. Pressing the heft bag towards the woman, he offered her a small smile. "Consider this a loan if you will. You're free now, Sister. Do with that freedom what you will, but I will see you again in the future."

Whether the woman took the ryo or not would not change the mischievous ghost's next action: he would turn on his and take a step away before stopping once more. From within the folds of his cloak, his hands would be produced once more, each one alit with a strange vibrant red energy. What was this?

This was the power of War.

Yurei, as the incarnation of War, was gifted with the ability to create or enchant items at will.His specialty was creating weapons of war, but he possessed the knowledge of crafting supplementary items, things that while they were not particularly useful in open combat, were still potent nonetheless.

Reaching out, The Incarnation of War would take hold of Demi's jacket if she allowed him to, and bestow upon it two abilities: firstly, one that would hide her from from those who attempted to use chakra to find her. It would hopefully serve to keep her out of sight for the time being. Second, came an ability that was much more complicated; the strange energy would reach its way into the female's mind, and tap into her chakra pathways to bind to it, stitch by stitch, allowing the female's chakra to fill the jacket, linking and synchronizing with a particular jutsu that the female knew. While Yurei did not know the finer details of what would happen, he had an inkling; if this female was struck in a manner that she did not want, the jutsu would react accordingly...

Provided that the female allowed him to 'work his magic' so to speak, Yurei would take a step back away from her, before turning and making his way off into the village with a wave backwards. He had things to do, and several ideas were popping up in his mind; particularly an item and boots to go with the sword that he forged recently...

~Thread Exit~

590 | 3322 Total WC

3322/2000 = Shreds of Sanity Created

1322/400 = Air Force Ones Created

922/700 = Mirror Gem Created

222 WC remaining.

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