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1The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:57 am

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Clan compound

Two men were sitting at a Shogi table, one combing his beard with his hand, the other tapping with the slender, gloved fingers of his left hand upon the white, smiling mask he wore.

"Seriously, not going to make a move, Iwatobi?" The masked man stopped tapping with his fingers upon his mask, his irritation quite audible from the tone of voice he was using. "You make your lackeys bring me here for a game and now you're doing nothing. I could've gone to the library to do some reading. You should know that I have my own affairs to deal with."

The bearded man looked up, his hand still wriggling around with the thickgray hairs that grew from his sharp chin. A slight grin appeared on Iwatobi's face when he noticed Kegare's irritation. He knew the man in the smiling mask as much, if not better than his own brothers and sisters and visa versa. They had been comrades from their youth and despite the difference in paths they had taken and obstacles they had had, the old man was probably the only one who had managed to lift the veil around Kegare's mysterious persona.

It had after all been more than forty years ago when Kegare had been brutally and savagely wounded in a prank played by a now deseased member of the Feudal Lord's court. Yet even now, Iwatobi could feel the bitterness inside the masked man.

"I get it, this wasn't just for some game, right?" The masked man sighed and placed both his hands upon the Shogi table while leaning bckwards a bit. "I'm fifty eight years old Iwatobi, I'm not a child like those pampered members of the higher ranking members of our family. I got to where I am by being who and what I am, not because of some overprotective family or some sort of destiny carved out from birth."

Iwatobi suddenly chuckled and raised his hand for one of the servants to bring the both of them some tea. "I know that very well old friend and I wasn't trying to deceive you... it's just that I know how strongly you feel about the main branch of the family after they cast you out."

A huff left Kegare's lips, his head tilting to the left while his piercing golden eyes looked at Iwatobi with intrigue and a bit of doubt. "That's great, coming from a member of the Main branch."

The bearded old man wanted to respond, yet was interrupted by the servant arriving with the tea, so he simply accepted his cup, took a sip and placed it down next to the board filled with Shogi tiles. "It so happens that you've been asked to meet with one of the main branches most prized members; Yamada Alexis, does that ring a bell?"

The masked man looked at the servants with an almost rage-filled stare, until they realized that he wanted them to leave the two of them alone, so he could drink his tea in peace. "Well, I've heard of her... quite the Go player if I recall correctly, but what does that have to do with me?"

Iwatobi cringed when Kegare removed his mask and ook a sip fromhis tea, even after all this time it was still not easy to look his friend in the eyes when the mask had been removed. "Well yes, that's the one. She's going to have a game with a member of the Feudal Lord's court soon and you were asked to keep her company during this time, after all it seems that the Feudal Lord is interested in this child and her skills."

Kegare sighed again, drinking the rest of his tea before putting on his mask again and looking straight at Iwatobi with a look that only conveyed pity. "More like the Feudal lord wants her to marry one of his court's members and given my unique position as someone between the barriers of both the court and the clan, I'd be suited to prepare the young girl for the news?"

"Something like that," Iwatobi laughed, patting Kegare on the shoulder. "They'll be expecting you around eight O'clock, so aren't you glad I got you out of your bed at five?"

A barely audible grumble came from behind Kegare's mask. "I guess so."

"Good, I'll send word to her parents that you'll be arriving shortly," Iwatobi was still tearing from his earlier fit of laughter when he called a servant to relay the message of Kegare's immenent arrival. "Oh yes, don't spook the girl too much...nor do I advice being too rough with the member of the Feudal Court, given your... history with them."

"If the brat's going to be annoying or any of the court, they will remember their debt towards me... both the clan and the Court, Iwatobi... both of them still have to pay," The masked man didn't laugh, his voice was thicker and harder than earlier, as if a bunch of bad memories came flooding back into his mind. "I still haven't forgotten."

"Neither have I my friend, neither have I," Iwatobi answered, having calmed down considerably, responding to the masked man's cold voice with his own understanding tone.

Hours later, the masked man arrived at the home of the girl he was supposed to accompany for the day, until the Feudal Lord's relatives had arrived in the evening.

Wearing his usual bordeaux attire, his smiling, white mask and white gloves to mask and veil each and every part of his disfigured body and visage, Kegare would've stood out among the people of the main branch who still wore more traditional styled clothing, while he himself wore a more elegant and contemporary style of clothing, more fit for nobility than anything else... though mostly because it was the kind of clothing that covered up everything.

He had been led to the garden of the house who's inhabitants were the wealthy and noble members of the main branch and coincidentally also the parents of the child he would be tending to that day.

