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Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

The masked man was standing at the center of the colliseum, understanding that the only way to get stronger was to challenge more people who came there to train. The only way to feel even satisfied in the slightest, was to face and fight all sorts of shinobi and warriors and more importantly: to learn from each encounter and to adapt when the situation called for it.

Kegare let out a deep sigh while he was taking off his hat and vest in order to allow him more mobility during his training. As his vest dropped upon a rock he had chosen to be the place where he'd lay down his stuff, the air got filled with the strong smell of lavender, as his prefered perfume was based on that plant after all.

"Did I come at a bad time," The masked man looked around to see if there was anyone around, yet so far he seemed to be the only one who had gotten into the open space in the mountains that was appropriately named the Colliseum. "Must be because most people are still having a nice nap around this time."

Watching the pocketwatch he had tucked away in his vest, Kegare noticed that it was still six o'clock in the morning, which did explain the lack of people coming to the place where he was waiting. "Ah well, if I'm lucky I might manage to catch me some early birds."

To ease his tension and to prevent himself from getting bored, the masked member of the Yamada clan started to do some push ups and sit ups in order to warm up his muscles and get ready for any and all who would come to the colliseum with the same thought as he had: to fight and get stronger.




Maikeru eyes shot opened. He looked around. “What the…” his head hurt. His vision was blurred. He had dirt in his hair. When his eyes finally adjusted, the first thing he noticed was his dirtied clothing. It was dirty and tattered. What happened to me… His jacket was ripped in different places, his pants had what looked like cigarette burns and for some very strange reasons he was without underwear. He looked at his surroundings. A shooting pain went through his spine. His back hurt as if he had slept on stone. He looked at what he had slept on. 
Figures…stone. He got up and rolled his spine, doing some stretches. A few cracks later he looked around again. It appeared to be a circular room. A very very very large circular room. 

A very large room made of stone. He tried to think back to what he did to end up in this place. He remembered…two women. Very very small women. Specifically they were very small women with butterfly wings. He remembered a very dashing man, not too much older than Maikeru. Must have been an interesting night. He dug in his pocket, to find a ring. This was a bit of a mystery. And there was jotting Maikeru loved more than solving mysteries. Maikeru looked around some more. He realized something: he had been slacking in his combat skills. He needs to step up the plate. And Maikeru saw  a mysteriously masked man. He could be a criminal. Though, despite his creepy looking mask, he was doing nothing more than exercising. Maikeru forgot that the place was used for training. He always thought it of a place for people to fight each other to the death. “Hey you!!” Maikeru shouted. “Wanna spar!?” Maikeru didn't see him to be a threat of any sort, at least not criminally. But he felt he would be one to give him a run for his money.

327 WC

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

Kegare's eyes darted to the side, the two golden orbs behind the mask looking at the person who had called out to him. It was quite a surprise to see a rather young man of absolutely no more than twenty years of age lyring on the ground in a rather disheveled fashion. For a moment, it made the masked man wonder how he could've failed to notice the kid, but than again, he really didn't exactly care about others that much, which meant that the young man simply was quite a forgettable or very elusive person.

"Your parents never thought you any manners?" the middle aged member of the Yamada clan asked, while pulling at the edges of his gloves to make sure they'd be wrapped comfortably around his hands and wouldn't slip off for any reason. While he walked slowly towards the kid, he also quickly closed the top button of his shirt again, all in order to show his impeccable attire.

When he finally reached Maikeru, Kegare tilted his head to the side and let out a soft, yet still perfectly audible sigh. "Well, I wouldn't be bothered by teaching you some manners, after all... this is the Coliseum, is it not?"

Letting out a chuckle, the masked man turned around again and started to walk towards the spot where he had been standing before again and as his back was turned at the young man, he chuckled yet again. "A spar it is then, I can live with that."

When he finally reached the spot, Kegare turned towards Maikeru again, making sure to wear his vest and button it up properly, yet not putting on his hat for obvious reasons. After all, having a mock battle was no reason to avoid looking as a proper gentleman, even if he was far from one on the inside. "Well then, ready when you are...boy."

wc: 322
twc: 628

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