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1A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:40 am



'Mmmm, nice quiet day.', Amaya thought to herself as she settled down on the grass near one of the many streams that flowed through the area. It was a smaller one, but little colorful fish could still be swimming around as long as nothing clouded the water, or scared them off. It was slightly breezy, causing the grass to move and sway at random.

Given the coolness to the air Amaya had changed from her usual outfit into something warmer; a black pair of pants, close toed shoes, a long sleeve shirt, and a black zippered sweater with a hood over this. Her long white hair was still down, but a black knit hat was on top her head. She had her hands hidden in her sleeves at the moment, as if attempting to keep them warm from the otherwise chilly air, but her face showed plainly her overly pale flesh due to her albino traits.

She glanced around with her reddish gaze before opening the black metal lunch box that had been sitting next to her. It was filled, rather full, with rice, and other such mostly healthy goodies. Along with a fresh pair of chopsticks. She picked up the medical book that sat next to her, flipping open to the next dog eared page, as she began to read silently, every so often reaching down and taking a bite of rice or one of the other food stuffs in the box.

2A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:53 am



Daisuke flashed through the trees. He was all speed and strength, bred to be that way, and taught purely in these forms since he was born. It was natural for him to be moving like this. In his hand, he held a small board of Onigiri. Every time he bounced off a branch, he took a big bite of one on the way to the next step. Bounding along, stuffing his face-- Yet still weary-- the Samurai pressed on.

Daisuke wore his summer kimono. He had already went through the exchanging ceremony. This Kimono had a dark blue top and was trimmed black. It barely parted at the neck, only an inch or two. The bottom of it Was a thick black material with spaced and uniform creases from the waistband to the bottom. Under the bottom, there was a pair of loose sweat pants. On his side lay his Daisho(Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto) ready for anything, their handles gleaming gold.

He finally reached the destination he was headed to. That stream he had visited last time he was in Konoha. Last time, he ran into a small group of bandits and a rather attractive Kunoichi. Maybe his luck will be that of last time. It would surely be a welcome surprise. As he parted the foliage in front of him with his left hand-- Onigiri clenched between his teeth-- he looked onward to see Amaya. This stream was a 'Chick Magnet'. That had to be it. Daisuke jumped downward onto the field, walking forward and stopping next to Amaya. He took another bite of his rice ball casually, casting here a single glance before looking back at the stream silently.

3A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:07 pm



Amaya paused in her reading, having just flipped to a fresh page. The page held both words and pictures, though the pictures were gruesome in nature; as they depicted several painful medical procedures on different ages of both males and females. Since she was sitting cross legged she placed the book down on her lap, chopsticks already resting in the rice sticking straight up out of it. Her reddish gaze flickered over, taking in Daisuke's form. A slender white eyebrow rose in curiosity, casting her face into a more child-like look. "Hello...", her voice was soft, like a whisper, but still loud enough to be heard easily. She hadn't expected anyone to show up here, not that she minded in the least.

Her head tilted slightly in curiosity following the cocking of her eyebrow. She hadn't seen this man around before, though that didn't raise an alarm for her, yet, anyway. There were plenty of new faces floating around given everything that had been happening recently. Therefore her posture remained relaxed, nonthreatening. Not that she compared to his size at all, despite having a more healthy look about her due to her sudden increase in eating for training, she was still small. "You're a new face around here.", she added, voice just as soft as before.

4A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:15 pm



Daisuke was indeed much larger. He was a big guy, and it was a known fact. He slowly turned to look at her blinking casually. He completely turned toward her, placing his arm across his waist and issuing her a full bow in return for her greeting. He had a code to follow, one of honor and respect. It was even a rule of Bushido to protect women. Silly, he thought, in the world women could do that themselves.

He cleared his throat slowly, raising a hand and moving his long and shaggy hair from his face. "Greetings, honorable maiden. While I am a new face about these parts, I am quite an old one when looked upon by the Earth. My name is Daisuke, Shogun of the Akako household. Though I may technically be bound to a village, I rarely for them. Though if you must know, that village is Kumogakure."

Daisuke scratches his chin, intentionally flexing his muscles as he did so. He tried to remember if there was a tidbit of introduction he didn't cover, though if there was, he couldn't remember. He nodded in reassurance of himself. He lowered his hand from his chin to rest across his set of weapons casually.

5A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:25 pm



Respect. That was something you didn't see every day, and it caused Amaya to smile slightly. The information that he was from Kumogakure peeked her interest slightly, and her thoughts moved to her new found friend; Raijin. Focusing back to Daisuke however she gave another nod. "My name's Amaya. Amaya Uchiha. I'm one of the Jounin of this village." Ah yes, that single bit of information that made most people take another look at her; as no one seemed to want to believe a fourteen year old could make a Jounin, especially one as thin and slightly sickly looking as herself. Ah well, she hoped he wasn't going to be one of the ones to argue about it.