"Ugh, even if this garden is beautiful, it does not hide the atrocities and decay of this family by a long shot."

wc: 1079
twc: 1079

2The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:38 am

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

Her father had a meeting with one of the other members of the clan to talk about matters with the family, as they were waiting around the house for someone to show up. Her father was someone that looked down on people that dare to ruin the name of this clan and didn't allow Alexis to talk with people like that. As her father said a few words to her. "Alexis today, you have a game with the Feudal Lord, a lower member of the clan will watch you, to make sure you're safe, I don't want you to be friendly with him, he ruins the clans honor and name, he doesn't even have the class to show his own face, do I make myself clear." They were both walking wearing kimonos, as she would nod towards him.

"Yes, father I understand." Her father didn't show any signs of caring, as he knew she would agree. "He will be here soon." With that they would walk, sitting down on the floor playing a game of Go. In time, they would walk around once more waiting for this man to show up, as the game was finished. Her father overheard the man speak as Alexis and him, started to walk forward. Her father's tone was harsher this time as his cold gaze when on the mask man. "Never speak about the clan in that manner again, do I make myself clear, a man who can't respect his own clan, doesn't know a single thing about beauty." Her father would speak with Alexis.

"This disgrace to our clan, will watch you from now on Alexis, the only thing he is useful for." He would say walking away, with Alexis looking at him. "You have heard my father, and your own family had said, you will be with me until my game with the Feudal Lord's is over. I don't wish to disrespect them, so try and follow the orders of the main branch." Alexis would say crossing her hands under each sleeve, as she started to walk away. "I don't wish to not follow my orders, and because I wish to become the next person to lead our clan, I can't have any members who would disobey them." She would say hoping he would follow, if he didn't she would have to wait for him. Alexis had a duty to follow the heads and her father's orders.

At the top part of her hair, it is tied in a bow using a gold long hairpin, she has snow white skin, and is only five feet tall. It will not matter where you see Alexis she will be wearing a long elaborate dress, which is her kimono, fashioned with many colors, being really fluffy. The colors that are shown on her dress is green, pink, white, black and red being really long. If her hands are straight down. The robes will cover her hands, with her having to push them up. Her kimono is more and just one dress it's many items, put together. Finishing her outfit is a pair of black shoes.

WC 520

3The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:14 am

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

"Disrespect them?" Kegare chuckled rather coldly, while pressing his left hand against his mask and tilting his head a bit backwards. "Oh no, I wouldn't dare to disrespect those 'fine' members of this 'noble' clan of ours."

His tone of voice was cold and almost slimy, his emphasis heavily on those two words, those two adjectives that would normally uplift the clan in another person's speech, yet due to his tone it turned into a mockery. Of course he'd follow what had been asked from him by Iwatobi, but Kegare wasn't going to let some younger, annoyingly strict main branch member dictate his life and his choices.

"Oh... so you think this is about a match with the feudal lord?" The masked man couldn't refrain himself from chuckling. It seemed that they had not been honest with a member of the main branch, this child didn't even know she was going to be judged on a whole other level by the Feudal Lord than she had ever been before. Ah well, it wasn't like he cared about what her future would be. It wasn't bad in a sense, to marry a familymember of the Feudal Lord's court, it meant you'd be getting lots of wealth and respect, but you'd be sacrificing all freedom.

"The next person to lead YOUR clan?" Again he emphasized a single word, making it obvious that even though he shared the same blood and name, he viewed himself far from related to the clan, the only person he'd still call his family was Iwatobi, but the rest of the clan was nothing to him, nothing but a cesspool of corruption, decadence and dillusional grandeur. "Well, I reckon I should be congratulating you for having gained a position which was once mine."

It wasn't a lie though, Kegare had been seen as a potential heir to the clan in his youth, at least before fate had dealt him a terrible blow from which he'd never recover. A blow in the form of a bunch of foolish bullies and a clan that turned their back on him when he needed them the most.

The masked man clenched his fists and was restraining himself from not pounding the first tree or any other object nearby, yet he managed to abstain from such violent impulses and simply let out a long sigh to calm himself down. "Forgive me... I always tend to become rather irritated when in the presence of members of the main branch. It's not your fault, but due to your very name and obedience to said name, I can only look at you like I view all others of this wretched clan."

Leaning slightly forward towards the young woman, Kegare's right hand moved upwards, his fingers almost around Alexis' throat, yet suddenly he simply used his index finger to touch her right beneath her chin and lift her face up towards his mask, so she could look straight into his cold, yellow-golden eyes. "I despise each and everyone of you for what you've done to me, for what you've taken from me and for what you've denied me. However, I do not blame you for my misfortune, young lady. To find those who are at fault, you simply need to look at the people who'd be present at your game this evening."

