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It had been only a few hours since Nayoko’s encounter with the boy at the lake outside of the Village Hidden in the mists. His encounter with the young man who had identified himself as Tatsumi had been an interesting one to say the least.  The young man had begun by identifying himself as a murderer and insisted on Nayoko beating him, which had been most unsettling for the young Hattori who had journeyed out to the lake for some peace, quiet, and possible training. Instead, he ended up having a fairly in depth discussion with a young man about how moving forward was the best option when it came to regret. It had left Nayoko with a bittersweet thought as he had headed back into the village proper, hoping that he had managed to convince the boy that he did not have to be so upset for the rest of his life. In reality, Nayoko knew it would always take more than a single conversation to change someone, but he had to try. It was just the kind of person he was.

The young Hattori carried these thoughts with him as he found himself wandering the streets of Kirigakure no Sato in search of the General Hospital. He was not injured at the moment, but in a very rare moment of genius, Nayoko had realized that if his whole purpose for coming to the Land of Water, a meeting with a mystery man who seemed to have intimate knowledge of his family, went south, he wanted to know where he would need to go to in order to have his potential injuries treated. It seemed like an important part of the plan, considering neither himself, nor his travelling companion and friend, Shimada, were trained at all in medical ninjutsu. But as he wandered through the streets of the village, he glanced to his right and noticed a sign that looked oddly familiar. Pausing, he stared at it for a moment before his eyes went wide with dismay. He was looking at the sign for a ramen noodle place that he had eaten lunch just an hour or so earlier, which could only mean one thing for the path he had ended up walking: he had been wandering in circles.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Nayoko wandered over to the side of the road and looked up at the surrounding buildings, trying to get some sense of where he was. Unfortunately, the buildings all seemed to look alike in the eyes of the foreigner, and before too long the twenty two year old realized that he was hopelessly lost. Sighing with disappointment, he wandered over to a bench that sat on the side of the road and sat down in it, watching a seemly endless number of strangers walk by. Well, it looks like I’m left with no choice this time. I’m going to have to ask somebody around here for directions… Being the awkward man that Nayoko tended to be around strangers, it was not a preferable solution, but it looked like he had his back against the wall this time.

And so he did, waving to a nearby group of people that were walking by, unsure of whether they were travelling together or apart. He addressed the whole group, but made sure he was loud enough for others around him to hear. “Hi there, I’m uh…I’m not from around here and I seem to have gotten myself lost. Do any of you have the time to show me to there the Kirigakure General Hospital is located?”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

It had been a rather long time since Teru Uchiha last stepped foot within the walls of Kirigakure. The village was as lively as it ever was, but in a serene sort of way. Mothers pulled their young children by the arm through the streets, taking them to the many shops. Or, some were taking their kids to a daycare while they went off to gather at some restaurant. Who knew where the fathers were? A vast majority of them were ninja, so it was likely that they had been called forth on a mission to someplace outside of the village. Perhaps she even worked with some of them on occasion. She did not care for the most part. Instead, the Uchiha stepped right around all of the citizens and made way for some random location within the inner city of Kirigakure. Her gaze shifted from side to side as she got familiar with the building structures. It certainly had been a long since she last made appearance there. Teru refrained from looking so immersed in splendid wonder. Rather, she donned a simple expression that revealed very few emotions. There was still one of her infamous smiles, though. 

So what was it that brought the Uchiha out of hiding? Hiding. Perhaps such a word was not the best one to be used. There was not really anything she had to hide. All of this time spent outside of the village merely had Teru placed somewhere on the outskirts. She had been at a place where light had little meaning. It was a place where little socialization found her. That was also where she found the time to train and become much more qualified as a ninja. It was time for a break, however, so she dragged herself through the wilderness to pay a visit to the city of Kirigakure. Why, everything felt so different. Familiar, of course, but there were plenty of new faces to be seen. There were far too many to get to know all at once, however. Take it all in a little bit at a time, and then she would return to being a face welcomed by many. 