She reached down, closing the lid on her lunch box with a soft snap of a sound in an attempt to keep the food left inside warm for the time being. She nodded towards the streams. "Do you like visiting here often?", given her usual social awkwardness she wasn't very good at small talk or talking in general, but she was sure trying at least.

6A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:32 pm



Daisuke eyed her over carefully when she revealed that she was a Jounin. While yes, she was small and shaky, he had seen weirder ninja go on to become Kages. Just look at the Raikage, even. Strange man, high office. He bowed again in respect to her rank. "Forgive me, milady, I wasn't aware I was speaking to an officer of Konohagakure." He gave her a nice smile, his entire body relaxing rather than remaining in its tense state as before.

His eyes instinctively flickered to her sudden movement to close her lunchbox. He had to stay on his toes. He had a disadvantage in this Shinobi World, so he had come to train himself to pay attention to everything. "The streams? It's one of the few areas of Konohagakure I've found that has peace and quiet. I visited a restaurant in the town on my last visit a few months ago, only to be attacked by the drunken bar patrons. That prompted my leave. Regardless.. It's a good place here. Much more exciting than Kumo. The village might as well be dead, says the Hokage, and he's right. Our Raikage has been... missing in a way. He hasn't been doing anything at all.. so.."

7A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:43 pm



Her smile grew more, becoming friendlier. "It's quite alright. I don't dress like I should. Can't bring myself to give up my more comfortable clothing; at least until I have to." She picked up the small bottle attached to her metal lunch box, opening it she took a sip, clear fresh water contained within the bottle. She listened in silence to his story, an eyebrow raising again in curiosity. "That's why I like the streams, myself. It's normally quiet here, unless a certain Inuzuka friend of mine is here with her ninken, then it's a well.. a giant wrestling match."

She looked out at the stream, watching a small fish swim from under a rock, around the water in almost a perfect circle and than back under the rock again. "I have heard it's one of the busier villages. I can't judge that myself, really haven't been to any other major villages, so I have nothing to compare it to." She grinned a little. "I was thinking of paying Kumo a visit one day, to go see a friend I made a little while back." She took another sip of her bottle before placing it back on the lunch box. She thought about what else he'd said, about his Kage and frowned slightly in thought."Hmm.. I dunno what we'd do without our Hokage being as active as he is."

8A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:55 pm



Glad he had at least earned her temporary trust, he slowly lowered himself into a cross-legged sitting position a couple feet from her. He flipped unscrewed the top of a wooden cylinder tied to his belt. He brought it up and took a sip of the steaming liquid inside. It smelled distinctly like tea leaves. He looked at her, gulping quickly. "Pardon my informalities, but there aren't required materials for a formal tea ceremony. I apologize." Daisuke bowed his head in respect and apology before turning to look at the water alongside her.

He heard her talk about the Inuzuka he could only assume was the kage, and that she hadn't traveled at all... A jounin who hadn't ever left her village? Now that was something rare. "Surely you're been somewhere in your travels.. On a mission maybe. Konoha is easily the biggest and most bustling village I've ever come across in all my years of being a shinobi."

9A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:04 pm



She nodded, smiling gently. "It's quite alright." She closed the book in her lap, putting it to the side for the time being. She'd done enough reading for the time being, besides, she'd much rather talk to someone then have her nose stuffed in a book right now, besides, it would be rude to keep reading with company, especially someone from another village. Rude was something she tried her hardest not to be, after all.

"Oh, I've done some traveling, just not to any place like Kumo before." She shrugged lightly. "Especially not to a place where I have a friend living." She grinned a bit. "Given my specialty I'm usually needed around the village too much to do a lot of traveling, especially for extended periods of time.", with that said she nodded to her medical book, indicating what she was speaking about. Since she was seen so much at the hospital, or otherwise near by those who were training in case of injuries, she didn't hide her specialty, especially given it was something she loved to do so much.

10A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:15 pm



Daisuke smiled. At least she forgave him. If she hadn't he'd have to run and buy a whole tea set. He took another long sip of his tea, deciding against a cigarette while in the presence of the nurse. He had already caught notice of her book before she had referenced it. Yet again, his powers of observation never failed.