With that he let go of her, took off his hat and made a graceous bow. "My name is Yamada Kegare, your guard for the day. It will be my great pleasure and my solemn duty to accompany and protect you during this glorious day, in which you will be sold off to the highest bidder from the Feudal Lord's court."

Letting out a chuckle, kegare placed his hat back onto his head and simply observed Yamada Alexis, the young and noble lady of the main branch. he truly hoped she'd be able to understand his words and what was awaiting her...

wc: 680
twc: 1759

4The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:48 am

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

Alexis would listen to him not liking how he spoke about us. "Good, because you are a member of this proud clan after all." She didn't care for his tone, what only mattered right now is what came from his mouth. She would sigh listening to him trying to get under Alexis's skin. "Yes, I do. If you think it's something else, why don't you say it, and stop playing games." She would keep listening to him, he was full of bad blood. "It's not yours, it's are. You're still a member if you like it or not, and how does my position belong to you?" She would say questioning him, sounding a little annoyed. Alexis would keep walking never losing her grace.

"You can view me any way you like, and you're forgiven, but you should also be obedient to your clan unless you're telling a main branch member, you wish to turn your back on us, so I would say you need to hold your tongue." She was finding this man to be an open book and easy to read, who was full of nothing but anger. Alexis head would be lifted up as she looked into his cold eye's, but Alexis own eyes wouldn't back away. "I follow orders, that is all there is to it. You should do the same." Alexis would say in a cold tone, as she walked away from him.

The man finally said something that got her attention. "Sold? What do you mean?" Alexis would say, sounding confused, as she turned around to face him again. Her father knew, but Alexis was someone that followed orders all the time and it was no need to tell her something she would follow. "Well are you going to tell me, or just going to give me riddles." She would still stand like a noble. She was told about no event about something being sold, was this man lying? Well, she would soon find out.

Alexis was only told about the game, that she was about to play. "Well?" In time, the feudal lords would enter the village, as her game was getting closer with each and every passing second. As Alexis's fate was getting closer, something she did not know about.

WC 377

TWC 897

5The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:25 pm

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

This young lady was so staunch and stoic, drained by repetitional lessons of her own free will. In a sense kegare felt quite sorry for her, yet he couldn't get over his bitterness towards those of the main branch anyway, not as easy like that at least. "Being sold, that's what I'd call an arranged marriage, young lady."

Letting out another sigh, this time the masked man actually placed his hand upon the young woman's shoulder, not with rage, but with a distinct feeling of pity towards her. "Such is the fate of many of noble families, especially those that catch the eye of the Feudal Lord's court."

"That's why you'll be having a game later today, with a relative of the Feudal Lord and during that match the Feudal Lord's relative will decide wether or not he would approve of a marriage interview with you," Silently, Kegare moved backwards again and chuckled softly. "Surely, it is quite surprising that you'd say that I am still part of this clan, a clan that dissavowed me, spat me out when I no longer had use and disregarded me as the next heir when I was wounded by a prank comitted by a relative of the very men that will visit here later on."

Tilting his head backwards again, resting his left hand against the mask, Kegare remained silent for just a few seconds before turning his eyes back towards Alexis. "You follow orders, you do as you are told... it is commendable that you would sacrifice your life, your love and your freedom for your clan... but is there nothing, nothing at all which you seek just for yourself?"

A simple question, filled with pity and at the other end anger. Years ago he had been standing on that very spot where the young lady was standing, that very thresshold of life where one had to decide to move forward with only the clan in mind or move forward with oneself in heart. He had chosen the clan and when he had lost that path, he had lost everything.

It sickened him to see such a young woman being so mercilesly molded into a tool for the clan, just like he had been long ago. "Ah well, if you think that your freedom and choices are unimportant... I guess that very choice will be the only one you'll ever make. Let us not fret about all that then and simply enjoy a walk through the garden and perhaps a game of... was it Go, yes a game of Go then."

wc: 439
twc: 2198

6The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:51 pm

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

Alexis would look at him thinking he was a fool. "I don't have an arranged marriage, don't you think I would know about it?" She would question him, thinking he was just being annoying at this point. She would sigh at him as she moved with his head going from her shoulder. "I am not getting married, I might of catch their attention, but me marrying someone in the court, has not happened." She did feel bad for him, as she would keep walking. "I am sorry that happened to you, but we are still a clan, that was the past. This is now." She didn't know anything about him, this was just her own view, but Alexis started to worry, was this really going to happen?