Teru walked onward through the city streets, happily giving a nod of greeting to any and all who dared to say hello to her. All was going so well with this miniature adventure within the very village she called home. It was only until she caught sight of a group of people nearby that Teru decided that she should stop and move in closer. She opened her ears to try and listen in as she approached the men and women. It did not sound like there was a brawl ensuing. Actually, it was quite the opposite. These people sounded as pleased as they usually were. Teru weaved through the mass of bodies to get through to the other side. She was curious about what it was that brought up this commotion. Once she was able to see what the bid deal was, her brows began to furrow. The left brow could not help but be raised as the revelation of this hot topic came to be. 

It certainly was not something she was expecting. The famous club on the other side of the city was having a showing, and it was one that Teru did not mind missing out on. She would so much rather be done in by Sero-sensei's harsh and cold will. In the back of her mind, she deeply regretted bothering with finding out what all of this was about. Seeing the explicit poster on the wall of the community building was scarring. So scarring that she would very well consider staying outside the village. 

Teru was about to turn on her heels and shove past all of the ecstatic bystanders. She was mostly disgusted after finding out it was a gathering of the more perverted. Such a shame that she foolishly allowed herself to be lured in like a mosquito to light. At least the group began to clear out. It saved her the trouble of having to see their flushed and aroused expressions. Ah, but then she found herself stopping in the middle of the street when she heard a voice. Her gaze pinpointed the direction in which it came from, discovering that it was a young man who was a short distance away. Teru tilted her head back slightly as he tried to speak with some of the people who were looking at the poster before. It was no good to bother with them, was what she wanted to tell him. But, they seemingly had no interest in bothering with him. 

His words. The kunoichi's ears managed to pick up on them through all of the hustle and bustle, “Hi there, I’m uh…I’m not from around here and I seem to have gotten myself lost. Do any of you have the time to show me to there the Kirigakure General Hospital is located?” Whoever this individual was, he sounded so innocent. It did appear that he was lost. He stood out like a sore thumb. Well, it was not like her to just let someone end up being more confused. This person was in need of assistance, but there was no one else to give him the hand that he needed. How unfortunate it was. However, Teru was not about to let that go on for very much longer. 

She approached him with a genuine smile. "Excuse me," she greeted him before getting any closer. The hospital was what he was looking for, she recalled. Considering the fact that she was raised in Kirigakure, the village masked by an immense and endless amount of mist, it was safe to say that she knew her way around the place. Although, she was not one of those lucky enough to pay a visit to the hospital for any reason. The thought was amusing to her. She even subconsciously brushed her thin fingers against the scarred tissue on her leg. The wound she had received over a year ago should have had her resting in one of those white rooms. She should have been bedridden. Teru had gone against that idea, however, and pushed through that pain to get to where she really needed to be. It was painful just thinking about all of the loss of blood and agony that she was faced with. The scar she had now served as a constant reminder. "I apologize for butting in, but I couldn't help but overhear you."

Walking around to stand in his visual path, Teru proceeded to wave her hand in a friendly manner. Her eyes looked him over quickly, but found no evidence of injury. So, he must not have been looking to be admitted into the hospital as a patient. Perhaps he was wanting to pay someone a visit. "I heard that you were looking for the General Hospital," she went on to say, and she clasped her hands together behind her back. "I would be happy to help you out. Besides, it isn't too far from where we are now. Allow me to show you the way."

Word Count: 1204



Nayoko stood for a while, looking on as the crowd seemed to ignore him. He couldn’t really blame them. After all, he was just some stranger on the street asking for directions. They had no obligation to help him, and besides that they were probably all busy with their own issues. The young Hattori sighed to himself and was about to resign himself to wandering around, hoping to find his way to the hospital, when he heard a voice call out to him. At least, he assumed it was to him. “Excuse me.” Was all that the young woman who stepped out of the crowd said at first. Nayoko turned to look at who had finally decided to help him. Judging by her youthful appearance, she was younger than him, though not by much. She stood a few inches shorter than him and she was not quite as well built, which Nayoko had no problem noticing thanks to the lack of clothing that the young woman wore. She had on a black bikini top that revealed all of her skin, save for her breasts, and over that was a black jacket that was barely zipped up. The only thing that the jacket actually concealed were her shorts, which were already pretty short to begin with. Around her neck she wore a dark green scarf with white strips, that contrasted nicely with her short blonde hair and hazel eyes. Nayoko could not deny that she was attractive, but more than that he was just happy she had decided to talk to him.