"Oh, so you've only been to smaller villages, then." Daisuke looked around casually, making sure there wasn't an ambush forming on them. He unstrapped the set of blades from his side, laying them on the grass on the opposite side of himself from Amaya. He sighed. "Unfortunately.. I've done my fair share to keep the medical profession in business. Combat is always my last choice, but it seems to be the first choice of far too many, you know? I'm glad you've chosen such a noble, profession, though. I admire your desire to help others."

11A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:24 pm



She nodded in agreement and understanding. "It chose me, honestly." She shrugged lightly. "I had many reasons to take interest in the subject, the fact that I was good at it was just luck, I think. Especially given how young I was at the time. But, it was easy for me to understand, and easier for me to do." She picked her bottle of water back up from on top of her lunch box, opening the lid, before taking another sip of her water. She stared at the stream for a moment longer, as if in deep thought.

After a moment of just sitting like that she smiled again, seeming to snap out of the deep thought she'd been in. She screwed the lid back onto her water. She shifted into a more comfortable position, bringing her knees loosely up to her chest. She dangled her arms over her knees, the bottle hanging loosely from her fingertips. "Well, it's not always the most noble of professions. It can't be used to harm... and has." She wasn't going to go into full detail unless he asked, but it was as much as a confession as anyone was going to make that they'd used their own abilities to cause harm. "The worlds a violent place...", she added, as if for an explanation.

12A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:30 pm



"I think you were good at it because you wanted to do it with all your heart. Dedication and talent are two separate things, and one can cause the other to occur." Daisuke nodded at one of his proverbs of wisdom that he randomly uttered. He often shocked himself with the things that came out of his mouth. It was strange how things randomly creeped into his mind.

He looked over at her casually as she changed seating arrangements, assuring himself once more she wasn't planning to attack him. He listened to her explanation about medical jutsu being used to harm. He nodded lightly, remaining silent for a moment before shaking his head and snapping back to reality. "All you say is true, Amaya." He went out on a limb calling her Amaya, but he thought it might be safe to call her by first names. He saw this conversation as no longer one between strangers, but rather one as friends. "So, what's your opinion on this man that supposedly destroyed Kirigakure single-handedly?"

13A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:49 pm



She swirled the water around within the bottle, enjoying the swishing sound it made as it moved. She smiled again in the same friendly manner as before, not minding her first name being used. She thought deeply about his question, her gaze now locked on the river before her, as if the very water itself held her answer. She'd heard what had happened, in rather good detail, too, and she frowned slightly as her face took on a more serious look.

"I think that they're cold, heartless..." She shook her head, sighing, thinking about the utter destruction she had heard about. "I guess too much power and a big ego with a lack of morals mixed in can do that to someone." She turned her reddish gaze to Daisuke. "It would be interesting to know why, if there's any reason other than utter boredom, they did it... not that any reason would be a good one for destroying an entire village." She paused then, head tilting slightly in curiosity. "What's your opinion on him?"

14A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:55 pm



Daisuke slowly removed his tanto from its sheath, the small dagger-like object being scratched and slightly dented. He sighed, bringing out a polishing rag and beginning to run it over the blade slowly as he listened to her speech about the morals of the man who simply took out a major village without hesitation or even much thought.

"I think he may have his reason, but I don't think there's much reason good enough to do such a thing, like you said. However, I think he can easily be caught. Surely someone can't rise to having that much power and remain completely unnoticed and behind the scenes. I think even the sannin of your village could group up and go take him out. Surely he can't best -everyone-. I want to see him dead-- However cruel it is-- so that I can stop worrying about whether or not I'll have a village to go back to once I leave here." Daisuke's breathing shuddered a bit at the thought, and his eyes closed slightly at the painful though of losing his home. It was such a worry to him, that it seemed to be effecting him simply by talking about it. But he cleared his throat and slowly corrected it.

15A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:03 pm



Amaya nodded in agreement to Daisuke's words, feeling much the same way. "Oh, I agree. I want to see him dead, too. The idea that someone could do something so cold like that without hestitation makes them a danger to anyone they may come across, innocents and not alike." She stopped swirling the water around in her bottle, opening it again and taking another sip, finishing off the rest of the contents in the container. She placed the empty bottle back on her lunch box before turning her gaze back to Daisuke.

"I understand how you feel, the idea of him coming here, causing problems... it is a very real possibility." She sighed softly. "I hope someone decides to take him out soon, before he can harm any more people." She began, at that point, picking at a blade of grass next to her, pulling it up almost cleaning. She then began to tie it into very tiny little bows, all in a row, her thin hands working much like a surgeons, in their fact quick movements, and given her profession, just like they should. It was enough of a distraction to keep her anger towards whoever had caused such destruction from showing.