Alexis would look towards him once more. "I will listen to my family and my clan and follow orders, but as I know of. I have not given up my freedom or love life, so how would you know of an event I don't?" Alexis would move outside, as it was time. "I still have my life, and Go takes a long time to finish, we will be late if we played now. It's nothing like Shogi." With that Alexis and him would start to make it to the court to meet the Feudal Lord relatives, but she would have to get what he said out from her mind, it couldn't be true.

As time passed, they would be in a royal manner, which had a stairway to the feudal lords relatives. One of the guards would grate Alexis. "Miss Alexis, would you follow me the Feudal Lord relatives are waiting for you." She would bow and follow him inside. As she would say. "Thank you." With the mask man following. "Keep up will you, you're met to stay by my side after all, and try to show respect to the Feudal lord relatives. It's not just about the clan, but they are the highest ranking, and keep the village moving." Saying hoping he would do as she said.

WC 342

TWC 1239

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

"Some sins of the past will never be forgotten," Kegare quickly rebuked, though not with a bitter or angry voice, just stating a truth as it was. "And for them to be forgiven, retribution is necessary. It is after all a harsh and cruel world in which we live, with death and despair at every corner."

Bowing ever so slightly, the masked man started following the young lady when she was moving towards the vacation home of the Daimyo in to which the future head of the clan had been invited to meet a few relatives of the Feudal Lord and play a match of Go against the young man who was supposed to become her future husband, should the other relatives approve of it.

Kegare already knew the Daimyo wouldn't be present at such an occassion, though perhaps if they did intend to get married at some point, their might've been quite some high-ranking dignitaries present, though for now just a few relatives and their guard should suffice. "Please don't see this as a regular game yet, young lady. The man against whom you'll be playing is a relative of the Feudal Lord and thus you are to be judged by his peers. The problem will be how big his ego is, if you win he might say no to an arrangement with your parents and if you lose he might say yes because he might've found the game entertaining. I'll always say it, you nobility really are hard to figure out, don't you think?"

Upon their arrival at the large mansion that was the summer home for the Daimyo's court, they were greeted by some of the royal guards, who promptly did their job by demanding that any weapons had to be handed over, including objects that could possible hide any or be used as weapons.

Alas this lso meant that they desired for Kegare to show them his mask, which he begrudgingly did, revealing that part of his face had been ripped open by claws and teeth, revealing that part of his cheek looked like grated cheese, that he missed his eyelids at one side and that there was even part of his upper and lower jawbone visible. The guards, quite shocked by this and understanding the reason for the mask, simply returned it to Kegare, who obviously mumbled a whole lot of curses in an instant before he managed to put his mask back on. "So no game for us then, sad... I would've loved seeing what a pampered princess like yourself is made of."

When the guards had finished their work, they let the two of them through, yet before they would've even managed to get up the stairs, A rather young man walked down the stairs with an entourage of servants to greet the young woman who he'd be having his match with in a game of Go and potentially even another kind of match. "Welcome, welcome Lady yamada,
it's so good to see that my opponent is such a picture of elegance and refinement. Frankly speaking, with the Yamada name, I'd have expected some kind of assassin or dangerous looking person... eh yes, let's go inside."

"You will not do so without me being present, milord," Kegare's words were strict and stern, showing that despite the fact that he despised the clan and the daimyo and his relatives, he still had a job to do as requested by Iwatobi and he wasn't going to stop with his record of being at least trustworthy at some degree now. "I am responsible for her wellbeing through the day, so please do not object."

The young man looked at Kegare with visible disgust in his eyes, yet quickly turned towards Alexis to know her opinion, after all... she was the employer at this point.

wc: 678
twc: 2876

Last edited by Yamada Kegare on Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

"I know death is everywhere, but so is life. Stop thinking about what is gone, and think about what you can keep." She would say giving more words of wisdom to him. She would listen to him speak as she would let out a smile. "No, not at all, nobles like to win and act like they are more and everyday people if they lose to someone who is below them in title it would ruin how people could view that person and their family." She learned a lot of this stuff from her own father. "For someone that hates me, you do like to talk a lot don't you?" She would say with her gaze onto him for that slight second, with a smile.

She wouldn't look at the man's face, he was hiding it for some reason and maybe in time, by his own doing he would show what he looks like to Alexis. She would look a little annoyed when she was called a pampered princess, but all she could do is walk, not allowing anything to get to her right now. She had an order, that needed to be done. She would see the noble at the top coming down, as his servants would try and wait on Alexis hand and foot. "Thank you, it's an honor to meet you." She would be making it up the stairs with him, and her mask friend behind.