Nayoko watched as she stood before him, smiling and brishing her finger across a scar on her right thigh before speaking. "I apologize for butting in, but I couldn't help but overhear you." She waved then, ensuring that he could pick her out from the rest of the crowd, which he already had. "I heard that you were looking for the General Hospital," she went on to say, and she clasped her hands together behind her back. "I would be happy to help you out. Besides, it isn't too far from where we are now. Allow me to show you the way." Nayoko could not stop the sigh of relief from escaping from his lips. “Thank you so much! I was just about to start wandering around on my own again. I really appreciate the help.” He returned her kind smile and extended a hand to shake hers. “I’m Nayoko, a chuunin from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I’m here as part of the Kiri-Konoha Shinobi exchange program and I figured I should know where all of the important places in the city are.” He chuckled, “Hopefully I never have to use the hospital, but it’s always good to know where it is.”

Whether or not she shook is hand, Nayoko would smile and nod politely before beginning to follow the stranger through the streets of the Village Hidden in the Mists. The village certainly lived up to its namesake, Nayoko noticed even more as he walked along side his guide through the village streets. He had been embarrassed to have gotten lost originally, but now that he had a guide and could take the time to look around, he guessed that it probably was not unusual for strangers in Kirigakure no Sato to find themselves wandering aimlessly though the mists, lost. He stifled a shudder at he though. Lost in a foreign place for good, now that would be a fate that he would not survive very long. Just the thought of feeling so lonely brought thoughts of his family too his mind. They were back in Konoha, continuing their lives and probably hoping for the day that he would come back home. Truth be told, Nayoko was looking forward to getting to see them again too. He missed them; he was not afraid to admit that much. His family was everything to him and being away from them under the guise of a lie was hard for him. Regardless, he knew it had to be done, so he pushed through the regret.

Shaking those thoughts form his head, Nayoko looked back at his new companion. “So, you seem to know your way around this place pretty well. You must have grown up here; I can’t even fathom being able to make my way through these mists. Though I must admit, It’s a very interesting place to visit.” His smile broadened as he looked up at the surrounding buildings. He was beginning to recognize some of the places that they were walking past, reassuring him that he had, in fact, been headed in the right direction for at least part of his trek through the village. But that quickly changed as they turned right at an intersection that Nayoko could distinctly recall turning left at. He merely shook his head at the realization of his mistake and continued to follow the young woman that had decided to assist him. Curious about her and why she had decided to help him, Nayoko theorized hat maybe she had known other shinobi from the VIllage Hidden in the Leaves, and so she was happy to help the foreigner because of that. Deciding not to guess at her reasoning, the young Hattori asked her directly.  “How about you? Have you ever been away from the Land of Water before?”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

It was somewhat amusing to her when she saw him take on an expression of relief. She hoped it was because she had offered to him an opportunity to get through the maze of the village, and it was done through the willingness of her own heart and mind. It made her smile when he thanked her for what she said she would do. Whenever she was thanked sincerely, it always gave her a good feeling inside. “I was just about to start wandering around on my own again. I really appreciate the help,” she heard him say. A soft giggle escaped, and she took his outstretched hand into hers with a gentle squeeze. “I’m Nayoko, a chuunin from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I’m here as part of the Kiri-Konoha Shinobi exchange program and I figured I should know where all of the important places in the city are.” 

Teru listened attentively as he introduced himself. So his name was Nayoko. There was no complaint regarding the surname he left out. It was something that was done commonly throughout the world. When it came down to the Kirigakure natives- fellow natives- even they would not be so close when getting to know someone else. An entertaining remark that she heard from this new acquaintance, Nayoko, was that he preferred not to spend time in the hospital as one of its patients. That was something she could agree on with much certainty. Although, there was a time when she heard that the doctors and nurses were all very strict yet kind. The job they did was the job they focused on, and they did their work as best they could while providing visitors with as much comfort that could possibly be given.