16A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:09 pm



Daisuke punched the ground to his right, letting out a heavy sigh. He looked directly at Amaya once more. "If I knew where his was, I'd try. I really would. I might talk to you Kage about assembling a small hunting party. It will send a few Ninja out of the village, but if we find him and kill him, it'll end this thing before it causes anything too serious." Daisuke flipped out a cigarette, unable to resist any longer due to his built up stress. He pulled out a lighter, flicking it on and igniting the cigarette between his lips. He took a long puff of it, breathing it away from Amaya. She probably would like the smoke.

"I'm sorry.. I just.. I don't know. Everything that has ever mattered to me is sitting in Kumo, and right now, I feel like I'm the only one there who cares. The kage isn't taking any precautions, and no one is defending the village.. even now I've left it without a real defensive layer... I'm sorry, Amaya. I think I'm going to go.. I don't want to indirectly cause you stress just because of how worried I am.."

17A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:51 pm



She finished with making the little bows in the blade of grass and tossed it to the wind. It blew sideways and then into the stream, where it was nibbled at by a fish before being swept down stream. "It's quite alright, really. I understand." She turned her gaze back to Daisuke, smiling gently. "You don't have to go. You're not causing me any more stress than I already had, trust me."

She stretched out, arms reaching skyward and a momentarily blissful look appearing on her face at the joy of feeling all of her muscles stretch the way they were. Finished she rested her arms on her knees again. "That's why I've been focusing on training so much. Medical ninjutsu is nice and all.. and it can be dangerous, but sometimes it takes more than that." She gave a shrug. "That's why I'm pushing myself to new limits. So, you're not stressing me out anymore then I am, really, I feel your anger. I've just been using mine to fuel me on with more and more training." A determined expression came upon her face at that point. "I plan on being ready as possible in the chance that person shows up and tries to cause harm to those I care for..."

18A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:03 pm



Daisuke bit his lower lip in worry, his eyes fluttering a bit in nervousness. He didn't really know what to say. He brought his foot up, kicking into the grass a couple times after she finished her monologue. Her interests were certainly interesting. He looked down at the small, young jounin... yet a master doctor. He took her in for a moment, running over things in his head a few times.

He finally made his decision. "You know, if I do start a bounty hunting party to chase the guy down... Would you be willing to come along? A doctor would be a huge help on our team... rare as they are these days.. I know I'm asking a lot from you, because you want to stay close to the ones you care for, but I'm hoping for a pre-emptive strike to keep anyone from getting hurt in the first place. I'm an experienced tactician, and I guarantee you you'll come back alive."

19A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:18 pm



She stared at the stream again, going over the idea in her mind. Her friends surely were over-protective of her. Extremely so. Her family was far worse. But, it wasn't like she was a novice anymore. She was capable of protecting herself, and her skills did indeed come in handy during tense situations. She knew she'd probably have to argue her way for them to let her go without some sort of escort of sorts to tag along, but she felt she had a good enough argument to get by. Besides, if any of her friends wanted to come... well, she couldn't see the harm in that.

She turned her gaze to Daisuke and nodded. "I'd be willing to tag along." She grinned slightly. "Might end up having one or two people tag along whether wanted or not." She giggled softly, her grin turning into a smile. "My friends are... over protective. Especially Ashi. She's my best friend, and has that fierce Inuzuka territorial thing going. And lets not even get started on how protective my brother can be."

20A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:40 pm



Daisuke nodded in approval. He took his sword-set, grabbing the leather straps that hung from his belt. He began to strap them on, it being a rather complicated process of knots and buckles to assure that they didn't fall off. He gave them a good couple of tugs to make sure they wouldn't fall off. He smiled at Amaya. He patted himself down before reaching around inside linen bag he had on his back. He pulled out a jacket that was obviously from Kumogakure. It was thicker to protect from the mountain snow. He tossed it toward her, though it would obviously be a bit big on her. It smelled sweetly like flowers.

"I'll be going now, then. You take care of yourself. And that coat is my treat, yeah?"


21A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Empty Re: A Good Day [Open to All, No Kill] Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:45 pm



She caught the coat on reflex, her thin fingers grasping it from midair before she paused enough to look at it. She noticed it was thicker, warmer looking, especially compared what she had on right now. She gave a nod and smiled. "Thanks, appreciate it. See you around..." She glanced up at the sky, noticing how late it had begun to get, and knowing that her food was going to be beyond cold now. "I should probably go, too. Have a few things to do before the night is over."

She strapped her now empty bottle of water onto her lunch box, slung the strap for the whole box over her shoulder and grabbed her book after folding the coat over her arm. She got herself up from the ground, taking one last glance at the stream before walking back in the direction of town.


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