Was she really maybe going to marry him, it had to be a lie he made up? So Alexis would lose her cool. As her face was blushing for that slight moment. Then she would hear him speak again in that rude type of tone. "Please forgive me, he was trusted with that task, but he believes in the old ways and only wishes to look after my safety. I hope you can forgive us." Her tone was soft and kind. Showing she was sorry to the noble, when in mind. It was zero point in doing so, in most cases. But with a noble it was a must As she would give a small bow, to show signs of her apologie. With both her hands still under each sleeve.

WC 369

TWC 1608

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

Kegare was quite taken aback by how the high born princess of the Yamada clan reacted to him, rather than cowering in fear, she showed him something he could hardly fathom: a noble, unbroken and unbending spirit, a most intriguing trait if there was any.

Yet when the young man of noble birth mentioned the masked man and looked at him with eyes that betrayed his own thoughts, Kegare had to refrain himself from punching the brat's face in with a hard straight right, yet Alexis' words managed to avoid any action, even warranting the masked member of her clan to chuckle softly. "It is as her ladyship says, I simply follow the duties handed to me, young lord."

"I'd rather not have to hear your grating voice," The young man's words were harsh and direct, yet despite their venomous tone, the relative of the feudal lord still managed to shirk a few paces away from the masked clanmember of Yamada Alexis, not risking anything with someone who looked so insane and unorthodox. "Now... good, Milady. If you would be so kind, would you do the honor to join me to the parlor. They've set up our table already and my guests are most interested in your strength and intelligence."

With those words, the young man lend Alexis his arm and waited for her to join him into the mansion and bring her to the parlor, where she'd be seeing a table filled with many treats and beverages, but also a full set of white and black pebbles and a board to play Go.

Not only that, but there were easily a dozen different guests, all dressed rather splendidly, not betraying nor veiling their noble birth and heritage, something which actually seemed to unsettle kegare as he joined both the young lord and his charge. "Oh man, this is so ridiculous, a bunch of pompous imbeciles watching a pampered princess and a pampered prince play some child's game."

He let out a chuckle to notify Alexis that he was just joking, trying to make sure she wouldn't be nervous, after all, if the information was correct, this was to be her assessment by members of the Feudal Lord's court and with the relative of the daimyo as her possible fiancee... anything could happen. "I'll keep aout if you so desire, Lady Alexis."

wc: 407
twc: 3283

Last edited by Yamada Kegare on Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

10The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:20 pm

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

"Please pardon his rudeness, you still can't disrespect the young lord, watch your tone Kegare." She would say towards the mask member of her clan. As she started to walk with the noble. She knew nobles, they are not kind people they are dark and evil, think of them like venom. It can do nothing if you just look at it, but if you get close and take it in, it will do more harm and good. "I will young lord, but I'm sure my talent at one game wouldn't match up to your own strength and intelligence." She would take his hand, walking up with him, but then that thought crossed her mind again as she would have a slight blush.

It couldn't be, it was no way she had an arranged marriage with someone in this manner. It had to be a lie trying to get her worried. She would sound calm speaking to the man who was watching her right now. "I told you to watch how you speak to people here, all you have to do is watch over me. Not to make a rude remark every second. Just watch the game, and act like someone of the clan okay Kegare." She would walk over, as the young lord would pull her chair out, with him doing the same sitting down on the other side.

She would pick up stones the same way he did, as to see who would be first to move. "It looks like you will start young lord." She needed to think win or lose? What was the right choice here, her father would maybe what her to lose giving this boy's title, but if she did that would mean..........He could marry Alexis. Was she ready to give up her life in this way? Or was this all just a lie by that masked man, no she had to take it out from her mind and play the game, and lose just enough so he can see someone in the clan is skilled enough to be noticed and he can act all mighty about winning.

WC 349

TWC 1957

11The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:16 pm

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

Everyone looked at the two with anticipation, their eyes transfixed upon them, yet they were empty and hollow. The young lord smiled and placed the first white stone upon the farthest right corner of his side of the board, grinning rather annoyingly at Alexis. She was right at one thing though, the guy did seem to be someone who wanted to win and wasn't someone who'd restrain himself if he did win a game. More so even, if he won agame of Go against someone of such notable talent as Alexis, he'd be not just delighted, he'd be extatic.

He'd continue the game, placing his stones whenever Alexis had placed hers, yet always in such a beginner's manner and without any tactic that it would actually be very hard, if not extremely difficult for the Yamada clan heir to lose on purpose.