Teru shook his hand in a friendly manner, and she shared a nod with him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nayoko,” she began, still keeping her smile on her face. “My name is Teru, and I’m also a Chuunin. Heh, I'll make sure you don't have to sit in the hospital while you're here with me.” The Kiri-Konoha Shinobi Exchange Program. That was not something she had ever been so interested in. Although, now she wanted to learn a little more about it. She wondered to herself about what other programs there were. Another time, perhaps, when she could have some more of her own time. “I think you made a good choice following through with that program. Even though it isn’t like your home in Konoha, we still have a lot of amazing sights to see.” It hit her quickly, though. Perhaps some of what she thought was amazing would not seem to be as wonderful through his eyes. It was possible that he would like all of the shops and the park. He looked a little too young to be going to the Siren’s Den. Though, not even she bothered to go that way. It came down to a matter of preference, it seemed. 

Other than those places, there were the training grounds and the old, abandoned academy that was now used as a gathering place for some ninja. The cemetery and shore were probably not as important and not the most interesting places to take Nayoko to. In fact, the most outstanding locations to pay a visit to lied outside the safety of the village walls. The wilderness that was almost always fogbound gave Kirigakure quite the image. So many mysteries were out there, and so many undiscovered treasures that might be hidden. What an adventure it would be for this hopeful guest, but still a little dangerous. If he did want to explore out there, then it would have to be with someone more reliable than Teru herself. Someone else who was no stranger to constant threats and peerless in skill. Well, if there was such a concern for extreme safety, then that sort of person would be just perfect.

Slipping out of thoughts of her own, Teru listened in on what Nayoko had to say. “So, you seem to know your way around this place pretty well. You must have grown up here; I can’t even fathom being able to make my way through these mists. Though I must admit, It’s a very interesting place to visit," he had told her. There was no choice but to give him a nod to confirm his words. Teru knew a great deal about where to go in Kirigakure and what to avoid. She had lived there for her entire life, basically. Much of her childhood in the village was a blurry memory, but she knew it had some goodness. Spending years in and around the place was beneficial, for it trained the senses to better operate in daring situations. Wandering and fighting in the mist was of little trouble. Most, if not all, of the Kiri ninja had become accustomed to it like she had. 

Had she been outside of this great wonder? That was what Nayoko had inquired of her. As she walked through the streets with him close by, she thought about the question for a moment. They had made a turn that unfortunately made the trip to the hospital a little longer, but that was alright. Teru led him down a road to the left that would loop them back to the right direction. It was a scenic route that she hoped he would enjoy. There was a small bridge overlooking one of the streams running through the village. At least a block remained until they would arrive at the hospital if they stayed on the path they were on. "You know, I have never explored outside the Land of Water," Teru said, answering Nayoko's question. There was no easy way of explaining it. Her reasons for not visiting other villages like he was, was because she had too many duties to attend to. But still, now that the subject was brought up, she considered the idea deeply. "I would like to see what's out there, one day. There must be a lot to see in your village, huh?" Teru was still smiling, but she did not look away from the road ahead. So many thoughts were flooding into her mind as she walked along with her foreign companion.

Other villages were surely much different. The people would most likely be much different in places like Konoha or Sunagakure. Some of them were probably not very fond of those who came from Kirigakure. It was to be proven. If she were to venture out and see what it was like, then she would be able to know for sure. But, she felt that doing that now would be more troublesome to her than anything. There was still too much for her to do within the village. Too much required her attention now. Teru looked up at the sky for a moment and thought to herself. This was something like what her Yuki partner was considering, was it not? He wanted to leave Kirigakure and pay a visit to other villages? Dropping her eyes back to the streets, Teru wondered about it. And, in a low voice that was practically drowned out by the noise of the villagers, she spoke to herself, "Would leaving the village really be all that great...?"

Word Count: 1235



Nayoko looked over at the young woman who had introduced herself as Teru as they continued to walk through the streets of the village. She seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, contemplating an answer to his question about travel. The fact that she had not responded gave away to the young Hattori that she had probably left the village before, or at least the country. The look on her face, a smile while staring forward, was reminiscent to Nayoko of an expression he might have given to someone asking the same question to him before he had taken this trip. If he was right about the feelings that her expression conveyed, she was content here in her home, happy to live here and serve. But some part of her longed for an adventure, and that would mean leaving her comfort zone eventually. He could only smile and follow her while she contemplated that on her own.

Nayoko himself had felt that exact same way a very short while ago. He had never been one for travel until his mother passed away. Before that, he would have been happy to stay in the Village Hidden in the Leaves for his entire life. But fate, it seemed, had a different plan. After she fell so ill and died, she left Nayoko with a dying wish of a sort. She had told him how much she always wanted to visit Kirigakure no Sato and the Land of Water, where her branch of the Hattori clan had originated, but she was never able to go back. She told Nayoko that he should go someday, and so he had planned to do so. Though Nayoko’s original plan had involved him being a much higher ranking ninja before he committed to that kind of a journey. Once again, fate had decided to deal him a hand that he was not prepared for. And so here he was; chasing down a mystery man and hoping to find out why he carried his mother’s family name. It had sped up the process of him getting here, but despite the stress surround the entire situation, he was happy that he had arrived in his ancestral home. Whether he liked it here or not, his family tree had roots in this mist; it was a part of him.

They had been walking for a little while in silence before Teru spoke up again. "You know, I have never explored outside the Land of Water," she said, answering Nayoko's question. "I would like to see what's out there, one day. There must be a lot to see in your village, huh?" Her persistent smile was infectious, and Nayoko ensured that his remained on his face as well. As he thought of how to respond he watched as the young woman briefly looked up at the sky, still obviously thinking about something else, but Nayoko could not tell if they were happy thoughts or not. Her smile told a story of peace, but her eyes seemed…tired. Perhaps she was longing for some sort of change? She dropped her eyes back to the streets and mumbled something to herself that Nayoko strained to hear. Unfortunately, thanks to the ever present din of the villagers walking around the duo, he could not tell what she had said, though he assumed if she had wanted him to hear it, she would have said it louder.

Nayoko was just about to respond to her casual question when the pair arrived at a small bridge overlooking one of the streams that ran through the village, integrated seamlessly into the infrastructure of Kirigakure no Sato. He paused a moment to look out over the edge at the stream flowing beneath them and let out a quiet, “Cool,” to himself. He then turned back to his guide. “Ya Konohagakure no Sato is pretty cool in my books! There’s a lot of historical monuments and things like that, which is really interesting when you know the history of the land like I do. There’s the Naka River which flows through the village. It’s located on the land where the Uchiha clan lives when they are part of the village for the most part. Just that area alone had such a crazy story surrounding it that it makes it worth visiting. Then there’s the Honoured Shinobi Monument, which us a testament to all of the people who lost their lives making the world a better place, or contributed to the stability of my home. And then, there’s my favourite place of all,” he said with a grin.”The Hokage Mountain. It bears the faces of all of the past and present kage who served the Village Hidden in the Leaves. It’s quite a site to behold, and I would say if you were going to visit one place, that would be it.”

He glanced around the city once again, now that he figured by his assumptions that they should be getting close to where they needed to be. He was quite enjoying his walk though the Village Hidden in the Mists now that he did not have to worry about getting lost, and he would be sad to see it end. But before they reached their destination, he wanted to offer Teru one more push to go to Konoha someday. He wanted her to experience what he had; the glories of travel. It was such an exciting experience that he knew she would enjoy it as well. “Teru, I know I keep playing up my village, but I don’t want you to think I don’t think t’s pretty cool here too. Things like that bridge we just walked over? I think that stuff is awesome, and I love being able to see it all thanks to the close ties our villages have. And I think you’d like that too, even if you don’t think you would. I never thought I would be one to leave Konoha, but here I am. So take my advice, see the world!” He chuckled happily, “I think you’ll like what you find out there, whatever it is. Adventure is a wonderful thing after all.”


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Teru glanced over to Nayoko and noticed that he stopped for a moment to take a view of the flowing stream. It made her smile inside, as she considered it to be one of the most beautiful spots in all of Kirigakure. She joined him to watched the water, and she leaned forward against the railing to take a moment to relax. Her hands gripped the rail, which had a rusted look to it. The bridge itself was old in fashion, being made of a hard type of wood. While it was true that the wood had been touched on for improvements and the railing was fixed from time to time for maintenance, it still retained that sense of beauty that began many years ago. The bridge had a name, she remembered. It was called the Asahi Bridge, and it was notable throughout all of Kirigakure. So much recognition for a piece of construction. What made it worth the trip was when the afternoon sun was low enough, shining its rays through the village and up to where the bridge was. In fact, there was a bit of a myth that went along with it. How did it go? When the reflection of the sun could be seen on the surface of the stream, the songs of the spirits looming over Kirigakure could be heard. It was something of that sort of story. Lore, actually. Teru was not one of those who was drawn into that, but she occasionally found it interesting to learn about. It was something that she decided as a noteworthy mention...