"I know what you're thinking, I'm brilliant aren't I?" The young lord laughed, smirking as if he already had the victory in his own bag and what was worse, he genuinly seemed to think that it was all his own doing, his own brilliant gameplay. It was in fact so pathetic that even Kegare had started looking away, pressing his gloved hand against his mask while trying to refrain from chuckling loud enough for anyone to hear it.

Alas good things never lasted very long and the masked man wondered when the princess would finally manage to force a loss for herself, that way he'd be able to end his job and return home... at least if that brat of a young lord wouldn't take too much time to win or worse: throw a party in his own honor. "A... very exciting match, no?"

The words came out on a light tone, making it quite obvious that even the masked man had realized how bad the young lord truly was and in some sense he pities Yamada Alexis for the effort she'd be making for not winning the game. It would've been so much easier for her if she just focused on winning rather than pleasing someone else.

"Hmm?" Kegare suddenly looked up towards the glass panels in the roof, the moon's pale light penetrating through them, yet he was certain that he had seen something shimmer outside on the roof for a moment.

Giving a sign to Alexis by way of moving his hand a bit, he hoped she'd understand that he was going to have a looksy of what had managed to draw his attention. In less than the time it took for Alexis to blink, Kegare had managed to slip through the group of guests and go outside, where he'd be standing at the entrance of the manor for a moment before deciding to have a gander at the roof of the parlor. "Ah well, even if it's nothing, it's still better than watching something so boring and so pitiful as that game."

wc: 509
twc: 3792

Last edited by Yamada Kegare on Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

12The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:23 pm

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

The nobles that were watching the game had hollow eyes. His game plan was not good at all, but Alexis could make anyone out to be a winner, as she played just enough so he was going to win by only one point. She would let him win, but no more and that, it was not like she was told to lose after all. Her father didn't give her any order to follow, that is why her playstyle was enough, right now only allowing him one point ahead. She would now do the hard part, replying to his nonsense. "Yes, you are. It's a good game." She would say with a smile, Alexis was good at doing this role, but well, she couldn't stop thinking about what that masked man said.

"Kegare, it is, but it's rude to speak when two people are playing." She would see him leave, but unable to stop him. She just hoped he didn't do anything too stupid, much time would pass as she was still losing by one point and in Go, only a master could lose like this, and with this one move, the game would be over. She would count up the score as the young lord moved his stones to count it up as well, and in the end, the score was 161 to him and Alexis the score was 160. It was a close game only because she allowed it. Her family and the young lord could walk away with their heads up high.

She smiled at him one more time, as she and he put away all the stones. "That was a good game, young lord. I hope I get to play with you again." She would say with a smile, as she rose from her chair, placing both her hands under each sleeve of the kimono. "I better be on my way. I would hate to bother someone like yourself young lord. You must have many other commitments." She would wait for him to speak, standing in the right manner, so he wouldn't take offense. Only leaving if he said she could.

WC 354

TWC 2311

13The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:45 pm

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

While the game in the parlor was reaching its end, Kegare was climbing the walls of the mansion, doing his best to reach the roof above the parlor, as he was curious to see what it was that he had noticed lurking through the glass ceiling of the room in which Alexis and the young lord were playing their game.

When at last the old man managed to reach the rooftop, Kegare was quite surprised and even somewhat baffled by what he saw: a shimmering shade in the darkness, yet one thing was visible, a head resembling a cracked skull and sinister ice blue eyes.

"What are you doing up here?!" The masked man yelled, while his left hand went behind his back, letting a kunai hidden within his sleeves drop into his hand. "I asked you a question, what the hell are you doing here, answer me!!"

The shady figure did not respond, only illiciting a soft and ghoulish sounding chuckle, it sounded so cold that even Kegare could feel a shiver rise up through his spine, yet he was on duty and could not let some strange figure make him lose whatever dignity he had left as a shinobi from the village hidden in the rock. "I simply ask you a question, if you refuse to answer, I will be authorized to use force and apprehend you by any means necessary."

Again the shady figure with the skull for a head chuckled and revealed his hands, which were skeletal in form as well, thick enough to have flesh and skin around bone, yet strangely still only bone and a strange hole in each of them. "I don't think you'll stop me Yamada Kegare, you never could and you never will."

The voice, cold and sinister, shocked the masked man. How did this figure know the identity behind the mask. Though surely, many knew about him due to his extravagant behavior and his dubious past, but he had never seen this mysterious man, even though he seemed to know Kegare. "Who...are you?"

The mysterious figure simply seemed to smile, after which the sudden sound of something breaking and eventually shattering made Kegare look down, as he was standing on top of the glass ceiling.

Meanwhile downstairs in the parlor, the young lord thanked the heir of the Yamada clan for her well fought game and asked her if she wanted to return the next day for another match and perhaps dinner. However, before there would be any time for Alexis to answer the question, the sound of shattering glass resonated through the room, followed by a loud thud on the ground near her.

Kegare had fallen through the glass ceiling and was laying silent on the ground, a thin stream of blood coming through the smile of his mask. He looked up at the ceiling and couldn't see the mysterious figure anymore, letting out a sigh before he placed his head back on the ground and realized that he had a splitting headache and his back was seriously hurting. "Are you...fine, milady?"

The young lord in the meantime let out a scream, followed by a loud gasp from the other guests, as one of the gusts was laying on the ground with a black crystal protruding from his eye, obviously no longer among the living. However, even worse was the fact that another black crystal was stuck in the seat where earlier the young lord had been sitting during the game. "What the hell is this?!!"

"Stay away from him, woman!!" The young lord stormed furiously towards the heir of the Yamada clan and forcefully grabbed her arm and pulled her back."Woman, only those from the Yamada clan can use crystals like these, so this man you brought in was a suspicious man like I had said before. Guards, apprehend that man!!"

wc: 649
twc: 4441

14The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Wed May 03, 2017 9:35 am

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

She didn't like losing but had to admit it sometimes and go with the flow of her clan. She was asked for another game which was fine, but then dinner she had a slight blush. As someone would come flying out of the shattering glass hitting the ground, but who could it be? She was shocked it was Kegare about to go and see if he was okay but from the blood, she knew he was hurt. "Kegare what happened?" Then out from nowhere, the young lord dropped his act, calling Alexis woman like he owned her, but being who she was, Alexis let it pass. She was unable to move as the Lord grabbed her, with her speaking calm, but also trying to make sure they didn't think wrong of Kegare.

"You're wrong, my clan can use crystals you're correct, but it's one thing you should know. I am unsure if Kegare knows how to use the crystal style. Also The crystals we can make are not dark and black, but beautiful and colorful. It was not Kegare who has done this." She would say, hoping the young lord would take her word for it, but it was unlikely giving what nobles are like. Alexis couldn't fight them anymore on this, their rank and power were higher, so she hoped words alone were enough right now. As she would stay standing by the young lord, who was holding onto her a little too forcefully.

"If you're taking him in, then show me prove he has done this." Alexis didn't think he would do this, he hated the clan that was correct, but killing a noble in this way was just stupid. "I am really sure he doesn't know a Jutsu that would allow him, to form crystals without contact. Without someone knowing it was going to happen." Alexis was right about everything she just said about this man and how he couldn't have done it.

WC 326

TWC 2637

15The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Wed May 03, 2017 4:10 pm

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

The young lord looked at the woman who's arm he had grabbed so suddenly, without regard to her status and her safety, simply using force on her and only moments later realizing what he had done. yet it was too late, he had spat out his accussations in a fit of rage and fear, only now knowing what he had done: he had possibly insulted the Yamada clan with his actions and even if he was a relative of the daimyo, he was just that: a relative, not a direct successor for the throne. "Who says there are no other colors of crystals? Why would black be impossible,
have we not all seen the crystals just now, can you not see them in Iraku's eye and my chair?"

His tone was rough and his speech hastily made, fear and anger were clouding his judgment, yet even so he seemed to be willing to at least think about the young princess' words and contemplate his next move. In the meantime though, the guards had already arrived and with their staffs at the ready, they surrounded the poor masked man who was still grunting and panting on the ground.

"Strange figure on the roof," Kegare mused, his voice soft and his breathing hard and shallow, which shouldn't have been a surprise given the fact that he had just now fallen onto his back from a height of easily a dozen feet. "Did not respond to my questions, broke the ceiling underneath me."

One of the guards walked over towards the young lord, right after Alexis had made it clear how she was thinking about the incident and the possibility of Kegare knowing or not knowing how to make crystals. She'd easily be able to hear what the guard would say to the young lord, while the other guests helped another group of people to remove the corpse from the poor Iraku, who had been struck in the eye by a crystal earlier. "Milord, should we remove the mask to see who this man is."

The young lord nodded and turned towards Alexis with a grim face. "This man is of your clan, correct?" He let go of Alexis' arm and moved closer to the group of guards surrounding the masked man, in the meantime motioning the Yamada heiress to do the same. "There's a story about a kid who about forty-five years was supposed to be the heir of the clan just like you, one who was hailed as a prodigy in Shogi, the diplomatic arts and his intelligence. However, an incident made the Daimyo force the clan to strip him and his parents from their titles and claims. Do you think someone like that wouldn't be able to have black crystals?"