"Rumor has it that this bridge is where the spirits of Kirigakure's fallen shinobi visit to watch over their loved ones. As soon as the sun meets with the village gate and the light is shining directly over this bridge, you can hear them singing their lullabies. Heh, I'm not sure if it's really true or not, but it might be worth a try."

As they stood there, looking down at the stream in all its beautiful glory, Teru could feel Nayoko’s gaze on her. The sound of him opening his mouth to speak. For a second, she shared the gaze to let him know that she was listening before turning her head back around to face the direction of the sun. He spoke of Konoha, his home village. It sounded like he enjoyed living there. But that was a good thing. It would have been a shame if he had nothing good to say about the village he fought for. Teru turned her whole body around to face Nayoko, letting her waste lean against the metal railing instead while her arms were folded across her chest. “There’s a lot of historical monuments and things like that, which is really interesting when you know the history of the land like I do,” he had told her. That was an interesting topic, Teru thought. What could a village possibly be without monuments? They were not simply just for show. No, not at all. Monuments were there to tell a story to the future generations. They told how the village came to be and what it was that made them special. Just those two things were not the end of it. There was so much behind the origins of monuments, no matter what decade they were erected in. The history behind them was too important to dismiss. Teru wondered about the monuments of Konohagakure. Perhaps the only thing she knew about the village was about the Uchiha clan and how they once were apart of the village as a formal clan. 

It was just as Nayoko had said. There was a wild story regarding the Uchiha, and it connected to the Naka River. Ah, but she did not know much about the river, nor the entire history behind it. So many years ago, the Uchiha had been slain by a single man. It sparked a series of events that resulted in the clan breaking off from Konoha. Its life was dwindling with there being very few in numbers. Today, there were still few Uchiha, but there had to be more being born with the blood of the clan. Even if they did not take on the Uchiha name, there would still be those who had the bloodline in them. Teru closed her eyes a moment and pressed the side of her clenched hand against the bottom lip of her mouth. Unlike them, she had accepted her name and lineage as they were. The river that Nayoko spoke of- Naraka River. It had a connection to her broken clan. There was a spark in her bosom. Konohagakure… there was something about that place that she needed to see. The old remains of a clan she apparently had little understanding of. She could not say what kind of visit it would be, nor when it would take place. Peaceful or chaotic. That was to be seen until she actually stepped foot outside of the village. 

Breaking herself from her own thoughts as to not rudely ignore Nayoko, Teru opened her ears back up to hear the rest of his tale regarding his village. She listened wordlessly and learned of a certain shinobi monument. A testament to all of the people who lost their lives… That phrase in itself had a deep meaning. So, in a way, that monument was a giant grave? By the sound of it, that monument had something about it that made it more special than an ordinary cemetery. Very interesting. Konoha ninjas and villagers must have held some serious respect for their fallen men and women. And this monument that gave the villagers a reminder of who the kage were, that too gave her a touch of motivation. If he believed that it was a wondrous place to spend her time, then Teru would certainly consider it to be truth. She smiled and nodded, “Wow, your village does sound like a great place. I think I’ll take you up on that, Nayoko. A visit to Konoha will be worth my time. The Hokage Monument just might be the first stop I make, ha ha.” Teru gave him a happy grin and then went on to continue leading him to the hospital. Ah, the thoughts of visiting the Village Hidden in the Leaves. In her mind, it seemed like a very good idea. Doing so would probably clear her mind of all the… pain and the suffering that she had ever faced. In addition to that, it would give her a broader view of what the rest of the shinobi world was like. That could benefit Kirigakure, too, if she were to gain information on the conditions of other villages. Not that it was too undermine them, not at all. It would not be like she was spying on them or anything…

As she walked on with Nayoko, she continued to be the listener that she was. He made a good point about their two villages and their ties together. Considering the fact that there was the Kiri-Konoha Exchange Program, it had to be true that there was a bond of a certain closeness that was comparable to kinship. This new acquaintance of hers-- No, that was not right. By now, he was something a little more than a simple acquaintance. He should have been considered a friend, she thought. All of this thoughtful sharing of the outside world made her feel inspired. “I never thought I would be one to leave Konoha, but here I am. So take my advice, see the world…. I think you’ll like what you find out there, whatever it is. Adventure is a wonderful thing after all.” Take his advice? Well, he had some good points when concerning their topic of conversation. 