Just when he had asked that question, the guard from earlier removed Kegare's mask, despite heavy resistance from the older man himself, revealing a face that had been torn to shreds at one side, making it a gruesome sight to behold. One side still showed a face that once would've been quite handsome, but lack of sleep and age had not done it well.

"For crying out loud, give him his mask back, just tend to the man and bring him and the yamada heiress to the room next door and guard them. I'll deal with them later."

wc: 568
twc: 5009

16The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sat May 06, 2017 4:37 am

Yamada Alexis

Yamada Alexis

She felt like hitting the young lord, he was just lucky because of her own title and his. "Yes, I am not saying we don't see them, but it doesn't mean it's a jutsu of my clan. Also like I noted, even if someone could use black crystals, they would still need a basic knowledge of skill to be far enough away I wouldn't notice them, and like you just commented you know his title and his role in the clan. Someone who has lost any type of role, and is not even that strong if you put him against my own skills, who has just started her life as a ninja."

She heard the masked man speak. As Alexis said her own words to him. "Well, it was still stupid of you. I told you to stay by my side, and to not get in trouble." She would nod her head as the young lord spoke. "That is correct." Hearing what nonsense he would now speak. "It's many rogue ninjas in this world, their jutsu do not change color to show an emotion. It's like saying a rogue ninja who used the fire element is going to have black flames. Ninjutsu does not work that way unless you make up your own style of the jutsu and like I just said he is not strong enough."

Alexis didn't look at his face if he was to show it. It would be of his own will. "Okay, thank you, young lord." Both of them would be in a room, as he would recover, and Alexis would focus and play a game of go, on her own until he got better. This place was odd, and how did someone use black crystals? Was that possible did another clan have a jutsu close to her own? Well, she would find out one day, if it was noteworthy, they would show it to her.

WC 321

TWC 2958


Exit Thread

Last edited by Yamada Alexis on Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:48 am; edited 4 times in total

17The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Empty Re: The Princess and the Pawn [NK/Private] Sat May 06, 2017 5:13 am

Yamada Kegare

Yamada Kegare

Even though he was quite impressed by the Yamada clan heir's sudden speech, which seemed to be brimming with that typical clan vitality of the Yamada, the young lord still wasn't fully convinced. However, he knew that if he were to detain her, he'd cause a political incident and relative to the daimyo or not, the feudal lord would have his head if something as such would come to pass.

"Allright, I understand...I'll let this slide for now," The man looked at the gusts that were visibly traumatized and the body which was brought to another room by the guards. So much had happened and the young lord was certain that he was the target, but as Alexis had said, it all seemed so coincidental and so easy, but still he had seen the face behind the mask of the Yamada guard who had been assigned to the heiress and he knew that there was more to this, but without proof even he was powerless. "I'll have a guard report the situation to the Yamada clan head and the elders. I'll also have a report send to the tsuchikage for this, but for now I'll leave you free to do as you please."

Walking away, the young lord asked one of the guards to keep an eye on the duo for as long as was deemed necessary.

"My apologies, miss Alexis," Kegare suddenly spoke up, responding to her remark she had made about him leaving without first consulting her. "Do not think it was a thought of my own, your father asked me to be your guard, so any and all possible threats had to be faced head on, no matter the cost. My sincerest apologies in failing to apprehend the perpetrator of this crime."

Standing up, the masked man staggered a bit, obviously still shaken by the nasty fall he had made before, but it seemed that he had been healing better than expected, which had been caused by his own hands, as they shone green with healing chakra. "One of those nice benefits of having studied medicine a bit. That bastard almost caused me to break my back with that fall, but even weirder is that I was told to be the only one with crystals devoid of color."

The masked man pulled his vest straight, tilted his hat a bit forwards and made sure his gloves were fitting perfectly around his hands. "I've got dark grey crystals, but I have never seen black ones, I'll investigate this matter in my free time. Someone who dares to attack so openly must not be left wandering around freely."

With that being said, kegare moved towards the door and chuckled a bit before leaving. "Young miss, if you stay on your current path, you won't become the true leader of the clan, but you've shown me a spark I didn't think you'd have in you. Perhaps you can mend the wounds that have driven the clan apart."

Moving away, kegare walked over to a few guards and requested them to escort the young lady to her house and to protect her at all costs, after all his job was done, but he had found himself something new to work with: the strange person that had managed to best him so effortlessly on the roof.

It was obvious, he had to become much stronger if he ever wanted to change the way the world worked.

wc: 588
twc: 5597

Exit Thread

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