Teru softly giggled in response and nodded, "Okay, I don't see why not! If I just reject everything you just said, I'd never have a chance to know what there is in the world. Ugh, I don't think I could handle life as a hermit." She was half joking and even laughed a little. A little adventure in her life was looking to be all the more fantastic by the minute. Sero would surely not mind her taking the chance to go out and see the world. Well, the man was not her father, so she could go if she wanted to. But, still. A second opinion would be nice. "Maybe we'll get the chance to meet again, too. Then you'll be the one escorting me around."

Their walk around the village went on for a while longer. Some places that had been passed by included the park and the residential area of Kirigakure, as well as one of the oldest bars in the village that was run by the grandson of its founder. That was a sign that told her the hospital was only a short distance away now. "Well, Nayoko, I hope you've enjoyed this little tour through the village," Teru glanced over to the Konoha ninja with a smile. She could see the building structure now, just beyond the next street. "While you're here, I encourage you to see as much as you possibly can. There is still a lot that you haven't seen, so it would certainly benefit you to go and see the rest of the village. By the way, is there anything else you would like to talk about before we get to the hospital?"

Word Count: 1599



Nayoko could not stop himself from chuckling along with Teru as she broke into a giggle at his dramatic statement. "Okay, I don't see why not! If I just reject everything you just said, I'd never have a chance to know what there is in the world. Ugh, I don't think I could handle life as a hermit." She laughed again, and Nayoko followed along once more. "Maybe we'll get the chance to meet again, too. Then you'll be the one escorting me around." He was pleased that she was at least thinking about Konoha as a possible place to visit. He loved showing off his home to people and even if he could not be there to show her around, he was happy that maybe, just maybe, this young woman would get to experience the wonders of his home in the Land of Fire. That alone was enough to lift his spirits even further form the dour and depressing mood that threatened him so constantly of late.

“I’m with you there Teru. I don’t know what I would do without at least meeting new people. As you’ve demonstrated today, you can learn so much jut from a little while with a friendly face in anew place.” He listed his hand and thrust his thumb backward over his shoulder, pointing to where they had come from the bridge. “For example, that story you told me about the bridge? Those are the best stories to me. Sure, you can here the history of a place and such, but hearing what the locals say about a place, or just discovering the legends for yourself; that’s how you really get to know a place. That’s how you see what makes the Village’s heart beat, you know?” He smiled again, bringing his hands back down into his pockets as they continued along their way. “As far as meeting each other again in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, well I would like that very much! And I promise, I’ll show you more interesting places than just the hospital.”

Their walk went on for a while longer, and Nayoko took that time to take in the rest of the sights that they passed. First there was a small park that looked to be filled with some sort of garden. He could hear music, perhaps a musician playing the flute, softly drifting from the area filled with trees and flowers. He made a mental note of its location and planned to bring a book there at some point to relax before he set out to complete the task that he had come here to deal with in the first place. Next the duo passed by a small residential area, which caused a brief pang of homesickness to shudder through the young man. He truly did miss his family, and deceiving them like he had made it all the worse. He desperately hoped that he would be able to see them again, and that his trip to the Swamp of Sorrow would not be one that he would not return from. The last stop on their adventure through the city was one of the oldest bars in the village of Kirigakure no Sato, which Teru pointed out to him as they walked past it as well. The young Hattori was sure to make another mental note of that location, and planned to visit it in celebration of the completion of his mission with Shimada. It would be a great place to close off their time in the village, and then go home if they were ready.

As they rounded another street corner Nayoko looked up to see a sign that pointed down the road, indicating that the hospital was only a short distance away. Nayoko craned his neck to look past the groups of people filling the street, and was happy to see that he could pick out the corner of a sign that indicated the entrance of the Kirigakure General Hospital. "Well, Nayoko, I hope you've enjoyed this little tour through the village," The Konoha shinobi glance dover at Teru as she addressed him once again. "While you're here, I encourage you to see as much as you possibly can. There is still a lot that you haven't seen, so it would certainly benefit you to go and see the rest of the village. By the way, is there anything else you would like to talk about before we get to the hospital?" Nayoko merely smiled up at his new acquaintance and gave her a thumbs up. “Actually I think you answered any questions I have for now! I’ve already seen and learned a lot and I don’t think my memory could take any more today. But thank you so much for this. I honestly don’t know where I’d be right now if you hadn’t come along.” With that he began to walk away from her toward the structure in the distance before turning over his shoulder and waving back at the young kunoichi. “I’ll tell you what though, once I finish my business here, and if you haven’t run off to Konoha yet, I’ll by you a drink at that bar we passed okay?” He then shouted back a quick farewell and went along his way, finally finding the hospital he hoped he would never have to see the interior of.

[Exit Thread]



B-Rank Jutsu: Water Release: Water Encampment Wall (水遁・水陣壁 ~ Suiton: Suijinheki) (1500/1500)

B-Rank Jutsu: Leaf Strong Whirlwind (Konoha Gōriki Senpū - 木ノ葉剛力旋風) (1500/1500)

Unused WC:478

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Teru was pleased with how he took in the story behind the bridge they had just walked over. He had said that it, undoubtedly along with any others he heard prior to their meeting, was the best that he had ever been told. And, what he said concerning meeting new people and making friends. That was something else she considered to be true. Of course, anyone could learn anything from just about anyone they met sometime in their life. This included enemies, but there were limitations to those kinds of people. Friends had something more to offer. With a giggle, Teru smiled and nodded, "Right again." Ultimately, Teru was convinced to take on this opportunity. It was just as she had implied to herself before, going on an adventure like what Nayoko was on would have its benefits. All it came down to was when she would go out to embark on such a journey. Easy enough, she thought. 

And so, the walk they took through the village was coming to a close. The hospital was in sight now, all of its glory standing proud. Before they actually got to it, Teru took some time to think to herself about this latest stroll. It seemed that both of them had learned something from it. Her new friend gained some more insight on her village, Kirigakure, and she had been given much to think about regarding his village, Konohagakure. The bonding time was proving to be quite special because of that. It brought up one question, though. Was this like how all Kiri and Konoha shinobi felt towards one another? Or, perhaps, could it be comparable? Not all could have been like her and Mr. Nayoko, but Teru did wonder about the possibility.

Ah, there it was- the big sign that notified any nearby villagers that the hospital was right there. There were quite a few people outside the entrance, she noticed. They were either visitors or patients being discharged, while only a few seemed to be incoming patients with varying levels of injury. Well, now that they were there, it was the end of the small trip. “Actually I think you answered any questions I have for now! I’ve already seen and learned a lot and I don’t think my memory could take any more today. But thank you so much for this. I honestly don’t know where I’d be right now if you hadn’t come along," Teru turned her head to focus on Nayoko. She was hoping to get somewhere good with his asked questions. With all of the ones she successfully answered, there was a warmth inside radiating with triumph. “I’ll tell you what though, once I finish my business here, and if you haven’t run off to Konoha yet, I’ll by you a drink at that bar we passed okay?”

A wide grin was plastered on her face as Nayoko moved to part ways with her. "It's a plan," she shouted back to him, waving to him in farewell. By this time, she had stopped walking with him and watched him walk away. It was when the other residents flooded the street that she finally lost sight of the foreigner. Still, she stood there with a smile with arms folded. This was a kind-hearted fellow that she was lucky to have met. The chances of them meeting very soon was small, but there would be a day. She hoped that there would be. After a moment longer of standing in the middle of the road, Teru sighed and turned on her heels to walk in the direction that she and Nayoko had come from. Back across the bridge she would go as a single thought nagged at her attention. Konoha... the Naka River. I feel like there is something over there that is calling out to me. What could it be?

Word Count: 654
Total Word Count: 4692
Thread Status: Exiting

Taijutsu ➡ A-Rank to S-Rank | 4000/4000

Lost Words: 692

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